The "Redskins" crap is just that, Liberal Crap!!

..and that's as far as I got. I'm not interested in your jr high school level insults.


the word "negro" isn't a slur as it a reference to the race known as "negroids" any more than "caucasian" or "asian" are "slurs" referring to those races.

"Negro" is also used by the u.s. government on forms specifying "race".

...and of course there's the the United Negro College Fund.

Therefore the word CAN'T be a slur.

It can be and is often used as a slur. ...

Who "decides"? :doubt:

I have already explained this to you.

The person using the term. I provided examples. Do you need more? The intent of the user is vital in determining whether or not the word is intended to be malicious.

Your position is....since the word's original meaning is not a slur...and that it has often been used in a manner that is not a slur...that it can never be used as a slur.

That is too simple for an adult discussion. I am a very giving I have made the attempt to teach you something.

I ask you. Is it possible for a nasty, racist asshole to use the term "negro" in such a way that it is intended to offend black people?

This is a yes or no question. You can fully respond with a single word. If you do so honestly, you will then feel the urge to apologize for wasting my time.
It can be and is often used as a slur. ...

Who "decides"? :doubt:

I have already explained this to you.'ve struggled to remain relevant and civil.

The person using the term.

I provided examples. Do you need more? The intent of the user is vital in determining whether or not the word is intended to be malicious.
Is that true of all "slurs" or just "this one"?

Your position is....since the word's original meaning is not a slur...and that it has often been used in a manner that is not a slur...that it can never be used as a slur.

Pretty much.

I dispute that the word "negro" was ever used as a "slur"'s a polite term for people of the negroid race.

That is too simple for an adult discussion.

so you proclaim.
I am a very giving I have made the attempt to teach you something.
Knowledge is required before you can teach. I don't think you've "taught" me anything. You're out of your league and try to compensate by running and dodging.

I ask you. Is it possible for a nasty, racist asshole to use the term "negro" in such a way that it is intended to offend black people?

LMFAO...nice try to frame the discussion and define the terms and stack the deck.

No matter what the answer is we're left with this fantasy person you've invented..."a nasty, racist asshole".
jr high school debate tricks don't work on adults. You'll learn that as you grow up..or I can continue to expose them when you try. Either way....

This is a yes or no question. You can fully respond with a single word. If you do so honestly, you will then feel the urge to apologize for wasting my time.

framing and stacking the deck again...

Let's see... if I answer ONE way, I've "wasted your time" and must "apologize"....and if I answer ANOTHER way I'm being "dishonest"....nice try, scooter...but I keep showing you that weak tactic doesn't work.
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The "Redskins" crap is just that, Liberal Crap!!

All this time and still no evidence from the OP that the issue has anything to do with ‘liberals,’ that ‘liberals’ are compelling a name change, or that those who advocate for a name change are in fact ‘liberals’ or representative of all ‘liberals.’

What’s ‘crap’ is the OP’s premise, it remains a straw man fallacy and fails accordingly.
Who "decides"? :doubt:

I have already explained this to you.'ve struggled to remain relevant and civil.

Is that true of all "slurs" or just "this one"?

Pretty much.

I dispute that the word "negro" was ever used as a "slur"'s a polite term for people of the negroid race.

so you proclaim.

Knowledge is required before you can teach. I don't think you've "taught" me anything. You're out of your league and try to compensate by running and dodging.

I ask you. Is it possible for a nasty, racist asshole to use the term "negro" in such a way that it is intended to offend black people?

LMFAO...nice try to frame the discussion and define the terms and stack the deck.

No matter what the answer is we're left with this fantasy person you've invented..."a nasty, racist asshole".
jr high school debate tricks don't work on adults. You'll learn that as you grow up..or I can continue to expose them when you try. Either way....

This is a yes or no question. You can fully respond with a single word. If you do so honestly, you will then feel the urge to apologize for wasting my time.

framing and stacking the deck again...

Let's see... if I answer ONE way, I've "wasted your time" and must "apologize"....and if I answer ANOTHER way I'm being "dishonest"....nice try, scooter...but I keep showing you that weak tactic doesn't work.

Well. If you had answered honestly...with a "yes"....,you would have had to realize that your argument failed miserably. If you were not honest and answered "no" would have felt uncomfortable. That says something positive about you, ironically.

Therefore, you did not answer at all.

I get it. I've been there. The desire to avoid admitting that one is wrong can be very strong. Although.....I must say that it is especially odd for an anonymous forum.

It is never too late, however. I'm here for you when you are ready to approach this topic honestly. always...I will express myself with honesty in return.
I have already explained this to you.'ve struggled to remain relevant and civil.

Is that true of all "slurs" or just "this one"?

Pretty much.

I dispute that the word "negro" was ever used as a "slur"'s a polite term for people of the negroid race.

so you proclaim.

Knowledge is required before you can teach. I don't think you've "taught" me anything. You're out of your league and try to compensate by running and dodging.

LMFAO...nice try to frame the discussion and define the terms and stack the deck.

No matter what the answer is we're left with this fantasy person you've invented..."a nasty, racist asshole".
jr high school debate tricks don't work on adults. You'll learn that as you grow up..or I can continue to expose them when you try. Either way....

This is a yes or no question. You can fully respond with a single word. If you do so honestly, you will then feel the urge to apologize for wasting my time.

framing and stacking the deck again...

Let's see... if I answer ONE way, I've "wasted your time" and must "apologize"....and if I answer ANOTHER way I'm being "dishonest"....nice try, scooter...but I keep showing you that weak tactic doesn't work.

Well. If you had answered honestly...with a "yes"....

So you decide what is honest and what isn't...framing

you would have had to realize that your argument failed miserably.

That's an either/or fallacy

If you were not honest and answered "no".

and you're the arbiter of what's "honest" or not...LMAO...framing

.you would have felt uncomfortable.

You enjoy making up fantasy situations with imaginary people doing contrived things that you you can frame your position favorably, define the terms and set the parameters. strictly amateur. It says you are afraid to debate honestly and when pressed you run for your favorite cover...distortion, evasion, deflection and lies.

That says something positive about you, ironically.
I've now decided to attribute other qualities to me that you invent out of thin air.
Framing and stacking the deck.

Therefore, you did not answer at all.
There is no answer for your distortions and dishonesty. I just won't participate.

I get it. I've been there. The desire to avoid admitting that one is wrong can be very strong.

I'm sure you know all about that topic. I won't challenege that. You've been burned so many times that you project your own inadequacies and insecurities onto me.

Although.....I must say that it is especially odd for an anonymous forum.

Not really..I observe geeks arguing over their "rep" points and such foolishness all the time...
These forums are very important to certain types of people seeking to be validated and "accepted"...they have a lot of their fragile egos wrapped up in this stuff...take you for instance...

It is never too late, however. I'm here for you when you are ready to approach this topic honestly.

framing the conversation to imply that I'm "dishonest" and need your "guidance".

Doesn't work, you know? No one is fooled. You're looking pretty silly at this point. always...I will express myself with honesty in return.

Yeah..of course you will.
So, should we ban the use of all ethnic slurs?

Does anyone on this board condemn all ethnic slurs or just some of them?
Most lefties on this site would identify me as a right-wing gun nut (among other ignorant identifications). I used to think that the name "Redskin" was no big deal, and just another manufactured crisis from the liberal "thought police". Well, I heard an interesting interview with Jesse Ventura, and to paraphrase it, he said...

Would you as a white person (or black person or Mexican) walk up to a few native americans and say, "Hey Redskin! How ya doing?"

I no longer think that the moniker "Redskin" is a harmless name. The fact that I'd feel uncomfortable going up to some native americans and saying that changed my position on this topic.

And FWIW, I'm 1/4 Blackfoot.

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Native American! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, Hey Indian! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a African American and say, Hey African American! how ya doing?

When I speak with someone, race does not enter into the equation, them as a person, enters into the equation.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Fair enough. We have differing opinions on this. How about this, though...

If you had the financial ability to purchase a professional sports team in todays world, would you consider naming said team the "Redskins"? If not, how come?
Most lefties on this site would identify me as a right-wing gun nut (among other ignorant identifications). I used to think that the name "Redskin" was no big deal, and just another manufactured crisis from the liberal "thought police". Well, I heard an interesting interview with Jesse Ventura, and to paraphrase it, he said...

Would you as a white person (or black person or Mexican) walk up to a few native americans and say, "Hey Redskin! How ya doing?"

I no longer think that the moniker "Redskin" is a harmless name. The fact that I'd feel uncomfortable going up to some native americans and saying that changed my position on this topic.

And FWIW, I'm 1/4 Blackfoot.

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Native American! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, Hey Indian! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a African American and say, Hey African American! how ya doing?

When I speak with someone, race does not enter into the equation, them as a person, enters into the equation.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Fair enough. We have differing opinions on this. How about this, though...

If you had the financial ability to purchase a professional sports team in todays world, would you consider naming said team the "Redskins"? If not, how come?

I think originally the owners thought the indians were soldier like and tough, which is why they named them that. Personally I would have to disagree with that idea. The indians were a pitiful enemy with a weak culture. Furthermore, I see absolutely no redeeming qualities in the indian community in the modern day. In short, indians dont deserve the honor of having a team named after them.
You will never find a Redskins fan ANYWHERE who would insult a Native American by calling them a Redskin. Not because they're sensitive about the word but because no Redskin fan ANYWHERE considers it a derogatory term.

that may be. but native americans do.

I'm not so sure that is true Jillian. - Poll finds few Indians offended by Washington Redskins name

That is a very small poll so I really would like to see more. If native American Indians really do find the name offensive, I'd like to see some solid evidence of it. I just get the feeling that this has been made into a big issue when it really is a non-issue.
You will never find a Redskins fan ANYWHERE who would insult a Native American by calling them a Redskin. Not because they're sensitive about the word but because no Redskin fan ANYWHERE considers it a derogatory term.

that may be. but native americans do.

I'm not so sure that is true Jillian. - Poll finds few Indians offended by Washington Redskins name

That is a very small poll so I really would like to see more. If native American Indians really do find the name offensive, I'd like to see some solid evidence of it. I just get the feeling that this has been made into a big issue when it really is a non-issue.

The study you posted is from 2004.

Here's a more recent one.

The 2004 study was also flawed:

An oft-cited 2004 survey had claimed only 9% of Native Americans found the name Redskins offensive, but the methodology has been criticized. Tribal status was not verified and Alaska, which has a significant Native population was excluded.
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Who would walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Native American! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, Hey Indian! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a African American and say, Hey African American! how ya doing?

When I speak with someone, race does not enter into the equation, them as a person, enters into the equation.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Fair enough. We have differing opinions on this. How about this, though...

If you had the financial ability to purchase a professional sports team in todays world, would you consider naming said team the "Redskins"? If not, how come?

I think originally the owners thought the indians were soldier like and tough, which is why they named them that. Personally I would have to disagree with that idea. The indians were a pitiful enemy with a weak culture. Furthermore, I see absolutely no redeeming qualities in the indian community in the modern day. In short, indians dont deserve the honor of having a team named after them.

How about that!
Most lefties on this site would identify me as a right-wing gun nut (among other ignorant identifications). I used to think that the name "Redskin" was no big deal, and just another manufactured crisis from the liberal "thought police". Well, I heard an interesting interview with Jesse Ventura, and to paraphrase it, he said...

Would you as a white person (or black person or Mexican) walk up to a few native americans and say, "Hey Redskin! How ya doing?"

I no longer think that the moniker "Redskin" is a harmless name. The fact that I'd feel uncomfortable going up to some native americans and saying that changed my position on this topic.

And FWIW, I'm 1/4 Blackfoot.

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Native American! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, Hey Indian! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a African American and say, Hey African American! how ya doing?

When I speak with someone, race does not enter into the equation, them as a person, enters into the equation.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Fair enough. We have differing opinions on this. How about this, though...

If you had the financial ability to purchase a professional sports team in todays world, would you consider naming said team the "Redskins"? If not, how come?

Not sure what I would name the team, a lot would have to do with the culture and the area the team would be located in. Besides I dislike the Washington Redskins, never have been a fan of them unless they are playing Seattle or Dallas.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Who would walk up to a Native American and say, "Hey Native American! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a Native American and say, Hey Indian! How ya doing?

Who would walk up to a African American and say, Hey African American! how ya doing?

When I speak with someone, race does not enter into the equation, them as a person, enters into the equation.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Fair enough. We have differing opinions on this. How about this, though...

If you had the financial ability to purchase a professional sports team in todays world, would you consider naming said team the "Redskins"? If not, how come?

I think originally the owners thought the indians were soldier like and tough, which is why they named them that. Personally I would have to disagree with that idea. The indians were a pitiful enemy with a weak culture. Furthermore, I see absolutely no redeeming qualities in the indian community in the modern day. In short, indians dont deserve the honor of having a team named after them.

Wow, thanks for showing us what a racist looks like.

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So, should we ban the use of all ethnic slurs?

Does anyone on this board condemn all ethnic slurs or just some of them?

This doesn’t make any sense.

Who or what will ‘ban’ racial slurs, and by what authority?

Certainly not any government, as racial slurs are protected speech (see, e.g., R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992)).

What about yourself, do you use racial slurs? Which ones do you find acceptable?

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Hey lets forget about our president using the IRS to harass american citizens for political reasons and then destroying evidence ....Why? Because the Redskins is a evil name!!!!! (even though not one of your liberal idiots know why they have the name) You liberals are ether idiots or love fascism.

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