The reason homosexuality is a choice

Gay sex cannot be natural for the simple fact that two gays cannot produce offspring. Heterosexual sex is natural because it produces life. the first man and first woman were heterosexuals and combined together to give birth to all humans, no gays could have done that.

So we're all products of incest. That explains a lot. However, your argument is moot for two reasons. The first is not everyone is capable of reproduction, regardless of their sexual orientation. The second is reproduction is not necessary for something to be natural. And as doesn't matter if homosexuality is a choice or natural. You have no right to condemn gays for sin when you are sin.
It said that in the old testament, where as they don't go for society in this time.


Anyone got a goofy sentence translator handy??? :lol:

Well here's your translated version: "You're a Bitch"
but besides that obvious point, why do gays love each other if its wrong. I mean can you say love for someone is wrong? Despite who shares it is it really wrong to love someone? I mean its like no one can tell me or give me rather a morally wrong reason why this is so wrong? :cuckoo:
Well, I guess it is time to put a match to this thread.

Earlier, some one mentioned that Homosexuality is like a disease.

Well, Let me take that point of view for a moment to illustrate what I think about this statement.

First, is dsylexia or color blindness a disease? If so, then I think Homosexuality falls into that category. Does that mean is it like cancer or HIV--actually no. More like Dyslexia and color blinded in which the individual will have to learn to live with it.

Of course, some people may say that Dyslexia and color blindedness are not diseases since they are not fatal, but in many cases it is the result of the brain being rewired in an abnormal way. (In some cases, Dyslexia can be seen as a gift after the individual learns to cope with it. I do not think colorblindness is a gift. Is Homosexuality a gift? I seriously doubt it in my opinion, but a homosexual might disagree)

Now when it comes to religion and Homosexuality, I'll repeat some good and well thought out advice to all.

IF your religion is not working for you--CHANGE YOUR RELIGION!!

All this talk about the Bible as the source of validiation/invalidation for ethics is BS. Try something different or make up something new. That is what the Romans did!!
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All this talk about the Bible as the source of validiation/invalidation for ethics is BS. Try something different or make up something new. That is what the Romans did!!
Didn't all of Rome become Christian by the 3rd century?

To elaborate on the main point I am trying to reach

I doubt theologians fully understand what they are trying to accomplish. In a sense, religion is supposed to be a format for humans to live full and enriching lives. But there exists issues and problems presented by nature that throw some of the "inspired texts" into a tail spin and directly contradicts what some theologians profess.

I think Homosexuality would fall into this area if it turns out that this is a naturally occuring abnormality. The concept of GOD hating what GOD created is, in itself, a contradiction. I, Of course, do not put much stock in GOD based cosmologies, I do find it a bit interesting that proponents of religion try to retain a claim on the issue of sexuality.

Before I was of the belief that those who would argue that homosexuality is a choice may be repressed homo/bisexuals themselves. Now I am starting to realize that this is just another case of religion sitting half-drunk on a bar stool, and the gays and Biology are invading their percieved turf!. Belief is impossible without ignorance, and so does follow theology.
All this talk about the Bible as the source of validiation/invalidation for ethics is BS. Try something different or make up something new. That is what the Romans did!!
Didn't all of Rome become Christian by the 3rd century?

To elaborate on the main point I am trying to reach

I doubt theologians fully understand what they are trying to accomplish. In a sense, religion is supposed to be a format for humans to live full and enriching lives. But there exists issues and problems presented by nature that throw some of the "inspired texts" into a tail spin and directly contradicts what some theologians profess.

I think Homosexuality would fall into this area if it turns out that this is a naturally occuring abnormality. The concept of GOD hating what GOD created is, in itself, a contradiction. I, Of course, do not put much stock in GOD based cosmologies, I do find it a bit interesting that proponents of religion try to retain a claim on the issue of sexuality.

Before I was of the belief that those who would argue that homosexuality is a choice may be repressed homo/bisexuals themselves. Now I am starting to realize that this is just another case of religion sitting half-drunk on a bar stool, and the gays and Biology are invading their percieved turf!. Belief is impossible without ignorance, and so does follow theology.

Nature does not exist. Like religion, it is a concept conjured for the explicit purpose of humans trying to claim control over what they fail to understand.
God didn't create homosexuality.

Men with perverted minds did.

God created the rectum to excrete bodily waste.

But mentally ill men DECIDED to use it for sex.

Now these sodomites want everyone to view their sick lifestyle as normal.

And claim that God is responsible for their nasty perversion.
God didn't create homosexuality.

Men with perverted minds did.

God created the rectum to excrete bodily waste.

But mentally ill men DECIDED to use it for sex.

Now these sodomites want everyone to view their sick lifestyle as normal.

And claim that God is responsible for their nasty perversion.

You do make a point, Sunni Man.

Let assume homosexuality was a freak of nature(no pun intended)

Still, why would one man want to initiate sex with another man??

Why can't the homosexual male perform the same act with a woman?

OK--I am going too far. I am starting to ask really disturbing questions now--questions I do not want the answers to.
God didn't create homosexuality.

Men with perverted minds did.

God created the rectum to excrete bodily waste.

But mentally ill men DECIDED to use it for sex.

Now these sodomites want everyone to view their sick lifestyle as normal.

And claim that God is responsible for their nasty perversion.

So you think gays are icky? Wow. I've never seen you say anything like that. Ever.
☭proletarian☭;1935988 said:
All this talk about the Bible as the source of validiation/invalidation for ethics is BS. Try something different or make up something new. That is what the Romans did!!
Didn't all of Rome become Christian by the 3rd century?
No, they became Catholics.

Constantine didn't hold the first council until the 4th century.
☭proletarian☭;1935988 said:
Didn't all of Rome become Christian by the 3rd century?
No, they became Catholics.

Constantine didn't hold the first council until the 4th century.
I was addressing the delusion that they followed Christ, not the timeline.
Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus[3] (27 February c. 272[2] – 22 May 337), commonly known in English as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Christians) Saint Constantine (pronounced /ˈkɒnstəntaɪn/ or /ˈkɒnstəntiːn/), was Roman emperor from 306, and the sole holder of that office from 324 until his death in 337.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

Whether or not homosexuality is natural or not has not been proven either way.

Homosexual ACTS are a choice.

As are heterosexual acts

If a gay man is attracted to another gay man, he can CHOOSE to act on that attraction or not. If he chooses not to act on it, does he have some real choice to have sexual relations with a female, instead? I'd venture the guess: no. Why not? No attraction.

If a straight man is attracted to a straight woman, he can CHOOSE to act on that attraction or not. If he chooses to not act on it, doesn't he end up wth the same "options" as the gay man? (i.e., he can engage in sexual relations or he can go celibate). I don't believe that a straight man can be sexually attracted to another male. Again: no attraction.

Thus, I find myself agreeing with leftwinger on this one.

I know. It is rather shocking.
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