The Recent John Sununu Fiasco Is Just More Reason Y 2day's Republicans Get No Respect

As MarcATL said this is a reprehensible comment. If someone on the USMB says such a thing it is not really a big deal. Here we can say any dumb thing we want, and usually do. Sununu was not on the USMB when he made that comment however. He was on CNN. CNN is played on hundreds of TV's in airports, lobbies, and many other places, even in pizza shops, not only in this country but around the world. Sununu just discredited not only Powell as being someone who can't make a decision based on rational thought but also the President of the United States as being unworthy of an endorsement from Colonel Powell and only got the endorsement because Powell and Obama are of the same race. I think there is little doubt that Romney would take Sununu to the White House if he were elected. The fact that Sununu would make such a base statement demonstrates that this man, actually two men, Sununu and Romney, have no place being in the White House. And Sununu, 'seems to reverse his statement', does not go half way far enough to undo what he has done.

To further elaborate this not just another redneck comment from a Senatorial candidate this is from someone who would be on the national stage. The comment was clearly racist, a racist comment that not only insults Powell and Obama but all the people of that race in this country and in the world for that matter. How is one to lead if someone in their administration has insulted part of the population in just about every country in the world. A full and unequivocal apology does not do enough. Sununu should pull himself out of Romney's staff or Romney should kick him out. This is no longer the 1950's and white men are not the only people who matter.

lol, you have to love how EVERY thing a person say is now a racist comment..
too bad for you all we still have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and you all don't make the rules what is racist of NOT
But you all could cry us a river over it or as this poster did, write a damn book whining about it...WAAAAAA
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Powell would have been a national nobody without Bush. He turns his back on the Party for another Black dude who is nothing short of a disgrace to the office of the Presidency.
Yeah, I'd say he's a ****** and Arlen Spector is white Trash.
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When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.
98% of the black vote has BEEN voting Democratic A-Hole.

What you are stating is that you outright don't believe or simply do not care about the reason why Powell said he's sticking with Obama.

He gave a long, thoughtful, cogent, meaningful and sincere reason for his support of Obama.

But to you, because he's black...that's it.

Yeah...and you're not racist. :rolleyes:

Think McFly...THINK!!!


record black voter turnout in 2008

thnik McStool, think
As MarcATL said this is a reprehensible comment. If someone on the USMB says such a thing it is not really a big deal. Here we can say any dumb thing we want, and usually do. Sununu was not on the USMB when he made that comment however. He was on CNN. CNN is played on hundreds of TV's in airports, lobbies, and many other places, even in pizza shops, not only in this country but around the world. Sununu just discredited not only Powell as being someone who can't make a decision based on rational thought but also the President of the United States as being unworthy of an endorsement from Colonel Powell and only got the endorsement because Powell and Obama are of the same race. I think there is little doubt that Romney would take Sununu to the White House if he were elected. The fact that Sununu would make such a base statement demonstrates that this man, actually two men, Sununu and Romney, have no place being in the White House. And Sununu, 'seems to reverse his statement', does not go half way far enough to undo what he has done.

To further elaborate this not just another redneck comment from a Senatorial candidate this is from someone who would be on the national stage. The comment was clearly racist, a racist comment that not only insults Powell and Obama but all the people of that race in this country and in the world for that matter. How is one to lead if someone in their administration has insulted part of the population in just about every country in the world. A full and unequivocal apology does not do enough. Sununu should pull himself out of Romney's staff or Romney should kick him out. This is no longer the 1950's and white men are not the only people who matter.

lol, you have to love how EVERY thing a person say is now a racist comment..
too bad for you all we still have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and you all don't make the rules what is racist of NOT
But you all could cry us a river over it or as this poster did, write a damn book whining about it...WAAAAAA

yet when Obama makes racist comments, " that's different"
Is John Sununu supporting Romney because he's white? Must be, according to Sununu's own logic.

I guess that makes Sununu a racist.
Thank you John Sununu, for confirming that Zell Miller,

every conservative's favorite Democrat,

is a racist.
Is John Sununu supporting Romney because he's white? Must be, according to Sununu's own logic.

I guess that makes Sununu a racist.

and every tea party memeber, right? :rolleyes:

"you people" play the race card so often you forget and it twists you in knots....
The country had not been thinking about race until Obama came along.
His words and the media did a number on everyone.

Race, Race, race..... No matter what anyone said and now says about Obama they're a racist.
Bullshit, The guy is a communist Muslim. That fits right into the Dems agenda.
Funny thing is, Obama himself is being used!
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.
98% of the black vote has BEEN voting Democratic A-Hole.

What you are stating is that you outright don't believe or simply do not care about the reason why Powell said he's sticking with Obama.

He gave a long, thoughtful, cogent, meaningful and sincere reason for his support of Obama.

But to you, because he's black...that's it.

Yeah...and you're not racist. :rolleyes:

Think McFly...THINK!!!


Actually it is only 90% in most years

samuel jackson said he voted obama cuz hes black.

And look at black republicans, more racism against them than at a klan rallly
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Powell is a lying piece of shit that has sided with Obamination because they are both black, well ash colored blacks....not down the hood blacks.
You have to laugh at how liberals believe they are so pure and are not racist.

We watch them trash every black Republican out there (even Colin Powell under Bush), but to them I guess that is just constructive criticism...

They and Obama have hurt race relations in this country immensely, but I believe that was Obama's and the Democrats plan to begin with
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When Obamination is out of the White House and Powell tries to slither back to the GOP....someone needs to get in face and tell him to GO TO HELL!

Republicans need to black ball his ass through his funeral. He is forever a piece of shit in our eyes.
John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

I think Powell wanted to win Michelle Obama's favor, just to get into that big black booty of hers. Yeah, that's the ticket.

You truly are a GD idiot.

In any race where there is a black and white candidate, blacks will vote for the black candidate - period.

Based on a presidental campaign sampling of.... one election to date?

Sununu has a right to say it and blacks have a right to vote it.

End of story. What happen to defending ones right to say it?
Right to say it also includes right to calling him out for being a douchebag for saying it.

It's a fact that many(10-15%) of blacks that would otherwise vote republican maybe voting Obama for that reason. I know for a fact as I heard it with my own ears...

You leftist just can't bring yourselve to admit this....It's always all of whitey is bad and all blacks can do no wrong.

Why don't we fact check those "facts."


The lowest Democratic vote from Blacks in modern history, (Post civil rights) was at 83% for Clintion... when 9% voted for alternative options. under 10% voted for Republican in that election. And that is the LOWEST percentage for Democrats since the early 60's.

Now... was Dukakis and Clinton BLACKER than their opponents?

John called it as he saw it. So did the rest of us. What's the big deal.
It can't be that Powell became a Democrat, Can it?
And he clearly sees it as "them negros got to stick together."
Why is it automatically racist to conclude that Powell is supporting Obama mainly because they're both black? Why? On issue after issue, Obama is pursuing policies that are the opposite of policies that Powell advocated in speeches prior to 2008. So Powell has either undergone an amazing political transformation or there's a factor that is overriding his previously expressed ideology. Furthermore, in light of the fiscal train wreck that Obama has given us, one can't help but wonder why a supposed "moderate" like Powell would support Obama a second time, when Obama has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years.

In any race where there is a black and white candidate, blacks will vote for the black candidate - period.

Based on a presidental campaign sampling of.... one election to date?

Sununu has a right to say it and blacks have a right to vote it.

End of story. What happen to defending ones right to say it?
Right to say it also includes right to calling him out for being a douchebag for saying it.

It's a fact that many(10-15%) of blacks that would otherwise vote republican maybe voting Obama for that reason. I know for a fact as I heard it with my own ears...

You leftist just can't bring yourselve to admit this....It's always all of whitey is bad and all blacks can do no wrong.

Why don't we fact check those "facts."


The lowest Democratic vote from Blacks in modern history, (Post civil rights) was at 83% for Clintion... when 9% voted for alternative options. under 10% voted for Republican in that election. And that is the LOWEST percentage for Democrats since the early 60's.

Now... was Dukakis and Clinton BLACKER than their opponents?

John called it as he saw it. So did the rest of us. What's the big deal.
It can't be that Powell became a Democrat, Can it?
And he clearly sees it as "them negros got to stick together."
Blacks voted for jim crow?????
The country had not been thinking about race until Obama came along.

That should be an instant USMB classic!!!:lol:

It appeared to me at least we had moved on.. You mother Fucker liberals are keeping it alive and well. You are the exact opposite of everything you say you are. Obama is famous for it.
When the shit hits the fan it will be fun watching you chooch'es fall..


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