The Red Flag Rising Over America?


Apr 23, 2009
NEW YORK - The First Annual Communist Party USA National Conference, held April 16-17, reflected a potential new turning point for the CPUSA and the allied Young Communist League (YCL), its relationship to the working class and key social forces and movements and its growth in size and influence.

CPUSA National Chair Sam Webb noted in his opening remarks the new level of receptivity and respect the party has gained in the labor and other mass movements, the growth in readership of its websites and the growing numbers joining, especially online.

Webb also argued that for the labor and democratic movements to continue to develop to effectively challenge corporate power a much larger left and Communist Party are essential.

There is mounting anger over the brutal economic crisis, the ultra right's assault on democracy and with the contrast of obscene wealth on Wall Street amid great suffering on Main Street.

Support among Americans for the free market system (aka capitalism) has plummeted in the last year according to a GlobeScan survey.
Meanwhile class and socialist consciousness are growing, evident to anyone involved in the mass upsurge against the right wing. Pew polls show greater receptivity to socialism, especially among the youth (45 percent think socialism is a better system than capitalism) and communism (11 percent of the public thinks it's a superior moral system to capitalism)

Party activists are grappling with how to effectively respond to this new situation, the new doors opening daily and especially to those joining online.
Communist Party shows new growth: Can it be sustained? » peoplesworld
Red Flag?

I'm sure it ignites the hopes of the communist party....when the president appoints one of their own as Green Jobs Czar. Or when the president hangs a christmas ornament of a communist tyrant on their christmas tree.
Communism doesn't appeal to many people, not even among the so called LEFT.

Its premise is based on a goofy notion that somehow people will suddently give up greed and put the interests of the collective ahead of their own.

Communism is as childishly appealing to people who don't understand basic human nature as objectivist libertarianism is to people who ALSO don't understand basic human nature.

Both political philosophies expect people to become something that people are not capable of becoming.
Communism doesn't appeal to many people, not even among the so called LEFT.

Its premise is based on a goofy notion that somehow people will suddently give up greed and put the interests of the collective ahead of their own.

Communism is as childishly appealing to people who don't understand basic human nature as objectivist libertarianism is to people who ALSO don't understand basic human nature.

Both political philosophies expect people to become something that people are not capable of becoming.

Your claim that communism isn't popular with lefties doesn't pass the laugh test.
Democrats are all communists now. When did the fact that an idea is "goofy" ever stop lefties from believing in it? I mean, don't they believe that the instant someone goes to work for the government that he is no longer motivated by self interest?

Your post is just another in an endless series of lefties trying to convince the public that they aren't really commies when anyone with a brain and two eyes in his head can see that they are.
Darn. I was hoping this thread was going to be about the US Military finally startying to fly a red flag with the Stars & Stripes.

For those of you who aren't into military history or flag etiquette, a plain red flag flying signifies that No Quarter will be given or expected in battle. No surrenders will be accepted and the troops flying it expect to fight to their own death rather than surrendering.

A red flag was flown by General Santa Anna when the Mexican army attacked the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. It was also very common to be seen flying on the masts of pirate ships.
NEW YORK - The First Annual Communist Party USA National Conference, held April 16-17, reflected a potential new turning point for the CPUSA and the allied Young Communist League (YCL), its relationship to the working class and key social forces and movements and its growth in size and influence.

CPUSA National Chair Sam Webb noted in his opening remarks the new level of receptivity and respect the party has gained in the labor and other mass movements, the growth in readership of its websites and the growing numbers joining, especially online.

Webb also argued that for the labor and democratic movements to continue to develop to effectively challenge corporate power a much larger left and Communist Party are essential.

There is mounting anger over the brutal economic crisis, the ultra right's assault on democracy and with the contrast of obscene wealth on Wall Street amid great suffering on Main Street.

Support among Americans for the free market system (aka capitalism) has plummeted in the last year according to a GlobeScan survey.
Meanwhile class and socialist consciousness are growing, evident to anyone involved in the mass upsurge against the right wing. Pew polls show greater receptivity to socialism, especially among the youth (45 percent think socialism is a better system than capitalism) and communism (11 percent of the public thinks it's a superior moral system to capitalism)

Party activists are grappling with how to effectively respond to this new situation, the new doors opening daily and especially to those joining online.
Communist Party shows new growth: Can it be sustained? » peoplesworld

If you granted citizenship to the 40 million illegals, add their votes to the hispanics, blacks and whites currently on welfare, you would have a tough time defeating a platform that says all property belongs to the state and every body is entitled to an equal share.
Oh goodness, the next thing you know the Free Soilers, Grange, Know Nothings and other meaningless failures will threaten to rise up and make themselves known as well.
Right wing nuts have Muslims and Mexicans to scare us with...

They don't need Commies any more
Communism doesn't appeal to many people, not even among the so called LEFT.

Its premise is based on a goofy notion that somehow people will suddently give up greed and put the interests of the collective ahead of their own.

Communism is as childishly appealing to people who don't understand basic human nature as objectivist libertarianism is to people who ALSO don't understand basic human nature.

Both political philosophies expect people to become something that people are not capable of becoming.

I the ONLY people who understand basic human nature are the ...fascists?

There have been communists around forever. They account for a very very small portion of the population and propose no threat to this country. America is the free market. Your sole goal is to gain as much wealth as you possibly can as fast as you. We are a nation of want and the people of this nation put their materials and wealth above all else. SOunds harsh but thats what it is. And it isnt going to change so those idiot McCarthyists have zero to worry about.
There have been communists around forever. They account for a very very small portion of the population and propose no threat to this country. .


So how the fuck did they manage to elect FDR 4 times? How is it that we have a federal behemoth ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

We are a nation of want and the people of this nation put their materials and wealth above all else. SOunds harsh but thats what it is. And it isnt going to change so those idiot McCarthyists have zero to worry about.

And that is exactly what is wrong with this country and why it will never be truly great, IMO.

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