The reason homosexuality is a choice

Thats not being desperate consider that using animals as examples for whats natural is dumb argument considering that animals are known to eat their own young, commit incest and even eat their own feces. Male lions are known to kill the offspring of the previous male lion who headed the pride. These things are all natural to animals, now using your logic, if a new husband kills his wife's children from a previous marriage, he should not be charged with murder because its "natural" do to the fact that lions do it nature. Homosexuals and idiots who use the "homosexuality is natural because animals do it" are being biasedly selective.

I never said natural=good/OK

All I said was it's natural

No it isn't, its a choice.
Keep telling yourself that.
Explain to me why a boy would start to wonder in junior high why he liked the boys better than the girls?
I never said natural=good/OK

All I said was it's natural

No it isn't, its a choice.
Keep telling yourself that.
Explain to me why a boy would start to wonder in junior high why he liked the boys better than the girls?

They need it to be a choice so they can tell themselves that they aren't really like all those other groups that discriminate against people based on something they can't help (like say skin color)
No it isn't, its a choice.
Keep telling yourself that.
Explain to me why a boy would start to wonder in junior high why he liked the boys better than the girls?

They need it to be a choice so they can tell themselves that they aren't really like all those other groups that discriminate against people based on something they can't help (like say skin color)
Exactly! Thank you!

Bass screams racism all over this board, but it sure okay to spread lies, and discriminate against homosexuals.
Well if folks think its 21st century behavior to try to eliminate homosexuals or deny them equal rights then I think my preacher is going to expect to eliminate non believers in his religion or deny them equal rights.

Guess we'll see who'se might makes right.
Keep telling yourself that.
Explain to me why a boy would start to wonder in junior high why he liked the boys better than the girls?

They need it to be a choice so they can tell themselves that they aren't really like all those other groups that discriminate against people based on something they can't help (like say skin color)
Exactly! Thank you!

Bass screams racism all over this board, but it sure okay to spread lies, and discriminate against homosexuals.

Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on. saying that their sexual acts are a choice means the government is not entitled to grants special rights to people destroys their arguments. The Bass has never discriminated against homosexuals, he simply disagrees with the idea of homosexual sex acts being natural, he disagrees with gay marriage and he disagrees with gays going to schools and indoctrinating with the notion that their lifestyle is natural and ok, whether they make gay marriage legal or not will not change any of these beliefs that the Bass has, they are many legal acts that the Bass is already firmly against, so what the hell are you barking about Luissa? Are you saying that its discrimination to have religious beliefs that doesn't suit a particular group of people?
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They need it to be a choice so they can tell themselves that they aren't really like all those other groups that discriminate against people based on something they can't help (like say skin color)
Exactly! Thank you!

Bass screams racism all over this board, but it sure okay to spread lies, and discriminate against homosexuals.

Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on.

Except maybe fairness and equality. You have no reason to deny them that.
Exactly! Thank you!

Bass screams racism all over this board, but it sure okay to spread lies, and discriminate against homosexuals.

Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on.

Except maybe fairness and equality. You have no reason to deny them that.

So its ok to based an "equal rights" movement on a foundation of lies and unproven theories? This is about special rights, not equals rights and marriage is *NOT* a right, its a privilege, certain criteria must be fulfilled to be granted a privilege.
Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on.

Except maybe fairness and equality. You have no reason to deny them that.

So its ok to based an "equal rights" movement on a foundation of lies and unproven theories? This is about special rights, not equals rights and marriage is *NOT* a right, its a privilege, certain criteria must be fulfilled to be granted a privilege.

Who the fuck are you to declare what are rights?

It's a government sweetheart deal and it's unfair to deny it to an entire group of people.

Oh and it isn't a lie that homosexuality ain't a choice but it really doesn't matter.
They need it to be a choice so they can tell themselves that they aren't really like all those other groups that discriminate against people based on something they can't help (like say skin color)
Exactly! Thank you!

Bass screams racism all over this board, but it sure okay to spread lies, and discriminate against homosexuals.

Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on. saying that their sexual acts are a choice means the government is not entitled to grants special rights to people destroys their arguments. The Bass has never discriminated against homosexuals, he simply disagrees with the idea of homosexual sex acts being natural, he disagrees with gay marriage and he disagrees with gays going to schools and indoctrinating with the notion that their lifestyle is natural and ok, whether they make gay marriage legal or not will not change any of these beliefs that the Bass has, they are many legal acts that the Bass is already firmly against, so what the hell are you barking about Luissa? Are you saying that its discrimination to have religious beliefs that doesn't suit a particular group of people?

There is a problem with your argument.

Let us assume Homosexuality is a choice. Why can't they still fight for the right to choose how they live? Similiar to religious beliefs, you can choose whatever you wish to have and you still are afforded equal rights.

In other words, the basis of the argument for equal rights is left unchanged whether it is a choice or not. The real problem exists in how Homosexuals should be treated in regular society. Can they get married or enter an agreement simialir to marriage? Can they be allowed to adopt? Should they be protected against crimes based on their sexual preferences? The concept on how to treat another human being is not dictated by whether they are born differently or choose to live differently. Eccentric behavior is not a rationale for denying rights.

Bass--you are practicing discrimination and it is based on the individual sexual preference. Your rationale that it is a choice does not support anyclaims any claims to treat homosexuals any differently from a heterosexual. Like me, you are a homophobe. The best advice I can give to you is leave the homosexuals alone. I think this method works best in the long run.
Homosexuals are the ones who play the "its natural" argument because they know that without it they have nothing whatsoever to base their fight for "equal rights" on.

Except maybe fairness and equality. You have no reason to deny them that.

So its ok to based an "equal rights" movement on a foundation of lies and unproven theories? This is about special rights, not equals rights and marriage is *NOT* a right, its a privilege, certain criteria must be fulfilled to be granted a privilege.

Interesting..........all that hate against gays, combined with your "only one way" philosophy, mix in a little belief in God, and volia.........Chucked Ass has finally decided to try on Torquemada's cloak.

Wonder if he's contagious?:eek:
Except maybe fairness and equality. You have no reason to deny them that.

So its ok to based an "equal rights" movement on a foundation of lies and unproven theories? This is about special rights, not equals rights and marriage is *NOT* a right, its a privilege, certain criteria must be fulfilled to be granted a privilege.

Who the fuck are you to declare what are rights?

It's a government sweetheart deal and it's unfair to deny it to an entire group of people.

Oh and it isn't a lie that homosexuality ain't a choice but it really doesn't matter.

Please post evidence that marriage is a right, if need a marriage license then its not a right.
I'm gonna start two separate political groups. One against sex by white folks because whites can pass on Alpha1 disease. Another by folks who want to eliminate sickle cell.

Then I'll schedule national conventions for them both at the same time in New Orleans. For a few days I'll let the idiots who joined fight it out hand to hand in the street for my enjoyment. Then I'll pull the plug on the levees and be the God who flooded the haters out of the gene pool.
Please post evidence that marriage is a right, if need a marriage license then its not a right.
That's a protection to keep me from claiming the tax deduction with three different women.
There is a problem with your argument.

There is no problem with the Bass' argument

Let us assume Homosexuality is a choice. Why can't they still fight for the right to choose how they live?

Nobody is saying they can't live how they want, if they're going to have gay sex they're going to do it, nobody is stopping them.

Similiar to religious beliefs, you can choose whatever you wish to have and you still are afforded equal rights.

In other words, the basis of the argument for equal rights is left unchanged whether it is a choice or not.

This is incorrect, not all people can practice their religious beliefs how they feel, so "religious" people believe in polygamy and sex with underaged children because their religion says so, yet they do not have the *RIGHT* to engage in such acts in America. Some religions teach female circumcision, yet they do not have the *RIGHT* to perform such acts in America. Why do you homo supporters build up the false strawman argument that everyone else has the *RIGHT* to do what they want except for gays?

Bass--you are practicing discrimination and it is based on the individual sexual preference. Your rationale that it is a choice does not support anyclaims any claims to treat homosexuals any differently from a heterosexual. Like me, you are a homophobe. The best advice I can give to you is leave the homosexuals alone. I think this method works best in the long run.

You damn idiot, the Bass is not practicing discrimination, he's simply stating that based on the principles and teachings of the bible he believes homosexuality is a sin and therefore by extension gay marriage and gay adoption is a sin and he cannot and will not support anything thats sinful, whether it becomes legal or not, there are a lot of legal things that the Bass will not support such as pornography for example, people getting drunk another one.
So its ok to based an "equal rights" movement on a foundation of lies and unproven theories? This is about special rights, not equals rights and marriage is *NOT* a right, its a privilege, certain criteria must be fulfilled to be granted a privilege.

Who the fuck are you to declare what are rights?

It's a government sweetheart deal and it's unfair to deny it to an entire group of people.

Oh and it isn't a lie that homosexuality ain't a choice but it really doesn't matter.

Please post evidence that marriage is a right, if need a marriage license then its not a right.

Drinking alcohol is a right yet you need a license to sell it.
I'd say fishing and carrying a gun are rights yet you need licenses for those. In fact there's a bunch of things that are rights that government will have to grant you licenses for.
The Bible discriminates against Jews, Gays, Women, Philistines, Babylonians, Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians.

It's no excuse, Charlie.
Bass--you are practicing discrimination and it is based on the individual sexual preference. Your rationale that it is a choice does not support anyclaims any claims to treat homosexuals any differently from a heterosexual. Like me, you are a homophobe. The best advice I can give to you is leave the homosexuals alone. I think this method works best in the long run.

You damn idiot, the Bass is not practicing discrimination, he's simply stating that based on the principles and teachings of the bible he believes homosexuality is a sin and therefore by extension gay marriage and gay adoption is a sin and he cannot and will not support anything thats sinful, whether it becomes legal or not, there are a lot of legal things that the Bass will not support such as pornography for example, people getting drunk another one.

You're fighting that these things don't become legal. You're fighting for gays to be treated differently than heteros under the law, that's the definition of discrimination.
Who the fuck are you to declare what are rights?

It's a government sweetheart deal and it's unfair to deny it to an entire group of people.

Oh and it isn't a lie that homosexuality ain't a choice but it really doesn't matter.

Please post evidence that marriage is a right, if need a marriage license then its not a right.

Drinking alcohol is a right yet you need a license to sell it.
I'd say fishing and carrying a gun are rights yet you need licenses for those. In fact there's a bunch of things that are rights that government will have to grant you licenses for.

Drinking alcohol is a privilege, not a right, one must be of age to drink and selling liquor is not a right, its a privilege also.
They're not privileges once you turn 21 the government can never take away your right to drink alcohol.
You damn idiot, the Bass is not practicing discrimination, he's simply stating that based on the principles and teachings of the bible he believes homosexuality is a sin and therefore by extension gay marriage and gay adoption is a sin and he cannot and will not support anything thats sinful, whether it becomes legal or not, there are a lot of legal things that the Bass will not support such as pornography for example, people getting drunk another one.

You're fighting that these things don't become legal. You're fighting for gays to be treated differently than heteros under the law, that's the definition of discrimination.

Are you hard of hearing what? No matter if gay marriage and adoptions are legal, the Bass will not support either because of his religious beliefs and if asked to vote on those issues of course the Bass would vote no, and it would be based on the Bass' religious beliefs, the Bass is not going to forsake his religious beliefs to support political activism that rationalize and legitimatize sinful acts. This is not discrimination.

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