The Recent John Sununu Fiasco Is Just More Reason Y 2day's Republicans Get No Respect

The GOP is pretty racist. I could list examples, but we'd be here for the rest of eternity. This week's particular "widely believed racist conspiracy that some old, white Republican was dumb enough to say in public" comes from Mitt Romney co-chair and ex-George H.W. Bush chief of staff John Sununu, who said that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Powell disagrees with Romney's foreign policy. Wait, no, it's because they're both black.

[ame=]Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson On Racism In The Republican Party - YouTube[/ame]
Well, it really can't be because of foreign policy, because Obiedoodle's foreign policy has been indistinguishable from his predecessor's.
So a black guy like Powell works his way up in the military food chain around white GOP politicians, retires but then gets a good paying job running the State Department under another white GOP politician.

Then comes along a socialist black politician from Chicago with no experience in really anything, and he jumps on that clown's bandwagon.

Yeah, it's not about race with Powell......bullshit.

He should be grateful to the white politicians for something he earned bimself?
Once you make E-7/O-6, virtually every promotion thereafter is pure politics.

You'd think a retired officer would know such things.

Very true and that explains wesley clark

For liberals, read up on purshing. He was a great officer and they wouldnt promote him over others, but eventslly the old codgers lost and not only did he get promoted over others, he got to design his rank visual. Snd hes technically the 2nd highest officer ever in the us military...behind guess who????
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The GOP is pretty racist. I could list examples, but we'd be here for the rest of eternity. This week's particular "widely believed racist conspiracy that some old, white Republican was dumb enough to say in public" comes from Mitt Romney co-chair and ex-George H.W. Bush chief of staff John Sununu, who said that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Powell disagrees with Romney's foreign policy. Wait, no, it's because they're both black.

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson On Racism In The Republican Party - YouTube

old and white?

ageism and racism in one post.............
It seems ironic that the same folks who have been so quick to accuse Obama opponents of racism turn around and protest at the suggestion that someone might support Obama for racial reasons.

So you believe that white Democrat Zell Miller must have supported McCain in 2008 because McCain was white?

I mean, there's no other reason he would support McCain, is there?

Wow you really missed the point of the thread

I notice you won't answer. Why not?
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

Yo could use the sameassumption for having only white preseidents for the last 200 years?
I know for a fact that many "conservative blacks" are voting because of RACE. I heard it with my own fucking ears.

Why can't you people accept this?

I understand that most blacks are socialist and will be voting democrat for that reason....I simply don't care what their reason is for voting. Why the fuck are you attacking someone just stating the truth.

It's you that wants to hold them down on government.
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

Yo could use the sameassumption for having only white preseidents for the last 200 years?

That's what happens when the country is 87-89% white from 1789-1970. Up until you opened up the flood gates of the third world of course.
Liberals have no trouble believing that some people oppose Obama because he's black. Yet, they express shock at the suggestion that some people support Obama because he's black. Curious.

Given all the times that liberals have accused white conservatives of attacking Obama because he's black, it's rather odd to see such an intense protest over the idea that some blacks support him because he's black.

Is Powell's endorsement based on race? I suspect that's part of the reason, and it might even be the deciding factor, but I think there are other reasons as well.
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

When those 98% voted for a white dem, was it racist then as well?

George Bush won about 16% so closer to 84-86% on the norm. I'm talking about the conservative blacks that are going 10-12% for Obama for no other reason than race.

They're throwing out their political beliefs just because.
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So a black guy like Powell works his way up in the military food chain around white GOP politicians, retires but then gets a good paying job running the State Department under another white GOP politician.

Then comes along a socialist black politician from Chicago with no experience in really anything, and he jumps on that clown's bandwagon.

Yeah, it's not about race with Powell......bullshit.

He should be grateful to the white politicians for something he earned bimself?
Once you make E-7/O-6, virtually every promotion thereafter is pure politics.

You'd think a retired officer would know such things.
Bodey?...You know this, dontcha?

Where'd ya scamper off to?
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

When those 98% voted for a white dem, was it racist then as well?

George Bush won about 16% so closer to 84-86% on the norm. I'm talking about the conservative blacks that are going 10-12% for Obama for no other reason than race.

They're throwing out their political beliefs just because.

So if Romney gets more Mormon vote than the usual Republican share, we can attribute that to being something bigoted about Mormons?
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

Yes we are. And we enjoying hearing about whites dying. That's why Obama smirked when he heard about Ambr. Stevens, Stevens was only half white.
When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

When those 98% voted for a white dem, was it racist then as well?

George Bush won about 16% so closer to 84-86% on the norm. I'm talking about the conservative blacks that are going 10-12% for Obama for no other reason than race.

They're throwing out their political beliefs just because.

Nah, they just hate whites like the rest of the 98% of us.
Racism from 2008, from a guy on every conservative's short list of the-kind-of-black-people-we-like:

"J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the Republican House leadership, said he is thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he is still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

Black Republicans consider voting for Obama -

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