CDZ The "really" woke


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I do not want to use the word woke. I'm still searching for something more suitable. But really woke will have to do for the time being.

I think I understand what todays "woke" means. And I have to say, I agree with a little more than just some of it. BUt I get a little fuzzy around the cancelling part of it, when someone doesn't abide by certain parts of it. Like if I don't like black thugs, because they're thugs (and not because of their race), I'm still considered a racist. Or if I'm not attracted to a transwoman because he/she was born a male, I'm transphobic. When the reality of it is, I don't want to get involved with someone because of the probably mental issues that go along. Or anything else other than the simple man & woman things that I'm used to.

Being really woke, IMO means those that see the BS built into the woke culture, cancel culture, Trump worshipping, party affiliations, proud boys, BLM and all the other divisional groups that are out there that is fed to many people through the MSM and social media. It doesn't matter to me that someone is woke. What matters if they don't have the ability to actually wake up. Something put them in that state of mind. And something can take them out.
Some may never "wake up." There are people who are delusional enough to think Trump was sent by god. On the flip side, there are those who think it's ok for a transwoman to expose his male genitals to little girls in women's dressing rooms, just because it's the law in CA. And actually go so far as to blame the mom.

Being "woke" means you have to close your eyes to certain things. Being brainwashed means you don't even know you are. Like a pro life Trump supporter who still supports Trump after he funding planned parenthood. Or the ones who are pro choice, but refuse to honor Trump, even in the slightest way, for funding planned parenthood.

What keeps these people locked into such a mental state? What keeps them owned? What keeps them in a perpetual state of argument. Not only with each other. But with themselves?
The person who supports legalizing heroin and fentanyl, will it take a druggy robbing and killing one of their close family members or friends, just for the money to buy their next fix?
The person who supports transwomen, will it take their daughters being exposed to the shemales genitals, to finally realize that transwomen are just feminine men, but men just the same.
Or how about Trump supporters. What will it take for them to realize that he's no conservative. Not a real one.
The evidence is out there. But what does it take for people to really wake up?
Woke is just the modern term for useful idiot .
They won't be around for much longer as globo homo Inc pushes the great reset forward..

Woke is just the modern term for useful idiot .
They won't be around for much longer as globo homo Inc pushes the great reset forward..

View attachment 527794

No, that is NOT another term for woke. That's just your brainwashed brain cells doing what you're supposed to do. Divide yourself from others. And quoting some former KGB propagandist to back up your opinion.

Without supporting "death to non compliance," can you think of why all these groups come to their conclusions? Is it in the same fashion that you came to yours?
No, that is NOT another term for woke. That's just your brainwashed brain cells doing what you're supposed to do. Divide yourself from others. And quoting some former KGB propagandist to back up your opinion.

Without supporting "death to non compliance," can you think of why all these groups come to their conclusions? Is it in the same fashion that you came to yours?
If you say so conformist
You won't be able to be a fake neutral centrist for much longer

The right wingers aren't the ones dividing and balkinizing the nation
We're just along for the ride while globo homo Inc and thier useful idiots continue on thier trajectory of a friggin bloody collapse

The citizen right and awakening un involved non political normies have only just recently started to engage and push back
OP needs to seek help for this TDS.

I'm putting the Trump supporters into the same column as the "woke" crowd. And it's not so much about Trump, is the people who support him. And the people who oppose him. Trumps almost a neutral party in all this.

I'll admit, I'm not the most articulate person. At best, I'm mediocre. But, I think I covered most of what I wanted to say pretty good.
If you say so conformist

I've never been called that one before. I've been called a Trump supporter. A Biden supporter. An Obama supporter. A bigot, racist, nationalist, a republican a democrat and a whole slew of things. But never a conformist.
You won't be able to be a fake neutral centrist for much longer

I'll be able to be "ME" for the rest of my life. What ever that may be.
A centrist? I'll somewhat agree with that. Except I'm not in the middle of the right and the left.
This is more my style.

The right wingers aren't the ones dividing and balkinizing the nation

The die hard righties are.

We're just along for the ride while globo homo Inc and thier useful idiots continue on thier trajectory of a friggin bloody collapse

Why are you attempting to fear monger? Haven't you learned anything from the MSM's strategy?
The citizen right and awakening un involved non political normies have only just recently started to engage and push back

What does that even mean? "and awakening un involved non political normies"
Imo, 'woke' folks are weak-minded imbeciles who are willing to let intellectually deficient people to tell them what to think and how to live.

I can't say I disagree with that. It's a little harsh. But still pretty spot on.
Woke means communist.
Cancel means censor.

I think you are correct to a certain extent. But I pretty sure not all woke people support communism. That's like saying all BLM members are racist and violent thugs. There's probably some decent folks in both of those organizations.
I can't say I disagree with that. It's a little harsh. But still pretty spot on.
It's hard to talk about these ideas without being a bit harsh. We have serious divisions in this country. People on every side believe they are right, and that they alone have all the correct answers.

Many folks refuse to talk to anyone who doesn't think exactly as they do. How can anyone grow, intellectually, if they never listen to other points of view?

And probably the most annoying aspect of all of this is that so many people are so arrogant, self-absorbed, and self-deluded, that they believe they have the right to demand that other people think, and live, as they want them to think and live.

These groups seem to want, as members, robots -- not people with minds of their own.
Never heard an actual definition.

Is this it?

Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation.

How do you speakers of WOKE want to define WOKE.

Bring it.
I've never been called that one before. I've been called a Trump supporter. A Biden supporter. An Obama supporter. A bigot, racist, nationalist, a republican a democrat and a whole slew of things. But never a conformist.

I'll be able to be "ME" for the rest of my life. What ever that may be.
A centrist? I'll somewhat agree with that. Except I'm not in the middle of the right and the left.
This is more my style.

The die hard righties are.

Why are you attempting to fear monger? Haven't you learned anything from the MSM's strategy?

What does that even mean? "and awakening un involved non political normies"

Right wingers like myself are the furthest thing from fascists

The awaking of the normies

You're a boomer libertarian ain't cha
I think you are correct to a certain extent. But I pretty sure not all woke people support communism. That's like saying all BLM members are racist and violent thugs. There's probably some decent folks in both of those organizations.
All woke people support communism, wittingly or unwittingly.
BLM members are all racists and know it or are too stupid to discuss the issue.
All woke people support communism, wittingly or unwittingly.
BLM members are all racists and know it or are too stupid to discuss the issue.

Not all woke people support communism. Not all BLM members are racist.

That statement makes you sound brainwashed.
Right wingers like myself are the furthest thing from fascists

You didn't really pay attention to the video, did you? Sort skipped through it. Maybe went and got some potato chips, took a wizz while it played in the background, maybe?
The awaking of the normies

You're a boomer libertarian ain't cha

Gen X actually. But still old enough to see how the later GenX'rs and millennials totally screwed up stuff. Like supporting fem dudes in dresses trying get in on women's rights.
Those Gen Xrs, millennials and now Gen Z get offended for others who don't even get offended.
As if that's even possible.
When boomers got offended, they did something about with the exact one that offended them. Now a days, they burned down peoples stuff when they're not looking. And when they get caught they "didn du nuffin."

I dumped the LP after the strip show at their convention. Their BS support for legalizing all drugs was the thing that will keep me from going back to them.
Never heard an actual definition.

Is this it?

Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation.

How do you speakers of WOKE want to define WOKE.

Bring it.

I had to look up the term too. And honestly, I don't disagree with what it stands for. Where I do disagree is all the damn Karen's that have infiltrated it and dropped from something like a Master's degree to graduating into middle school.
All the damn whiners who have so much privilege, life so good, that they have to pretend to care about other feelings. Like I said above, they actually will tell someone they're offended for them. Even though the one they're talking to, didn't even get offended. It's crazy.
Seriously, I was watching a youtube the other day where a cop was called to check on a young black girl who was said to be upset and suicidal. She was apparently walking out in front of cars trying to kill herself. When the white cop showed up, he was trying to find out what was going on. The girl was bawling. But she wouldn't stop to talk to the cop. It ended up with the cop on top of her, and screaming she can't breath. The mom screaming in the cops ears. And in the comment section, was apparently a whole bunch of woke people claiming the cop had not authority to investigate anything.
I'm think that if it was my daughter, the cop may have just saved her life. But to these woke people, the cop just gave her a mental illness.

I can only imagine, the decent woke people are just shaking their heads at all the radicals that have invaded their movement and destroyed any credibility they ever had.
It's hard to talk about these ideas without being a bit harsh. We have serious divisions in this country. People on every side believe they are right, and that they alone have all the correct answers.

Many folks refuse to talk to anyone who doesn't think exactly as they do. How can anyone grow, intellectually, if they never listen to other points of view?

And probably the most annoying aspect of all of this is that so many people are so arrogant, self-absorbed, and self-deluded, that they believe they have the right to demand that other people think, and live, as they want them to think and live.

These groups seem to want, as members, robots -- not people with minds of their own.

You sir, are 100% correct. These type of people refuse to listen. And to have a conversation, you have to be 100 times more patient, let them get their rant out, and hope to get a point in, that mimics their point. But with just enough of an opposing view, that it doesn't obviously contradict their point. Reverse psychology.

But that's a LOT of time and trouble. Having a discussion isn't going to happen with most of them. Listen to them for a damn hour, and when it's your turn to speak, they shut you down and walk away.

And it doesn't matter which side they're fighting for.
Not all woke people support communism. Not all BLM members are racist.

That statement makes you sound brainwashed.
No, it’s the unwitting woke or BLM supporters who are brainwashed.
They are sometimes unaware that they are supporting communism and racism respectively.

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