The reason homosexuality is a choice

☭proletarian☭;1928844 said:
An alternative use of 'homicide' comes from the use of 'homo' (same), resulting in the meaning 'the killing of one's own kind'. This is the 'homo' used in terms as 'homosexuality'. The reason this sense of the word is not oft used is simply because the Law is written with humans in mind.

Animals kill eachother.

Humans are animals and are no exception.

People kill eachother in the Natural State as well as in all known forms of civilization and governance.

That you think people never kill eachother unless under the influence of something wholly outside of nature and therefore supernatural by definition reveals your ignorance. That you think whether something is natural is of any relevance when discussing what should or should be permitted of human behavior reveals your stupidity.

Well, I never said people only kill each other due to some outside influence like the supernatural. Your ghetto etymology lesson is also irrelevant. What's crucial here is your attempt to reduce humans to animals. I don't know why and frankly don't care. People killing each other is not a natural event. It is hate or fear or both, in action. Just like none of us are born racists, murder is learned and it is a choice.
Well, I never said people only kill each other due to some outside influence like the supernatural.

Then you admit it is natural and occurs within the natural world.

Good to see you finally get it.

People killing each other is not a natural event.

So it's supernatural, again?
Just like none of us are born racists
That's not accurate.
Let me ask this simple question--Can you choose to be gay?
Something about choosing a man over a woman to sleep with is a bit distrubing to me and therefore the gay person must be born to prefer a member of the same sex.
Then the same logic would have to be made for child molesters.

Are they born pedophiles or did they choose to be pedophiles?

To think of this critically, who is to say that pedophiles are not born to like little kiddies.

Some people do have psychological attractions to Crib raiding. Where in the world does it come from?? They just choose this lifestyle regardless of the penalties of being caught, or is it a sickness that the pedophile cannot control?

I say assume that it is a sickness and keep them away from kids. I have yet to hear an argument that suggests Pedi's can stop being pedis on their own.
☭proletarian☭;1929035 said:
That was Avatar though, not proletarian.

Their posts together show the common factor that for bigots it doesn't matter if homosexuality is natural or not.......which brings my earlier point full circle.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :wtf:

An easier way to avoid the discussion is to simply not post.
A pedophile will say he was born with a natural attraction to children. That it wasn't a choice.

A homo will say he was born with a natural attraction to the same sex. That it wasn't a choice.

So what is the difference between the two???

I think the problem lies in the perception that you are relating Pedophiles to homosexuals.

It is possible(I suspect, normal) that one is not the other, there exists an implied idea that homosexuality should be illegalized despite the fact that homosexuals tend to search for other homosexuals. In other words, a heterosexual, like myself, should not be overly concerned with homosexuals since I most likely will not be solicited for sex. But I live in Miami and I can tell you that is not totally true. I have been propositioned for coffee dates and even going out to eat. By men. And I do not like it all.

The only good news about all this is that the women are more desperate than normal. Due to the lack of straight men, I am guessing.
Just tell them they lack the proper physiological tools to be of interest.
Hi Charlie:

Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex ...

A True Homosexual Has NEVER Been Born (my Topic). Everyone here has exactly 'one' heterosexual male father and exactly 'one' heterosexual female mother making them either a heterosexual male or a heterosexual female. One cannot change the 'sexuality' with which he or she was born. However, anyone 'can' change their 'sexual orientation' anytime they wish ... by choice ...


Hi Charlie:

Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex ...

A True Homosexual Has NEVER Been Born (my Topic). Everyone here has exactly 'one' heterosexual male father and exactly 'one' heterosexual female mother making them either a heterosexual male or a heterosexual female. One cannot change the 'sexuality' with which he or she was born. However, anyone 'can' change their 'sexual orientation' anytime they wish ... by choice ...



You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about. Two brown haired people can have a blond haired baby. Your attempt to explain away Homosexuality with genetics is FATALLY FLAWED! Just like the VAST majority of you posts.
☭proletarian☭;1928978 said:
Well, I never said people only kill each other due to some outside influence like the supernatural.

Then you admit it is natural and occurs within the natural world.

Good to see you finally get it.

People killing each other is not a natural event.

So it's supernatural, again?
Just like none of us are born racists
That's not accurate.

No. I never admitted it is natural. When you have to put words in others mouths just to respond that is a sure sign it is a waste of time.
A True Homosexual Has NEVER Been Born

You've proof for such an agnostic claim? Post quickly, trying to get onto USMB whilst under martial law is difficult.

Everyone here has exactly 'one' heterosexual male father and exactly 'one' heterosexual female mother making them either a heterosexual male or a heterosexual female.
Really? I'm pretty sure there area few lesbians here and I hear you're intersexed.
One cannot change the 'sexuality' with which he or she was born.
Then it's not a choice. Therefore, it must be natural.
I don't get it?? Homosexual behavior has been documented in the animal world.. Is it willfull ignornorance or the failure to admit your wrong that keeps you from seeing the truth?

Homosexuality is NOT a choice! Ignorance however is a choice.. So why are you choosing to be ignorant?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no arguement to the contrary.. It is a simple FACT!!

You can't help what you are attracted to.. Nobody makes that choice.. There is no choice..
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that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex.
Maybe it feels good? You ought to try it with your wife sometime...

Dude...I'm not letting my ole lady do me in the The Bass would call it.

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