The reason Conservatives lie so much

It's easy to be white and racist downplaying the racism you practice. Turn black and try living 5 years then come talk to me.

Then I would be 'suffering from internalized racism' as you have already claimed of another poster who you are telling them what race they are. Something that is pretty damn telling considering your ideology wraps virtually everything up in race - you basically denied their identity because you must know their identity and experience better than they do. It is always interesting when you demand I 'turn black' but then also reject that anyone could be black and disagree with you. One of the glaring holes in your race essential ideology.

A unfalsifiable belief, a religion. Thy MUST be racist. They MUST be white. If they are not white then evil whitey has instilled racism into them.

And then, of course, you go on with: 'Most of what you call evidence generally is your racially biased opinion.' More faith, I have not even gone to evidence yet as we will never get past your faith but you already know it is not only false, but once again it is race based. Because, you know, that is all there is.

Virtually every single post you put up here is nothing more than gaslighting. Almost all of them demanding that things you do are somehow the foibles of others. Go ahead though racist, continue to put all your faith in the religious tenant that race trumps all, that race is the most important factor in a persons existence, just like the the Nazi ideology.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

No other country in the first world keeps statistics on race for anything. The USA keeps statistics on race for EVERYTHING. Crime, poverty, education, population, even health care outcomes are influenced by race. Then they use the statistics to denigrate the minorities, calling them "lazy" for their higher rates of unemployment, "stupid" because test scores in poor neighborhoods are lower than wealthier areas with resources;, and "criminal", because poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime.

The racism is so baked into the system that you don't even see it much less acknowledge it. Republicans phrase it as "urban" versus "rural", but no one is fooled, other than Republicans who swallow all of the lies.
Now your argument is that keeping racial statistics is racist? We track those so we can degenerate minorities? I mean, should we discuss how 9/11 was an inside job next?

This is Q level.
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....

Wow. A gigantic lie of omission.

Democrats lie as often as pseudo-cons. I don't call pseudo-cons conservatives. They would not know a conservative principle if it kicked them in the nuts.

As for gerrymandering, if you think Democrats don't do that every chance they get, then you are living in a very deep cave.

Trump took name calling to a whole new low, that's true. But Democrats are not innocent in any way, shape, or form.

Conspiracy theories? Remember Hillary's "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"? How about Trump's Russian collusion? There was a conspiracy theory in 2004 that there was massive voter fraud in Ohio to help Bush win. And there are a lot of Democrats who believe 9/11 was an inside job.

I could go on, but you get the point.

Wrong on all scores. And you just reposted a whole mess of standard conservative lies.

Trump's Russia collusion isn't a "conspiracy theory", it's a proven fact. There were charges, trials, convictions, and guilty pleas.

As for the other shit, never heard of any of that garbage. Nor have I ever heard of any Democrats believing 9/11 was an inside job. It's not the Democrats who express paranoid fear that the government is harming its own citizens.

Democrats don't lie anywhere near as often as Republicans because they don't have to lie to get elected. Their policies HELP people. They offer things that people will vote for. Republicans offer nothing to the people to help them better their lives. Their policies benefit the wealthy.

Republican wars protect American corporate property abroad, but the corporations don't pay for the costs of that protection. The American taxpayers pay for it, and as corporations and the wealthy pay less and less in taxes, working and middle class Americans are being impoverished.

Now your argument is that keeping racial statistics is racist? We track those so we can degenerate minorities? I mean, should we discuss how 9/11 was an inside job next?

This is Q level.

Yes, keeping statistics on anything based on race, is the very definition of racism. What is the point and purpose of race based statistics? But more importantly, how does the government use these statistics?

Republicans use these statistics to condemn and marginalize minorities. Higher unemployment is a sign of "laziness" in minorities, not the result of lack of opportunities or racial bias in hiring. Higher crime rates, drug addiction, and alcholism are indicators of lack of opportunity and poverty - the diseases of "desperation". According to Republicans, drug addiction, crime, and the violence that follows them are the result of the moral failings of minorities.

Of course they're completely ignoring the high levels of violent crime, drug addiction and suicide now happening in the mid-west with the loss of manufacturing and lack of jobs due to off-shoring. That's because the white people have no jobs or hope of jobs. It's not because they're lazy or lacking in moral character. It's not their fault the jobs are gone and not coming back. These people need help. They're white people.
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Yes, keeping statistics on anything based on race, is the very definition of racism. What is the point and purpose of race based statistics? But more importantly, how does the government use these statistics?
Wow. Just wow.

No more really needs to be said.
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....
/----/ If you pander to the 1%, there is no way you'd win any elections. The numbers are too small. Besides, you failed to articulate what you think the Conservative Agenda is. All you did was make a baseless accusation. Read this:
Wrong on all scores. And you just reposted a whole mess of standard conservative lies.
Just because you are ignorant of the facts does not make them lies.

In that link, you can see for yourself how many Republicans and Democrats believe in several conspiracy theories.

I mentioned 9/11. 36% of Democrats believe there was government involvement. 53% do not.

The Obama-was-born-in-Kenya bullshit was birthed in the Democratic camp.

I mentioned 2004 and alleged voter fraud in Ohio to secure Bush's win. Here is one of many articles about it: Ohio's Odd Numbers

You don't believe Democrats gerrymander? Really?

Democrats added a strange-looking appendage to the district, reaching all the way down into the affluent Washington, DC, suburbs to scoop up Democratic voters. More than 360,000 people were moved out of the district, and nearly as many were moved in. It went from solidly Republican to reliably Democratic; the Cook Political Report identified it as the biggest district swing in the country. From then on, Maryland would send seven Democrats and just one Republican to Congress, even though the state has a sizable Republican minority and, currently, a Republican governor.

Illinois Democrats on Monday released their proposed new legislative district maps. They are a textbook-perfect example of why partisan gerrymandering is a cancer eating away at our democracy.

In 1991, the Democrats redrew the state’s congressional map to create what the Almanac of American Politics called “the shrewdest gerrymander of the 1990s . . . with incredibly convoluted lines . . . pack(ing) heavily Republican suburban areas into just a few districts.” The resulting firestorm of litigation ended when a federal court voided primary elections in 13 districts and imposed a court-drawn map.

As for Trump and Russian collusion, Trump himself did not collude with the Russians. Some people in his campaign orbit did or tried to. His son most definitely did, and there is strong evidence Trump knew what his son was up to. But Trump personally did not collude with Russia.

What Trump DID do was obstruct the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.
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Just because you are ignorant of the facts does not make them lies.

In that link, you can see for yourself how many Republicans and Democrats believe in several conspiracy theories.

I mentioned 9/11. 36% of Democrats believe there was government involvement. 53% do not.

The Obama-was-born-in-Kenya bullshit was birthed in the Democratic camp.

I mentioned 2004 and alleged voter fraud in Ohio to secure Bush's win. Here is one of many articles about it: Ohio's Odd Numbers

You don't believe Democrats gerrymander? Really?

Democrats added a strange-looking appendage to the district, reaching all the way down into the affluent Washington, DC, suburbs to scoop up Democratic voters. More than 360,000 people were moved out of the district, and nearly as many were moved in. It went from solidly Republican to reliably Democratic; the Cook Political Report identified it as the biggest district swing in the country. From then on, Maryland would send seven Democrats and just one Republican to Congress, even though the state has a sizable Republican minority and, currently, a Republican governor.

Illinois Democrats on Monday released their proposed new legislative district maps. They are a textbook-perfect example of why partisan gerrymandering is a cancer eating away at our democracy.

In 1991, the Democrats redrew the state’s congressional map to create what the Almanac of American Politics called “the shrewdest gerrymander of the 1990s . . . with incredibly convoluted lines . . . pack(ing) heavily Republican suburban areas into just a few districts.” The resulting firestorm of litigation ended when a federal court voided primary elections in 13 districts and imposed a court-drawn map.

As for Trump and Russian collusion, Trump himself did not collude with the Russians. Some people in his campaign orbit did or tried to. His son most definitely did, and there is strong evidence Trump knew what his son was up to. But Trump personally did not collude with Russia.

What Trump DID do was obstruct the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

First off, you quote a piece of reporting on conspiracy theories from 2013 - long before Donald Trump weaponized lying and conspiracy theories based on the success of his "birther lie". Not to mention you're quote an far right source with a dodgy fact check record.

As for gerrymandering, Democrats used to use gerrymandering, but Republicans have raised it to an art form, holding the House and the Senate for most of this century, despite having lost the popular vote in nearly House election since the year 2000. The "majority" Senators who approved Amy Coney-Barrett's nomination to the Supreme court, represent 1.5 million fewer voters than the "minority" who voted against her.

As fewer and fewer people voted Republican, in large part because of the failure of their policies, and the continuing slide of the USA into second world status. Republicans have only won the popular vote in a Presidential election once in this century, and that was W's re-election. Both W and Trump - two of the worst presidents in American history, were the result of minority control of the Electoral College. I have often wondered where America would be today if Gore have been elected instead of W. I seriously doubt you'd have had 20 years of war, or the economic crashes of 2008 or 2020.
First off, you quote a piece of reporting on conspiracy theories from 2013 - long before Donald Trump weaponized lying and conspiracy theories based on the success of his "birther lie". Not to mention you're quote an far right source with a dodgy fact check record.

As for gerrymandering, Democrats used to use gerrymandering, but Republicans have raised it to an art form, holding the House and the Senate for most of this century, despite having lost the popular vote in nearly House election since the year 2000. The "majority" Senators who approved Amy Coney-Barrett's nomination to the Supreme court, represent 1.5 million fewer voters than the "minority" who voted against her.

As fewer and fewer people voted Republican, in large part because of the failure of their policies, and the continuing slide of the USA into second world status. Republicans have only won the popular vote in a Presidential election once in this century, and that was W's re-election. Both W and Trump - two of the worst presidents in American history, were the result of minority control of the Electoral College. I have often wondered where America would be today if Gore have been elected instead of W. I seriously doubt you'd have had 20 years of war, or the economic crashes of 2008 or 2020.
A majority of senators.....

You realize that the senate is not subject to gerrymandering, right?
As if the forum needed more evidence you're retarded.

Moron, quarterly GDP growth percentages for 3rd and 4th quarter are NOT cumulative. :eusa_doh:

Want proof? Quarterly GDP figures for last year...

2020Q1: -5.1​
2020Q2: -31.2​
2020Q3: 33.8​
2020Q4: 4.5​

If those figures were cumulative, as you idiotically think, GDP for all of 2020 would have been +2.0%. But it wasn't. GDP for all of 2020 was -3.4%.

And imbecile, I even gave you the GDP figures from the BEA AND did the math for you because I knew you couldn't... for the last two quarters of 2020, GDP increased

from 17,258.2 to 18,767.8​

For 2 quarters, that's an annualized growth of 18.3%, not, 40%.

Like I always say, conservatives should never play with numbers. They hurt themselves every time they try.

Don't lie.

I said about. What, 33.8 & 4.5 aren't enough for you? You said I said they're cumulative, because you wanna bitch about it, more than that you probably don't like the fact there was some rapid recovery on the orange man's watch.
The deep state has nothing on him. That's why they had to manufacture so many outrageous and unprovable "crimes" with the help of their minions, the MSM.
They're bound together by their shared dirt.
Sure, that's why Trump is trying to hide everything from his finances to white house transcripts.

'had to manufacture so many outrageous and unprovable "crimes.'

Don't see Trump suing anyone, why is that?
Instead, he's obstructing and hiding things.
Don't lie.

I said about. What, 33.8 & 4.5 aren't enough for you? You said I said they're cumulative, because you wanna bitch about it, more than that you probably don't like the fact there was some rapid recovery on the orange man's watch.

Dumbfuck, "about 40%" isn't anywhere near 18.3%.


Dumbfuck, "about 40%" isn't anywhere near 18.3%.


WTF are you talking about shithead, you can't fucking read?

Current‑dollar GDP increased 6.0 percent at an annual rate, or $309.2 billion, in the fourth quarter to a level of $21.48 trillion. In the third quarter, GDP increased 38.3 percent, or $1.65 trillion (tables 1 and 3). More information on the source data that underlie the estimates is available in the Key Source and Data Assumptions file on BEA's website.

WTF are you talking about shithead, you can't fucking read?

Current‑dollar GDP increased 6.0 percent at an annual rate, or $309.2 billion, in the fourth quarter to a level of $21.48 trillion. In the third quarter, GDP increased 38.3 percent, or $1.65 trillion (tables 1 and 3). More information on the source data that underlie the estimates is available in the Key Source and Data Assumptions file on BEA's website.

Real GDP increased 33.8% in 2020Q3, ya lying sack-o-shit, not 38.3%.

Furthermore, when you lied earlier and falsely claimed GDP was "about 40%," you attributed that to the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020. Not just the third quarter, as you weasel about now.

Say, GDP raised about 40% Trump's last two quarters.

^^^ that's just another lie among your myriad of lies. No, GDP was not "about 40%" for Q3 and Q4, 2020. You only think that it is because you're a lying imbecile who thinks those quarters are cumulative.

They're not; and annualized real GDP for those 2 quarters is: 18.3%. Nowhere near "about 40%," schmuck."
Real GDP increased 33.8% in 2020Q3, ya lying sack-o-shit, not 38.3%.

Furthermore, when you lied earlier and falsely claimed GDP was "about 40%," you attributed that to the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020. Not just the third quarter, as you weasel about now.

^^^ that's just another lie among your myriad of lies. No, GDP was not "about 40%" for Q3 and Q4, 2020. You only think that it is because you're a lying imbecile who thinks those quarters are cumulative.

They're not; and annualized real GDP for those 2 quarters is: 18.3%. Nowhere near "about 40%," schmuck."

You really are a progressive scumbag. Change the tune to spite your face, make shit up as you go, constantly.

You're a twisted fuck, and a coward.
You really are a progressive scumbag. Change the tune to spite your face, make shit up as you go, constantly.

You're a twisted fuck, and a coward.
I changed nothing, lying rightard. I even quoted you.

And that was after proving GDP for 2020Q3 and 2020Q4 was nowhere near 40%.
I changed nothing, lying rightard. I even quoted you.

And that was after proving GDP for 2020Q3 and 2020Q4 was nowhere near 40%.

You stupid fuck, 33+ + 4+ equals zero, that make you happy? Fuck no, you're kind of a bitch.

ILMAO at you quoted. No, you fucking twisted words & numbers to suit that weak spine of yours.
You stupid fuck, 33+ + 4+ equals zero, that make you happy? Fuck no, you're kind of a bitch.

ILMAO at you quoted. No, you fucking twisted words & numbers to suit that weak spine of yours.
Moron, again, you idiotically claimed GDP for 3rd and 4th quarter last year was "about 40%."

It's really 18.3%, which is nowhere near "about 40%."

You lied and got caught. Deal with it.

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