The reason homosexuality is a choice

That's another irrelevant hair split.

Just because you say so?? :doubt:

It doesn't matter because the only problem with homosexuality is homophobic bigots. That's why it doesn't matter if one chooses to be emotionally attracted to the same sex or if it's natural. Likewise with homosexual acts. If people like you stopped complaining the whole issue of gays would be nonexistent.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

What a paradox!

You have obviously blown the lid off that homosexual thing

And why do heterosexuals engage in oral, anal and play with sex toys? Were they born that way too

This has been gone over in the thread.

Those acts aren't natural ether which does nothing to prove your point.
Lets say homosexuality is natural, that is- people are born that way, that still doesn't explain why gay men like taking it up the anus and why women like lick licking each others vagina and use dildos to have sex. The fact that women use dildos instead of a penis prove its all a choice, because naturally they would not be born wanting to use a dildo, just as men are not born wanting to have anal sex, both are learned sexual practices meaning it involves choice.

What a paradox!

You have obviously blown the lid off that homosexual thing

And why do heterosexuals engage in oral, anal and play with sex toys? Were they born that way too

This has been gone over in the thread.

Those acts aren't natural ether which does nothing to prove your point.

Doesnt matter if it's natural or not.
Even if it is a choice, who gives a shit about people's personal lives.

Mind your own fucking business and live and let live.
Gay sex cannot be natural for the simple fact that two gays cannot produce offspring. Heterosexual sex is natural because it produces life. the first man and first woman were heterosexuals and combined together to give birth to all humans, no gays could have done that.
Gay sex cannot be natural for the simple fact that two gays cannot produce offspring. Heterosexual sex is natural because it produces life. the first man and first woman were heterosexuals and combined together to give birth to all humans, no gays could have done that.

Who gives a shit?

There's already too many fucking people.
Even if it is a choice, who gives a shit about people's personal lives.

Mind your own fucking business and live and let live.

Tell that to the faggots who want to teach school kids that having two parents of the same sex is ok in addition to reaching that gay sex is ok.
Why the hell would anyone want to be gay or chose rather. You people continouly say oh my god you're perverted and just trying to defend a chance at doing it.

1. Stop fucking thinking of in a sexual aspect for once. Let's start at where sex begins shall we.

When 2 gay guys or girls fall in love with each other and undergo a relationship together which when the relationship is under the right circustances of treating each other correctly, that it results in higher self-esteem, courage and love for a person in general, and a greater desire to live productive lives and you really call that perversion???? Why would God condemn such positive results from a relationship? Really?? That tingly feeling you get towards your partner, if it isnt love then what is it? Please enlighten me?

2. Why the hell when I ask someone for a MORAL REASON why homosexuality is wrong i NEVER GET ONE! I guess i can conclude that you gay hating bitches are stupid. And therefor you try to justify your prejiduces with the bible but the bible lacks someting you need to defend what it says. Remember Religion isnt the same as science. God says dont murder people because it hurts people, he says dont steal because it hurts people, and he says don't lie because it hurts people so my question who does homosexuality hurt exactly??

And the fact that you cant have children and a family is not a moral reason, you're simply stating the scientifically obvious fact.
God didn't create homosexuality.

People did. :evil:

How do you know what gods plan was?

He has a rule book that starts with, "In the beginning" :cool:

It said that in the old testament, where as they don't go for society in this time. We take lessons from the old testament dick. What's the reason why god said its wrong, oh right he didn't say! Homosexuals back then were lust hungry animals but in todays world you cant say that about everyone. Homosexuality and Lust today are two diffrent things. That gos to show you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And hey if you believe that, you also believe slavery is a good thing and that if you get divorced you should be put to death. so good luck with that

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