The "Redskins" crap is just that, Liberal Crap!!

Well, I presume most negroes agree...Not on principal, of course...but mainly because it agitates and inconveniences the white man and is a chance for them to thumb their noses...

It's like "negro"...for hundreds of years it was used as the polite term for people of the negroid race...negroes decided they didn't "like" it anymore and they wanted to be "black"....then it was "'s all a ploy to manipulate people by becoming selectively "offended".

It's called "incremental creep" it's "redskins"..if they succeed they'll move on to something else to be "offended" about and that simply MUST be changed!

As they've learned that they can manipulate people with emotional appeals it'll continue and grow.

Intent matters.

The term "negro" has been used with malicious intent as a slur for so long by so many....that it has come to be viewed as an offensive term.

Do you agree?

Negro is the correct term to describe people of the "negroid" race. Just as caucasian and asian are.

Is "caucasian" a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?
What about "asian"?
Is that a "slur" with "malicious intent"?

Describe how "malicious intent" can be attached to a benign word?

Who determines "intent"?

Your last question.......

The person using the word determines intent.

You have used the "Caucasian" and "Asian" argument several times here. A dictionary is not a suitable source for determining the intent of word usage.

The term "negro" is often used as a slur. Not always.....but often enough to have become a word that YOU WOULD NOT USE to describe a black person.....TO ANOTHER BLACK PERSON.
This school is 100% Navajo Indian and they are damn proud to be REDSKINS!!

Will Harry Reid Tell This 100% Navajo Indian High School Their ?Redskins? Mascot is Racist?

When the Washington Redskins becomes 100% Navajo Indian let me know.

Racial slurs belong to the people who are the target of the slur. That's why a black guy can say "******" all he wants and the only people he has to answer to for it are other black people. The penalty for a group using a racial slur against another is lost ownership of that word or phrase.

BTW - I like how they are 100% Navajo when they say what you want but they are "liberals" when they don't
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Intent matters.

The term "negro" has been used with malicious intent as a slur for so long by so many....that it has come to be viewed as an offensive term.

Do you agree?

Negro is the correct term to describe people of the "negroid" race. Just as caucasian and asian are.

Is "caucasian" a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?
What about "asian"?
Is that a "slur" with "malicious intent"?

Describe how "malicious intent" can be attached to a benign word?

Who determines "intent"?

Your last question.......

The person using the word determines intent.
What about the other 2 questions? You'd like to ignore them, right?

Ok..I don't have any "malicious intent", so therefore your argument isn't valid.

You have used the "Caucasian" and "Asian" argument several times here.

Yes...and it's still valid.
Are they "slurs" or not?

A dictionary is not a suitable source for determining the intent of word usage.
That's doubletalk and evasion.
There is NO BOOK ANYWHERE that "determines the intent of word usage".

The term "negro" is often used as a slur.

You keep saying that..but you also say that "the person using the word determines intent".
Which is it?

Not always.....but often enough to have become a word that YOU WOULD NOT USE to describe a black person.....TO ANOTHER BLACK PERSON.

I use negro often. I use it in front of negroes. I also say "black" invent these fantasy scenarios with people doing imaginary things...and you pretend that somehow "supports" your arguments.
Skip all that "to another black person" ever hear what they call each other?

What are the demographics of the town/city you live in?
Just curious.
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I'm trying to figure out who is offended, not the Native Americans, it's white liberals that have the issue.

Well, I presume most negroes agree...Not on principal, of course...but mainly because it agitates and inconveniences the white man and is a chance for them to thumb their noses...

It's like "negro"...for hundreds of years it was used as the polite term for people of the negroid race...negroes decided they didn't "like" it anymore and they wanted to be "black"....then it was "'s all a ploy to manipulate people by becoming selectively "offended".

It's called "incremental creep" it's "redskins"..if they succeed they'll move on to something else to be "offended" about and that simply MUST be changed!

As they've learned that they can manipulate people with emotional appeals it'll continue and grow.

Intent matters.

The term "negro" has been used with malicious intent as a slur for so long by so many....that it has come to be viewed as an offensive term.

Do you agree?

So, too, have the terms "cracker" and "peckerwood" been used maliciously but I don't cry when the terms are used. I just see the user of said terms as ignorant, pea-brains and move on with my life. I don't declare a national emergency and call the ACLU when I hear someone using them. Too petty for my blood.
It's interesting that folks are up in arms for using the term "Redskins" because it draws attention to the color of someone's skin but then the same folks turn around and demand that we call black people "black" instead of Negro. So if you're "black" we're to use a term that draws attention to skin color but if you're Indian it's taboo to do so. What a bunch of mental midgets!!!
It's interesting that folks are up in arms for using the term "Redskins" because it draws attention to the color of someone's skin but then the same folks turn around and demand that we call black people "black" instead of Negro. So if you're "black" we're to use a term that draws attention to skin color but if you're Indian it's taboo to do so. What a bunch of mental midgets!!!

+1......these people are laughable.:D
It's interesting that folks are up in arms for using the term "Redskins" because it draws attention to the color of someone's skin but then the same folks turn around and demand that we call black people "black" instead of Negro. So if you're "black" we're to use a term that draws attention to skin color but if you're Indian it's taboo to do so. What a bunch of mental midgets!!!

Try calling them "blackskins" and see what happens.

By the way - have you been in a coma the past 20 years? We have another term to refer to the folks you call "Negro". You should get your google and check it out.
Negro is the correct term to describe people of the "negroid" race. Just as caucasian and asian are.

Is "caucasian" a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?
What about "asian"?
Is that a "slur" with "malicious intent"?

Describe how "malicious intent" can be attached to a benign word?

Who determines "intent"?

Your last question.......

The person using the word determines intent.
What about the other 2 questions? You'd like to ignore them, right?

Ok..I don't have any "malicious intent", so therefore your argument isn't valid.

Yes...and it's still valid.
Are they "slurs" or not?

That's doubletalk and evasion.
There is NO BOOK ANYWHERE that "determines the intent of word usage".

The term "negro" is often used as a slur.

You keep saying that..but you also say that "the person using the word determines intent".
Which is it?

Not always.....but often enough to have become a word that YOU WOULD NOT USE to describe a black person.....TO ANOTHER BLACK PERSON.

I use negro often. I use it in front of negroes. I also say "black" invent these fantasy scenarios with people doing imaginary things...and you pretend that somehow "supports" your arguments.
Skip all that "to another black person" ever hear what they call each other?

What are the demographics of the town/city you live in?
Just curious.

I don't believe that you use the term "negro" to refer to black people when speaking to black people.

What black people say to other black people is not of consequence here. We are discussing why the word "negro" has become a word that is often used in a manner that is not socially acceptable.
Well, I presume most negroes agree...Not on principal, of course...but mainly because it agitates and inconveniences the white man and is a chance for them to thumb their noses...

It's like "negro"...for hundreds of years it was used as the polite term for people of the negroid race...negroes decided they didn't "like" it anymore and they wanted to be "black"....then it was "'s all a ploy to manipulate people by becoming selectively "offended".

It's called "incremental creep" it's "redskins"..if they succeed they'll move on to something else to be "offended" about and that simply MUST be changed!

As they've learned that they can manipulate people with emotional appeals it'll continue and grow.

Intent matters.

The term "negro" has been used with malicious intent as a slur for so long by so many....that it has come to be viewed as an offensive term.

Do you agree?

So, too, have the terms "cracker" and "peckerwood" been used maliciously but I don't cry when the terms are used. I just see the user of said terms as ignorant, pea-brains and move on with my life. I don't declare a national emergency and call the ACLU when I hear someone using them. Too petty for my blood.

I don't cry when ignorant losers use the word "negro". I mock. Just like I am mocking you now.

You are absolutely correct that the word "cracker" is often used as a slur. Therefore, it's use is often considered socially unacceptable. That is doesn't bother you is not proof that it isn't often used as a slur.
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So, too, have the terms "cracker" and "peckerwood" been used maliciously but I don't cry when the terms are used.

The term "cracker" doesn't have a genocide attached to it.

That might have something to do with it.

"Negro" is the anthropologically correct term for people of the negroid race.

Negroid is the correct term. Not Negro.

It has nothing to do with "genocide".


The U.S.A. just took their land, killed 90% of them, marched them onto reservations, and started calling them "redskin" as a term of endearment to honor them.

Got it
You are absolutely correct that the word "cracker" is often used as a slur. Therefore, it's use is often considered socially unacceptable. That is doesn't bother you is not proof that it is often not used as a slur.

If I were surrounded by people who did not look like me and they started calling me the term "cracker" - I would definitely be offended - because in that situation its quite obvious they are using the term to offend me. (When someone intentionally tries to offend - they shouldn't be surprised when someone is offended, should they?)

On the other hand if I see someone using it on TV I'm not.

So it depends on context.
You are absolutely correct that the word "cracker" is often used as a slur. Therefore, it's use is often considered socially unacceptable. That is doesn't bother you is not proof that it is often not used as a slur.

If I were surrounded by people who did not look like me and they started calling me the term "cracker" - I would definitely be offended - because in that situation its quite obvious they are using the term to offend me. (When someone intentionally tries to offend - they shouldn't be surprised when someone is offended, should they?)

On the other hand if I see someone using it on TV I'm not.

So it depends on context.

That is what I said. We agree.
Your last question.......

The person using the word determines intent.
What about the other 2 questions? You'd like to ignore them, right?

Ok..I don't have any "malicious intent", so therefore your argument isn't valid.

Yes...and it's still valid.
Are they "slurs" or not?

That's doubletalk and evasion.
There is NO BOOK ANYWHERE that "determines the intent of word usage".

You keep saying that..but you also say that "the person using the word determines intent".
Which is it?

Not always.....but often enough to have become a word that YOU WOULD NOT USE to describe a black person.....TO ANOTHER BLACK PERSON.

I use negro often. I use it in front of negroes. I also say "black" invent these fantasy scenarios with people doing imaginary things...and you pretend that somehow "supports" your arguments.
Skip all that "to another black person" ever hear what they call each other?

What are the demographics of the town/city you live in?
Just curious.

I don't believe that you use the term "negro" to refer to black people when speaking to black people.

I couldn't care less what you "believe". It's irrelevant, first of all, and second, it's an obvious attempt to divert the discussion.

What black people say to other black people is not of consequence here.

I know. ...but you are the one who mentioned "slurs" with "malicious intent".
I drew the comparison between a benign word and a real slur.

We are discussing why the word "negro" has become a word that is often used in a manner that is not socially acceptable. changed your now I'm waiting for you to inform me about who determines what words are "socially acceptable". What is the specific criteria? Who is on the committee? How often do they meet?


Is the anthropologically correct term for white people (caucasian) a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Is the anthropologically correct term for asians (asian) a "slur" used with "malicious intent"?

Explain how the anthropologically correct term for people of the negroid race (negroes) is a "slur" used with "malicious intent".
You allege that the user defines "intent". Fine. I already said I have no malicious intent, so that angle is debunked.

What are the demographics of the town/city you live in?
I don't believe that you use the term "negro" to refer to black people when speaking to black people.

I believe it 100%. I also have an inkling in my head as to what those folks think about him - at least the ones younger than ~70 years old. need some real responsibilities in life. Nobody cares about this shit except people who have nothing meaningful to do.

A huge majority is sick and tired of this PC bullshit.......the corrupt media keeps it alive but look at any poll and "race" issues don't even make the list!!!.:D:D:D


Its only an issue for the fringe PC whores
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What about all the other teams with similar names?

A Canadian team called The Eskimos. Racist?
Vikings? They never wore horned hats so the logo is stereotypical
Angels? Too religious for atheists?

Where does this ignorance stop?

eskimo, Vikings and angels aren't derogatory terms.

would you want to see a team called the staten island wops? or the Brooklyn kikes?

meh.. maybe you would. but i'd like to think you wouldn't. those words are more analogous. and not acknowledging that is what is ignorant. but please ... tell native americans how they should enjoy being referred to that way.

Jillians team is called the lying jap lawyers. :lol:

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