The Reason I Am A Conservative

Go on, tell us what your masters want you to say. Give us the latest talking points you were fed.

My latest talking points? LMAO.. I'm not a Trump supporting Republican. I'm a fiscal conservative, un owned by any party. We don't have talking points. We have solutions.
Such a good little sheep. BAAAAAAA. You didn't disappoint your masters. You bleated exactly what you were told to bleat.

You didn't need to type that. You're a conservative, so it's just assumed that you're whiny hypocrite.

Now go on, you oppressed thing. Tell us more about how the mean 'ol liberals keep picking on poor innocent widdle conservatives. Such a sad tale, I'm sure.

Now me, and many liberals, we insult those who deserve it. And we're good at it, hence the butthurt displayed by our victims. Difference is, not being whiny hypocrites, we don't cry when we get some back. Heat, kitchens. If you can't take it, stop dishing it out.

WOAH, after reading the rest of this tripe, I can see that you're mind is closed for business. (as well as your brain).
The proof of what I said, that you replied til will be revealed in just a few days. I'm not looking forward to all those Trumpbots replacing the liberals. But I am looking forward to the liberals being replaced. And so are many other moderate democrats who the die hard liberals and progressives insulted in the past few years.

Yall so dumb, you don't even realize that you should be the ones recruiting Trump. After all Trump is very liberal.
He funded Planned Parenthood, gender studies. Banned bump stocks, supported red flag laws, gave Pelosi every dime she put in a spending bill.
Yall got more out of Trump than you ever would've Hillary. You think the GOP majority Trump had would've allowed Hillary to spend as much as Trump? Or ban bump stocks, fund gender studies? If you do, you're just as brainwashed as the Trumpbots.
You make it sound like illegals come here for free healthcare. Bro, they have that in Mexico. Mexico's medical isn't 3rd world status. It's good healthcare. They have social welfare for low income citizens. Not to mention, most of the welfare they get, comes from the state. Like almost all of it. So just stop with the republican rhetoric.
Do the borders need to be secure. Darn right they do. But even more important than that, is the USD value needs to be equal to the peso, or visa versa. Preferably, ours matching theirs.
That would not only help solve the immigration problem, but it's the ONLY thing that's going to bring manufacturing back to this country. And bring it back, it would. Why? Because US manufacturers can't hardly compete globally because it cost so damn much to hire Americans.
$25he here, vs $10 per DAY in China or Mexico. Anyone in Mexico making $5 per HOUR is like middle class. And there's no reason why it couldn't be that way here. $5hr used to be a good wage in this country, before they started over inflating the USD. It would pay for a decent place to live, the bills and food.

If we could get this done, we'd be the manufacturing giant of the world again. We'd have so many jobs, it wouldn't matter how many illegals came to this country.

You've view of all this boils down to a band aid solution for open heart surgery.

And bro, when you start supporting killing people for coming here, I don't know what to say, except your talking out your ass. Who in TF is going to line these people up for execution? And better yet, who's going to be the one to take so many lives over a government document? You? You gonna shoot someone because they don't have their papers? My guess is you wouldn't.
Amazing....Do you think the people who live in run down neighborhoods get the same medical than those who live in Mexico City? Of course not, because why else are those diseased illegals crossing our southern border. To get all the free stuff that shitter in chief Joe is willing to give them.

Do you think healthcare costs have gone up because US citizens have used it? Hell no, over 11 million illegals regularly use the emergency rooms and get free medical, the rest of US paying citizens have to pick up the tab. Schools are over crowded with illegals who have Anchor Babies here, so US citizens have to pick up the tab again for that. The Biteme admin is handing out welfare to those crossing the border(Doesnt call it that) which then the illegals go and by up baby formula, diapers, food, water and other things that were for US citizens thus inflating the costs. Gasoline also because these invaders buy up old used gas guzzlers once again driving up costs. This isnt accidently but the plan of the Marxists to drive America into 3rd world status.

Why is Ukraine killing Russians who cross their border? Hmm? Why are we funding Ukraine with US dollars to kill Russians?
If you were president, the entire country would revolt against you. Including me. Killing people for coming here without our governments permission? WTF is wrong with you?

ALL MEN are created equal with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
There are no caveats in that statement.
So Do you have a plan, I am in no means for executing them but something must be done.
So Do you have a plan, I am in no means for executing them but something must be done.

A plan? My plan is go only vote for fiscal and constitutional conservatives. As an average Joe Blow citizen, that's all I can do. Being that I'm strict on my voting, even that is limited.
I no longer vote for the lesser of two evils.

I have though, expressed what I think would solve the problem. Equalizing the USD and the Peso. But that's not going to happen.
Amazing....Do you think the people who live in run down neighborhoods get the same medical than those who live in Mexico City? Of course not, because why else are those diseased illegals crossing our southern border. To get all the free stuff that shitter in chief Joe is willing to give them.

I don't think. I know. It takes not even a minute to look up Mexico's healthcare system. They've had a better welfare system since the late 90's.

Seriously bro. You need to do some research on this.
The vast majority of Mexicans and South Americans come here to work. Not mooch.
Do you think healthcare costs have gone up because US citizens have used it? Hell no, over 11 million illegals regularly use the emergency rooms and get free medical, the rest of US paying citizens have to pick up the tab.

We don't pay the tab for hospital ER visits that go unpaid. Again you're just going by right wing propaganda. FFS, I can't believe I'm having to explain this too.
Unpaid hospital bills get written off on the hospitals taxes. That means they get a tax reduction. Which mean they don't have to pay as much taxes. The government isn't sending them a tax payer funded check for all those unpaid bills.
Not to mention, it's extremely rare that any hospital isn't making a profit. If they lose money, it's because the insurance companies are stiffing them on what the hospital bills. The big bills, like surgery, cancer treatment and things of that nature.
My knee operation was billed (to my insurance company) over $100,000. My insurance company paid them less than $2,000.
Schools are over crowded with illegals who have Anchor Babies here, so US citizens have to pick up the tab again for that. The Biteme admin is handing out welfare to those crossing the border(Doesnt call it that) which then the illegals go and by up baby formula, diapers, food, water and other things that were for US citizens thus inflating the costs.
Anchor babies are part of the constitution.

Gasoline also because these invaders buy up old used gas guzzlers once again driving up costs. This isnt accidently but the plan of the Marxists to drive America into 3rd world status.

They're paying taxes on every gallon of gas they buy.
If we go into a 3rd world status, it won't be because of the illegals. It'll be because the USD value has been over inflated to the point that American companies can't afford to do business here, because Americans can't afford to pay for their product or service.
Just since Reagan, the inflation rate has risen 75%. And we've had 5 GOP presidents and 4 democratic ones.
FFS, this is why $10hr is a poverty wage here.

Why is Ukraine killing Russians who cross their border? Hmm? Why are we funding Ukraine with US dollars to kill Russians?

We're funding Ukraine and the rest of them, as we have been doing for many decades now, because we're not electing fiscal and constitutional conservatives. Because the lobbyist own our Republicans and democrats. Because there's huge favors and kick back from corporations to our politicians for supporting corporations like the military industrial complex, big pharma, insurance industry and others.

You're focusing on the propaganda and talking points. And think that band aids are going to fix these problems. There are some major problems with our government. 1, is the lobbyist. 2. It's our monetary system and the value of the USD.

But voters are lazy when it comes to learning about these two issues. They just want to focus on the BS our media force feeds us on a daily basis. And also throws in a LOT of fear mongering BS like the diesel or NG shortage. Blame everything on a president (any president) as if he has the power to force oil companies to produce more, shut down lobbying, or fix out economy alone.
To be a've got to be innately non-curious. Intellectual laziness is the common thread in all conservatives.

What are you saying? It doesn't sound like you're saying anything at all. It comes off as more of an insult, than anything else.
I don't think. I know. It takes not even a minute to look up Mexico's healthcare system. They've had a better welfare system since the late 90's.

Seriously bro. You need to do some research on this.
The vast majority of Mexicans and South Americans come here to work. Not mooch.

We don't pay the tab for hospital ER visits that go unpaid. Again you're just going by right wing propaganda. FFS, I can't believe I'm having to explain this too.
Unpaid hospital bills get written off on the hospitals taxes. That means they get a tax reduction. Which mean they don't have to pay as much taxes. The government isn't sending them a tax payer funded check for all those unpaid bills.
Not to mention, it's extremely rare that any hospital isn't making a profit. If they lose money, it's because the insurance companies are stiffing them on what the hospital bills. The big bills, like surgery, cancer treatment and things of that nature.
My knee operation was billed (to my insurance company) over $100,000. My insurance company paid them less than $2,000.

Anchor babies are part of the constitution.

They're paying taxes on every gallon of gas they buy.
If we go into a 3rd world status, it won't be because of the illegals. It'll be because the USD value has been over inflated to the point that American companies can't afford to do business here, because Americans can't afford to pay for their product or service.
Just since Reagan, the inflation rate has risen 75%. And we've had 5 GOP presidents and 4 democratic ones.
FFS, this is why $10hr is a poverty wage here.

We're funding Ukraine and the rest of them, as we have been doing for many decades now, because we're not electing fiscal and constitutional conservatives. Because the lobbyist own our Republicans and democrats. Because there's huge favors and kick back from corporations to our politicians for supporting corporations like the military industrial complex, big pharma, insurance industry and others.

You're focusing on the propaganda and talking points. And think that band aids are going to fix these problems. There are some major problems with our government. 1, is the lobbyist. 2. It's our monetary system and the value of the USD.

But voters are lazy when it comes to learning about these two issues. They just want to focus on the BS our media force feeds us on a daily basis. And also throws in a LOT of fear mongering BS like the diesel or NG shortage. Blame everything on a president (any president) as if he has the power to force oil companies to produce more, shut down lobbying, or fix out economy alone.
You arent a conservative at all, you are a lying Marixst, who has his head up Uranus. I know what being a conservative is, and it isnt for allowing illegals to work here, or get free ER visits, or free public education. The reason why inflation is so bad, is the Progressives both R's and D's have not only taken US off the gold standard, but keep spending well beyond their means, and if there ever is a talk about cutting government the Marxist howl like rabid coyotes, saying that that will have grandma pushed over the cliff. I see right through you, you Marxist....

What are you saying? It doesn't sound like you're saying anything at all. It comes off as more of an insult, than anything else.
There was a guy on another board "Snowguy" who claimed he was a conservative, but after a while, i realized he was a Progressive Republican like Tricky Dick, who fucked US royally all in the name of progress. After a while "Snowguy" showed his true colors and chased all the real conservatives from the board because he was the moderator and did what all Marxists do, ban speech he didnt agree with.

You arent a conservative at all, you are a lying Marixst, who has his head up Uranus. I know what being a conservative is, and it isnt for allowing illegals to work here, or get free ER visits, or free public education. The reason why inflation is so bad, is the Progressives both R's and D's have not only taken US off the gold standard, but keep spending well beyond their means, and if there ever is a talk about cutting government the Marxist howl like rabid coyotes, saying that that will have grandma pushed over the cliff. I see right through you, you Marxist....

So you think the government should be able to pick and choose who someone hires? That goes against free market capitalism. It's called more government control. You support that. And have the nerve to call me a marxist? WTF is wrong with you?

Free ER visits. The value of the USD is one major reason why healthcare is so damn expensive. Plus the fact that the government has gotten so heavily involved in healthcare (which used to be part of the free market economy), has only exacerbated the problem. Plus the FDA caving to lobbyist and allowing many of our food and beverages to allowed on to be sold, which includes flammable 3's and corrosive 8's (Pepsi, Coca Cola, Driers Ice cream, wriggley's, M&M Mars and a whole slew of other brands). But that's another subject.

The gold standard? LMAO.. They used to use tobacco leaves for currency also. There's so many ridiculous conspiracies dealing with the gold standard, I don't know where to start debunking why it would be retarded to return to it.

But the solution to the Federal Reserve, is to just only borrow from the it, in cases of real emergencies.

What you don't get, is with a USD value at an actual level, not over inflated, we'd become the manufacturing giant we used to be. China would be outsourcing to us. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem.
So you think the government should be able to pick and choose who someone hires? That goes against free market capitalism. It's called more government control. You support that. And have the nerve to call me a marxist? WTF is wrong with you?

Free ER visits. The value of the USD is one major reason why healthcare is so damn expensive. Plus the fact that the government has gotten so heavily involved in healthcare (which used to be part of the free market economy), has only exacerbated the problem. Plus the FDA caving to lobbyist and allowing many of our food and beverages to allowed on to be sold, which includes flammable 3's and corrosive 8's (Pepsi, Coca Cola, Driers Ice cream, wriggley's, M&M Mars and a whole slew of other brands). But that's another subject.

The gold standard? LMAO.. They used to use tobacco leaves for currency also. There's so many ridiculous conspiracies dealing with the gold standard, I don't know where to start debunking why it would be retarded to return to it.

But the solution to the Federal Reserve, is to just only borrow from the it, in cases of real emergencies.

What you don't get, is with a USD value at an actual level, not over inflated, we'd become the manufacturing giant we used to be. China would be outsourcing to us. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem.
The government shouldnt be allowing any illegal to cross our borders, by either coming from the southern border, or staying illegally.

The value of health care is because many people use the ER (and dont speak English) and cannot be turned away if they cant pay, so those costs end up going to people who can pay, usually the insurance.

If we put the dollar back on the gold standard, then the worthless government couldnt print any new money and live within their means, like US citizens usually do, unless you are a welfare puke or queen and then get free stuff without really earning it.

You are sounding more and more like the Marxist "Snowguy".
He funded Planned Parenthood, gender studies. Banned bump stocks, supported red flag laws, gave Pelosi every dime she put in a spending bill.
Yall got more out of Trump than you ever would've Hillary. You think the GOP majority Trump had would've allowed Hillary to spend as much as Trump?
Liberals balance budgets, conservatives explode deficits. Fiscally and socially, Trump is conservative. Wildly conservative.

If someone is actually a fiscal conservative ... then they're a liberal. That's because liberals support the fiscal policies that "fiscal conservatives" pretend to support.
Liberals balance budgets, conservatives explode deficits. Fiscally and socially, Trump is conservative. Wildly conservative.

If someone is actually a fiscal conservative ... then they're a liberal. That's because liberals support the fiscal policies that "fiscal conservatives" pretend to support.

Wrong. The OLD FASHION Liberals did. But we haven't had those in like 5 decades. You're correct about Republicans spending a lot. But you're leaving out all the democrats, like Pelosi & Schumer who didn't even try to balance the budget during Trumps term or even Obama's.
The government shouldnt be allowing any illegal to cross our borders, by either coming from the southern border, or staying illegally.

The value of health care is because many people use the ER (and dont speak English) and cannot be turned away if they cant pay, so those costs end up going to people who can pay, usually the insurance.

If we put the dollar back on the gold standard, then the worthless government couldnt print any new money and live within their means, like US citizens usually do, unless you are a welfare puke or queen and then get free stuff without really earning it.

You are sounding more and more like the Marxist "Snowguy".

Ok, so you're not even going to do the slightest bit of research to prove me wrong. You're just going to keep spouting off republican talking points.

What's the use of even discussing this? You're brainwashed, bro.

I used to be a die hard republican like you. I ignored all those facts and just stayed loyal to my party. Until I just couldn't stomach being wrong so much.
You arent a conservative at all, you are a lying Marixst, who has his head up Uranus.

This statement is priceless. I'm a Marxist, even though I've expressed my support for small less intrusive government that lives within it's means. I stated many times that I don't support Trump or other CINO's. I've also stated the many flaws of the democrats, liberals and progressives.

But in your conspiratorial mind, I'm just saying all that to hide my Marxist ways. LMAO.. Talk about retarded. If I supported anything other than fiscal conservatism, I'd publicly support things like Marxism. I'd have good things to say about Biden and the left.

My guess is, you don't know how to take me. As in "How could someone not support the left or the right?" It's called political independence. It's not being owned by one party. Which all came about buy holding my elected officials accountable.
Example. When I was younger, I thought the democrats were for the working man. This is why they were THE first party to be big on border security. Turns out, they didn't give a shit about the working man.
As I got a little older, I was under the impression that the republicans were pro life and supported fiscal conservatism.
But, like the democrats, I was wrong. Turns out they were funding planned parenthood and were as big on spending as the democrats were.
One by one, I stopped supporting them, including the libertarians. I'm a fiscal conservative without a party.
This statement is priceless. I'm a Marxist, even though I've expressed my support for small less intrusive government that lives within it's means. I stated many times that I don't support Trump or other CINO's. I've also stated the many flaws of the democrats, liberals and progressives.

But in your conspiratorial mind, I'm just saying all that to hide my Marxist ways. LMAO.. Talk about retarded. If I supported anything other than fiscal conservatism, I'd publicly support things like Marxism. I'd have good things to say about Biden and the left.

My guess is, you don't know how to take me. As in "How could someone not support the left or the right?" It's called political independence. It's not being owned by one party. Which all came about buy holding my elected officials accountable.
Example. When I was younger, I thought the democrats were for the working man. This is why they were THE first party to be big on border security. Turns out, they didn't give a shit about the working man.
As I got a little older, I was under the impression that the republicans were pro life and supported fiscal conservatism.
But, like the democrats, I was wrong. Turns out they were funding planned parenthood and were as big on spending as the democrats were.
One by one, I stopped supporting them, including the libertarians. I'm a fiscal conservative without a party.
No real America allows illegals and their Anchors to stay in this country. Only Marxists who want to destroy this country want that, and they (Marxists) will lie, steal and cheat to win the eventual fundamental transformation of the US into a 3rd world nation.

Right now we are in a struggle for the identity of this country. The Marxists of the country working with the Marxists of the world have tried their damnedest to force US voters into submission by intimidation and fear. And then you sit there idly twiddling your thumbs like a moron, thinking that by not voting the Marxists out, you will be able to continue your lifestyle. Better look what is going on in this country, dumbass do-nothings, end up hanging at the end of a noose, or are shot in a firing line, because that is what Marxists do, to manage the population....

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If i was president, i would close all borders to the US. no one come in. Do a 5 year census and find all the illegals who reside in the US and give them a choice. Either leave voluntarily, thus they get in line and wait to come back legally, or be fingerprinted, DNA scanned and photographed, deported back to their own countries, and if they are caught trying to come back into this country, execute them and leave the bodies at the border of Mexico. Build a wall of bodies and soon the illegals would realize that they arent wanted here. Yes i am an isolationist, at least until we get our country back in order.

And if there are bleeding heart Marxists who want to protest what i was doing, they could have a choice to join those illegals back in their own countries......

You wouldn't really do that... would u?

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