The Rebellion Against Tyrants Continues

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Says the crowd too scared to leave the house without a gun.

But them, given that the Trump cult now says all personal hygeine is cowardly, we should be grateful they don't leave the house more often.

By the way, nice rally. At least tens of people showed up. That made it tough for you to do the terrorist thing.
Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Says the crowd too scared to leave the house without a gun.

But them, given that the Trump cult now says all personal hygeine is cowardly, we should be grateful they don't leave the house more often.

By the way, nice rally. At least tens of people showed up. That made it tough for you to do the terrorist thing.
I never carry a gun when I leave home.

I bet you commies think that murdering and starving Americans is a price we have to pay to end Capitalism.

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I bet you commies think that murdering and starving Americans is a price we have to pay to end Capitalism.

Why would you think we're like you?

You're the one saying that millions of americans -- mostly the old and disabled -- need to die for your convenience. You're the only genocidal eugenics freak here, and you're the only defending Russian commie suckups.

Plus, you';re the one who embraces commie economics. You want a government by corporations, which is corporate socialism. We liberals are the heirs of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism. Smith pointed out that capitalism has to be heavily regulated, otherwise it devolves into your socialist system.
I bet you commies think that murdering and starving Americans is a price we have to pay to end Capitalism.

Why would you think we're like you?

You're the one saying that millions of americans -- mostly the old and disabled -- need to die for your convenience. You're the only genocidal eugenics freak here, and you're the only defending Russian commie suckups.

Plus, you';re the one who embraces commie economics. You want a government by corporations, which is corporate socialism. We liberals are the heirs of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism. Smith pointed out that capitalism has to be heavily regulated, otherwise it devolves into your socialist system.

Now that's the funniest shit I've seen here in a while. Libtardos hate Adam Smith and love Karl Marx. You need to come up with a better line of shit.
You're the one saying that millions of americans -- mostly the old and disabled -- need to die for your convenience. You're the only genocidal eugenics freak here, and you're the only defending Russian commie suckups
And yet it is YOUR leaders sending the elderly off to die and take as many as possible with them.

Are liberal leaders stupid or evil? I really cant tell
Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

That's not where Genessee is made, though. o_O
Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Says the crowd too scared to leave the house without a gun.

But them, given that the Trump cult now says all personal hygeine is cowardly, we should be grateful they don't leave the house more often.

By the way, nice rally. At least tens of people showed up. That made it tough for you to do the terrorist thing.

I only carry a gun 3 out of 7 days a week.

You try and figure out which 3, comrade traitor. :thup:
I would like any liberals here to listen to this interview and tell me if they support the governor in this. $1,000 and a year in prison per haircut

Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Bravo!, Bravo! He says he will not enforce the law for 1 mile over the speed limit and I could not find a bit of Michigan data to prove anybody died this whole year for going 1 mile over the the speed limit. Of course he will not enforce the Governor's executive orders regarding Covid-19 either, although there is all kinds of data to show at least 4,880 people died of Covid-19 since around the middle of March, 93 more died in less than the last 48 hours. But, he has important duties to consider for Genesee County, Michigan, as a public safety/law officer, after all his county is not Detroit. His county has only had 230 die of the disease since late March, making them the 5th highest death toll in the state of Michigan out of 83 counties, according to the State of Michigan Coronavirus website. Bravo indeed. He has better things to do, like making political statements in protest of the highest elected official in the state, afterall it's not a matter of public safety. If people up there in his are going to die, let them be about it and decrease the surplus population in Genesee County. Besides, most of them probably not his political party and statistics say definitely not of his race.
Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Bravo!, Bravo! He says he will not enforce the law for 1 mile over the speed limit and I could not find a bit of Michigan data to prove anybody died this whole year for going 1 mile over the the speed limit. Of course he will not enforce the Governor's executive orders regarding Covid-19 either, although there is all kinds of data to show at least 4,880 people died of Covid-19 since around the middle of March, 93 more died in less than the last 48 hours. But, he has important duties to consider for Genesee County, Michigan, as a public safety/law officer, after all his county is not Detroit. His county has only had 230 die of the disease since late March, making them the 5th highest death toll in the state of Michigan out of 83 counties, according to the State of Michigan Coronavirus website. Bravo indeed. He has better things to do, like making political statements in protest of the highest elected official in the state, afterall it's not a matter of public safety. If people up there in his are going to die, let them be about it and decrease the surplus population in Genesee County. Besides, most of them probably not his political party and statistics say definitely not of his race.

Interesting too that all of these states with the highest death tolls are run by liberal Democrats. New York, Michigan, PA, New Jersey, CA
Genesee County is Flint Michigan. The PEOPLE have decided this nonsense is coming to an end. People are pretty much going about their business.

Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Bravo!, Bravo! He says he will not enforce the law for 1 mile over the speed limit and I could not find a bit of Michigan data to prove anybody died this whole year for going 1 mile over the the speed limit. Of course he will not enforce the Governor's executive orders regarding Covid-19 either, although there is all kinds of data to show at least 4,880 people died of Covid-19 since around the middle of March, 93 more died in less than the last 48 hours. But, he has important duties to consider for Genesee County, Michigan, as a public safety/law officer, after all his county is not Detroit. His county has only had 230 die of the disease since late March, making them the 5th highest death toll in the state of Michigan out of 83 counties, according to the State of Michigan Coronavirus website. Bravo indeed. He has better things to do, like making political statements in protest of the highest elected official in the state, afterall it's not a matter of public safety. If people up there in his are going to die, let them be about it and decrease the surplus population in Genesee County. Besides, most of them probably not his political party and statistics say definitely not of his race.

Interesting too that all of these states with the highest death tolls are run by liberal Democrats. New York, Michigan, PA, New Jersey, CA
They will claim it's because they have the biggest concentration of people.....but this is primarily because when you have more people living in a area....their population starts voting for Democrats.....because more people are criminals, layabouts, and from other countries in big cities. So there's more crime, higher taxes, and just more of everything. What's different now, Democrats are causing more crimes and poverty along with raising taxes every chance they get. Another thing that got them over the hump were all of these RINOs getting elected in big cities that were merely planted there by Democrats. They pissed off the voters so they'll get turned off to Republicans....then they turn around and vote for a communist....who turns out to be much...much worse.
And yet it is YOUR leaders sending the elderly off to die and take as many as possible with them.

What are you babbling about?

Oh, I see. You had no response to the fact that the right is now screaming how the old and sick need to die for the sake of profits, so you're deflecting.

That doesn't change the facts. The right has now embraced eugenics as an official party plank. No party is US history has ever done that before. The Republicans are the first eugenics-based party in US history, and all of the Republicans here seem to love it. That's why they're here making excuses for it.

I'm just making it clear where we all stand. You conservatives are genocidal eugenics freaks, why we liberals oppose that.

The good news? There is a way you all can avoid Hell. You need to reject conservative eugenics policies. You need to find your spine and say "No, I won't endorse killing the old and sick just because TheParty commands it.".
Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Says the crowd too scared to leave the house without a gun.

But them, given that the Trump cult now says all personal hygeine is cowardly, we should be grateful they don't leave the house more often.

By the way, nice rally. At least tens of people showed up. That made it tough for you to do the terrorist thing.
All personal hygiene is cowardly. Do you have a link for that or are you just proving that all democrats are liars and cannot be trusted?
Tards can and should take cover under their beds or in their closets.

Says the crowd too scared to leave the house without a gun.

But them, given that the Trump cult now says all personal hygeine is cowardly, we should be grateful they don't leave the house more often.

By the way, nice rally. At least tens of people showed up. That made it tough for you to do the terrorist thing.
I bet if Biden wins the virus goes away over night.
I only carry a gun 3 out of 7 days a week.

You try and figure out which 3, comrade traitor. :thup:

When you have to step outside the house. Duh. After all, there are non-whites living out there, and TheParty told you to be very, very afraid.
It depends. Are those non whites millionaire football players?

If you can't trust rich black men who can you trust?

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