...The recent discussion on Medicare and entitlement 'waste'....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
For those who are paying a little bit of attention to the 'politics-du-jour' news, you will be aware that candidate Don Trump made remarks suggesting he'd cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. And then, when the predictable blow-back occurred he attempted some 'clean-up-in-Aisle 5' remarks.

Today's New York Times noted the brouhaha and then recalled Don Trump's 'pardon' an 'commutation' actions near the end of his term in office. In short, Trump pardoned a number of big-time --and now very rich ---Medicare fraudsters. It's a big article, but here are some 'taster' paragraphs. Most of you can go to your online subscription to the Times and read the whole enchilada.


"Trump granted clemency to Medicare fraudsters before vowing to cut entitlement program abuse"

"....former president Donald Trump has vowed in recent days that he would reduce spending on Social Security and Medicare by targeting waste and fraud in those programs.

However, a review of Trump’s record shows that, in the closing months of his presidency, he used his clemency powers to help several people convicted in major Medicare fraud cases, including commuting the sentence of a man the Justice Department had described as having “orchestrated one of the largest health care fraud schemes in U.S. history.”

In his last year in office, Trump commuted the sentences of at least five people who collectively filed nearly $1.6 billion in fraudulent claims through Medicare or Medicaid.

  • Among them was Judith Negron, the former owner of a Miami-area mental health company who was sentenced in 2011 to 35 years in prison for her role in filing $205 million in fraudulent Medicare claims and ordered to pay more than $87 million in restitution. Trump commuted her sentence in February 2020.
  • Trump also granted clemency that year to Daniela Gozes-Wagner, a Houston woman who was sentenced in 2019 to 20 years in prison for helping falsely bill more than $28 million in claims to Medicare and Medicaid for medical tests that either never happened or were unnecessary. Those tests supposedly took place at 28 testing facilities that turned out to be empty offices — and prosecutors said Gozes-Wagner went so far as to hire “seat warmers” at those offices who were instructed to notify her if Medicare investigators arrived.
  • In December 2020, Trump commuted the sentence of Philip Esformes, who had been convicted in 2019for his role in the largest health care fraud scheme ever charged by the Justice Department, involving over $1.3 billion in fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medicaid for services that were not provided, were not medically necessary or were procured through the payment of kickbacks,” the department said.
Esformes was sentenced to 20 years in prison — but was freed after serving about 4½ years, after Trump granted him clemency. The White House noted at the time that, while in prison, Esformes was “devoted to prayer” and “in declining health.” Esformes was photographed hosting and dancing at his daughter’s lavish wedding days later.

Louis Saccoccio, CEO of the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, called the Trump clemency orders “disappointing”.......
“These are complicated cases, and usually it will take months if not, in many cases, years — maybe two, three years — to bring these cases to trial,” Saccoccio said. “Obviously, you want to send a message with respect to health-care fraud that it’s not going to be tolerated.”

Saccoccio said that in addition to the financial consequences of Medicare fraud, many cases result in patient harm. Saccoccio cited the case of Melgen, the Florida ophthalmologist, who prosecutors said would perform and bill Medicare for unnecessary injections and laser treatments on his elderly patients after falsely diagnosing them with macular degeneration."


I include this story in the forum as it is indicative of the hypocrisy we all fear. And it again raises the suspicion that under-the-table financial benefits may have passed hands to obtain these pardons.

In fact, there were several reportages about 'pardons-for-sale'.

Here's just one from Business Insider:

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani plotted to sell presidential pardons for $2 million a piece, former staffer says in lawsuit​

For those who are paying a little bit of attention to the 'politics-du-jour' news, you will be aware that candidate Don Trump made remarks suggesting he'd cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. And then, when the predictable blow-back occurred he attempted some 'clean-up-in-Aisle 5' remarks.

Today's New York Times noted the brouhaha and then recalled Don Trump's 'pardon' an 'commutation' actions near the end of his term in office. In short, Trump pardoned a number of big-time --and now very rich ---Medicare fraudsters. It's a big article, but here are some 'taster' paragraphs. Most of you can go to your online subscription to the Times and read the whole enchilada.


"Trump granted clemency to Medicare fraudsters before vowing to cut entitlement program abuse"

"....former president Donald Trump has vowed in recent days that he would reduce spending on Social Security and Medicare by targeting waste and fraud in those programs.

However, a review of Trump’s record shows that, in the closing months of his presidency, he used his clemency powers to help several people convicted in major Medicare fraud cases, including commuting the sentence of a man the Justice Department had described as having “orchestrated one of the largest health care fraud schemes in U.S. history.”

In his last year in office, Trump commuted the sentences of at least five people who collectively filed nearly $1.6 billion in fraudulent claims through Medicare or Medicaid.

  • Among them was Judith Negron, the former owner of a Miami-area mental health company who was sentenced in 2011 to 35 years in prison for her role in filing $205 million in fraudulent Medicare claims and ordered to pay more than $87 million in restitution. Trump commuted her sentence in February 2020.
  • Trump also granted clemency that year to Daniela Gozes-Wagner, a Houston woman who was sentenced in 2019 to 20 years in prison for helping falsely bill more than $28 million in claims to Medicare and Medicaid for medical tests that either never happened or were unnecessary. Those tests supposedly took place at 28 testing facilities that turned out to be empty offices — and prosecutors said Gozes-Wagner went so far as to hire “seat warmers” at those offices who were instructed to notify her if Medicare investigators arrived.
  • In December 2020, Trump commuted the sentence of Philip Esformes, who had been convicted in 2019for his role in the largest health care fraud scheme ever charged by the Justice Department, involving over $1.3 billion in fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medicaid for services that were not provided, were not medically necessary or were procured through the payment of kickbacks,” the department said.
Esformes was sentenced to 20 years in prison — but was freed after serving about 4½ years, after Trump granted him clemency. The White House noted at the time that, while in prison, Esformes was “devoted to prayer” and “in declining health.” Esformes was photographed hosting and dancing at his daughter’s lavish wedding days later.

Louis Saccoccio, CEO of the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, called the Trump clemency orders “disappointing”.......
“These are complicated cases, and usually it will take months if not, in many cases, years — maybe two, three years — to bring these cases to trial,” Saccoccio said. “Obviously, you want to send a message with respect to health-care fraud that it’s not going to be tolerated.”

Saccoccio said that in addition to the financial consequences of Medicare fraud, many cases result in patient harm. Saccoccio cited the case of Melgen, the Florida ophthalmologist, who prosecutors said would perform and bill Medicare for unnecessary injections and laser treatments on his elderly patients after falsely diagnosing them with macular degeneration."


I include this story in the forum as it is indicative of the hypocrisy we all fear. And it again raises the suspicion that under-the-table financial benefits may have passed hands to obtain these pardons.

In fact, there were several reportages about 'pardons-for-sale'.

Here's just one from Business Insider:

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani plotted to sell presidential pardons for $2 million a piece, former staffer says in lawsuit​

Incurable TDS.
Fake News
52 minutes ago


Fake News
Today at 10:52 AM

The Duke

Fake News
Today at 9:56 AM



Ok, fair enough.
So, earnest posters Frankstein, Duke, and Wamose: What is "fake" about the reportage?

Is what the Times reported untrue?
If so, how do you know?

You allege it is.....so you gotta prove the story is 'Fake'.

Saddle up, mein freunds.
Show the forum whatcha got.
Honorable and responsible poster do that kinda thing.

It's an adult thing.
"Incurable TDS."

One of Trump's Duped & Snookered, I am not. Nor is my avatar.
Trust me on that.
More importantly, it is relevant reportage.
Medicare and Social Security "waste" is currently in the news.
A candidate for POTUS just brought it up twice in speeches.
It has traction.
And so too, that candidate's interaction with perpetrators of a not insignificant portion of that "waste".
Do you have insightful articulate views on the subject of the reportage.
If so, you are welcome to join in and share them.

"Expressed through an indigestible text brick."
I sometimes regret that I often post posts that have multi-syllable words, relatively complex thoughts, and cannot fit on a bumper-sticker....or a tattoo.

But do this, good poster Oddball.....set aside a quiet time and try to read the reportage offered by the Times. Even just do an intent serious-minded skimming.

Then if you are able to contribute to the serious discussion of Medicare fraud and the issue of pardons-for-cash.....well, please do so.

It is what adult-focused political forums are for.

Thanks, in advance.
And good luck.
One of Trump's Duped & Snookered, I am not. Nor is my avatar.
Trust me on that.
More importantly, it is relevant reportage.
Medicare and Social Security "waste" is currently in the news.
A candidate for POTUS just brought it up twice in speeches.
It has traction.
And so too, that candidate's interaction with perpetrators of a not insignificant portion of that "waste".
Do you have insightful articulate views on the subject of the reportage.
If so, you are welcome to join in and share them.

I sometimes regret that I often post posts that have multi-syllable words, relatively complex thoughts, and cannot fit on a bumper-sticker....or a tattoo.

But do this, good poster Oddball.....set aside a quiet time and try to read the reportage offered by the Times. Even just do an intent serious-minded skimming.

Then if you are able to contribute to the serious discussion of Medicare fraud and the issue of pardons-for-cash.....well, please do so.

It is what adult-focused political forums are for.

Thanks, in advance.
And good luck.
None of Medicare/Medicaid's problems with waste and fraud have anything to do with the awful Orange Man, nor your puny examples of individual malfeasance.

The very nature of massive centralized bureaucracies sets the whole mess up for massive fraud and cost overruns, as there's nobody minding the store for efficiencies and to contain costs...You just say "fuck it" and pass those costs and inefficiencies off onto the taxpayers....Then you cynically turn around and blame the customer that you don't have the money to keep the scam going, and cravenly cower behind the poor saps stuck in the system, that you're allegedly there to help, as shields from any and all criticism and ideas on shutting down the whole shit show.

Of course, pious sniffing twirps like you know these things -or at least you should by now- and carry on as thought there's any fix to what was built to be broken....At that, I don't believe you to be stupid, but completely evil because you do know better.

So buzz the fuck off.

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