The real truth about late term abortions

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I wonder why late term abortions are necessary in a state that not only allows abortions, but actually pays for them through Medicaid. I am sure the usual suspects will pop in and try to blame this on the pro life crowd, but it only makes sense if you ignore reality.

In an undercover sting operation, a woman who was 23-plus weeks pregnant (abortion is illegal in New York and other states after 24 weeks) secretly recorded the conversations she had in this abortionist’s office.
In an exchange laden with euphemisms on both sides to conceal the gruesome nature of the discussion, the pregnant woman wondered aloud what would happen if “it” (her fetus) emerged from her intact and alive.
The employee assigned to take note of medical history reassured the woman, “We never had that for ages” (a seeming admission that a baby did survive abortion at the clinic at least once) but that should “it” “survive this,” “They would still have to put it in like a jar, a container, with solution, and send it to the lab. . . . We don’t just throw it out in the garbage.”
Oh, and this innocuous-sounding “solution” was, of course, a toxic substance suitable for killing an infant.
“Like, what if it was twitching?” asked the pregnant woman.
“The solution will make it stop,” said the clinic employee. “That’s the whole purpose of the solution . . . It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore.”

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IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

It doesn't matter if it happens in a hospital, even if the mother doesn't want the child.
I wonder why late term abortions are necessary in a state that not only allows abortions, but actually pays for them through Medicaid. I am sure the usual suspects will pop in and try to blame this on the pro life crowd, but it only makes sense if you ignore reality.

In an undercover sting operation, a woman who was 23-plus weeks pregnant (abortion is illegal in New York and other states after 24 weeks) secretly recorded the conversations she had in this abortionist’s office.
In an exchange laden with euphemisms on both sides to conceal the gruesome nature of the discussion, the pregnant woman wondered aloud what would happen if “it” (her fetus) emerged from her intact and alive.
The employee assigned to take note of medical history reassured the woman, “We never had that for ages” (a seeming admission that a baby did survive abortion at the clinic at least once) but that should “it” “survive this,” “They would still have to put it in like a jar, a container, with solution, and send it to the lab. . . . We don’t just throw it out in the garbage.”
Oh, and this innocuous-sounding “solution” was, of course, a toxic substance suitable for killing an infant.
“Like, what if it was twitching?” asked the pregnant woman.
“The solution will make it stop,” said the clinic employee. “That’s the whole purpose of the solution . . . It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore.”

It's murder, nothing or no one can call it anything else...

And we allow this in our world today...

This crime happens without any prosecution...
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IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Yes, under current law it does depend.

But how do you personally differentiate between "born alive" and "in vitro alive"?
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Its a baby it just has its head still in a vagina and on that technicality they kill it..
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Yes, under current law it does depend.

But how do you personally differentiate between "born alive" and "in vitro alive"?

This argument will never end, at least in our lifetime, because those who dominate the argument are the extremists on both ends. The vast majority of Americans approve of a woman's right to abort a pregnancy. The vast majority of Americans also are against late term abortion, and many are against abortion after the first trimester. Unfortunately, since those against abortion want it banned completely, the argument is an all or nothing proposition.

As is the norm in American politics of late, the extremists are ruling the conversation to the detriment of their own cause.
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

It doesn't matter if it happens in a hospital, even if the mother doesn't want the child.

Too bad if she doesn't want it. She lost her choice the second that kid came out and took a breath. Its not up to her, if the baby can be saved and not suffer any severe brain damage - as extreme premmies can - then save its life and give it up for adoption.
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Actually by the end of the 10th week the fetus starts taking on human characteristics, simple logic dictates that it is now a person, and not something you can kill. Therefore by logic, it should be given the same rights and protections as the mother. If it looks like a person, it is a person. If I can see eyes, nose, arms, feet, hands and genitalia; anything of the sort, it is a human being. No way to work around that, Noomi.
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Intentionally stopping a heartbeat is murder right?

Nope. Because then the death penalty would be considered murder, and removing a person from life support would also be murder.

IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Yes, under current law it does depend.

But how do you personally differentiate between "born alive" and "in vitro alive"?

In vitro alive? There is a difference between an embryo and a newborn baby...I am not sure if this is what you mean??
Intentionally stopping a heartbeat is murder right?

Nope. Because then the death penalty would be considered murder, and removing a person from life support would also be murder.

IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Yes, under current law it does depend.

But how do you personally differentiate between "born alive" and "in vitro alive"?

In vitro alive? There is a difference between an embryo and a newborn baby...I am not sure if this is what you mean??

But in both cases they may or may not deserve it. Just as a developing baby with no defects of any kind does not deserve to die for lack of want from the mother. Exigent circumstances may apply to either. In my state there was a murder once.. a double homicide. One was the mother, the other was the unborn child. The murderer was charged with two counts of murder, not just one. Because here, the unborn child is officially recognized as a person.

Children are born either way, via in-vitro or by natural means. There is no need to discriminate between the two.
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I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

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