The reason homosexuality is a choice

Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

The only people who think homosexuality is a choice are in the closet gays.

Sorry, its not a choice. You can't choose to not like men any more than i can choose to not like women. Set yourself free, admit your gayness and get on with life.
read jane goodall's works about primates and then tell me homosexuality is a choice!

apes don't have television. They get bored. There aren't enough females to go around to the less dominant males. So homosexuality is a choice. They would rather screw something then play with themselves.


If you're trying to justify wanting to suck a cock then you can always say that it's natural to yourself but you're not gonna convince everyone else it is....or else everyone would be doing it.
Is there any degree of demonization difference between referring to a person as "it" and a poster trying to make gays analogous to pedophiles?

Of course. I don't know for sure that the poster in question is a man, woman, kid, ancient, transgender, eunuch or whatever.

I’ve also posted links that the FBI profile of a pedophile is a married, white, Christian male with two children of his own who is in his 40’s. That is THE most common description of a child molester in this country.

What does that have to do with referring to a person as "it?"

Because the person I was referring to is a bold fresh steaming piece of "it".
apes don't have television. They get bored. There aren't enough females to go around to the less dominant males. So homosexuality is a choice. They would rather screw something then play with themselves.


If you're trying to justify wanting to suck a cock then you can always say that it's natural to yourself but you're not gonna convince everyone else it is....or else everyone would be doing it.

Well you trying to project YOUR feelings on me seems like a rather lame attempt to question the FACT that homosexuality is indeed a NATURALLY occureing phenomonon despite your claim to the contrary.
The reason homosexuality is a choice

Gee, wow, hmm, that is a hard one. Whew, consider the options. On one hand, you have:

Entire religious organization who want you dead
Phobes who call you names
You can't get full protection under the law
You can't join the military without lying which means:
No military home loans
No military college education
You have to worry about being fired
You have to be extra careful that you don't get assaulted


You can join 95% of the rest of America
You don't have to worry about being called names
You don't have to worry about being disowned by your family
You don't have to worry about losing your job
You don't have to worry about being assaulted
Religions don't want to kill you
It's way easier having a family
You can write a will that is difficult to be challenged
You can kiss your other half in public

Wow, it's a difficult choice. Come on, both have so much to offer. Hmm. I guess that because being gay has so much to offer, there are probably many straights who live in the closet and pretend to be gay just so they can "pass".

Yea, uh huh. Makes all kinds of sense. It's a "choice" all right. Of course, you could "choose" to be Republican, but if you do, you were probably born "stupid".

If you're trying to justify wanting to suck a cock then you can always say that it's natural to yourself but you're not gonna convince everyone else it is....or else everyone would be doing it.

Well you trying to project YOUR feelings on me seems like a rather lame attempt to question the FACT that homosexuality is indeed a NATURALLY occureing phenomonon despite your claim to the contrary.

No....the problem with you is you seem to want to confuse freedom of choice with something that mindless animals do.

Haven't you noticed that each species has it's own particular characteristics and you can't use those of one animal and say it applies to another or much less justify your own? Penguins take on one mate for a season.. .and some sea mammals take one mate in their life-times. Can't we use that for comparisons in humans as well?
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I don't get it?? Homosexual behavior has been documented in the animal world.. Is it willfull ignornorance or the failure to admit your wrong that keeps you from seeing the truth?

Homosexuality is NOT a choice! Ignorance however is a choice.. So why are you choosing to be ignorant?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no arguement to the contrary.. It is a simple FACT!!

You can't help what you are attracted to.. Nobody makes that choice.. There is no choice..

In the animal world what feels good passes for procreation. It's an instinct....but homosexuality is a choice.

To be honest....a blow job is not a natural act ether regardless of the sex of the partners. The only thing that seems to be natural is insertion of the penis in the vagina.....and working that baby like crazy.

I'm sorry.. You are not qualified to make that distinction and since you didn't read the article or do any research on the issue.. Not smart enough either..

I know it is hard for you to believe.. But animals don't just act on instinct.. They have feelings and make choices just like the rest of us.. They are attracted to things in the same manner as we are.. Yes, they can also be gay..

You are also not a judge on what is normal or natural.. I am so glad to.. You are probably boring as hell in bed.. All neotards are..

Just because I don't do research on a particular subject 24/7 doesn't mean I'm not smart. Saying that makes you sound stupid yourself.....or semi-literate.

I'm not going to comment on whether my partner feels I'm boring in bed. That is not the issue here.

You seem to have a very linear thought process. You feel you're an expert on a particular subject....and anyone who thinks differently must be stupid and lousy in the sack to boot.

Personally...I wouldn't fuck a narrow minded asshole like you with my worst enemy's dick....much less my own.

To think that you actually believe that being of a particular political persuasion makes one more or less imaginative at doing the bone-dance....that's the height of stupidity in my mind.

I think you're guilty of believing overly simplistic Hollywood stereotypes....which makes you pretty much an idiot yourself.

I remember when I was dating all of the stuck-up assholes at nightclubs who thought they were too cool to be nice. Then I go to a honky-tonk and the girls were so pretty and friendly.....and sexy. Some of the music drove me up the wall but I could put up with it because the atmosphere was better there.

Sorry, I prefer chicks with open minds and warm personalities....not stuck-up attitudes.
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Read Jane Goodall's works about primates and then tell me Homosexuality is a CHOICE!

It doesn't matter if it's a choice or not.
It always cracks me up how homos like to justify their perverted lifestyle by saying even some animals pack each other's fudge.

Then they get upset when people call them sub human. :lol:

Are you aware heteros defend the rights of gays? Or do you think everyone who calls out your bigotry is gay?

Your camp is the one that screams homosexuality is not natural so many have pointed to what many see as "nature" and that homosexuality does exist in that arena. I've simply been saying it doesn't matter if it's a choice or not.
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It always cracks me up how homos like to justify their perverted lifestyle by saying even some animals pack each other's fudge.

Then they get upset when people call them sub human. :lol:

Are you aware heteros defend the rights of gays?
Yes, they are called bisexuals. :doubt:

It's hard to tell if you're a parody or truly so consumed by your bigotry it is absolutely useless to have a dialogue. The ironic part is you bitch about islamophobes but your homophobia is no different.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

What a paradox!

You have obviously blown the lid off that homosexual thing

And why do heterosexuals engage in oral, anal and play with sex toys? Were they born that way too
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

Whether or not homosexuality is natural or not has not been proven either way.

Homosexual ACTS are a choice.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

Whether or not homosexuality is natural or not has not been proven either way.

Homosexual ACTS are a choice.

That's another irrelevant hair split.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

Whether or not homosexuality is natural or not has not been proven either way.

Homosexual ACTS are a choice.

As are heterosexual acts

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