The Real Race War


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011

2012 Numbers
(From the FBI Unified Crime Report and the Census Bureau’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
White on black robbery 2012—54,360
Black on white robbery 2012—278,000
In raw numbers, blacks commit 5 times the number of crimes on white victims than white perpetrators on black victims.
However, in terms of population, there are 198 million whites (2013 Census Estimate) and 42 million black people in the US. In other words, blacks are about 1/5th of the population of whites.
When you adjust for population, whites are 25 times more likely to be a victim of a black criminal than blacks are to be victims of white criminals.
For aggravated assault the numbers are even more stark.
Aggravated Assaults in 2012—760,739
White on black aggravated assault in 2012—17,878
Black on white aggravated assault in 2012—697,217
Accounting for population differences, a white person is 200 times more likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault committed by a black person, than a black person is likely to be of a white person.
Forcible rapes 2012—84,376
Black rapist/white victim in 2012--36,966
White rapist/black victim in 2012--0
It is politically incorrect to point out racial disparities. Unfortunately, facts are persistent things .. they don't care about politics, they are just what they are.

Thank you for posting this. It illustrates a point I made in one of my threads that whites would be better off if all the blacks in the United States left. They would be lost without us. They have never created a modern civilization. They have never maintained one when it was given to them. Look at the mess they have made of Haiti. Look at the mess they have made in a much shorter length of time in Zimbabwe.

Civilizations rise and fall. Centuries from now historians will attribute the fall of the United States first to the fact that Negroes were brought here as slaves, second to the fact that they were freed, and third that they were given equal rights.

They are not equal. Not only do they have a sky high crime rate everywhere they live, they have a much lower average intelligence, and they are much less sexually responsible.

We whites are not pushing them down. We are lifting them up. As historical advantages end for us, the weight is getting heavy to bear. This needs to be mentioned when the topic of affirmative action or reparations comes up.

We made a tragic mistake two and three centuries ago by allowing the slave trace. European countries are making an avoidable mistake by allowing Negro immigration. They should look at scientific facts about racial differences. They should end Negro immigration. They should push the Negroes they have back to AIDS and Ebola infected Africa.

Also, we should stop giving African Negroes food and medical aid. The rest of the world would benefit from a much lower Negro population.
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That's not the data the Racers want shown. It's contrary to their cause as they burn down a town because a police officer killed a thug.

Some people and groups make money off this that is the only logical explanation for the racers to keep pushing the issue causing even more violence.

2012 Numbers
(From the FBI Unified Crime Report and the Census Bureau’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
White on black robbery 2012—54,360
Black on white robbery 2012—278,000
In raw numbers, blacks commit 5 times the number of crimes on white victims than white perpetrators on black victims.
However, in terms of population, there are 198 million whites (2013 Census Estimate) and 42 million black people in the US. In other words, blacks are about 1/5th of the population of whites.
When you adjust for population, whites are 25 times more likely to be a victim of a black criminal than blacks are to be victims of white criminals.
For aggravated assault the numbers are even more stark.
Aggravated Assaults in 2012—760,739
White on black aggravated assault in 2012—17,878
Black on white aggravated assault in 2012—697,217
Accounting for population differences, a white person is 200 times more likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault committed by a black person, than a black person is likely to be of a white person.
Forcible rapes 2012—84,376
Black rapist/white victim in 2012--36,966
White rapist/black victim in 2012--0

Then there is Obama who wants schools to discipline blacks and white proportionately the same. Blacks can be disciplined by the same number whites are. If there are 16 fights blacks are involved in, 7 drug busts and 8 assaults on teachers but 2 fights white kids get into, 3 drug busts and no assaults on teachers, all of the whites are punished but just 2 of the 16 blacks for fighting; 3 of the drug offenses; and none of the teacher assaults.

Fair? You tell me.

Thank you for posting this. It illustrates a point I made in one of my threads that whites would be better off if all the blacks in the United States left. They would be lost without us. They have never created a modern civilization. They have never maintained one when it was given to them. Look at the mess they have made of Haiti. Look at the mess they have made in a much shorter length of time in Zimbabwe.

Civilizations rise and fall. Centuries from now historians will attribute the fall of the United States first to the fact that Negroes were brought here as slaves, second to the fact that they were freed, and third that they were given equal rights.

They are not equal. Not only do they have a sky high crime rate everywhere they live, they have a much lower average intelligence, and they are much less sexually responsible.

We whites are not pushing them down. We are lifting them up. As historical advantages end for us, the weight is getting heavy to bear. This needs to be mentioned when the topic of affirmative action or reparations comes up.

We made a tragic mistake two and three centuries ago by allowing the slave trace. European countries are making an avoidable mistake by allowing Negro immigration. They should look at scientific facts about racial differences. They should end Negro immigration. They should push the Negroes they have back to AIDS and Ebola infected Africa.

Also, we should stop giving African Negroes food and medical aid. The rest of the world would benefit from a much lower Negro population.

Its clear the black culture is not a proud one. They have low self-esteem, not to mention, no father.. well, at least not in the home. (the big house doesn't count)

The family dinner table is folklore, not even a possibility

Is there a solution?
Other than killing the system of welfare forcing people to have to work, or steal for their food clothes and shelter?
Get the Federal government out of the welfare business and give the authority back to the states. After all it was the states that created the federal government.
Missouri State Sen.Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D) was one of the first politicians in the media in the aftermath of Michael Brown‘s death, and, as the woman representing Ferguson in the state legislature, conveyed the fury of her constituents to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell when OfficerDarren Wilson was not charged for Brown’s death.

“Not only has this Mike Brown movement revealed the true intentions of people in police departments across the state, but I have to tell you that there has been systematic racism, institutionally in state government for decades, including my own state party,” she said. “People are angry, and they are hurt, and they’re trying to figure out: how are they going to receive justice?”

Missouri State Senator to MSNBC 8216 This Is Our Race War 8217 Mediaite
Missouri State Sen.Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D) was one of the first politicians in the media in the aftermath of Michael Brown‘s death, and, as the woman representing Ferguson in the state legislature, conveyed the fury of her constituents to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell when OfficerDarren Wilson was not charged for Brown’s death.

“Not only has this Mike Brown movement revealed the true intentions of people in police departments across the state, but I have to tell you that there has been systematic racism, institutionally in state government for decades, including my own state party,” she said. “People are angry, and they are hurt, and they’re trying to figure out: how are they going to receive justice?”

Missouri State Senator to MSNBC 8216 This Is Our Race War 8217 Mediaite
She went on to say:
"and people are angered, because they feel as though his words are empty, as it was said earlier today, and because of the systematic racism that we have in our state government, and our state party, and if we do not bring the truth to bear, then we will not recover from what we are going on, what we are experiencing right now."

The words were "empty"...does she know what science is? Has anyone ever explained to her that facts can overrule fantasy or hurt feelings? Can these people not listen and comprehend? Yes, I said, "these people!"

Waiting on the standard snarky, diversionary personal insults from the PC Police.


2012 Numbers
(From the FBI Unified Crime Report and the Census Bureau’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
White on black robbery 2012—54,360
Black on white robbery 2012—278,000
In raw numbers, blacks commit 5 times the number of crimes on white victims than white perpetrators on black victims.
However, in terms of population, there are 198 million whites (2013 Census Estimate) and 42 million black people in the US. In other words, blacks are about 1/5th of the population of whites.
When you adjust for population, whites are 25 times more likely to be a victim of a black criminal than blacks are to be victims of white criminals.
For aggravated assault the numbers are even more stark.
Aggravated Assaults in 2012—760,739
White on black aggravated assault in 2012—17,878
Black on white aggravated assault in 2012—697,217
Accounting for population differences, a white person is 200 times more likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault committed by a black person, than a black person is likely to be of a white person.
Forcible rapes 2012—84,376
Black rapist/white victim in 2012--36,966
White rapist/black victim in 2012--0

Then there is Obama who wants schools to discipline blacks and white proportionately the same. Blacks can be disciplined by the same number whites are. If there are 16 fights blacks are involved in, 7 drug busts and 8 assaults on teachers but 2 fights white kids get into, 3 drug busts and no assaults on teachers, all of the whites are punished but just 2 of the 16 blacks for fighting; 3 of the drug offenses; and none of the teacher assaults.

Fair? You tell me.

Its not about bringing blacks up to the standards of whites, its about whites being brought down to the low standards of blacks. Ignorance is the lefts currency.

2012 Numbers
(From the FBI Unified Crime Report and the Census Bureau’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
White on black robbery 2012—54,360
Black on white robbery 2012—278,000
In raw numbers, blacks commit 5 times the number of crimes on white victims than white perpetrators on black victims.
However, in terms of population, there are 198 million whites (2013 Census Estimate) and 42 million black people in the US. In other words, blacks are about 1/5th of the population of whites.
When you adjust for population, whites are 25 times more likely to be a victim of a black criminal than blacks are to be victims of white criminals.
For aggravated assault the numbers are even more stark.
Aggravated Assaults in 2012—760,739
White on black aggravated assault in 2012—17,878
Black on white aggravated assault in 2012—697,217
Accounting for population differences, a white person is 200 times more likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault committed by a black person, than a black person is likely to be of a white person.
Forcible rapes 2012—84,376
Black rapist/white victim in 2012--36,966
White rapist/black victim in 2012--0

Then there is Obama who wants schools to discipline blacks and white proportionately the same. Blacks can be disciplined by the same number whites are. If there are 16 fights blacks are involved in, 7 drug busts and 8 assaults on teachers but 2 fights white kids get into, 3 drug busts and no assaults on teachers, all of the whites are punished but just 2 of the 16 blacks for fighting; 3 of the drug offenses; and none of the teacher assaults.

Fair? You tell me.

Its not about bringing blacks up to the standards of whites, its about whites being brought down to the low standards of blacks. Ignorance is the lefts currency.

when the Africans sold their brethren into slavery it was not their best and brightest

they sold the mentally and morally inferior specimens

that genetic code has been transferred to our present African americans who have a tendency to have inferior IQs, behavioral disorders and criminality

it all makes sense
muriel boat life in spades
when the Africans sold their brethren into slavery it was not their best and brightest

they sold the mentally and morally inferior specimens

that genetic code has been transferred to our present African americans who have a tendency to have inferior IQs, behavioral disorders and criminality

it all makes sense
muriel boat life in spades

What you say is plausible. Nevertheless, Americans blacks have average IQ's of 85. African blacks have average IQ's of 70. Everywhere blacks live they are characterized by stupidity and crime.
when the Africans sold their brethren into slavery it was not their best and brightest

they sold the mentally and morally inferior specimens

that genetic code has been transferred to our present African americans who have a tendency to have inferior IQs, behavioral disorders and criminality

it all makes sense
muriel boat life in spades

What you say is plausible. Nevertheless, Americans blacks have average IQ's of 85. African blacks have average IQ's of 70. Everywhere blacks live they are characterized by stupidity and crime.
I don't think IQ has anything to do with it. I think the reason why some blacks resort to stupidity and crime is because of the social construct that has been created as a result of racism. If black people continue to be labeled as criminals and inferiors to white people, that's what they feel like they should be. And it's also not fair to put every single black person that exists under the same category of having "behavioral disorders" and "criminalities" because it's statistically impossible to state that as fact.
when the Africans sold their brethren into slavery it was not their best and brightest

they sold the mentally and morally inferior specimens

that genetic code has been transferred to our present African americans who have a tendency to have inferior IQs, behavioral disorders and criminality

it all makes sense
muriel boat life in spades

What you say is plausible. Nevertheless, Americans blacks have average IQ's of 85. African blacks have average IQ's of 70. Everywhere blacks live they are characterized by stupidity and crime.
I don't think IQ has anything to do with it. I think the reason why some blacks resort to stupidity and crime is because of the social construct that has been created as a result of racism. If black people continue to be labeled as criminals and inferiors to white people, that's what they feel like they should be. And it's also not fair to put every single black person that exists under the same category of having "behavioral disorders" and "criminalities" because it's statistically impossible to state that as fact.

Culture is in fact a social construct. Unfortunately black American culture (and they're many) is inferior to the various white cultures. Only they can change it. Until then they should be shamed for the wreckage their culture created. Instead, leftists accept the patronizing role of caretaker and excuse maker in return for leftist support. Racism has nothing to do with it. Asians are doing fine in the U.S. Jews are doing fine in the U.S. Africans are doing fine in the U.S. I could take a child out of most third world countries and so as long as their parents came with them they would prosper and flourish. Why? Because their culture values education, hard work, and advancement more. It has nothing to do with racism. It has everything to do with culture.

when the Africans sold their brethren into slavery it was not their best and brightest

they sold the mentally and morally inferior specimens

that genetic code has been transferred to our present African americans who have a tendency to have inferior IQs, behavioral disorders and criminality

it all makes sense
muriel boat life in spades

What you say is plausible. Nevertheless, Americans blacks have average IQ's of 85. African blacks have average IQ's of 70. Everywhere blacks live they are characterized by stupidity and crime.
I don't think IQ has anything to do with it. I think the reason why some blacks resort to stupidity and crime is because of the social construct that has been created as a result of racism. If black people continue to be labeled as criminals and inferiors to white people, that's what they feel like they should be. And it's also not fair to put every single black person that exists under the same category of having "behavioral disorders" and "criminalities" because it's statistically impossible to state that as fact.

That ^^^^^^^^ was a good post


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