The real reason Trump was indicted

What does Patriot mean? So why have I and other black folks been on the receiving end of hatred and racism if we are the ones who hate so much. That's funny a white man telling a black man about being the lover of freedom.
Then move away... if you hate America so much... they would love you in China....
as always america hater lying paid shill Billo_Really gets his ASSS handed to him on a platter checkmated by tucker carlson,here is a crying tissue trollboy.:itsok: calrson is not part of the corporate controleld media that billo here worships as the truth.

besides what Tucker just explained in this video here is the OTHER reason Trump is being indicted sense he is not a mass murderer as these four presidents were. you love ALL these presidents sealybobo err smellybozo incluing bush even though you deny it for these very reasons.

Nope, she never once claimed he molested her. So yeah, it must've been you he molested. You secretly liked it, didn't ya?
It’s in her diary in black and white. Joe Biden took showers with his own daughter. The sick pervert you adore even molested his own child.
besides what Tucker just explained in this video here is the OTHER reason Trump is being indicted sense he is not a mass murderer as these four presidents were. you love ALL these presidents sealybobo err smellybozo incluing bush even though you deny it for these very reasons.


NONE of them are career criminals. Trump's crime spree dates back decades. And NONE of these men left office and continued their crime spree.

Trump would have gotten away with it too if he was smart but guys like him can't stop. It's like Scar Face. He had the world. But it was never enough.

For God sakes Jared got the $2 billion from the Saudi's already! Isn't that enough for the two of you to split Don? Go the fuck away!

But Don's old. He wants to go down in history. And he's achieving that. Like Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini, Putin or Kim Jung Un. Not like all the other world leaders we don't remember or know. Who's the President of China? Who's the president of Japan? No one knows. But EVERYONE knows who Trump is.

I don't blame Trump. It's amazing watching him get away with what he's gotten away with. But I certainly won't vote for it. As entertaining as it is.
The Trump indictment was the final phase of the Left’s plan to destroy America from within. No matter what the outcome.

What if he actually, really broke the law. Should he be above the law?
What if he actually, really broke the law. Should he be above the law?
They know he broke many laws. I have pretty open honest conversations with my brother and nephew who are SICK of WOKE and LGBTQ and BLM.

So I asked them how or why they overlook so much criminality. They say because they are all criminals. This is political. And that is true. If Trump went away quietly, we wouldn't be charging him of course not! He's a former POTUS. But he keeps pushing and forcing our hand.

Now we find out that you Cons don't care. He will still win the Republican nominee. Okay great. We welcome taking Trump on again. Honestly, we were more afraid of Ron DiSantis.

I asked my brother "what about him lying to the FBI when he said he gave all his top secret stuff back". My brother said, "Biden probably took pictures or made copies then turned all his in."

Probably? Sorry but you guys want our presidents to be above the law. Way above the law. Yes Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama may have broken laws. But none of them are career criminals.

I can't believe a felon can run for President. That's news for me. But don't expect us to back off because Trump was president or because he's running again. He's going to have to run as a criminal defendant.
It’s in her diary in black and white. Joe Biden took showers with his own daughter. The sick pervert you adore even molested his own child.

Yes, she said he took showers with her. She never said he molested her. That's your sick fantasy.
no, in the context of committing crimes such as bribery and treason. They are above the law in your small mind
That's not established by your desperate need to's established by facts and a process.

Such as the one Grifty is enjoying as we speak.
too bad you are so much a stupid fuck Billo_Really that there are dozens of presidents that committed crimes far worse than trump that were mass murderers of women and children yet they were not indicted WHO ALL TOOK A LIGHTER TO THE CONSTITUTION. you know how many arkansas citizens including arkansas state troopers who knew too much about the mena arkansas scandal where George Bushs buddy Bill clinton as governor of arkansas allowed the CIA to smuggle drugs into the MENA airport who were ARKANSAWED off by Clintons goons for knowing too much? where were the prosecuters then stupid fuck?

we all know you hate America and are a commie the fact you voted for a commie homo in Obama TWICE.a sellout to china same as sleepy joe.

all this is doing is making patriotic Americans LOVE Trump more,they area awake and understand the government is out against the people and our system is corrupt. you are too stupiud to comeprehend Trump WANTED them to do this knowing this only helps him. :auiqs.jpg:a huge percentage of Americans donated to the Trump campaine that were FIRST Timers AFTER THE FIRST 24 HOURS as was predicted by the alternative media not controlled by the CIA that you listen to and worship as the gospel truth.:auiqs.jpg:
You need to pick better role models!
That's not established by your desperate need to's established by facts and a process.

Such as the one Grifty is enjoying as we speak.
what is going on in NY right now is an embarrassment to our country, making up charges against your political foes is what happens in banana republics and China and Russia.. The radical left is destroying this country, and why? Why do they want to live in a socialist dictatorship? The big "equality" promises of the socialists never happen, and the sheep become slaves to the state. Can you say Baaa?
as always america hater lying paid shill Billo_Really gets his ASSS handed to him on a platter checkmated by tucker carlson,here is a crying tissue trollboy.:itsok: calrson is not part of the corporate controleld media that billo here worships as the truth.

I'm sitting here in a bar, watching Trump in court. Too bad it's not Anal Probe Night at the jail!

You are one weird fucker!

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