The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Wow, you can't even spell the name of President Truman correctly, Pavel? You left out the parts where Japan attacked us and committed tons of atrocities. Without rehashing the whole thing leading up to atomic bombings, the bombs were developed because we believed the Nazis were developing them.

Oh, and the total death totals from Hiroshima and Nagasaki was nowhere near half a million.

Hard Pass, Pavel... you seem like a pretty unstable person.

Actually, I hear that all the time. I've even made a business out of it, in correcting and optimizing resumes. The fact is, if you send in a resume with bad grammar, it won't be rejected by a person, it will be rejected by an ATS program. The person will reject it when they see you have a goofy name like Jamal.

Um, repeated invasions from Franks, Goths, Lombards, Arabs... if you paid attention in history class that didn't involve "things black people whine about" you'd know this.

Come to think of it, you are kind of a walking advertisement against CRT, given your ignorance of actual history.

So approach it that way. That white person has something you want. You have to convince him that you are the best person to give it to...

You don't get it sending him a resume with bad grammar and spelling.
You don't get it if you go in copping an attitude.
I hear what you're saying, and that's great, but I really don't care.

Good day sir (JoeB131 will continue talking ) .......I SAID GOOD DAY
I hear what you're saying, and that's great, but I really don't care.

Good day sir (@JoeB131 will continue talking ) .......I SAID GOOD DAY

Awww... don't go away mad, Pavel, you won't get your ration of borscht like that.
Ray From Cleveland
Yes, the link I posted is the law for self-defense using a deadly weapon, which in 99.9% of the cases is a firearm. That's why they teach law when you go to CCW class. And what other license is there to carry a concealed weapon other than a CCW? Your own link states you must possess and carry your license for a concealed weapon at all times you are armed with said weapon.
Ray my new Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License arrived in the mail a few days ago. Imagine my surprise when the cardboard insert that was holding it in place says exactly what I said to you in my first post.

A simple, "I was mistaken, you were right" will suffice as an apology. You don't even have to admit you were wrong.
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HUH? You are comparing the reparations Holocaust survivors got to blacks today? Holocaust survivors who were directly impacted - suffering lifelong physical ailments and their homes and property - got modest payments from Germany.

People who did not suffer a direct loss - such as my grandmother who had her family killed - got nothing. Blacks today have suffered no direct loss, and in recent generations, actually have gotten favorable treatment, particularly in college admissions, and in liberal cities, favoritism for hiring and promotions.

White people owe black people NOTHING other than to hold them to the same standards as everyone else.
White people are who paid the Jewish people reparations? It wasn't the government?
White people are who paid the Jewish people reparations? It wasn't the government?
Mostly whites, yes, because most German citizens are white, but that has nothing to do with it. They were paying the direct SURVIVORS. They certainly didn’t pay surviving family who did not directly experience the Holocaust.

My grandmother suffered a great loss - six members of her immediate family, including her own mother - and she didn’t get a dime. NOBODY in the family got a dime. And you think blacks, generations re moved from slavery, should get money? They’ve already had two generations of preferential treatment in admissions, and that’s more than enough.

Blacks today did not directly experience slavery. Thus they get no reparations as well.

Any still living slave, like any still living Holocaust survivor, gets a modest monthly payment.
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They’ve already had two generations of preferential treatment in admissions, and that’s more than enough.





And these are the only ones that have been caught and outed.

White people don't allow black people to have the upper hand in anything. Nothing. So why should college admissions be different ? Their is no college admissions who is saying "Aw theese poor dumb blacks, they're just so dumb and poor, so we need to lower the bar to let them in this colege or university at the expense of the more smarter non black people"

If we get it. We earn it.

Mostly whites, yes, because most German citizens are white, but that has nothing to do with it. They were paying the direct SURVIVORS. They certainly didn’t pay surviving family who did not directly experience the Holocaust.

My grandad fought in WWII & went to Germany to help rescue Jewish ppl from Concentration camps. Only to come back home & have ppl from the anti-Black sector of Jewish society like William Levitt who created the modern suburbs, NOT allow Black ppl to live there


Also never forget the entire Levittown venture was subsidized fully by the US Government offering below market value to White folk at 90% locking FBA completely out of homeownership.

Mostly whites, yes, because most German citizens are white, but that has nothing to do with it. They were paying the direct SURVIVORS. They certainly didn’t pay surviving family who did not directly experience the Holocaust.

My grandmother suffered a great loss - six members of her immediate family, including her own mother - and she didn’t get a dime. NOBODY in the family got a dime. And you think blacks, generations re moved from slavery, should get money? They’ve already had two generations of preferential treatment in admissions, and that’s more than enough.

And how much money has the US shovelled into the Zionist Entity since 1948 because we felt bad about the Holocaust?

Not to mention the costs of all the wars we get dragged into because the Zionists control our policy making.

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