The reason homosexuality is a choice

I don't get it?? Homosexual behavior has been documented in the animal world.. Is it willfull ignornorance or the failure to admit your wrong that keeps you from seeing the truth?

Homosexuality is NOT a choice! Ignorance however is a choice.. So why are you choosing to be ignorant?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no arguement to the contrary.. It is a simple FACT!!

You can't help what you are attracted to.. Nobody makes that choice.. There is no choice..

To whom is your post directed?
I don't get it?? Homosexual behavior has been documented in the animal world.. Is it willfull ignornorance or the failure to admit your wrong that keeps you from seeing the truth?

Homosexuality is NOT a choice! Ignorance however is a choice.. So why are you choosing to be ignorant?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no arguement to the contrary.. It is a simple FACT!!

You can't help what you are attracted to.. Nobody makes that choice.. There is no choice..

In the animal world what feels good passes for procreation. It's an instinct....but homosexuality is a choice.

To be honest....a blow job is not a natural act ether regardless of the sex of the partners. The only thing that seems to be natural is insertion of the penis in the vagina.....and working that baby like crazy.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

1. Just because some people are born that way does not mean it is natural. Even the Bible says some eunuchs are made by God and some are made by man.
2. Also, not all homosexuals have desires that involve plastics or enhancements. Some abstain and just remain celibate but with their lifelong partners for love and companionship.
3. Just because sexual abuse or other unnatural causes of homosexual behavior can be healed to change people doesn't mean this applies to all cases. In Francis MacNutt's book on Healing, he distinguishes cases that are caused by "demonic" or generational curses, which can be changed, while strongly warning that this cannot be assumed of all cases.

The problem I find is when people try to class all cases as one way or the other. Some are born and some are not; some can be changed and some cannot; some act on their relations and some do not. You cannot judge them all the same without being unfair.
☭proletarian☭;1928978 said:
Well, I never said people only kill each other due to some outside influence like the supernatural.

Then you admit it is natural and occurs within the natural world.

Good to see you finally get it.

So it's supernatural, again?
Just like none of us are born racists
That's not accurate.

No. I never admitted it is natural. When you have to put words in others mouths just to respond that is a sure sign it is a waste of time.

OF COURSE IT IS NATURAL!!!! It is DOCUMENTED that humans have been waring against other humands since RECORDER HISTORY! What would YOU call it ?
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

1. Just because some people are born that way does not mean it is natural. Even the Bible says some eunuchs are made by God and some are made by man.
2. Also, not all homosexuals have desires that involve plastics or enhancements. Some abstain and just remain celibate but with their lifelong partners for love and companionship.
3. Just because sexual abuse or other unnatural causes of homosexual behavior can be healed to change people doesn't mean this applies to all cases. In Francis MacNutt's book on Healing, he distinguishes cases that are caused by "demonic" or generational curses, which can be changed, while strongly warning that this cannot be assumed of all cases.

The problem I find is when people try to class all cases as one way or the other. Some are born and some are not; some can be changed and some cannot; some act on their relations and some do not. You cannot judge them all the same without being unfair.

You DO know that straight women use dildos right?
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

1. Just because some people are born that way does not mean it is natural. Even the Bible says some eunuchs are made by God and some are made by man.
2. Also, not all homosexuals have desires that involve plastics or enhancements. Some abstain and just remain celibate but with their lifelong partners for love and companionship.
3. Just because sexual abuse or other unnatural causes of homosexual behavior can be healed to change people doesn't mean this applies to all cases. In Francis MacNutt's book on Healing, he distinguishes cases that are caused by "demonic" or generational curses, which can be changed, while strongly warning that this cannot be assumed of all cases.

The problem I find is when people try to class all cases as one way or the other. Some are born and some are not; some can be changed and some cannot; some act on their relations and some do not. You cannot judge them all the same without being unfair.

According to AA alcoholics can be "changed" but they NEVER are "changed" they are simpley denying their natural INSTINCTS to consum alcohol.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

1. Just because some people are born that way does not mean it is natural. Even the Bible says some eunuchs are made by God and some are made by man.
2. Also, not all homosexuals have desires that involve plastics or enhancements. Some abstain and just remain celibate but with their lifelong partners for love and companionship.
3. Just because sexual abuse or other unnatural causes of homosexual behavior can be healed to change people doesn't mean this applies to all cases. In Francis MacNutt's book on Healing, he distinguishes cases that are caused by "demonic" or generational curses, which can be changed, while strongly warning that this cannot be assumed of all cases.

The problem I find is when people try to class all cases as one way or the other. Some are born and some are not; some can be changed and some cannot; some act on their relations and some do not. You cannot judge them all the same without being unfair.

According to AA alcoholics can be "changed" but they NEVER are "changed" they are simpley denying their natural INSTINCTS to consum alcohol.

You can choose to overcome your urge to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol is something you choose to do.
☭proletarian☭;1928978 said:
Then you admit it is natural and occurs within the natural world.

Good to see you finally get it.

So it's supernatural, again?

That's not accurate.

No. I never admitted it is natural. When you have to put words in others mouths just to respond that is a sure sign it is a waste of time.

OF COURSE IT IS NATURAL!!!! It is DOCUMENTED that humans have been waring against other humands since RECORDER HISTORY! What would YOU call it ?

Dumb decisions.
I find it a bit strange that the guys who are most strident in opposing rights for gays, the ones who seem to loathe gay folks just because of the sexual inclinations of gays, are the same guys who claim that it's not a natural orientation, but a 'choice."

I suppose the reason I find that odd is because these gay haters are actually maintaining that something THEY find horrifyingly odious (males looking longingly and with carnal desire at some other guy's hairy ass, for example) is something that the gay guys CHOOSE!

I mean, what male not "born gay" would choose to see another guy's butt as an object of physical desire? :confused:

It seems like quite a contradiction to me.

Since I am quite happy with heterosexuality, I can kind of see why I would "choose" to view a shapely toned pretty female as sexually attractive! I presume I was born 'straight' and therefore comfortably moved into the straight lifestyle when the time arrived -- about 3 seconds into puberty. :cool:

But if heterosexuality is the "normal" mode, then why would ANY male "choose" to be gay?

I conclude that "choice" has nothing to do with it.

I didn't choose "straight." It chose me (and, by the way, "Thank You, God!")

The gay males I know and the lesbians didn't choose to be gay, either. It chose them.

:lol: I asked one lesbian friend one time (in jest, parroting a line from M*A*S*H) "what persuaded you to be lesbian?" She laughed in very good nature and confessed that it hadn't taken any persuasion.

I don't get it?? Homosexual behavior has been documented in the animal world.. Is it willfull ignornorance or the failure to admit your wrong that keeps you from seeing the truth?

Homosexuality is NOT a choice! Ignorance however is a choice.. So why are you choosing to be ignorant?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no arguement to the contrary.. It is a simple FACT!!

You can't help what you are attracted to.. Nobody makes that choice.. There is no choice..

In the animal world what feels good passes for procreation. It's an instinct....but homosexuality is a choice.

To be honest....a blow job is not a natural act ether regardless of the sex of the partners. The only thing that seems to be natural is insertion of the penis in the vagina.....and working that baby like crazy.

I'm sorry.. You are not qualified to make that distinction and since you didn't read the article or do any research on the issue.. Not smart enough either..

I know it is hard for you to believe.. But animals don't just act on instinct.. They have feelings and make choices just like the rest of us.. They are attracted to things in the same manner as we are.. Yes, they can also be gay..

You are also not a judge on what is normal or natural.. I am so glad to.. You are probably boring as hell in bed.. All neotards are..
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

1. Just because some people are born that way does not mean it is natural. Even the Bible says some eunuchs are made by God and some are made by man.
2. Also, not all homosexuals have desires that involve plastics or enhancements. Some abstain and just remain celibate but with their lifelong partners for love and companionship.
3. Just because sexual abuse or other unnatural causes of homosexual behavior can be healed to change people doesn't mean this applies to all cases. In Francis MacNutt's book on Healing, he distinguishes cases that are caused by "demonic" or generational curses, which can be changed, while strongly warning that this cannot be assumed of all cases.

The problem I find is when people try to class all cases as one way or the other. Some are born and some are not; some can be changed and some cannot; some act on their relations and some do not. You cannot judge them all the same without being unfair.

Hey there ya empty headed bimbo, welcome to the boards. I'm sure that Charlie Bass, Sunni Man and Yukon will be happy to add you to their hateful little cult of homosexuality.

1. If they are born that way, it is "natural". Were you dropped on your head often as a child, or is your stupidity a result of the concussion that resulted as you repeatedly beat your own head with a Bible?

Faith healing doesn't work that way.

2. Ever been to an "adult tupperware party"? Most of 'em have lots of people playing with, buying, and in some cases, trying out, various implements of the sexual variety while others watch and comment. In some cases, they even assist. Here in Amarillo, there's a LOT of swingers (go's right on the buckle of the Bible belt). those adult parties? Most of 'em (like 90 percent) are heterosexuals using plastic implements. BTW........if you've ever put anything other than a tampon or a penis up there, you've also been guilty of unnatural sex.

3. So.........instead of acknowledging the real cause of homosexuality (genetics, overload of hormones, as well as a completely different physiology from heterosexuals, you choose to ignore science and blame it all on demons.

You know..........during the Dark Ages, the Church said the same thing about the Black Death. Think of how many people could have been saved, as well as how much more advanced the world would be if instead of blaming something they'd made up, they'd actually followed the lead of people like DaVinci and worked on understanding what was there, rather than being tied up in ignorance and superstition?

BTW.........yes, I do believe in God, and based on the drivel you've just posted, I'd be willing to bet I understand Him quite a bit better than you could hope to.

Why do I say that? Your small minded bullshit speaks quite well for you.

Welcome to the boards bimbo, you'll make an excellent bounce toy/professional punt dog.
I find it a bit strange that the guys who are most strident in opposing rights for gays, the ones who seem to loathe gay folks just because of the sexual inclinations of gays, are the same guys who claim that it's not a natural orientation, but a 'choice."

I suppose the reason I find that odd is because these gay haters are actually maintaining that something THEY find horrifyingly odious (males looking longingly and with carnal desire at some other guy's hairy ass, for example) is something that the gay guys CHOOSE!

I mean, what male not "born gay" would choose to see another guy's butt as an object of physical desire? :confused:

It seems like quite a contradiction to me.

Since I am quite happy with heterosexuality, I can kind of see why I would "choose" to view a shapely toned pretty female as sexually attractive! I presume I was born 'straight' and therefore comfortably moved into the straight lifestyle when the time arrived -- about 3 seconds into puberty. :cool:

But if heterosexuality is the "normal" mode, then why would ANY male "choose" to be gay?

I conclude that "choice" has nothing to do with it.

I didn't choose "straight." It chose me (and, by the way, "Thank You, God!")

The gay males I know and the lesbians didn't choose to be gay, either. It chose them.

:lol: I asked one lesbian friend one time (in jest, parroting a line from M*A*S*H) "what persuaded you to be lesbian?" She laughed in very good nature and confessed that it hadn't taken any persuasion.


I asked basically the same question to.

I have an assumption why you see such a pattern--those that proclaim homosexuality is a choice can make that choice on their own.

That is what I am drawing from it. They are mainly composed of highly repressed homo/bisexual individuals that see the sexual world a bit different from me!
I find it a bit strange that the guys who are most strident in opposing rights for gays, the ones who seem to loathe gay folks just because of the sexual inclinations of gays, are the same guys who claim that it's not a natural orientation, but a 'choice."

I suppose the reason I find that odd is because these gay haters are actually maintaining that something THEY find horrifyingly odious (males looking longingly and with carnal desire at some other guy's hairy ass, for example) is something that the gay guys CHOOSE!

I mean, what male not "born gay" would choose to see another guy's butt as an object of physical desire? :confused:

It seems like quite a contradiction to me.

Since I am quite happy with heterosexuality, I can kind of see why I would "choose" to view a shapely toned pretty female as sexually attractive! I presume I was born 'straight' and therefore comfortably moved into the straight lifestyle when the time arrived -- about 3 seconds into puberty. :cool:

But if heterosexuality is the "normal" mode, then why would ANY male "choose" to be gay?

I conclude that "choice" has nothing to do with it.

I didn't choose "straight." It chose me (and, by the way, "Thank You, God!")

The gay males I know and the lesbians didn't choose to be gay, either. It chose them.

:lol: I asked one lesbian friend one time (in jest, parroting a line from M*A*S*H) "what persuaded you to be lesbian?" She laughed in very good nature and confessed that it hadn't taken any persuasion.


That post is so good I'm almost wondering if someone stole Liability's password. (just kidding)
I find it a bit strange that the guys who are most strident in opposing rights for gays, the ones who seem to loathe gay folks just because of the sexual inclinations of gays, are the same guys who claim that it's not a natural orientation, but a 'choice."

I suppose the reason I find that odd is because these gay haters are actually maintaining that something THEY find horrifyingly odious (males looking longingly and with carnal desire at some other guy's hairy ass, for example) is something that the gay guys CHOOSE!

I mean, what male not "born gay" would choose to see another guy's butt as an object of physical desire? :confused:

It seems like quite a contradiction to me.

Since I am quite happy with heterosexuality, I can kind of see why I would "choose" to view a shapely toned pretty female as sexually attractive! I presume I was born 'straight' and therefore comfortably moved into the straight lifestyle when the time arrived -- about 3 seconds into puberty. :cool:

But if heterosexuality is the "normal" mode, then why would ANY male "choose" to be gay?

I conclude that "choice" has nothing to do with it.

I didn't choose "straight." It chose me (and, by the way, "Thank You, God!")

The gay males I know and the lesbians didn't choose to be gay, either. It chose them.

:lol: I asked one lesbian friend one time (in jest, parroting a line from M*A*S*H) "what persuaded you to be lesbian?" She laughed in very good nature and confessed that it hadn't taken any persuasion.


I asked basically the same question to.

I have an assumption why you see such a pattern--those that proclaim homosexuality is a choice can make that choice on their own.

That is what I am drawing from it. They are mainly composed of highly repressed homo/bisexual individuals that see the sexual world a bit different from me!

There may be some cases where repressed homosexuality plays a role (ie ted haggert) but it's not enough to claim it is the driving force. What we are seeing is the male response to the fallout from their own repression that is the price for oppression on women. We often tell homophobes it is silly to focus strictly on sexual activity, especially when it comes to same sex marriage, so why is it okay to label homophobes as closet gays? Isn't that focusing too much on sex like they do?

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