The "Redskins" crap is just that, Liberal Crap!!

.......While the nation is beset with myriad administration scandals, a woeful economy, the Middle East on fire, an imploding health care system, an upside-down budget, etc., many liberals, especially the Washington bigwigs, are focusing instead on coercing a football team to change its innocuous name.*Harry Reid actually said this issue is the nation's top priority.*But do you think it's just an accident that Harry Reid et al. are harassing the Washington team instead of, say, the Cleveland Indians? Fear not, however; if their bullying campaign succeeds here, they'll seek to expand its reach.......
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.......While the nation is beset with myriad administration scandals, a woeful economy, the Middle East on fire, an imploding health care system, an upside-down budget, etc., many liberals, especially the Washington bigwigs, are focusing instead on coercing a football team to change its innocuous name.*Harry Reid actually said this issue is the nation's top priority.*But do you think it's just an accident that Harry Reid et al. are harassing the Washington team instead of, say, the Cleveland Indians? Fear not, however; if their bullying campaign succeeds here, they'll seek to expand its reach.......

....but there was a congressional hearing (!) the other day on some diet product this tv celebrity "Dr. Oz" apparently promotes.
A senate sub committee headed by Claire McCaskill, (care to guess her party affiliation?) subpoenaed him and convened for a "hearing"...LMAO
(links all over the net..pick the source you like best)

Evidently he said it was a "miracle product", so they went after him for "deceptive marketing"...which is fine, I guess.
No one likes deception and I'm sure there were SOME american consumers who really thought a pill could cause a "miracle".I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

.... but THESE are the things our government deems as important! and crucial! and demand immediate action!
The American public is so easily manipulated. Most cannot think for themselves. Pretty soon we will have to raise our hands if we have to go to the bathroom. The government has grown to big and will implode soon.
Intent matters.

The term "negro" has been used with malicious intent as a slur for so long by so many....that it has come to be viewed as an offensive term.

Do you agree?

So, too, have the terms "cracker" and "peckerwood" been used maliciously but I don't cry when the terms are used. I just see the user of said terms as ignorant, pea-brains and move on with my life. I don't declare a national emergency and call the ACLU when I hear someone using them. Too petty for my blood.

I don't cry when ignorant losers use the word "negro". I mock. Just like I am mocking you now.

You are absolutely correct that the word "cracker" is often used as a slur. Therefore, it's use is often considered socially unacceptable. That is doesn't bother you is not proof that it isn't often used as a slur.

A slur depends on context and the thickness of one's skin. I choose not to be offended by petty slurs that are offered up as an insult. It goes back the old "sticks and stones" saying of which many liberals have never mastered. It seems to me that they go out of their way to be offended.
You will never find a Redskins fan ANYWHERE who would insult a Native American by calling them a Redskin. Not because they're sensitive about the word but because no Redskin fan ANYWHERE considers it a derogatory term.

that may be. but native americans do.

Since when have you been to a reservation or conducted a poll of Native Americans to find out? You say they are offended because the government says they are.

You assume too much. Being one quarter Cherokee, I have little issue with the name of a football team. I love watching the Braves, who are named after Native Americans as well. Why aren't people going after them? We don't need overzealous liberals like you speaking for our people, we will speak for ourselves.

Ahh, but what about the Fighting Irish? Wouldn't that be offensive to Irish people? Hell if you really want to get ludicrous, you could say the New York Giants and San Francisco Giants are offensive to tall people. Do you realize how stupid this is?

Do you have any regard for the people who might actually BE offended by the Redskins name? But then again, some liberals have little regard for the free speech rights of others.

There ain't nothing "liberal" about this idea. That would be "leftist". The OP has his head up his ass and doesn't know the difference. Liberalism invented free speech.

It's telling that the OP dropped a drive-by dropping and got the hell out of Dodge. Perhaps he doesn't realize his name is still on the thread.

I have to say though TK, I would fully support going after the Braves. That sentiment is neither Liberal nor leftist but just as a sports fan. :death:
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It's insane for someone to get offended by something that was said with the aim of offending them. Absolutely.

Care to continue our conversation where we left off?

post #138

I'm interested in what you have to say.

I've addressed those questions already.

You want to get upset by societal norms being what they are. I get it. You feel oppressed and boxed in because you think you ought to be able to call black people negroes. After all, at some point in history, it was accepted. It must still be fine.

You are woefully confused by how the march of time....and all the social change that has accompanied it.... has screwed with your lexicon. And you will protest loudly and without regard for facts. I get it.
All that silly gay rights stuff is just liberal nonsense that's going nowhere. Or so they said.

Stuff that's "going nowhere" tends to end up as mainstream belief. The Redskins name, gone eventually. Not immediately, but it's just a matter of time.
It's insane for someone to get offended by something that was said with the aim of offending them. Absolutely.

Care to continue our conversation where we left off?

post #138

I'm interested in what you have to say.

I've addressed those questions already.
No you haven't.

You want to get upset by societal norms being what they are.

No I don't.

I get it.

No, you don't.
You feel oppressed and boxed in because you think you ought to be able to call black people negroes.

No I don't. There's nothing wrong with the word. I use it often.

After all, at some point in history, it was accepted. It must still be fine.

Whatever you say. Negro is the polite term for members of the negroid race.

It is used as a valid choice for "race" on the U.S. Census. Unless you are saying the U.S. Census is "boxed in and oppressed". :lol:

Of course there's the United negro college fund...are they boxed in and oppressed, too?

You are woefully confused by how the march of time....and all the social change that has accompanied it.... has screwed with your lexicon. And you will protest loudly and without regard for facts. I get it.
You just make things up and attribute motives that aren't true. You try to frame the conversation and use negative terms and descriptions. That's dishonest..but you know that.

Let's work through this brief list of questions I asked you earlier if you don't mind?
You did see them, right?
You aren't trying to dodge, are you?

Is the anthropologically correct term for white people (caucasian) a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Is the anthropologically correct term for asians a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Explain how the anthropologically correct term for people of the negroid race (negroes) is a "slur" used with "malicious intent".

You allege that the user defines "intent". Fine. I already said I have no malicious intent, so that angle is debunked.

What are the demographics of the town/city you live in?
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You are having a tantrum. I have explained it to you several different ways now. The word is considered a slur in most instances. Not all. Context and intent matter.

You've survived this can make it without calling black people negroes.
You are having a tantrum.


I have explained it to you several different ways now. The word is considered a slur in most instances. Not all. Context and intent matter.

You said intent was defined by the user...therefore "negro" isn't a slur.
You've survived this can make it without calling black people negroes.

irrelevant and non responsive.

Your entire beef is that I am saying that this word is often used as a slur. You are arguing that point, right?
As a fifth generation Florida Cracker, if I was surrounded by people calling me a cracker in a derogatory fashion I'd know they were racist idiots!
As a fifth generation Florida Cracker, if I was surrounded by people calling me a cracker in a derogatory fashion I'd know they were racist idiots!

Shit, you don't even know what Liberal means -- how you gonna crack cracker?

And way to go, finally showing up 154 posts in. Stay classy. :eusa_clap:
You are having a tantrum.


You said intent was defined by the user...therefore "negro" isn't a slur.
You've survived this can make it without calling black people negroes.

irrelevant and non responsive.

Your entire beef is that I am saying that this word is often used as a slur. You are arguing that point, right?
No. I'm asking you the same questions you've avoided for 3 or 4 pages.

Is the anthropologically correct term for white people (caucasian) a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Is the anthropologically correct term "asian" a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Explain how the anthropologically correct term for people of the negroid race (negroes) is a "slur" used with "malicious intent".

You allege that the user defines "intent". Fine. I already said I have no malicious intent, so that angle is debunked.

You said intent was defined by the user...therefore "negro" isn't a slur.

irrelevant and non responsive.

Your entire beef is that I am saying that this word is often used as a slur. You are arguing that point, right?
No. I'm asking you the same questions you've avoided for 3 or 4 pages.

Is the anthropologically correct term for white people (caucasian) a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Is the anthropologically correct term "asian" a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Explain how the anthropologically correct term for people of the negroid race (negroes) is a "slur" used with "malicious intent".

You allege that the user defines "intent". Fine. I already said I have no malicious intent, so that angle is debunked.

I avoided nothing. I have answered you several times. The word negro has been used as a slur by enough people to make it a word that is often not socially accepted. I will answer again.......and you will accept the answer like the asshole that you are trying to be....yes?

1) No.

2) No.

3) If the user intends it to be derogatory....and as a is thus used maliciously. Ones intent matters. You want an example or two?

4) I said that it is often used with malicious intent. I never said that you used it in any way.In fact, I said that I don't believe that you use it at all. I think you lied about that.

Now.....please know that I will probably not play this game with you again. You know...the one where you repeat asinine questions and stomp your feet until someone answers them in order. I answered you several ways in the thread and you chose to ignore the answers.
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.and you will accept the answer like the asshole that you are trying to be...

..and that's as far as I got. I'm not interested in your jr high school level insults.


the word "negro" isn't a slur as it a reference to the race known as "negroids" any more than "caucasian" or "asian" are "slurs" referring to those races.

"Negro" is also used by the u.s. government on forms specifying "race".

...and of course there's the the United Negro College Fund.

Therefore the word CAN'T be a slur.
.and you will accept the answer like the asshole that you are trying to be...

..and that's as far as I got. I'm not interested in your jr high school level insults.


the word "negro" isn't a slur as it a reference to the race known as "negroids" any more than "caucasian" or "asian" are "slurs" referring to those races.

"Negro" is also used by the u.s. government on forms specifying "race".

...and of course there's the the United Negro College Fund.

Therefore the word CAN'T be a slur.

It can be and is often used as a slur. Your point of view on this is that of a simpleton. You have invited and earned my mild insults. More to come, I'm sure.
.and you will accept the answer like the asshole that you are trying to be...

..and that's as far as I got. I'm not interested in your jr high school level insults.


the word "negro" isn't a slur as it a reference to the race known as "negroids" any more than "caucasian" or "asian" are "slurs" referring to those races.

"Negro" is also used by the u.s. government on forms specifying "race".

...and of course there's the the United Negro College Fund.

Therefore the word CAN'T be a slur.

It can be and is often used as a slur. ...

Who "decides"? :doubt:

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