The reason Conservatives lie so much

You're the one being dishonest. I know you are but what am I :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, you give the credit to republicans. No dumbfuck, you're not giving any credit to Republicans despite they controlling both houses. Ah please it was all Clinton, believe me. Dumbfuck, the reason we were able to balance is the economy was exploding with Reaganomics, Dot.Com and OPENED Chinese trade - what's so fucking difficult to figure out? Ah but pleeeeeeease, it was CLINTON, love me some CLINTON, PLEEEEEEEAAASE.

Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11? WTF do you mean give it all away? That has no meaning to it at all. Since the fuck when does corp. tax breaks equal going deep into debt? Did you know corp. breaks create an economey? Fuck no, money grows on trees, the less money an employer makes the more they pay their employees, in PROG. And you're STILL denying 9-11, what a dick.

Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office. You keep repeating it as though you're trying to convince yourself.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003. Obama did the same dumbfuck,

So much for your 9/11 excuse. ILMAO......This MFer claims 9-11 had no impact on economy and govt. debt. We should have sent all the liberals into Afghanistan instead, for free of course. Perhaps they could have nagged Al-Qaeda to give up. ILMAO, protecting the USA from terrorists is free.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit? No dumbshit, I said debt.

Debt doubled on Bush's watch.

Fucking A it doubled again on Obama's watch.

Fucking A it wasn't on pace to do any such thing on Trump's watch before the Democrotch's climaxed COVID. And now we have Xiden, who you love. Eight years of Democrats which won't happen We'd see 45-50T, but at least we have "build back better".

Nobody raised the debt faster than Trump.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years; Trump added $7.8t in 4 years.

And if you go by fiscal budgets...

Obama added $8.3t in 8 years; Trump added $8.2t in 4 years.

So yeah, Bush and Obama may have almost doubled the debt, but the only reason Trump didn't is because he [thankfully] got kicked to the curb by the end of his first term.
This was not racism. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman (BTW...not white), and he defended himself. However, we did find that Trayvon Martin made a racist comment while on the phone with his friend as seen in this video.

And this video.

Here you will also see what Trayvon did to Zimmerman.

View attachment 544892
View attachment 544893

Also, Rittenhouse was justified, as he was using his weapon in self defense. He did, however, possess the gun illegally, and should be charged for that crime, but that crime alone.

Bullshit. Zimmerman was a head case and a racist. He stalked that kid with a weapon, scared him badly, so that the kid tried to defend himself from the crazy white guy chasing him. Just like Armad Arbery. But the publicity surrounding this case caused the jury to let him go, aided and abetted by the police force who bought the "self-defense" story, just like the cops let Kyle Rittenhouse go after he shot 3 people.

This case was made possible by the thugification of the black victim, and a white jury.
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You're the one being dishonest. I know you are but what am I :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, you give the credit to republicans. No dumbfuck, you're not giving any credit to Republicans despite they controlling both houses. Ah please it was all Clinton, believe me. Dumbfuck, the reason we were able to balance is the economy was exploding with Reaganomics, Dot.Com and OPENED Chinese trade - what's so fucking difficult to figure out? Ah but pleeeeeeease, it was CLINTON, love me some CLINTON, PLEEEEEEEAAASE.

Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11? WTF do you mean give it all away? That has no meaning to it at all. Since the fuck when does corp. tax breaks equal going deep into debt? Did you know corp. breaks create an economey? Fuck no, money grows on trees, the less money an employer makes the more they pay their employees, in PROG. And you're STILL denying 9-11, what a dick.

Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office. You keep repeating it as though you're trying to convince yourself.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003. Obama did the same dumbfuck,

So much for your 9/11 excuse. ILMAO......This MFer claims 9-11 had no impact on economy and govt. debt. We should have sent all the liberals into Afghanistan instead, for free of course. Perhaps they could have nagged Al-Qaeda to give up. ILMAO, protecting the USA from terrorists is free.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit? No dumbshit, I said debt.

Debt doubled on Bush's watch.

Fucking A it doubled again on Obama's watch.

Fucking A it wasn't on pace to do any such thing on Trump's watch before the Democrotch's climaxed COVID. And now we have Xiden, who you love. Eight years of Democrats which won't happen We'd see 45-50T, but at least we have "build back better".

The economy crashed with Reaganomics - 3 fucking times. October of 1987. Every single time Republicans cut taxes and run up the deficit, the economy has crashed.

And like always, Republicans fuck up the economy. The Democrats save the country from the Republican crash, and restore the economy, and then Republicans take credit for it. Just like Dumb Donald took credit for Obama's "greatest economy ever". They also blamed Democrats for W's crash.

No, it's all on Republicans.
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....
Where are the lies?
Guts, I have already proved you wrong, now what do you think you said here that warrants a respond. So, here you are, taunting, but you have yet to say anything, did you forget that part?

See the other post then get back to me.
I used your definition from an earlier post. However...Look at the underlined. "Arrest", "Charged". In Red Flag the person never is arrested or charged. Your examples keep getting a little more crazy, but in each instance there is an arrest or charge, and that is the difference.
No, you didn't, you're trying to claim the guy should be able to court before his guns are taken away.
Your definition of 'due process', well that isn't the way the judge and police feel.
I was giving you examples of your own definition, crazy, huh?

I couldn't tell you why they didn't arrest Conti, the article doesn't say, perhaps they issued a restraining order instead.
They never indicated charges either, but that may, or may not, come out in a letter later or when he goes to court to get his guns back.

The point is they took his guns away because the plaintiff felt threatened by Conti's actions and words, the judge and cops felt the same way.
I would like to ask you where you are in the United States. I have Jersey roots, as you know and the rest in New York. I live three or four stops down the highway from the Pentagon. We've got people here from every continent on the planet, especially given the fact that DC is close by and contains an embassy of every country on earth. The one thing that we do not have here is fear. And what we do have here is a fantastic array of foods from around the world and many great people from around the world. There is an older Ethiopian woman who always wants to carry my packages. She has a Christian cross tattooed on her forehead. Apparently, there was a time in Ethiopia that women got such a tattoo as a sign of service to Jesus. Frankly, this lady seems to be more frail than I am.
Not in a big city, either.

'The one thing that we do not have here is fear'.

Look, my wife isn't terrified all the time, just takes reasonable precautions, if that makes her feel more secure, I'm not going to argue, I've done that and of course, lost.

I lived here for 21 years, and she hasn't fired the pistol, except at the shooting range.
She has been out alone and got an uncomfortable feeling several times, so I want her to feel comfortable when shopping, traveling, going to appointments, that gives me peace of mind.
You're the one being dishonest. I know you are but what am I :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, you give the credit to republicans. No dumbfuck, you're not giving any credit to Republicans despite they controlling both houses. Ah please it was all Clinton, believe me. Dumbfuck, the reason we were able to balance is the economy was exploding with Reaganomics, Dot.Com and OPENED Chinese trade - what's so fucking difficult to figure out? Ah but pleeeeeeease, it was CLINTON, love me some CLINTON, PLEEEEEEEAAASE.

Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11? WTF do you mean give it all away? That has no meaning to it at all. Since the fuck when does corp. tax breaks equal going deep into debt? Did you know corp. breaks create an economey? Fuck no, money grows on trees, the less money an employer makes the more they pay their employees, in PROG. And you're STILL denying 9-11, what a dick.

Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office. You keep repeating it as though you're trying to convince yourself.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003. Obama did the same dumbfuck,

So much for your 9/11 excuse. ILMAO......This MFer claims 9-11 had no impact on economy and govt. debt. We should have sent all the liberals into Afghanistan instead, for free of course. Perhaps they could have nagged Al-Qaeda to give up. ILMAO, protecting the USA from terrorists is free.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit? No dumbshit, I said debt.

Debt doubled on Bush's watch.

Fucking A it doubled again on Obama's watch.

Fucking A it wasn't on pace to do any such thing on Trump's watch before the Democrotch's climaxed COVID. And now we have Xiden, who you love. Eight years of Democrats which won't happen We'd see 45-50T, but at least we have "build back better".

There isn't a single word of truth or reality in your post. Not one.

Trump was on pace to crash the economy the moment he signed that tax cut. You don't cut taxes in a booming economy unless you're running a surplus, which was not the case. You cut taxes in a recession to boost the economy, and raise them during a boom to cover the deficit.

Cut taxes and then running up the deficit crashed the economy when Reagan did it, and when Bush did it. I posted back when Trump signed his tax cut that the third time would not be the charm. After 10 years of uninterrupted growth, the nation was due for a recession, and cutting taxes during the boom would leave few resources to work with during any emergency or downturn, and no way to cut taxes further in a recession.

So just cut the crap with your brain dead praise for Republican failures and fiscal malfeasance. Only idiots like yourself believe anything coming out of the Republican Party these days, or their media.
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Looks like you may be miss assuming my race here ;).
Maybe,, but your position is consistent with whites who have issues with race so if you're not white you suffer from internalized racism.
This was not racism. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman (BTW...not white), and he defended himself. However, we did find that Trayvon Martin made a racist comment while on the phone with his friend as seen in this video.

And this video.

Here you will also see what Trayvon did to Zimmerman.

View attachment 544892
View attachment 544893

Also, Rittenhouse was justified, as he was using his weapon in self defense. He did, however, possess the gun illegally, and should be charged for that crime, but that crime alone.
You aree completly wrong. Zimmerman was told by the police dispatch not to continue folloewin Martin but he did so anyway. He was not attacked and Rittenhouse didn't kill 2 people in self defense.

You say I mistook your race.
Idon't think so.
Maybe,, but your position is consistent with whites who have issues with race so if you're not white you suffer from internalized racism.
Ah, the always true assertion.

It does not matter what the evidence, situation or details are, the answer is always racism. And anything you say whatsoever just proves it.
The first time that I ever had Ethiopian food was at a place called the Blue Nile that was hidden behind the Chasleton Hotel in 16th NW, down around R Street. You had to be buzzed in. When I went looking for spices to bring home the flavor, I found a little store at Georgia and Underwood, where I met a saleswoman whose father had been killed in the political strife in Ethiopia. I had to call the the Ethiopian Embassy to find it.

Years ago, I lived maybe three miles north of where you were hanging out. Once you cross the Maryland line, there was a diner called Jamaica Joe's where I used to stop for carry out on my way home from night law classes. Goat roti and fish fritters! I don't know if you ventured up Georgia into Silver Spring. There is a wonderful, and pretty expensive, cash only, and not very pretty seafood restaurant called "Crisfields," next to the Rayco right before you go down into the underpass. Bare bones and wonderful. I've been going there since the 1970s. I have a reunion each year with old friends at this restaurant.

We don't live in fear here.
Once I stayed at what was then the Howard University Hotel and about a block away there was this Jamaican restaurant. I forget the name.

Good food.

I drove through Towson and I do believe Silver Springs, but I was just joyriding and didn't pay a lot of attention to things. We live in a nation of 330 million people, at most 5-6,000 are murdered every year. While murder is a terrible, terrible thing, in reality it doesn't happen enough for us to bebuying all these guns and running around scared.
Ah, the always true assertion.

It does not matter what the evidence, situation or details are, the answer is always racism. And anything you say whatsoever just proves it.
It's easy to be white and racist then downplay the racism you practice.

You ignore root causes then run your mout out outcomes. Most of what you call evidence generally is your racially biased opinion.
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It's easy to be white and racist then downplay the racism you practice.

You ignore root causes then run your mout out outcomes. Most of what you call evidence generally is your racially biased opinion.
Blah blah blah...

It just MUST be racism because EVERYTHING is racism.

Once again, the assertion that simply cannot be disproven. It is nothing more than a religion at that point.
One major difference is honesty and ethics. Since Richard Nixon, the Democratic Party has placed a premium on ethical government. While members of successive Republican Administration have been convicted of over 300 criminal charges since Richard Nixon for a wide array of abuses of power, 3 such Democrats have been charged and convicted.

While the right wing media consistently portrays the Democrats as liars and criminals, the facts simply don't support any such assessment.

While the Bill Clinton moved the Democratic Party far to the right, to reflect the right wing popularity of the Reagan Administration, he still raised the minimum wage, prosecuted those who employed illegal immigrants, and he balanced the Budget.

What you fail to realize is that Reagan's economy only helped the rich. Food stamp use doubled in the first year after Reagan cut taxes, even though he tightened eligibility requirements. Poverty also increased under Reagan. And the economy crashed - something that has happened consistently before the end of the term of every Republican President who has cut taxes for the wealthy.

Republican policies continue to promote the idea that if the wealthy pay no taxes, their wealth will "trickle down" in the job creation their wealth provides. Even though it's been proven to be a lie, YOU still believe them.

Democrats are returning to their leftist policies which favour the working and middle class - the people that Republican fiscal policies have been screwing over since Reagan.

Are you fucking serious?

There isn't a single ethical politician in DC.
Blame Republicans for that. They're the ones who keep cutting taxes while increasing spending. Democrats TAX before they spend. They pay for what they're buying. Republicans have put everything on the credit card. Two major tax cuts for the wealthy. 20 years of war. And the costs of both the climate change you're ignoring, and the pandemic they mis-managed.

Currently 80% of the wealth and income goes to the top 10% of individuals and corporations. The USA is the only first world country where life expectancy is declining, and the middle class is shrinking. 40 years of Republican tax and labour policy are turning the USA into Brazil.
It's the spending that creates the situation.

And the average marginal tax rate is actually higher than it was when the top rate was 90%.

But BOTH parties are at fault. Every single president since Coolidge has increased the debt.

These 2 parties are what fucked up this country and insane partisans think that the same 2 parties can unfuck it.

They can't and they won't
If republicans continue to sabotage they can't win. We are truly better off now than we were under trump. 600,000 people won't die of COVID this year.
Oh, that's right, TRUMP! developed and got to market the vaccines that are going to keep people from dying. Quid Pro can't claim credit for that because they were there and ready to go when he blundered into office.

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