The Real Reason The Left Is Worried About Roe Vs. Wade...

Is because they know that it has only withstood judicial scrutiny while Leftist judges have had an influential presence on the Supreme Court. And the only reason it can survive in the presence of Leftist judges, is because Leftists are willing to flaunt the law, and “interpret” meaning that doesn’t exist, from clearly written law that leaves no room for interpretation.
And above all else they fear Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned because they know at the heart of the issue, it is in fact amoral, and unconstitutional. If it were anything but; they’d never fear it being overturned no matter who sits on the bench.

The Constitution guatantees the right to privacy. What is more private that the decision of whether to have a child.

Abortion was legal in the US when the Constitution was written. It wasn’t until women started advocating for the vote that men made abortion illegal.

Taking abortion away from women was punishment for asking for power. It still is.

LMAO! But, it's not "private". It takes 2 to begin a pregnancy and it should take 2 to end it. That's why we need a waiting period to ensure the decision is not made in the heat of the moment. Isn't it obvious that it is to the benefit of all of us to accept some common sense reforms to this "right"?
Is because they know that it has only withstood judicial scrutiny while Leftist judges have had an influential presence on the Supreme Court. And the only reason it can survive in the presence of Leftist judges, is because Leftists are willing to flaunt the law, and “interpret” meaning that doesn’t exist, from clearly written law that leaves no room for interpretation.
And above all else they fear Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned because they know at the heart of the issue, it is in fact amoral, and unconstitutional. If it were anything but; they’d never fear it being overturned no matter who sits on the bench.

The potential loss of the right to sovereignty over one's body and instead having our bodies be owned by the government is genuinely worrisome. If we lose our rights to privacy and choice of religion, we are screwed as a nation. Will we all be required to suck up to someone like jeffress or graham or perkins or dolan?
Is because they know that it has only withstood judicial scrutiny while Leftist judges have had an influential presence on the Supreme Court. And the only reason it can survive in the presence of Leftist judges, is because Leftists are willing to flaunt the law, and “interpret” meaning that doesn’t exist, from clearly written law that leaves no room for interpretation.
And above all else they fear Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned because they know at the heart of the issue, it is in fact amoral, and unconstitutional. If it were anything but; they’d never fear it being overturned no matter who sits on the bench.

The Constitution guatantees the right to privacy. What is more private that the decision of whether to have a child.

Abortion was legal in the US when the Constitution was written. It wasn’t until women started advocating for the vote that men made abortion illegal.

Taking abortion away from women was punishment for asking for power. It still is.

LMAO! But, it's not "private". It takes 2 to begin a pregnancy and it should take 2 to end it. That's why we need a waiting period to ensure the decision is not made in the heat of the moment. Isn't it obvious that it is to the benefit of all of us to accept some common sense reforms to this "right"?

When men have babies, they can made these decisions. Until then, they should have made their wishes known BEFORE they had sex. It’s not the male who will carry and raise this child.

Your assumption that the decision to have an abortion is made “in the heat of the moment” is about as far from fact as it can get. The woman has had Lots of time to consider. There’s the time between the sex act and the missed period. Then there’s waiting for your period to start. Then there’s going out and getting the pregnancy test and waiting until the next morning. Then there’s making the appointment and going to the clinic.

By the time the woman goes for the appointment, she doesn’t need a waiting period. She’s thought about nothing but her “situation” for weeks.

A waiting period is just another way to force her to carry the baby to term.
I think it's an unfounded fear. After all, no one wants to totally end abortion. The opponents of abortion just want to impose some "common sense" restrictions for the benefit of all.

yeah? like what?

Oh, I don't know. Off the top of my head, we might put in a waiting period to consider the ramifications, and of course a background check to see if a person should be allowed to have an abortion because often, abortion is abused.
Determining the father would be a common sense step. He should certainly be involved in making medical decisions that concern his child. Especially something so risky as an abortion. After all. The child could die.

daddy has nothing to say unless the fetus resides in his belly

He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.
Roe v Wade is merely a lefty excuse for opposing a constitutionalist bench.
yeah? like what?

Oh, I don't know. Off the top of my head, we might put in a waiting period to consider the ramifications, and of course a background check to see if a person should be allowed to have an abortion because often, abortion is abused.
Determining the father would be a common sense step. He should certainly be involved in making medical decisions that concern his child. Especially something so risky as an abortion. After all. The child could die.

daddy has nothing to say unless the fetus resides in his belly

He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
At any rate, snowflakes are exploiting Roe v Wade.

Threy're sociopaths.
Oh, I don't know. Off the top of my head, we might put in a waiting period to consider the ramifications, and of course a background check to see if a person should be allowed to have an abortion because often, abortion is abused.
Determining the father would be a common sense step. He should certainly be involved in making medical decisions that concern his child. Especially something so risky as an abortion. After all. The child could die.

daddy has nothing to say unless the fetus resides in his belly

He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.
Determining the father would be a common sense step. He should certainly be involved in making medical decisions that concern his child. Especially something so risky as an abortion. After all. The child could die.

daddy has nothing to say unless the fetus resides in his belly

He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
daddy has nothing to say unless the fetus resides in his belly

He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.
He had a role in the creation. It's only common sense to give him an opportunity to raise his own baby if he's fit.
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
I raised my own son.

so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
So you don't care that a baby in the womb can feel the pain of it's brain being sucked out of it's head? That explains liberal compassion.
so did I, What is your point? IMHO---whilst the fetus was in the womb of its mother------for at least the first six month-----the decision was hers.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
So you don't care that a baby in the womb can feel the pain of it's brain being sucked out of it's head? That explains liberal compassion.

a fetus in the womb DOES NOT FEEL the pain of its brain sucked out. The fetus might react to a momentary "stick" pain when the needle is inserted ---however a fetus has already experienced a lot more "discomfort" than that just by being IN THE WOMB. In those cases of "sucking out a brain" of a fetus STUCK in the birth canal---the pin prick is the least of its pain.
With improvements in science and 4 dimensional ultrasounds. Abortion supporters will soon be looked at, worse than Hitler.

wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
So you don't care that a baby in the womb can feel the pain of it's brain being sucked out of it's head? That explains liberal compassion.

a fetus in the womb DOES NOT FEEL the pain of its brain sucked out. The fetus might react to a momentary "stick" pain when the needle is inserted ---however a fetus has already experienced a lot more "discomfort" than that just by being IN THE WOMB. In those cases of "sucking out a brain" of a fetus STUCK in the birth canal---the pin prick is the least of its pain.
Maybe in the after life, the devil will let you feel what a baby feels while being murdered in the womb.
wrong again. Ultrasounds are already good enough for a mom to see the little creature
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
So you don't care that a baby in the womb can feel the pain of it's brain being sucked out of it's head? That explains liberal compassion.

a fetus in the womb DOES NOT FEEL the pain of its brain sucked out. The fetus might react to a momentary "stick" pain when the needle is inserted ---however a fetus has already experienced a lot more "discomfort" than that just by being IN THE WOMB. In those cases of "sucking out a brain" of a fetus STUCK in the birth canal---the pin prick is the least of its pain.
Maybe in the after life, the devil will let you feel what a baby feels while being murdered in the womb.

oh gee-------try not to resort to sunday school threats of the guy with the red pitchfork
It's already being proven that a baby in the womb can feel pain. Finding more about it all the time. Just a matter of time before people wake up and defend the defenseless in the womb. Then the abortion supporters will have to answer for the millions of innocent babies that were murdered. Remember slavery was the norm at onetime, until people woke up and said you cannot treat fellow humans that way.

Plants and sponges can feel pain. Feel free to ask questions "PAIN" is part and parcel of my professional expertise. In this discussion ---a definition of "FEEL" is important
So you don't care that a baby in the womb can feel the pain of it's brain being sucked out of it's head? That explains liberal compassion.

a fetus in the womb DOES NOT FEEL the pain of its brain sucked out. The fetus might react to a momentary "stick" pain when the needle is inserted ---however a fetus has already experienced a lot more "discomfort" than that just by being IN THE WOMB. In those cases of "sucking out a brain" of a fetus STUCK in the birth canal---the pin prick is the least of its pain.
Maybe in the after life, the devil will let you feel what a baby feels while being murdered in the womb.

oh gee-------try not to resort to sunday school threats of the guy with the red pitchfork
Oh well, I'm just for life.
Is because they know that it has only withstood judicial scrutiny while Leftist judges have had an influential presence on the Supreme Court. And the only reason it can survive in the presence of Leftist judges, is because Leftists are willing to flaunt the law, and “interpret” meaning that doesn’t exist, from clearly written law that leaves no room for interpretation.
And above all else they fear Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned because they know at the heart of the issue, it is in fact amoral, and unconstitutional. If it were anything but; they’d never fear it being overturned no matter who sits on the bench.
The Supreme Court has been Conservative ever since Rowe v Wade passed

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