The Real Reasons Obamacare is Unconstitutional


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
This entire post may be moot since the constitution is pretty much null and void and America is now a plutocracy.


Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.

Reason 2. The medical industry is the most corrupt industry in the history of mankind. Obamacare forces people to do business with criminals. Requiring that people have insurance is NOT the issue because if it were car insurance would be unconstitutional.

Republicans slime that they are.... have argued to the Supreme Court the unconstitutionality of Obamacare but their arguments were as stupid and dishonest as they are.

Republicans will never state the real reasons why Obamacare is unconstitutional because Republicans, treasonous slime that they are, are mobbed up with corporate health care. Deep down Rethuglican leaders love Obamacare because it infuses more money into an already corrupt industry. The lying sack of shit Republicans scream REPEAL OBAMACARE but they have nothing to replace it. Republican have no ideas anyway.

There is only one replacement for Obamacare and Trump and Sanders agree. Single payer is the best solution. Medicare for everyone is constitutional and with the proper oversight it will stop, the corporate crooks in health care from stealing.


Currently 1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for health care goes to pay for the waste and fraud. The solution is simple. Put the corporate gangsters in prison or execute them when their criminal wrong doing results in the deaths of patients.
Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.


You do not understand the difference between "equal protection" and being able to choose which level of insurance to buy.
This entire post may be moot since the constitution is pretty much null and void and America is now a plutocracy.


Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.

Reason 2. The medical industry is the most corrupt industry in the history of mankind. Obamacare forces people to do business with criminals. Requiring that people have insurance is NOT the issue because if it were car insurance would be unconstitutional.

Republicans slime that they are.... have argued to the Supreme Court the unconstitutionality of Obamacare but their arguments were as stupid and dishonest as they are.

Republicans will never state the real reasons why Obamacare is unconstitutional because Republicans, treasonous slime that they are, are mobbed up with corporate health care. Deep down Rethuglican leaders love Obamacare because it infuses more money into an already corrupt industry. The lying sack of shit Republicans scream REPEAL OBAMACARE but they have nothing to replace it. Republican have no ideas anyway.

There is only one replacement for Obamacare and Trump and Sanders agree. Single payer is the best solution. Medicare for everyone is constitutional and with the proper oversight it will stop, the corporate crooks in health care from stealing.


Currently 1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for health care goes to pay for the waste and fraud. The solution is simple. Put the corporate gangsters in prison or execute them when their criminal wrong doing results in the deaths of patients.



The real problem with Obamacare is the mandate being called a tax.
We have been penalized with higher taxes for not behaving the way the government wants us to for a very long time. It's amusing to me no one noticed until the "mandate".

For instance, do you have a mortgage? No? Then you will pay a higher income tax than someone who has.

Do you have kids? No? Then you will pay a higher tax than someone who does.

You are penalized for not buying the right kind of refrigerator or the right kind of electricity and many other consumer products.

The government has been performing behavior modification social experiments for decades, with the rubes going along willingly.

So it was no big leap to penalize you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.
This entire post may be moot since the constitution is pretty much null and void and America is now a plutocracy.


Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.

Reason 2. The medical industry is the most corrupt industry in the history of mankind. Obamacare forces people to do business with criminals. Requiring that people have insurance is NOT the issue because if it were car insurance would be unconstitutional.

Republicans slime that they are.... have argued to the Supreme Court the unconstitutionality of Obamacare but their arguments were as stupid and dishonest as they are.

Republicans will never state the real reasons why Obamacare is unconstitutional because Republicans, treasonous slime that they are, are mobbed up with corporate health care. Deep down Rethuglican leaders love Obamacare because it infuses more money into an already corrupt industry. The lying sack of shit Republicans scream REPEAL OBAMACARE but they have nothing to replace it. Republican have no ideas anyway.

There is only one replacement for Obamacare and Trump and Sanders agree. Single payer is the best solution. Medicare for everyone is constitutional and with the proper oversight it will stop, the corporate crooks in health care from stealing.


Currently 1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for health care goes to pay for the waste and fraud. The solution is simple. Put the corporate gangsters in prison or execute them when their criminal wrong doing results in the deaths of patients.

We had plenty of ideas for getting health care for everyone that wanted it. Like making it like auto insurance and letting insurance companies sell to whoever they want. For progressives it was never about fixing health care for helping those in need, it was about expanding government into a new sector and controlling people's private lives. So we got Obamacare, against the will of the people. Now we have mandated insurance. Only a progressive hack would consider holding a gun to someone's head and forcing them to buy insurance at an asinine price a good thing.
The real problem with Obamacare is the mandate being called a tax.
We have been penalized with higher taxes for not behaving the way the government wants us to for a very long time. It's amusing to me no one noticed until the "mandate".

For instance, do you have a mortgage? No? Then you will pay a higher income tax than someone who has.

Do you have kids? No? Then you will pay a higher tax than someone who does.

You are penalized for not buying the right kind of refrigerator or the right kind of electricity and many other consumer products.

The government has been performing behavior modification social experiments for decades, with the rubes going along willingly.

So it was no big leap to penalize you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

You're assuming an awful lot there sport.
Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.


You do not understand the difference between "equal protection" and being able to choose which level of insurance to buy.
Hey dumb fuck, Obamacare is the law of the land. It is a law that forces ALL Americans to buy healthcare from private companies. Unlike auto insurance people have a choice. If they don't own a car then they don't need to carry insurance. ALL Americans are required to purchase insurance and the poor and middle class can't afford the top tier policies. Worse than that if a family cannot afford Obamacare tax money goes to private insurance companies.

Because of your snide remark I'd like to smash your lying face with a brick and see how much your bronze plan pays for your facial reconstruction.

Forcing people to buy insurance in and of itself is not unconstitutional. Forcing people to buy it privately from criminals is. If coverage is not equal and since Obamacare is the law people are not equally protected and you are a lame brain.
Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.


You do not understand the difference between "equal protection" and being able to choose which level of insurance to buy.
Hey dumb fuck, Obamacare is the law of the land. It is a law that forces ALL Americans to buy healthcare from private companies. Unlike auto insurance people have a choice. If they don't own a car then they don't need to carry insurance. ALL Americans are required to purchase insurance and the poor and middle class can't afford the top tier policies. Worse than that if a family cannot afford Obamacare tax money goes to private insurance companies.

Because of your snide remark I'd like to smash your lying face with a brick and see how much your bronze plan pays for your facial reconstruction.

Forcing people to buy insurance in and of itself is not unconstitutional. Forcing people to buy it privately from criminals is. If coverage is not equal and since Obamacare is the law people are not equally protected and you are a lame brain.
You are an idiot who has no idea what "equal protection of the laws" means. :lol:
This entire post may be moot since the constitution is pretty much null and void and America is now a plutocracy.


Reason 1. Obamacare is the law of the land now but the constitution requires equal protection under the law. Since Obama care require that you have one of 3 levels of coverage there is no equality.

Reason 2. The medical industry is the most corrupt industry in the history of mankind. Obamacare forces people to do business with criminals. Requiring that people have insurance is NOT the issue because if it were car insurance would be unconstitutional.

Republicans slime that they are.... have argued to the Supreme Court the unconstitutionality of Obamacare but their arguments were as stupid and dishonest as they are.

Republicans will never state the real reasons why Obamacare is unconstitutional because Republicans, treasonous slime that they are, are mobbed up with corporate health care. Deep down Rethuglican leaders love Obamacare because it infuses more money into an already corrupt industry. The lying sack of shit Republicans scream REPEAL OBAMACARE but they have nothing to replace it. Republican have no ideas anyway.

There is only one replacement for Obamacare and Trump and Sanders agree. Single payer is the best solution. Medicare for everyone is constitutional and with the proper oversight it will stop, the corporate crooks in health care from stealing.


Currently 1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for health care goes to pay for the waste and fraud. The solution is simple. Put the corporate gangsters in prison or execute them when their criminal wrong doing results in the deaths of patients.

We had plenty of ideas for getting health care for everyone that wanted it. Like making it like auto insurance and letting insurance companies sell to whoever they want. For progressives it was never about fixing health care for helping those in need, it was about expanding government into a new sector and controlling people's private lives. So we got Obamacare, against the will of the people. Now we have mandated insurance. Only a progressive hack would consider holding a gun to someone's head and forcing them to buy insurance at an asinine price a good thing.

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".

You fucking lying retard. Obamacare was a giveaway to the medical industry. Under Obamacare the government is not in charge of health care your idiot. The medical industry is the least regulated industry in the US. Even the criminal financial industry has more regulation.


Medical Care is the Number 1 Cause of Death in the U.S.

There is no federal agency that regulates doctors and hospitals. The criminal FDA is owned by the criminal medical companies. Since the medical industry is the leading cause of death in the US I would propose that the CEO's and boards of directors of the drug and medical device companies be considered domestic enemies of the US and subject to arrest, incarceration and execution.
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^You're not really suggesting that this rate of medical error magically occurred on January 1, 2014 and not before, are you? :wtf:
From the OP:

Republicans will never state the real reasons why Obamacare is unconstitutional because Republicans, treasonous slime that they are, are mobbed up with corporate health care. Deep down Rethuglican leaders love Obamacare because it infuses more money into an already corrupt industry. The lying sack of shit Republicans scream REPEAL OBAMACARE but they have nothing to replace it.


While I would agree that Republicans at the federal level are a waste of oxygen, I guess I don't see anything that talks about who passed the law.

What's with the democrats ?

They are just as much a waste.
actually comparing it to car insurance is not equal.
car insurance is only mandatory if you own a car.
owning a car is a privilege, you are not required to own one.
a condition for using the privilege of car ownership is to insure it.
If you don't wish to purchase car insurance, you simply do not have to purchase a car.
Since there are no conditions that can be met in order not to be forced to purchase health insurance (other than death) it is in no way equal to car insurance.
actually comparing it to car insurance is not equal.
car insurance is only mandatory if you own a car.
owning a car is a privilege, you are not required to own one.
a condition for using the privilege of car ownership is to insure it.
If you don't wish to purchase car insurance, you simply do not have to purchase a car.
Since there are no conditions that can be met in order not to be forced to purchase health insurance (other than death) it is in no way equal to car insurance.


We should pass a law that says you pay a tax if you don't own a car.
actually comparing it to car insurance is not equal.
car insurance is only mandatory if you own a car.
owning a car is a privilege, you are not required to own one.
a condition for using the privilege of car ownership is to insure it.
If you don't wish to purchase car insurance, you simply do not have to purchase a car.
Since there are no conditions that can be met in order not to be forced to purchase health insurance (other than death) it is in no way equal to car insurance.


We should pass a law that says you pay a tax if you don't own a car.

We have a similar penalty for people who don't have a mortgage.
actually comparing it to car insurance is not equal.
car insurance is only mandatory if you own a car.
owning a car is a privilege, you are not required to own one.
a condition for using the privilege of car ownership is to insure it.
If you don't wish to purchase car insurance, you simply do not have to purchase a car.
Since there are no conditions that can be met in order not to be forced to purchase health insurance (other than death) it is in no way equal to car insurance.


We should pass a law that says you pay a tax if you don't own a car.

We have a similar penalty for people who don't have a mortgage.

Yes we do.

And we should penalize people who don't fly at least twice a year too !

How about we tax them if they don't buy alcohol ? Or cigarettes ?
actually comparing it to car insurance is not equal.
car insurance is only mandatory if you own a car.
owning a car is a privilege, you are not required to own one.
a condition for using the privilege of car ownership is to insure it.
If you don't wish to purchase car insurance, you simply do not have to purchase a car.
Since there are no conditions that can be met in order not to be forced to purchase health insurance (other than death) it is in no way equal to car insurance.


We should pass a law that says you pay a tax if you don't own a car.

We have a similar penalty for people who don't have a mortgage.

Yes we do.

And we should penalize people who don't fly at least twice a year too !

How about we tax them if they don't buy alcohol ? Or cigarettes ?

It's the same basic premise, and you can bet it will be used again. Congress has learned that the tax code is the easiest way to get around Constitutional limits on government power, and Roberts, unfortunately, gave the practice the Court's official seal of approval.

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