The reason Conservatives lie so much

First off. They are NOT the same thing, and a new law supersedes the old law if they addressed the same thing. Which these two clearly don't. However, when you post how due process is being followed with red flags, you continually follow up with an example where it isn't being followed. You keep doing this over and over. Even you stated in an earlier post that a notification to the individual being accused is required for it to qualify as due process. In your case above did that happen, or are you changing your definition to fit your narrative?
'notification to the individual being accused is required for it to qualify as due process'.
The article doesn't say how much advanced notice Conti had, possibly none but further reading, indicates, they don't even need that.

Just like a drug raid at a house, do they need 'due process', per your definition?
Same thing with an undercover, the cops apply for a warrant, raid the house and arrest everyone inside.
Then the defendants are taken to jail and given a court date where they have a chance to prove their innocence.

Now, why weren't they let go, they didn't have 'due process'?
The cops can seize the $$$, the cars, the house.
They weren't charged, until the police showed up.
They had guns and all they had to do was mess up the proceedings and get trump installed. We all saw what happened. That MSM line won't work. You're a loon and you've shown us that even more now.
Before making that statement, think about what you said. Do you actually think that messing up a proceeding will overthrow a government?
'notification to the individual being accused is required for it to qualify as due process'.
The article doesn't say how much advanced notice Conti had, possibly none but further reading, indicates, they don't even need that.

Just like a drug raid at a house, do they need 'due process', per your definition?
Same thing with an undercover, the cops apply for a warrant, raid the house and arrest everyone inside.
Then the defendants are taken to jail and given a court date where they have a chance to prove their innocence.

Now, why weren't they let go, they didn't have 'due process'?
The cops can seize the $$$, the cars, the house.
They weren't charged, until the police showed up.
I used your definition from an earlier post. However...Look at the underlined. "Arrest", "Charged". In Red Flag the person never is arrested or charged. Your examples keep getting a little more crazy, but in each instance there is an arrest or charge, and that is the difference.
It's sad, you did the right thing.
I would like to ask you where you are in the United States. I have Jersey roots, as you know and the rest in New York. I live three or four stops down the highway from the Pentagon. We've got people here from every continent on the planet, especially given the fact that DC is close by and contains an embassy of every country on earth. The one thing that we do not have here is fear. And what we do have here is a fantastic array of foods from around the world and many great people from around the world. There is an older Ethiopian woman who always wants to carry my packages. She has a Christian cross tattooed on her forehead. Apparently, there was a time in Ethiopia that women got such a tattoo as a sign of service to Jesus. Frankly, this lady seems to be more frail than I am.
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What a racist statement that is total crap.
The truth is not racist. Things are not the same for blacks and whites today, so calling something racist because it states the inequities between blacks and whites is evidence of white fragility.
I would like to ask you where you are in the United States. I have Jersey roots, as you know and the rest in New York. I live three or four stops down the highway from the Pentagon. We've got people here from every continent on the planet, especially given the fact that DC is close by and contains an embassy of every country on earth. The one thing that we do not have here is fear. And what we do have here is a fantastic array of foods from around the world and many great people from around the world. There is an older Ethiopian woman who always wants to carry my packages. She has a Christian cross tattooed on her forehead. Apparently, there was a time in Ethiopia that women got such a tattoo as a sign of service to Jesus. Frankly, this lady seems to be more frail than I am.
I've been to D.C. and hung out on Georgia Avenue and various other spots in the so called hood and never feared for my life.
Some 25 years ago, I removed the guns from a house in NJ, smuggled them out and dropped them behind extensive hedges on the property after a mentally ill relative of mine went wild and threatened an elderly family member and I saw it happen. I did not put the weapons in my car because the mentally ill relative could have fought me for the keys). I drove the person threatened to the town police station, and told the cops where I had dumped the guns. One thing that I wanted to avoid was having a town cop enter the house, be faced with my mentally ill relative holding a gun, and having to shoot him. I would have had a dead relative and an innocent cop who would have to live his life knowing that he had killed someone. My relative has been in care these many years. He knows that I did what I did because I didn't want him or anyone else to die. I support him. The cops were grateful.

This is an ugly memory, one that I wish that I could erase from my brain forever. But I can't. It is something that I don't want to talk about. I write about it here in the hope that it does someone, somewhere, good.

BTW: this happened in Bergen County, not Monmouth.
You did indeed do the right thing.
I don't see conservatives so much as liars, but more adapt at practicing the omission of pertinent facts.
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The truth is not racist. Things are not the same for blacks and whites today, so calling something racist because it states the inequities between blacks and whites is evidence of white fragility.
Looks like you may be miss assuming my race here ;).
I've been to D.C. and hung out on Georgia Avenue and various other spots in the so called hood and never feared for my life.
The first time that I ever had Ethiopian food was at a place called the Blue Nile that was hidden behind the Chasleton Hotel in 16th NW, down around R Street. You had to be buzzed in. When I went looking for spices to bring home the flavor, I found a little store at Georgia and Underwood, where I met a saleswoman whose father had been killed in the political strife in Ethiopia. I had to call the the Ethiopian Embassy to find it.

Years ago, I lived maybe three miles north of where you were hanging out. Once you cross the Maryland line, there was a diner called Jamaica Joe's where I used to stop for carry out on my way home from night law classes. Goat roti and fish fritters! I don't know if you ventured up Georgia into Silver Spring. There is a wonderful, and pretty expensive, cash only, and not very pretty seafood restaurant called "Crisfields," next to the Rayco right before you go down into the underpass. Bare bones and wonderful. I've been going there since the 1970s. I have a reunion each year with old friends at this restaurant.

We don't live in fear here.
What a racist statement that is total crap.

No it's not. It happens all of the time. Trayvon Martin being a prime example. Trayvon was a young black kid who's worst crime was getting suspended for bring pot to school. No police record. His family could afford to live in a gated community with private security.

But when Trayvon was killed, the conservatives media "thuggified" this kid, who was just walking home from the store with Skittles in his pocket. They photoshopped his picture to give him a "gangbanger grill", and other foolishness.

Compare his treatment to that of Kyle Rittenhouse - who shot 3 people, with an illegal gun, after driving across state lines to "protect private property". He owned the gun for less than 1 day and shot 3 people with it. According to right wing media, this genuine "thug", is a "patriot" and a "hero". Even the police helped him up, patted him on the back and sent him on his way, WITH HIS ILLEGAL GUN!!!

Two 17 year old boys. The murdering thug is a patriot and a hero, and the unarmed kid on his way home from the corner store is a dangerous "thug" and Zimmerman was simply defending himself when he stalked him, with his gun and shot him.
Before making that statement, think about what you said. Do you actually think that messing up a proceeding will overthrow a government?

The purpose of "messing up the proceeding" was to prevent Biden's election from being certified by Congress, and to take out the line of succession - Pence, Pelosi, and VP-Elect Harris, giving Trump cover to declare Martial Law, and cancel the Inauguration because the election hasn't been certified, and retain the presidency.

It nearly worked.
No it's not. It happens all of the time. Trayvon Martin being a prime example. Trayvon was a young black kid who's worst crime was getting suspended for bring pot to school. No police record. His family could afford to live in a gated community with private security.

But when Trayvon was killed, the conservatives media "thuggified" this kid, who was just walking home from the store with Skittles in his pocket. They photoshopped his picture to give him a "gangbanger grill", and other foolishness.

Compare his treatment to that of Kyle Rittenhouse - who shot 3 people, with an illegal gun, after driving across state lines to "protect private property". He owned the gun for less than 1 day and shot 3 people with it. According to right wing media, this genuine "thug", is a "patriot" and a "hero". Even the police helped him up, patted him on the back and sent him on his way, WITH HIS ILLEGAL GUN!!!

Two 17 year old boys. The murdering thug is a patriot and a hero, and the unarmed kid on his way home from the corner store is a dangerous "thug" and Zimmerman was simply defending himself when he stalked him, with his gun and shot him.
This was not racism. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman (BTW...not white), and he defended himself. However, we did find that Trayvon Martin made a racist comment while on the phone with his friend as seen in this video.

And this video.

Here you will also see what Trayvon did to Zimmerman.



Also, Rittenhouse was justified, as he was using his weapon in self defense. He did, however, possess the gun illegally, and should be charged for that crime, but that crime alone.
I don't see conservatives so much as liars, but more adapt at practicing the omission of pertinent facts.

I see them absolutely as liars.

Hillary Clinton isn’t a criminal and has never been charged with a crime. The same cannot be said of Donald Trump.

Was Barrack Obama born in Kenya?

Joe Biden isn’t suffering from dementia.

And that’s just for starters.
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You're the one being dishonest.
Of course, you give the credit to republicans.

If that had a scintilla of truth to it.
Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11?
Which isn't even relevant because the surplus was $1.2 billion.
Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office.
Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003.
So much for your 9/11 excuse.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit?

You're the one being dishonest. I know you are but what am I :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, you give the credit to republicans. No dumbfuck, you're not giving any credit to Republicans despite they controlling both houses. Ah please it was all Clinton, believe me. Dumbfuck, the reason we were able to balance is the economy was exploding with Reaganomics, Dot.Com and OPENED Chinese trade - what's so fucking difficult to figure out? Ah but pleeeeeeease, it was CLINTON, love me some CLINTON, PLEEEEEEEAAASE.

Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11? WTF do you mean give it all away? That has no meaning to it at all. Since the fuck when does corp. tax breaks equal going deep into debt? Did you know corp. breaks create an economey? Fuck no, money grows on trees, the less money an employer makes the more they pay their employees, in PROG. And you're STILL denying 9-11, what a dick.

Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office. You keep repeating it as though you're trying to convince yourself.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003. Obama did the same dumbfuck,

So much for your 9/11 excuse. ILMAO......This MFer claims 9-11 had no impact on economy and govt. debt. We should have sent all the liberals into Afghanistan instead, for free of course. Perhaps they could have nagged Al-Qaeda to give up. ILMAO, protecting the USA from terrorists is free.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit? No dumbshit, I said debt.

Debt doubled on Bush's watch.

Fucking A it doubled again on Obama's watch.

Fucking A it wasn't on pace to do any such thing on Trump's watch before the Democrotch's climaxed COVID. And now we have Xiden, who you love. Eight years of Democrats which won't happen We'd see 45-50T, but at least we have "build back better".

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This was not racism. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman (BTW...not white), and he defended himself. However, we did find that Trayvon Martin made a racist comment while on the phone with his friend as seen in this video.

And this video.

Here you will also see what Trayvon did to Zimmerman.

View attachment 544892
View attachment 544893

Also, Rittenhouse was justified, as he was using his weapon in self defense. He did, however, possess the gun illegally, and should be charged for that crime, but that crime alone.
Zimmerman stalked Martin, who had no reason to attack Zimmerman, but realized finally that he was being stalked and needed to defend himself. That these two ever engaged was the fault of Zimmerman.

It is absurd to claim that Rittenhouse acted in "self defense." There is video that shows clearly that the Kenosha police, though broadcasting that there was a curfew and all should clear the streets, were very friendly with people toting guns in the streets and did nothing to enforce the curfew that they were supposed to be enforcing. Minutes later, two people were killed and another seriously wounded. Video clearly shows that police passed by Rittenhouse, who did not even live in Kenosha and obviously was carrying a weapon. When Rittenhouse killed his second victim and wounded the third, word had been passed that he was a killer on the loose, and his second and third victims tried to stop him. Rittenhouse is a killer, but a huge amount of blame attaches to the Kenosha cops in the assault vehicle, who refused to do their damned jobs. Yup, there are corrupt cops.

There is a story, not substantiated, that the Kenosha police chief was affiliated with the gang that appeared in Kenosha that night with guns and was not stopped by the police.
I'm at the plate big mouth.
Prove me wrong. You haven't got the guts.
Guts, I have already proved you wrong, now what do you think you said here that warrants a respond. So, here you are, taunting, but you have yet to say anything, did you forget that part?
You're the one being dishonest. I know you are but what am I :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, you give the credit to republicans. No dumbfuck, you're not giving any credit to Republicans despite they controlling both houses. Ah please it was all Clinton, believe me. Dumbfuck, the reason we were able to balance is the economy was exploding with Reaganomics, Dot.Com and OPENED Chinese trade - what's so fucking difficult to figure out? Ah but pleeeeeeease, it was CLINTON, love me some CLINTON, PLEEEEEEEAAASE.

Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11? WTF do you mean give it all away? That has no meaning to it at all. Since the fuck when does corp. tax breaks equal going deep into debt? Did you know corp. breaks create an economey? Fuck no, money grows on trees, the less money an employer makes the more they pay their employees, in PROG. And you're STILL denying 9-11, what a dick.

Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office. You keep repeating it as though you're trying to convince yourself.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003. Obama did the same dumbfuck,

So much for your 9/11 excuse. ILMAO......This MFer claims 9-11 had no impact on economy and govt. debt. We should have sent all the liberals into Afghanistan instead, for free of course. Perhaps they could have nagged Al-Qaeda to give up. ILMAO, protecting the USA from terrorists is free.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit? No dumbshit, I said debt.

Debt doubled on Bush's watch.

Fucking A it doubled again on Obama's watch.

Fucking A it wasn't on pace to do any such thing on Trump's watch before the Democrotch's climaxed COVID. And now we have Xiden, who you love. Eight years of Democrats which won't happen We'd see 45-50T, but at least we have "build back better".

Obama did not cut taxes. WTF are you talking about??
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