The real truth about late term abortions

IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Actually by the end of the 10th week the fetus starts taking on human characteristics, simple logic dictates that it is now a person, and not something you can kill. Therefore by logic, it should be given the same rights and protections as the mother. If it looks like a person, it is a person. If I can see eyes, nose, arms, feet, hands and genitalia; anything of the sort, it is a human being. No way to work around that, Noomi.

If it looks like a person, it is a person? That is very poor logic, especially when we apply it to other things - a picture of a cake looks like a cake, but its not a cake, is it? Its a picture.

And whether the fetus looks human or not does not take away the fact that it is inside someone else's body, relying on them to sustain its life. No one should be forced to supply their body to another being against their will.
IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Actually by the end of the 10th week the fetus starts taking on human characteristics, simple logic dictates that it is now a person, and not something you can kill. Therefore by logic, it should be given the same rights and protections as the mother. If it looks like a person, it is a person. If I can see eyes, nose, arms, feet, hands and genitalia; anything of the sort, it is a human being. No way to work around that, Noomi.

If it looks like a person, it is a person? That is very poor logic, especially when we apply it to other things - a picture of a cake looks like a cake, but its not a cake, is it? Its a picture.

And whether the fetus looks human or not does not take away the fact that it is inside someone else's body, relying on them to sustain its life. No one should be forced to supply their body to another being against their will.

No it's not, Noomi. If you see a reflection in the mirror, is that you? Is that not a person you see? Or will you say, "oh that isn't me, but some reflection that looks like me, I should not believe the mirror"?

So, unborn children have no rights, no right to live, the same right that was given to the mother during that time? Why? As soon as those mitochondrial cells clump together to form the foundations of a heart, and begin pulsating (beating), that is a living organism, a human being. We do not treat animals this way, why? Do their offspring deserve more rights to live than a human child does? You cannot sit there and contend that that fetus is not human when it has developed human characteristics. It can be nothing else.

My logic is not flawed here. Liberals of all stripes want to protect the offspring of other animals on this planet, except for our own children. Right. I cannot accept that nor will I. We are the dominant genus here, we will be superior to other species of animalia.
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I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

Can Medicaid cover my abortion

Medicaid covers abortion in 15 states in the U.S. If you live in one of the states below, click on the state name to be taken to some instructions about how to enroll in Medicaid quickly. If you want to use Medicaid to cover your abortion, you must live in and have your abortion in the same state. Your Medicaid coverage will not follow you if you need to travel out of state.

Can Medicaid cover my abortion? | Fund Abortion
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

Murder is illegal? That explains why no one ever kills anyone. The only restriction on Medicaid spending on abortions is that no federal dollars supplement it. That is not a restriction on state spending, but your ignorance is not surprising.
Another video. When are the pro abortionists going to step up and demand an end to unregulated abortion clinics like the demand an end to unregulated everything else?

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IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

The thing is Noomi, that this was an undercover sting to out the clinic she was at...the whole purpose was to make aware that there are indeed clinics that proceed to kill a fetus (a tiny baby) if it comes out alive.
That, is basically an actual birth.

Killing an infant after it is born alive, is murder. For any abortionist to conclude that it's a 'partial birth/late term' abortion after the fact, is simply lying to him/herself, the staff, the media, and law enforcement to save their own ass.
I wonder why late term abortions are necessary in a state that not only allows abortions, but actually pays for them through Medicaid. I am sure the usual suspects will pop in and try to blame this on the pro life crowd, but it only makes sense if you ignore reality.

In an undercover sting operation, a woman who was 23-plus weeks pregnant (abortion is illegal in New York and other states after 24 weeks) secretly recorded the conversations she had in this abortionist’s office.
In an exchange laden with euphemisms on both sides to conceal the gruesome nature of the discussion, the pregnant woman wondered aloud what would happen if “it” (her fetus) emerged from her intact and alive.
The employee assigned to take note of medical history reassured the woman, “We never had that for ages” (a seeming admission that a baby did survive abortion at the clinic at least once) but that should “it” “survive this,” “They would still have to put it in like a jar, a container, with solution, and send it to the lab. . . . We don’t just throw it out in the garbage.”
Oh, and this innocuous-sounding “solution” was, of course, a toxic substance suitable for killing an infant.
“Like, what if it was twitching?” asked the pregnant woman.
“The solution will make it stop,” said the clinic employee. “That’s the whole purpose of the solution . . . It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore.”

It's murder, nothing or no one can call it anything else...

And we allow this in our world today...

This crime happens without any prosecution...

That is mainly because it goes unreported...and the cases that are reported usually take the back seat for months, even years, before it's even investigated.
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What has become of us..its the same as some sick child sacrfice only done behind a thin facade

And Obama proudly panders to the ignorant on a planned parenthood platform.

Someday I hope people who still have souls, will wake up and think, what the hell were they thinking to allow our society to come to this. :(
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

And does stabbing the baby in the neck and sucking out it brains while it's still in the mother make you feel better about partial birth abortions?

Why do you think they call them partial birth?

Or sucking the baby out with a vacuum seem more compassionate?

Tearing the baby's little limbs off?
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

And does stabbing the baby in the neck and sucking out it brains while it's still in the mother make you feel better about partial birth abortions?

Why do you think they call them partial birth?

Or sucking the baby out with a vacuum seem more compassionate?

Tearing the baby's little limbs off?

I've watched videos that show actual abortion procedures...I held a teeny tiny 5 lb. newborn earlier today who was born premature...he was perfect in every way..and I thought, as I held him, how anyone could allow an abortion so late in pregnancy. Not that I am for first trimester abortions, but that is when most natural miscarriages occur..I've had four miscarriages, and although disappointing, I knew that it had been for the best at those times because any further along I would've become totally attached after I felt the first flutter of I did with the three successful full term pregnancies I had with my children. If women are bent on terminating their pregnancies, I would hope that they do it within the first trimester...
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Intentionally stopping a heartbeat is murder right?

Nope. Because then the death penalty would be considered murder, and removing a person from life support would also be murder.

IF this bullshit by Lila Rose is actually true, then that shouldn't be allowed. If it is born alive, it is a person, protected by law, and they must try and save its life - although I would imagine that this depends on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.

Yes, under current law it does depend.

But how do you personally differentiate between "born alive" and "in vitro alive"?

In vitro alive? There is a difference between an embryo and a newborn baby...I am not sure if this is what you mean??

Got my terminology mixed up. aka I don't know what I mean LOL.
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

And does stabbing the baby in the neck and sucking out it brains while it's still in the mother make you feel better about partial birth abortions?

Why do you think they call them partial birth?

Or sucking the baby out with a vacuum seem more compassionate?

Tearing the baby's little limbs off?

Partial birth abortion was a term invented by the pro lifers. Medically, this term doesn't exist.
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

Actually it isn't illegal to kill a baby born alive in a late term abortion, Ravi. They are allowed to put the baby in a room and leave it there until it dies. Pres Obama voted for late term abortions 4 times.

The majority of people do not want late term abortions, so it really doesn't matter what people want today unfortunately.
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

Actually it isn't illegal to kill a baby born alive in a late term abortion, Ravi. They are allowed to put the baby in a room and leave it there until it dies. Pres Obama voted for late term abortions 4 times.

The majority of people do not want late term abortions, so it really doesn't matter what people want today unfortunately.

That in itself speaks volumes of his character. I wonder if he's actually studied and researched what exactly takes place during a late term abortion? Wonder if he's ever had physical contact with a preemie fighting for his/her life in a NICU?
Bet not.
I bet this story isn't true. It's illegal to kill someone born alive for one thing. And medicaid doesn't pay for abortions for another.

And does stabbing the baby in the neck and sucking out it brains while it's still in the mother make you feel better about partial birth abortions?

Why do you think they call them partial birth?

Or sucking the baby out with a vacuum seem more compassionate?

Tearing the baby's little limbs off?

Partial birth abortion was a term invented by the pro lifers. Medically, this term doesn't exist.

Do you prefer intact dilation and extraction because it helps you pretend that the baby is not alive?

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