The real “takers” in America are the unproductive, rent-extracting rich

"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

Yep, I guess they are now trying to turn people against people who rent..I think with them they are trying to say the government should be in charge of that too, can't say for sure I won't give Solon my business
Marxists think in terms like "Labor extracting" "rent extracting" and that "Profits are undistributed wages"

That's what Marxists have the worst housing, jobs and no profits
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

"Rent" is an term in economics that means income you receive solely because certain laws allow you to charge more for a product or service than would otherwise be possible to charge without the regulations. "Rent" occurs solely because of government. It's impossible in a free market. Every lobbyist who goes to Washington bribing politicians to adopt some onerous piece of legislation is a "rent seeker." Yet, Knobby and his references are trying to paint it as one of the evils of capitalism.
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"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

"Rent" is an term in economics that means income you receive solely because certain laws allow you to charge more for a product or service than would otherwise be possible to charge in without the regulations. "Rent" occurs solely because of government. It's impossible in a free market. Every lobbyist who goes to Washington bribing politicians to adopt some onerous piece of legislation is a "rent seeker." Yet, Knobby and his references are trying to paint it as one of the evils of capitalism.

Not true. Seeking understanding of the new global wealth and its endless dynamics is all I'm after. Communism/Socialism has been proven to be abject failures all through history. I know it may be incomprehensible for some of you to get away from witch hunting for people who don't share your same values. Just not possible. All I'm looking at are the fascinating actions of a world I know nothing about and if I make misinterpretations along the way, wouldn't be the first time. We're living in an interesting time and just trying to see the big picture, if it's even possible. And your economic term of "rent" is exactly the context it's being used on this topic.
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

"Rent" is an term in economics that means income you receive solely because certain laws allow you to charge more for a product or service than would otherwise be possible to charge in without the regulations. "Rent" occurs solely because of government. It's impossible in a free market. Every lobbyist who goes to Washington bribing politicians to adopt some onerous piece of legislation is a "rent seeker." Yet, Knobby and his references are trying to paint it as one of the evils of capitalism.

Not true. Seeking understanding of the new global wealth and its endless dynamics is all I'm after. Communism/Socialism has been proven to be abject failures all through history. I know it may be incomprehensible for some of you to get away from witch hunting for people who don't share your same values. Just not possible. All I'm looking at are the fascinating actions of a world I know nothing about and if I make misinterpretations along the way, wouldn't be the first time. We're living in an interesting time and just trying to see the big picture, if it's even possible. And your economic term of "rent" is exactly the context it's being used on this topic.

Wrong. It's exactly as I defined it.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In public choice theory, rent-seeking is the attempt to obtain economic rent through a deployment in the political, social or environmental landscape in which the economic activities seeks to occur. This is different to the value-adding approach of creating new sources of wealth. One example is spending money on political lobbying in order to be given a share of wealth that has already been created. A famous example of rent-seeking is the limiting of access to lucrative occupations, as by medieval guilds or modern state certifications and licensures.
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

yes exactly!! Here is first sentence from Solon article in OP:

"Rents come in as many kinds as there are rentier interests. Land or apartment or rental-house rents flow to landlords"

When you can't buy a house I guess the OP liberal wants you to live under a bridge rather than thank God for landlords
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

yes exactly!! Here is first sentence from Solon article in OP:

"Rents come in as many kinds as there are rentier interests. Land or apartment or rental-house rents flow to landlords"

When you can't buy a house I guess the OP liberal wants you to live under a bridge rather than thank God for landlords

Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

yes exactly!! Here is first sentence from Solon article in OP:

"Rents come in as many kinds as there are rentier interests. Land or apartment or rental-house rents flow to landlords"

When you can't buy a house I guess the OP liberal wants you to live under a bridge rather than thank God for landlords

Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

yes what do rich folks like Gates and Jobs do for us anyway!!
The biggest Rent Seekers are politicians and their cronies.

Just sayin'.
I took that rather flimsy Solon article and made the quantum jump to the book I'm reading, so therein lies some of the confusion. Sorry.

Economic rent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take some time to read up on the truly wealthy, the 1% and down to the .01 % and the tension between those in those groups. Of course, the most popular to most of us are Gates and Buffett, and they are interesting studies in themselves. Many in this top tier don't even think of themselves as being "from" a country, since their worlds are now global in nature - in constant travel, in the many homes they own around the world. I've learned, as one would expect, that many of them are sharply interested in influencing government and politics not just in their home country, but in countries in which the sometimes live and do business. The new global economy and the fallout that impacts is all is really fascinating reading.
yes exactly!! Here is first sentence from Solon article in OP:

"Rents come in as many kinds as there are rentier interests. Land or apartment or rental-house rents flow to landlords"

When you can't buy a house I guess the OP liberal wants you to live under a bridge rather than thank God for landlords

Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

yes what do rich folks like Gates and Jobs do for us anyway!!

I'm not too read on Jobs, and hear he was a prick. But Gates philanthropy and projects to America's improvement especially in education - though I don't agree with some of it - is stunning.

I have a problem with slumlords or landlords who don't upkeep/maintain their buildings, but perhaps some of the reputable landlords who rent worked hard to save up the money to buy property and do all/most of their own maintenance to keep the rent lower. So you are saying that property ownership/renting is inherently evil?

If you were talking about gold hedge fund managers who make billions (that's right billions) and pay little to no taxes, then you'd really understand what a parasite is.

I have a problem with slumlords or landlords who don't upkeep/maintain their buildings, but perhaps some of the reputable landlords who rent worked hard to save up the money to buy property and do all/most of their own maintenance to keep the rent lower. So you are saying that property ownership/renting is inherently evil?

If you were talking about gold hedge fund managers who make billions (that's right billions) and pay little to no taxes, then you'd really understand what a parasite is.

Yea, that last you said is what I was talking about and am reading about. I think it's fascinating because of the way they're shaping the global economy and influencing government and politics today. Interesting to note that some millionaires are not even a factor today, like they were 100 years ago (and they wielded society changing clout also) - we're talking billionaires today. They're not all bad, but certainly more influential than most of the nickle-dime politicians many carp about.
"rent-extracting"...meaning they provide housing, no?

yes exactly!! Here is first sentence from solon article in op:

"rents come in as many kinds as there are rentier interests. Land or apartment or rental-house rents flow to landlords"

when you can't buy a house i guess the op liberal wants you to live under a bridge rather than thank god for landlords

take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

yes what do rich folks like Gates and Jobs do for us anyway!!

I'm not too read on Jobs, and hear he was a prick. But Gates philanthropy and projects to America's improvement especially in education - though I don't agree with some of it - is stunning.

Jobs was prickly and rude for sure, outside of the box for sure too, and thankfully so as that led to his great innovations. His fortune is not in philanthropy but even if it is in banks to finance car loans, home loans, and small business loans it is every bit as valuable.

A liberal doesn't understand the capitalism is philanthropy.
I took that rather flimsy Solon article and made the quantum jump to the book I'm reading, so therein lies some of the confusion. Sorry.

Economic rent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take some time to read up on the truly wealthy, the 1% and down to the .01 % and the tension between those in those groups. Of course, the most popular to most of us are Gates and Buffett, and they are interesting studies in themselves. Many in this top tier don't even think of themselves as being "from" a country, since their worlds are now global in nature - in constant travel, in the many homes they own around the world. I've learned, as one would expect, that many of them are sharply interested in influencing government and politics not just in their home country, but in countries in which the sometimes live and do business. The new global economy and the fallout that impacts is all is really fascinating reading.

What does any of that have to do with the meaning of the term "economic rent?"

I have a problem with slumlords or landlords who don't upkeep/maintain their buildings, but perhaps some of the reputable landlords who rent worked hard to save up the money to buy property and do all/most of their own maintenance to keep the rent lower. So you are saying that property ownership/renting is inherently evil?

If you were talking about gold hedge fund managers who make billions (that's right billions) and pay little to no taxes, then you'd really understand what a parasite is.

Wrong. Even if they paid no taxes, they wouldn't be parasites.

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