The reality of renewable energy

I appreciate that stress is taken into consideration during the extraction process ... obviously it hasn't for these secondary operations ... we should stop fracking until we've investigated, for exactly the same reasons we should stop building solar farms ... don't you agree? ... who pays for installing anchor bolts in the elderly widow woman's home in Odessa? ... I say the end-user of the natural gas, God forbid we cut corporate dividends ... just plain heartless and mean-spirited to stand there and watch the widow woman's home fall off it's foundation ... that's bad for the building, trust me on that point ...
Tell you what... you keep posting about that poor old widow woman's windows and I'll keep posting about the cooling effects of solar power. And between the two of us we will save the world.

Fine with me ... just remember which is God's work and which isn't ...
Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?
Including sin, Hell and Satan.
Sure. Why not? And we can throw in you too.
The last thing we need is more immaculate conception stories.
Pretty sure there's no risk of that.
Like hell there isn't.
God didn't pay Mary 25 bucks.
He sent here three wise men to pay her off, it just took 9 months for them to travel to her after the paternity suit.
That explains so much.
It should since I rewrote the Bible to reflect a more modern tense.
Actually I was thinking about your latest revelation and you being responsible for those kids deaths in OKC.
That was more of God's work.
Funny how that works, huh. :rolleyes:

You sleep well at night with that thought?
Depends on the amount of pain God gives me.
I appreciate that stress is taken into consideration during the extraction process ... obviously it hasn't for these secondary operations ... we should stop fracking until we've investigated, for exactly the same reasons we should stop building solar farms ... don't you agree? ... who pays for installing anchor bolts in the elderly widow woman's home in Odessa? ... I say the end-user of the natural gas, God forbid we cut corporate dividends ... just plain heartless and mean-spirited to stand there and watch the widow woman's home fall off it's foundation ... that's bad for the building, trust me on that point ...
Tell you what... you keep posting about that poor old widow woman's windows and I'll keep posting about the cooling effects of solar power. And between the two of us we will save the world.

Fine with me ... just remember which is God's work and which isn't ...
Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?
Including sin, Hell and Satan.
Sure. Why not? And we can throw in you too.
The last thing we need is more immaculate conception stories.
Pretty sure there's no risk of that.
Like hell there isn't.
God didn't pay Mary 25 bucks.
He sent here three wise men to pay her off, it just took 9 months for them to travel to her after the paternity suit.
That explains so much.
It should since I rewrote the Bible to reflect a more modern tense.
Actually I was thinking about your latest revelation and you being responsible for those kids deaths in OKC.
That was more of God's work.
Funny how that works, huh. :rolleyes:

You sleep well at night with that thought?
Depends on the amount of pain God gives me.
That's a nice locus of control you have there. :rolleyes:
I appreciate that stress is taken into consideration during the extraction process ... obviously it hasn't for these secondary operations ... we should stop fracking until we've investigated, for exactly the same reasons we should stop building solar farms ... don't you agree? ... who pays for installing anchor bolts in the elderly widow woman's home in Odessa? ... I say the end-user of the natural gas, God forbid we cut corporate dividends ... just plain heartless and mean-spirited to stand there and watch the widow woman's home fall off it's foundation ... that's bad for the building, trust me on that point ...
Tell you what... you keep posting about that poor old widow woman's windows and I'll keep posting about the cooling effects of solar power. And between the two of us we will save the world.

Fine with me ... just remember which is God's work and which isn't ...
Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?

Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?

That's what the heathen desperately want ... and if you think God's wants you to [insert heinous act here], then that's between you and Him ... and speaking of heinous acts, just how many cats do you own? ...
I appreciate that stress is taken into consideration during the extraction process ... obviously it hasn't for these secondary operations ... we should stop fracking until we've investigated, for exactly the same reasons we should stop building solar farms ... don't you agree? ... who pays for installing anchor bolts in the elderly widow woman's home in Odessa? ... I say the end-user of the natural gas, God forbid we cut corporate dividends ... just plain heartless and mean-spirited to stand there and watch the widow woman's home fall off it's foundation ... that's bad for the building, trust me on that point ...
Tell you what... you keep posting about that poor old widow woman's windows and I'll keep posting about the cooling effects of solar power. And between the two of us we will save the world.

Fine with me ... just remember which is God's work and which isn't ...
Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?

Isn't technically everything indirectly God's work?

That's what the heathen desperately want ... and if you think God's wants you to [insert heinous act here], then that's between you and Him ... and speaking of heinous acts, just how many cats do you own? ...
No cats. But everything works for good even when you can't see how.
... if we run out of deodorant, we'll stop mating ...
Never fear! The cavemen had no problem without it! :boobies: ...we're here!
In spite the waste problems ... plastics are incredibly useful ... touching every aspect of the human condition ...
Many plastic products, likely most of them can be recycled rather than becoming persistent in nature somewhere in a landfill...or in the ocean. We need to stop throwing it out.
... if we run out of deodorant, we'll stop mating ...
Never fear! The cavemen had no problem without it! :boobies: ...we're here!
In spite the waste problems ... plastics are incredibly useful ... touching every aspect of the human condition ...
Many plastic products, likely most of them can be recycled rather than becoming persistent in nature somewhere in a landfill...or in the ocean. We need to stop throwing it out.

Only some kinds of plastic are recyclable ... other are not ... and we can't mixed them ... hiring people to sort it various types of plastic is expensive ... at least today it's expensive, perhaps tomorrow it will seem a bargain ... the best feature of plastics are their variety, different types are suitable for different functions ... and that's what makes them so difficult to recycle ...

Burning plastics for electrical production is being tried here and there ... installing filters and scrubbers as necessary ... using the atmosphere as our sewer ... again, might not be economical today, but in the future it may be inevitable ...
... if we run out of deodorant, we'll stop mating ...
Never fear! The cavemen had no problem without it! :boobies: ...we're here!
In spite the waste problems ... plastics are incredibly useful ... touching every aspect of the human condition ...
Many plastic products, likely most of them can be recycled rather than becoming persistent in nature somewhere in a landfill...or in the ocean. We need to stop throwing it out.

Only some kinds of plastic are recyclable ... other are not ... and we can't mixed them ... hiring people to sort it various types of plastic is expensive ... at least today it's expensive, perhaps tomorrow it will seem a bargain ... the best feature of plastics are their variety, different types are suitable for different functions ... and that's what makes them so difficult to recycle ...

Burning plastics for electrical production is being tried here and there ... installing filters and scrubbers as necessary ... using the atmosphere as our sewer ... again, might not be economical today, but in the future it may be inevitable ...
I didn't imply that ALL plastics can be recycled....just most of them. Their second life does not have to be related to the first. Hard plastics can be chipped up and added as filler to mortar to make non-structural bricks and pavers...thus saving on the use of mortar.

Our collective ingenuity may reveal uses of discarded plastics that have little to do with its chemical composition. The same applies to other discarded products. Who would have thought that old tires could be frozen, pulverized into small chips and used to make horse race tracks and side walks that are easy on the feet and ankles? I'm anxious to discover a unique use for grass clippings.

... if we run out of deodorant, we'll stop mating ...
Never fear! The cavemen had no problem without it! :boobies: ...we're here!
In spite the waste problems ... plastics are incredibly useful ... touching every aspect of the human condition ...
Many plastic products, likely most of them can be recycled rather than becoming persistent in nature somewhere in a landfill...or in the ocean. We need to stop throwing it out.

Only some kinds of plastic are recyclable ... other are not ... and we can't mixed them ... hiring people to sort it various types of plastic is expensive ... at least today it's expensive, perhaps tomorrow it will seem a bargain ... the best feature of plastics are their variety, different types are suitable for different functions ... and that's what makes them so difficult to recycle ...

Burning plastics for electrical production is being tried here and there ... installing filters and scrubbers as necessary ... using the atmosphere as our sewer ... again, might not be economical today, but in the future it may be inevitable ...
I didn't imply that ALL plastics can be recycled....just most of them. Their second life does not have to be related to the first. Hard plastics can be chipped up and added as filler to mortar to make non-structural bricks and pavers...thus saving on the use of mortar.

Our collective ingenuity may reveal uses of discarded plastics that have little to do with its chemical composition. The same applies to other discarded products. Who would have thought that old tires could be frozen, pulverized into small chips and used to make horse race tracks and side walks that are easy on the feet and ankles? I'm anxious to discover a unique use for grass clippings.

Plastic chips in mortar won't work ... they have significantly different coefficients of expansion ... just diurnal warming and cooling will wreak your masonry within a year, when the mortar turns into sand ... I don't see the UBC permitting this any time soon ... this might surprise many people, but mortar and concrete need to be clean, free of contamination, the aggregate has to be thoroughly washed at the batch plant ... organic material, including plastics, must be removed at all costs, it ruins the product ...

I'm not up to speed with the current tire recycling projects ... I know the first efforts didn't work ... the fill and pavements started oozing a tar-like substance chuck full of carcinogens and other environment poisons ... if I remember correctly, the heaving didn't effect an asphalt pavement, but was hell on concrete ...

Grass clippings can be composted ... indeed eco-weenies all agree we should let the clippings lie ... bagging the clippings means you'll be fertilizing later ... and just about everyone will be over-fertilizing their lawns ... the run-off can cause toxic algae blooms ...

The main problem with all these ideas is getting everyone to follows some basics rules ... it only takes one unrinsed milk jug to make a recycling area stink to high heaven ... one coffee mug to ruin a batch of recyclable glass ... one turkey carcass in the compost bin ... Americium in your Uranium-235 ...

Let's see a show of hands ... who here knows we can't recycle pizza boxes? ...
Plastic chips in mortar won't work ... they have significantly different coefficients of expansion ... just diurnal warming and cooling will wreak your masonry within a year, when the mortar turns into sand ... I don't see the UBC permitting this any time soon ... this might surprise many people, but mortar and concrete need to be clean, free of contamination, the aggregate has to be thoroughly washed at the batch plant ... organic material, including plastics, must be removed at all costs, it ruins the product ...
Read my post again. I said NON-STRUCTURAL...

I'm not up to speed with the current tire recycling projects ... I know the first efforts didn't work ... the fill and pavements started oozing a tar-like substance chuck full of carcinogens and other environment poisons ... if I remember correctly, the heaving didn't effect an asphalt pavement, but was hell on concrete ...

Grass clippings can be composted ... indeed eco-weenies all agree we should let the clippings lie ... bagging the clippings means you'll be fertilizing later ... and just about everyone will be over-fertilizing their lawns ... the run-off can cause toxic algae blooms ...
Did you read what I wrote? "I'm anxious to discover a unique use for grass clippings." Did you read my link?

There are already many uses for grass clippings. I just want to come up with another unique one.

Let's see a show of hands ... who here knows we can't recycle pizza boxes? ...
  • use them as flat files for paper documents
  • unfold them completely and lay in overlapping layers on a floor as insulation
  • burn them in a vented heat-capturing incinerator to heat a workshop
Plastic chips in mortar won't work ... they have significantly different coefficients of expansion ... just diurnal warming and cooling will wreak your masonry within a year, when the mortar turns into sand ... I don't see the UBC permitting this any time soon ... this might surprise many people, but mortar and concrete need to be clean, free of contamination, the aggregate has to be thoroughly washed at the batch plant ... organic material, including plastics, must be removed at all costs, it ruins the product ...
Read my post again. I said NON-STRUCTURAL...

I'm not up to speed with the current tire recycling projects ... I know the first efforts didn't work ... the fill and pavements started oozing a tar-like substance chuck full of carcinogens and other environment poisons ... if I remember correctly, the heaving didn't effect an asphalt pavement, but was hell on concrete ...

Grass clippings can be composted ... indeed eco-weenies all agree we should let the clippings lie ... bagging the clippings means you'll be fertilizing later ... and just about everyone will be over-fertilizing their lawns ... the run-off can cause toxic algae blooms ...
Did you read what I wrote? "I'm anxious to discover a unique use for grass clippings." Did you read my link?

There are already many uses for grass clippings. I just want to come up with another unique one.

Let's see a show of hands ... who here knows we can't recycle pizza boxes? ...
  • use them as flat files for paper documents
  • unfold them completely and lay in overlapping layers on a floor as insulation
  • burn them in a vented heat-capturing incinerator to heat a workshop

Read my post again. I said NON-STRUCTURAL...

Duh ... no one's use brick-and-mortar for structual elements in 100 year or more ... we're talking about a patio or garden wall ... the mortar will crumble if you add plastic into the mix ... the plastic will swell during hot weather and mortar won't, and the whole mess cracks up ... pavers will come loose and the garden wall will fall down within a year or two ...
The entire clean energy movement is a farce.
In fact even though we have been told that so called renewable power has been installed we have not seen a reduction in fossil fuel based power generation but quite the opposite.
The entire argument that we can simply replace all fossil fuel generated power with "green" "clean" and "renewable " power and see no change in our way of life is a lie.
According to Blues Man, the world we live in is DOOMED!!!!!!!

There is no future for our grandchildren. It would be best to not have children at all.

But If you want to survive you need to learn how to speak Mbuti

Mbuti pygmy

how to find fruits vegetables to survive on

And above all avoid the King of the jungle


Once you have mastered the above, you can go back to having babies.
The earth is a closed system and like any closed system there are limits. I think we are getting very close to these limits.
I totally disagree, humans possess a gift of adaptations to a changing environment. Having said that, I do agree the transition will be a ruff one. The one thing that worries me the most is a global nuclear war. Should that occur, all life as we know it today will be gone. The surviving creatures will mutate because of the radioactive fallout, and we may not even be able to recognize what creatures come out of the womb.

The entire clean energy movement is a farce.
In fact even though we have been told that so called renewable power has been installed we have not seen a reduction in fossil fuel based power generation but quite the opposite.
The entire argument that we can simply replace all fossil fuel generated power with "green" "clean" and "renewable " power and see no change in our way of life is a lie.
According to Blues Man, the world we live in is DOOMED!!!!!!!

There is no future for our grandchildren. It would be best to not have children at all.

But If you want to survive you need to learn how to speak Mbuti
View attachment 511070
Mbuti pygmy

how to find fruits vegetables to survive on
View attachment 511071

And above all avoid the King of the jungle

View attachment 511072

Once you have mastered the above, you can go back to having babies.
Are you done being an idiot yet?

I never once mentioned any doom
The earth is a closed system and like any closed system there are limits. I think we are getting very close to these limits.
I totally disagree, humans possess a gift of adaptations to a changing environment. Having said that, I do agree the transition will be a ruff one. The one thing that worries me the most is a global nuclear war. Should that occur, all life as we know it today will be gone. The surviving creatures will mutate because of the radioactive fallout, and we may not even be able to recognize what creatures come out of the womb.
View attachment 511076

You watch too much TV ... global nuclear war is only bad for humans ... most everything else will be fine ...

Human reproductive strategy is to have few children and take good care of them ... any increase in birth defects and mutations is devastating to the population numbers ... on the other hand, field mice always produce twice as many babies as the food supply will allow ... the mutated mice that die just leave more food for the health babies ... and this is why the old Chernobyl Sarcophagus was infested with rats and mice ... and why the top predators in the Exclusion Zone are thriving, perhaps the healthiest wolf population in all of Europe ... c.f. [URL='']"Radioactive Wolves"[/URL] -- Nature on PBS -- 53'09" ...
If we want to truly protect our wilderness areas ... we only need to dump Cesium-135 throughout ... that keeps humans out ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
I believe there are high wind speeds whipping around these New York buildings.

They should attach windmill like structures along the sides of these buildings converting the wind to electric power. In some windy days I believe the power needed to sustain a building could be generated from these windmill generators.

You watch too much TV ... global nuclear war is only bad for humans ... most everything else will be fine ...
Prolonged radiation exposure can completely destroy the fertility of plant and the plant gradually dies. The surroundings also become poisoned and may prevent the growth of future offspring’s.

Intense radiations kill plants but differently. Trees and shrubs vary in their reactivity and sensitivity towards radioactive substances. This variation is found mainly due to the difference in their size and chromosome number. Sparrow had reported that plants with less number of chromosomes offer larger target of radiation attack than those with excess of small chromosomes.
Effects of Radiation on Plants and Animals
I believe there are high wind speeds whipping around these New York buildings.
View attachment 549586

They should attach windmill like structures along the sides of these buildings converting the wind to electric power. In some windy days I believe the power needed to sustain a building could be generated from these windmill generators.

Not likely, no. They could generate some power to help offset the power used by the building, and if every building had them installed, could help offset the power used by the city, but only when the weather cooperates.

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