The Recent John Sununu Fiasco Is Just More Reason Y 2day's Republicans Get No Respect

My point was just the so called conservative blacks going over to Obama.

Bush won with about 16% of the black vote

10-12 percent of that shifted over to Obama in 2008. That was because of race.
Liberals have no trouble believing that some people oppose Obama because he's black. Yet, they express shock at the suggestion that some people support Obama because he's black. Curious.

Given all the times that liberals have accused white conservatives of attacking Obama because he's black, it's rather odd to see such an intense protest over the idea that some blacks support him because he's black.

Is Powell's endorsement based on race? I suspect that's part of the reason, and it might even be the deciding factor, but I think there are other reasons as well.

Conservatives deny that anyone opposes Obama just because he's black, yet they constantly claim that black people support him only because he's black.

Given all the times that Conservatives have denied that race plays any part in their dislike for Obama, it's rather odd to see such an intense belief in the idea that black people only support Obama because he's black.

See how that works?
My point was just the so called conservative blacks going over to Obama.

Bush won with about 16% of the black vote

10-12 percent of that shifted over to Obama in 2008. That was because of race.

John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

Here's Sununu in his own words on the matter...

John Sununu Says Race Played Role in Colin Powell's Endoresement - YouTube

And here is General Colin Powell in his own words giving Obama a second endorsement.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here's three (3) reasons why this is not only personally offensive, but utterly reprehensible and why there's no equivalency on the left for this sort of low-down nastiness...there just isn't so save it.

  1. It's outright racist, coming from the party that always CLAIMS to "not see race"
  2. He's a top Romney campaign member, and forefront GOPer in the public sphere
  3. There's no outcry from the right...they are silent (yes, I'm talking to you USMB RWer)

You people just give reason, after reason, after reason to hold and keep you/your party in contempt...on a daily basis. And you want to get offended when called out on it.

Either save it or prove me wrong... I know you want to win this election really badly and don't want to do anything to jeopardize it, but c' some leadership, show some Personal Responsibility.

...yet you were screaming that Whites DIDN'T vote for him because he is "blacK", you are racist fuck yourself kid.

By the way...BAMMY is as much white as he is do know that?

I repeat, YOU are a racist fuck.
I know for a fact that many "conservative blacks" are voting because of RACE. I heard it with my own fucking ears.

Why can't you people accept this?

I understand that most blacks are socialist and will be voting democrat for that reason....I simply don't care what their reason is for voting. Why the fuck are you attacking someone just stating the truth.

It's you that wants to hold them down on government.
Because it isn't the truth.

When 98% of blacks are voting for the black guy. What the fuck should we think? Of course they're voting on race...Honestly.

When those 98% voted for a white dem, was it racist then as well?

George Bush won about 16% so closer to 84-86% on the norm. I'm talking about the conservative blacks that are going 10-12% for Obama for no other reason than race.

They're throwing out their political beliefs just because.
Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 1988 Presidential Election George Bush won 11%. George W. Bush won 9 % and 11% respectively. Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2000 Presidential Election
Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2004 Presidential Election

Neither Bush ever approached 16%.
John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

Here's Sununu in his own words on the matter...

John Sununu Says Race Played Role in Colin Powell's Endoresement - YouTube

And here is General Colin Powell in his own words giving Obama a second endorsement.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here's three (3) reasons why this is not only personally offensive, but utterly reprehensible and why there's no equivalency on the left for this sort of low-down nastiness...there just isn't so save it.

  1. It's outright racist, coming from the party that always CLAIMS to "not see race"
  2. He's a top Romney campaign member, and forefront GOPer in the public sphere
  3. There's no outcry from the right...they are silent (yes, I'm talking to you USMB RWer)

You people just give reason, after reason, after reason to hold and keep you/your party in contempt...on a daily basis. And you want to get offended when called out on it.

Either save it or prove me wrong... I know you want to win this election really badly and don't want to do anything to jeopardize it, but c' some leadership, show some Personal Responsibility.

The way I see it, it's like this. Sununu put his foot in his mouth...only sort of. Powell obviously knows why he is voting for Obama and so publicly stated the same. On the other hand, some of us who lean to the right...especially crusading pundits, may have felt offended when a long time, powerful republican endorsed Obama during the previous campaign. Fast forward to Powell's second endorsement of the President. Maybe the other side felt a response was needed to explain away the General's public support of the "other side". Does this justify Sununu's words? No, but it's par for the course during an election year.

I've been very fond of Powell for many years and I trust the man's words and intent.

Throwing down the race card is a weak and inane move for either side. Some people may vote because they identify with the ethnicity of a given what? I imagine if that is the case it's based on deeply personal reasoning, or not. Who can be sure unless the person so states such bias? My point however, is that Sununu does not speak for me personally, and while deeply imbedded in the Romney campaign, he is not the universal mouth for every republican out there. Both sides have played the race card. I suspect they always shall.
Ergo, John Sununu supports Mitt Romney because he's white.

That makes sense, I suppose.

This country is fucking retarded.

Whites are voting based on political belief of hard work,. The majority of whites don't like socialism and think before we vote.

So Romney/Ryan are running on a ticket to end social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and are adxocating a flat tax?
Conservatives deny that anyone opposes Obama just because he's black, yet they constantly claim that black people support him only because he's black.

Given all the times that Conservatives have denied that race plays any part in their dislike for Obama, it's rather odd to see such an intense belief in the idea that black people only support Obama because he's black.

See how that works?

Those two claims are not mutually exclusive, moron.
John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

Here's Sununu in his own words on the matter...

John Sununu Says Race Played Role in Colin Powell's Endoresement - YouTube

And here is General Colin Powell in his own words giving Obama a second endorsement.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here's three (3) reasons why this is not only personally offensive, but utterly reprehensible and why there's no equivalency on the left for this sort of low-down nastiness...there just isn't so save it.

  1. It's outright racist, coming from the party that always CLAIMS to "not see race"
  2. He's a top Romney campaign member, and forefront GOPer in the public sphere
  3. There's no outcry from the right...they are silent (yes, I'm talking to you USMB RWer)

You people just give reason, after reason, after reason to hold and keep you/your party in contempt...on a daily basis. And you want to get offended when called out on it.

Either save it or prove me wrong... I know you want to win this election really badly and don't want to do anything to jeopardize it, but c' some leadership, show some Personal Responsibility.
Checkout who agrees 100% w/the racist John Sununu...
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Abject Racist


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*tsk, tsk, tsk*
Conservatives deny that anyone opposes Obama just because he's black, yet they constantly claim that black people support him only because he's black.

Given all the times that Conservatives have denied that race plays any part in their dislike for Obama, it's rather odd to see such an intense belief in the idea that black people only support Obama because he's black.

See how that works?
A wise person once quoted that racism is broad sympathy for some and broader skepticism for others.
Ergo, John Sununu supports Mitt Romney because he's white.

That makes sense, I suppose.

This country is fucking retarded.

If whites were as racist as blacks, 97% of whites would vote for Romney.


Kill the thread, why don't ya?!

It's not a thread killer because it's a silly argument when intelligent people factor in the fact that "Blacks" as a voting bloc have voted for White democrat presidential candidates in the 90 percentile category before. The only thing different was that they had a better get out to vote mobilization plan than the other candidates. I'm sure that the fact that he would be the first visibly Black President was another motivating factor.

I find it quite telling that many white racists try to downplay the fact that a people who have been discriminated against and treated like second class citizens in a de facto and de jure manner would be excited to see the gains this country has made. The dishonest hack try to call it "racist". What a joke.

The "97% of the Blacks" number is ANOTHER BOGUS LIE. Fact is that 97% of "the Blacks" don't fucking vote.
If whites were as racist as blacks, 97% of whites would vote for Romney.


Kill the thread, why don't ya?!

It's not a thread killer because it's a silly argument when intelligent people factor in the fact that "Blacks" as a voting bloc have voted for White democrat presidential candidates in the 90 percentile category before. The only thing different was that they had a better get out to vote mobilization plan than the other candidates. I'm sure that the fact that he would be the first visibly Black President was another motivating factor.

I find it quite telling that many white racists try to downplay the fact that a people who have been discriminated against and treated like second class citizens in a de facto and de jure manner would be excited to see the gains this country has made. The dishonest hack try to call it "racist". What a joke.

The "97% of the Blacks" number is ANOTHER BOGUS LIE. Fact is that 97% of "the Blacks" don't fucking vote.

What about all the white people who voted for Obama? I am sure they only wanted to see someone of the same color in office as them.

oh.... wait.

you are absolutely correct. The inconvenient fact to the "yeah, of course the negros vote for the negros" stupidity from the right, is that the "black vote" has for a very long time been overwhelmingly democratic. And when presented with these facts, they ignore it completely. I guess the Black people thought Clinton was "blacker" because he played a sax.
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Sununu is entitled to his opinion and we are entitled to tell Powell to go join Obama and his party..You are a backstabber and wont be missed
What about all the white people who voted for Obama? I am sure they only wanted to see someone of the same color in office as them.

oh.... wait.
Uh-huh...And white people who voted for Obiedoodle because he's black couldn't possibly be racist, huh? :rolleyes:
John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

Here's Sununu in his own words on the matter...

John Sununu Says Race Played Role in Colin Powell's Endoresement - YouTube

And here is General Colin Powell in his own words giving Obama a second endorsement.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here's three (3) reasons why this is not only personally offensive, but utterly reprehensible and why there's no equivalency on the left for this sort of low-down nastiness...there just isn't so save it.

  1. It's outright racist, coming from the party that always CLAIMS to "not see race"
  2. He's a top Romney campaign member, and forefront GOPer in the public sphere
  3. There's no outcry from the right...they are silent (yes, I'm talking to you USMB RWer)

You people just give reason, after reason, after reason to hold and keep you/your party in contempt...on a daily basis. And you want to get offended when called out on it.

Either save it or prove me wrong... I know you want to win this election really badly and don't want to do anything to jeopardize it, but c' some leadership, show some Personal Responsibility.

The way I see it, it's like this. Sununu put his foot in his mouth...only sort of. Powell obviously knows why he is voting for Obama and so publicly stated the same. On the other hand, some of us who lean to the right...especially crusading pundits, may have felt offended when a long time, powerful republican endorsed Obama during the previous campaign. Fast forward to Powell's second endorsement of the President. Maybe the other side felt a response was needed to explain away the General's public support of the "other side". Does this justify Sununu's words? No, but it's par for the course during an election year.

I've been very fond of Powell for many years and I trust the man's words and intent.

Throwing down the race card is a weak and inane move for either side. Some people may vote because they identify with the ethnicity of a given what? I imagine if that is the case it's based on deeply personal reasoning, or not. Who can be sure unless the person so states such bias? My point however, is that Sununu does not speak for me personally, and while deeply imbedded in the Romney campaign, he is not the universal mouth for every republican out there. Both sides have played the race card. I suspect they always shall.
Why do you claim he simply "put his foot in his mouth?" How do you derive at this conclussion? Are you saying he doesn't believe what he's saying? He worded what he meant wrongly? If so, then what's he trying to say? It's pretty clear what he said and what he means. Yet, you are unwilling to call him on it. That's one.

Two, why must you state something including "the other side." There's no "other side" here. This is the Republicans engaging in one of their favorite pasttimes. There's no equivalency here...I've stated as much. Why not take personal responsibility for the action of a CURRNET PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE of your party.

That brings me to vehemently state that Sununu does not speak for you personally, yet you are still unwilling and unable to condemn his actions. Why is this? Do you agree with him? If not state so. This is part of taking personal responibility. What you do when you do not condemn him is condone him. You're saying it's OK to do this, no one will hold you accountable. That means it will continue to happen again. So you're last statement "I suspect they always shall" becomes more of a self-fulfilling prophecy because of Republicans like you who do NOT and/or REFUSE to condemn these nasty and offensive actions of your party.

So you can see how it's hard to take you/your words/your party seriously considering all this. And that's putting it nicely.
John Sununu, Mitt Romney Campaign Co-Chair has recently said, outright that the reason that Colin Powell's supported Barack Obama is because they're both black.

Here's Sununu in his own words on the matter...

John Sununu Says Race Played Role in Colin Powell's Endoresement - YouTube

And here is General Colin Powell in his own words giving Obama a second endorsement.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here's three (3) reasons why this is not only personally offensive, but utterly reprehensible and why there's no equivalency on the left for this sort of low-down nastiness...there just isn't so save it.

  1. It's outright racist, coming from the party that always CLAIMS to "not see race"
  2. He's a top Romney campaign member, and forefront GOPer in the public sphere
  3. There's no outcry from the right...they are silent (yes, I'm talking to you USMB RWer)

You people just give reason, after reason, after reason to hold and keep you/your party in contempt...on a daily basis. And you want to get offended when called out on it.

Either save it or prove me wrong... I know you want to win this election really badly and don't want to do anything to jeopardize it, but c' some leadership, show some Personal Responsibility.

The way I see it, it's like this. Sununu put his foot in his mouth...only sort of. Powell obviously knows why he is voting for Obama and so publicly stated the same. On the other hand, some of us who lean to the right...especially crusading pundits, may have felt offended when a long time, powerful republican endorsed Obama during the previous campaign. Fast forward to Powell's second endorsement of the President. Maybe the other side felt a response was needed to explain away the General's public support of the "other side". Does this justify Sununu's words? No, but it's par for the course during an election year.

I've been very fond of Powell for many years and I trust the man's words and intent.

Throwing down the race card is a weak and inane move for either side. Some people may vote because they identify with the ethnicity of a given what? I imagine if that is the case it's based on deeply personal reasoning, or not. Who can be sure unless the person so states such bias? My point however, is that Sununu does not speak for me personally, and while deeply imbedded in the Romney campaign, he is not the universal mouth for every republican out there. Both sides have played the race card. I suspect they always shall.
Why do you claim he simply "put his foot in his mouth?" How do you derive at this conclussion? Are you saying he doesn't believe what he's saying? He worded what he meant wrongly? If so, then what's he trying to say? It's pretty clear what he said and what he means. Yet, you are unwilling to call him on it. That's one.

Two, why must you state something including "the other side." There's no "other side" here. This is the Republicans engaging in one of their favorite pasttimes. There's no equivalency here...I've stated as much. Why not take personal responsibility for the action of a CURRNET PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE of your party.

That brings me to vehemently state that Sununu does not speak for you personally, yet you are still unwilling and unable to condemn his actions. Why is this? Do you agree with him? If not state so. This is part of taking personal responibility. What you do when you do not condemn him is condone him. You're saying it's OK to do this, no one will hold you accountable. That means it will continue to happen again. So you're last statement "I suspect they always shall" becomes more of a self-fulfilling prophecy because of Republicans like you who do NOT and/or REFUSE to condemn these nasty and offensive actions of your party.

So you can see how it's hard to take you/your words/your party seriously considering all this. And that's putting it nicely.

too bad, we don't have to condemn him and your views of these THINGS are nasty offensive actions..YOU all don't make up the rules of what are racism, nasty or offensive that we all have to live by..WE have freedom of speech and will not BE SHUT up by you people
You don't condemn you party, so you don't get to tell us to CONDEMN ANYTHING
Look at all the RW responses thus far... a series of excuses, ignoring the issue and/or outright don't cares.

Very telling.


Powell is a racist, as are you. Powell is endorsing a skin color, not a man. Like you, Powell cares a HELL of a lot more about race than about the content of character.

This article really nails it and is a perfect response to your post.
Treating Colin Powell as

Here's a more honest assessment of Powell's reasoning than the dishonest assessment in your post and the other posts like it.
"Yesterday, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, explaining that he believes the incumbent has done a good job on the economy given the situation he was handed. As a former secretary of state and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Powell also took serious issue with the foreign policy stances of Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney, saying that ” I’m not quite sure which Governor Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy”:

“One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan, but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal. Same thing in Iraq. On almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Governor Romney agreed with the President with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign. And my concern, which I’ve expressed previously in a public way, is that sometimes I don’t sense that he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have, and he gets advice from his campaign staff that he then has to adjust to modify as he goes along.

INTERVIEWER: Are you concerned about the people that are advising Governor Romney?

POWELL: I think there’s some very, very strong neo-conservative views that are presented by the Governor that I have some trouble with. There are other issues as well, not just the economy and foreign policy. I’m more comfortable with President Obama and his administration when it comes to issues like what are we going to do about climate, what are we going to do about immigration? What are we going to do about education? Lots of things like that. I do not want to see the new Obamacare plan thrown off the table. It has issues, you have to fix some things in that plan. But what I see when I look at that plan is 30 million of our fellow citizens will now be covered by insurance. And I think that’s good. We’re one of the few nations in the world, with our size, population and wealth, that does not have universal health care.”
Colin Powell endorses Obama; Sununu, McCain go nuts | Jay Bookman
What about all the white people who voted for Obama? I am sure they only wanted to see someone of the same color in office as them.

oh.... wait.
Uh-huh...And white people who voted for Obiedoodle because he's black couldn't possibly be racist, huh? :rolleyes:

Welcome to advetures in missing the point.

[ame=]Jeff Dunham - Peanut - "NYEWM" - YouTube[/ame]

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