The reality of climate change, yes, the climate always changes

We just had an intentionally released pandemic that killed millions of people around the one cares if the temp goes up 2 degrees in 30 one except the extremely gullible and the elites that get rich off of their fears....
No evidence at all....Otherwise you fools could reproduce it on demand, quantify your results every time it's reproduced, falsify your results, and accurately make predictions on future temperature trends.

But you cannot do those things, therefore all you have is a popcorn fart.
Yep don't see any dinosaurs running around....I don't think man was here with his SUV back then....people have turned away from the sky is falling crowd...but the sky is falling crowd still hasn't figured that out yet....
So you deniers think that "the climate always changes" is a good debating point?

80% of the time the earth has been in existence it has been warmer than it is now.

However, a fact that the confused AGW scammer always seem to forget is a time when CO2 levels were ten times what they are now the earth was a snowball and even in recent times when the CO2 levels were lower the earth has been warmer.

No wonder they have to fabricate data to have their little scam.
So you deniers think that "the climate always changes" is a good debating point?

Oddly CARBON CREDITS is a scam to buy free energy like windmill and solar panels for CHINA by CHINA...........which turns gives them more money weaponize virus such as Covid 19 to kill millions more...but the yet the libs keep pushing for the destruction.
As usual, the deniers are doing their mass-trolling and mass-deflection thing. It's a given that none of them looked at the video. Their cult orders them to shun any sources from outside of the cult. I'll summarize, since they're all too lazy.

Many things affect climate, especially CO2. When there's little CO2, earth has ice caps. When there's a lot, earth has no ice caps.

56 million years ago, nature, through volcanoes, put out a lot of CO2 over a span of 20,000-50,000 years, about the same amount of CO2 as humans are putting out in a very short time. The climate warmed strongly, the oceans acidified, and there was a mass extinction event.

As the Milankovitch cycles happen, the amount of sun striking the earth doesn't change. It just falls more on the poles instead of the equator. Yet the whole earth warms as sunlight remains constant, meaning the changing sunlight isn't causing the warming. What is? Changing currents cause the oceans to release a little CO2, and then the CO2 takes over as what causes the warming.

The point, refinforced over and over, is that global climate change always happens, and on a global scale, it's always driven by CO2. There is no way to explain the climate of the past without accounting for CO2.

We're now pumping out CO2 much faster than nature ever did. That means we are changing climate very quickly. Saying otherwise is delusional and contrary to the observed physics and observed reality.

Also, mass extinctions are _bad_, hence we should try to avoid them.

Deniers, if you need that dumbed down more, you're out of luck. Reality feels no obligation to dumb itself down to a level where cult imbeciles can grasp it.
As usual, the deniers are doing their mass-trolling and mass-deflection thing. It's a given that none of them looked at the video. Their cult orders them to shun any sources from outside of the cult. I'll summarize, since they're all too lazy.

Many things affect climate, especially CO2. When there's little CO2, earth has ice caps. When there's a lot, earth has no ice caps.

56 million years ago, nature, through volcanoes, put out a lot of CO2 over a span of 20,000-50,000 years, about the same amount of CO2 as humans are putting out in a very short time. The climate warmed strongly, the oceans acidified, and there was a mass extinction event.

As the Milankovitch cycles happen, the amount of sun striking the earth doesn't change. It just falls more on the poles instead of the equator. Yet the whole earth warms as sunlight remains constant, meaning the changing sunlight isn't causing the warming. What is? Changing currents cause the oceans to release a little CO2, and then the CO2 takes over as what causes the warming.

The point, refinforced over and over, is that global climate change always happens, and on a global scale, it's always driven by CO2. There is no way to explain the climate of the past without accounting for CO2.

We're now pumping out CO2 much faster than nature ever did. That means we are changing climate very quickly. Saying otherwise is delusional and contrary to the observed physics and observed reality.

Also, mass extinctions are _bad_, hence we should try to avoid them.

Deniers, if you need that dumbed down more, you're out of luck. Reality feels no obligation to dumb itself down to a level where cult imbeciles can grasp it.

It's a given that none of them looked at the video.

That guy had an annoying fucking voice.

However, a fact that the confused AGW scammer always seem to forget is a time when CO2 levels were ten times what they are now the earth was a snowball
Those not ignorant of the basics know the last snowball earth phase happened over 500 million years ago, when the sun was over 5% dimmer. Very dishonest to leave that out.

Also, the thing that broke the earth out of the snowball earth phase was ... increasing CO2. Again, it's not possible to explain paeloclimate without including the effects of CO2.

Why do you all think CO2 no longer has the effect that it had over all of earth's past? That makes you all sound some combination of stupid, delusional and dishonest.

However, a fact that the confused AGW scammer always seem to forget is a time when CO2 levels were ten times what they are now the earth was a snowball
Those not ignorant of the basics know the last snowball earth phase happened over 500 million years ago, when the sun was over 5% dimmer. Very dishonest to leave that out.

Also, the thing that broke the earth out of the snowball earth phase was ... increasing CO2. Again, it's not possible to explain paeloclimate without including the effects of CO2.

Why do you all think CO2 no longer has the effect that it had over all of earth's past? That makes you all sound some combination of stupid, delusional and dishonest.

If CO2 is such a greenhouse gas that you idiot Moon Bat scammers claim it is with levels ten times what it is now we should have turned into a hothouse like Venus did. Instead we were a snowball.

Another AWG scam busted!
Yep don't see any dinosaurs running around....I don't think man was here with his SUV back then....people have turned away from the sky is falling crowd...but the sky is falling crowd still hasn't figured that out yet....
Hmmmmmmmmmm.................... Good evidence that the sky literally fell on the dinosaurs. That was one of five major extinctions in the geological record, The other four did, indeed, involve GHG's in the atmosphere. And they developed at a much slower rate that we are effecting the atmosphere.

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