This man runs the "Federal Reserve Banks"

You expect us to trust a meme as truth?
I don't expect you to know shit from Shinola...

Schwab’s address at the 2017 World Governments Summit in which he says: “You have this anti-system movement — what we are seeing is a revolution against the system. So fixing the present system is not enough.”

Schwab then describes libertarianism as an “anti-system” that involves dismantling “everything which creates some kind of influence of government into private lives.”

At no point in his speech does Schwab admit that a “political revolution” is destroying The Great Reset initiative, which would not even be launched for another three years.

He speaks instead about how some governments have faced a backlash from people who feel globalization is not working to their advantage while others have chosen to re-erect walls, leading to “a world which is more anchored in yesterday and a world which probably is characterized by fragility and hostility.”
As an alternative, Schwab suggests that governments should instead develop new systems that are “in line with the new world which is unfolding.

Trump went to Davos and told them not on his watch...

"Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, and your investments to the United States. This is especially true because we have undertaken the most extensive regulatory reduction ever conceived. Regulation is stealth taxation. The U.S., like many other countries, unelected bureaucrats — and we have — believe me, we have them all over the place — and they’ve imposed crushing and anti-business and anti-worker regulations on our citizens with no vote, no legislative debate, and no real accountability.
In America, those days are over."
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I don't expect you to know shit from shinola...

Schwab’s address at the 2017 World Governments Summit in which he says: “You have this anti-system movement — what we are seeing is a revolution against the system. So fixing the present system is not enough.”

Schwab then describes libertarianism as an “anti-system” that involves dismantling “everything which creates some kind of influence of government into private lives.”

At no point in his speech does Schwab admit that a “political revolution” is destroying The Great Reset initiative, which would not even be launched for another three years.

He speaks instead about how some governments have faced a backlash from people who feel globalization is not working to their advantage while others have chosen to re-erect walls, leading to “a world which is more anchored in yesterday and a world which probably is characterized by fragility and hostility.”
As an alternative, Schwab suggests that governments should instead develop new systems that are “in line with the new world which is unfolding.

Trump went to Davos and told them not on his watch...

"Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, and your investments to the United States. This is especially true because we have undertaken the most extensive regulatory reduction ever conceived. Regulation is stealth taxation. The U.S., like many other countries, unelected bureaucrats — and we have — believe me, we have them all over the place — and they’ve imposed crushing and anti-business and anti-worker regulations on our citizens with no vote, no legislative debate, and no real accountability.
In America, those days are over."
The United States has always provided foreign investors a stable and welcoming market. As a place to do business, the United States offers a predictable and transparent legal system, low taxes, outstanding infrastructure, and access to the world's most lucrative consumer market.

Invest in America - International Trade Administration​

You people have it made yet you bitch and moan like you have nothing, how toxic. All this drama over electing a president which the voters don't elect, Congress does via the Electoral College and Congress has always elected the president and vice president, you don't think they trust the common citizen to elect them?
US bankers buying US stocks and bonds are a good investment. Or would you prefer Chinese banks doing it?
Yeah, that's what they are doing:

CNN: Like many Americans, the federal government is shelling out a lot more money to cover interest payments on its debt after a series of Federal Reserve rate hikes over the past year.
The Treasury Department paid a record $213 billion in interest payments on the national debt in the last quarter of 2022, up $63 billion from the same period a year earlier.
That is the opposite of a good investment. Thank the Federal Reserve...
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The United States has always provided foreign investors a stable and welcoming market. As a place to do business, the United States offers a predictable and transparent legal system, low taxes, outstanding infrastructure, and access to the world's most lucrative consumer market.

Invest in America - International Trade Administration

So says the Biden administration. There is nothing stable about a nation 31 trillion dollars in debt. We have NO transparency, high taxes, and an infrastructure that is falling apart. Add to that the dollar was just demoted from the oil standard as the sole trading currency pricing.

We used to be the bank, now we owe the bank a lot more than we have coming in. We can hardly pay the interest on our debt:

"Federal borrowing has essentially already hit the current debt limit of $31.38 trillion, though Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said she can use a variety of accounting maneuvers to postpone a government default for a few months. So far, neither the administration nor the House is budging from the positions they’ve staked out, so the standoff continues."

Investing in our country now is like investing in the Titanic after it sank.
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RFK Jr. should also scare the globalists - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Like to Dismantle the Federal Reserve — Decential Media

If elected president of the United States, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will make sure the Federal Reserve is not a tool of Wall Street and would like to dismantle it, he told a full house at ETHDenver on Saturday.

“Cryptocurrency is the off-ramp for our addiction to the Fed,” Kennedy said to the cheering crowd. The biggest threat to American democracy are the corporations that control the regulatory agencies, which have become “sock puppets for the industry they’re supposed to regulate,” he said.

“The Fed is the captive agency working for the banking industry. Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink run the Fed,” Kennedy said without providing any evidence to back up his claims. “It’s not working for you and me. It’s working to flood the canyons of Wall Street with money.”

Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, made a statement recently that he’d like cryptocurrencies to be regulated out of existence. “Jamie Dimon has more influence over the federal government than anybody else,” Kennedy said.

huh? yes it is. It was created by Congress, it's Chair and Govenors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the US Senate
OMG.. with all the resources at your fingertips, you still get it wrong.
RFK Jr. should also scare the globalists - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Like to Dismantle the Federal Reserve — Decential Media

If elected president of the United States, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will make sure the Federal Reserve is not a tool of Wall Street and would like to dismantle it, he told a full house at ETHDenver on Saturday.

“Cryptocurrency is the off-ramp for our addiction to the Fed,” Kennedy said to the cheering crowd. The biggest threat to American democracy are the corporations that control the regulatory agencies, which have become “sock puppets for the industry they’re supposed to regulate,” he said.

“The Fed is the captive agency working for the banking industry. Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink run the Fed,” Kennedy said without providing any evidence to back up his claims. “It’s not working for you and me. It’s working to flood the canyons of Wall Street with money.”

Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, made a statement recently that he’d like cryptocurrencies to be regulated out of existence. “Jamie Dimon has more influence over the federal government than anybody else,” Kennedy said.

OMG.. with all the resources at your fingertips, you still get it wrong.
Are you really suggesting Congress didn’t create the Fed? That the president doesn’t nominate and senate doesn’t consent to the chair? Haha
Are you really suggesting Congress didn’t create the Fed? That the president doesn’t nominate and senate doesn’t consent to the chair? Haha
It's not part of the government. You are really dense.

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