The "Redskins" crap is just that, Liberal Crap!!

This is nothing more than censorship...curtailment of freedom of speech...encroachment of the liberals on the freedoms of others...advancement of the liberal agenda (to control the sheeple and determine behavioral acceptability).

It is already such that only black comedians and rappers can call each other "niggah" and expect us to laugh it off instead of being repulsed. Others are subject to lawsuits, boycotts, loss of sponsorship (for admitting to having used the word years ago) and other such punishment as may be deemed appropriate by the liberal central committee.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

You have no evidence of that.

This is solely about a private entity acting on its own concerning its image in the context of public relations, having nothing to do with ‘liberals.’

No, its not. It has NOTHING to do with the private entity acting on its own but rather the government FORCING them to do it.

Harry Reid again calls on Redskins to change name | ProFootballTalk

In his speech today he DIRECTLY attributed the most recent ruling by a panel of 3 judges stripping the copyright for the Redskins to senatorial pressure.

Nothing to do with liberals? You must be joking.

You don't understand.


the fact is that this is being spearheaded by democrats in the senate and they were putting pressure on the judges to revoke the copyright in an effort to FORCE the change.

You can demand that this is not "liberals" all you want but the fact remains that these are the reps that the liberals support. You certainly do not give the conservatives a pass when they elect a moron into office but I guess its different for you....
No double standard. Not unless someone objects to using the term "Redskins" as part of the dialogue in a movie. And then you have to prove that the same person did not object to the use of the word "******" in a movie.

Now...if Harry Reid were to support naming an NFL team " The *******" or "The Spearchuckers" or "The Chinks" could accuse him of being a hypocrite.

Get it?

So being called Redskin in your opinion is not on the same level of racism as being called ******? There's different levels of 'offensiveness'?


Of course there are different levels of offensiveness. To some people, being called one is the same as being called the other. A lot depends on the intent of the individual using the word. The intent behind the team name was not to be offensive, but it IS offensive. Being derisive about their being offended does not make it less so.

Oh really ? What's the science behind determining the degree of offensivity ? What's the scale called. The Whine Index ? How high does it have to get before you are jailed for committing an offensive offense ? Should everyone come out of the closet and announce how offended they are ?
nor do the retarded liberals trying to change it

Great reply. The origin of the word doesn't matter.

an even greater reply. your really good

[ame=]Late Night Record Stuck On The Last Groove - YouTube[/ame]


Yes. I know. I say things that are true. That makes me good.

Can you think of three words that meant one thing in 1800 and a totally different thing today? I'll bet you can.
Great reply. The origin of the word doesn't matter.

an even greater reply. your really good

[ame=]Late Night Record Stuck On The Last Groove - YouTube[/ame]


Yes. I know. I say things that are true. That makes me good.

Can you think of three words that meant one thing in 1800 and a totally different thing today? I'll bet you can.



No double standard. Not unless someone objects to using the term "Redskins" as part of the dialogue in a movie. And then you have to prove that the same person did not object to the use of the word "******" in a movie.

Now...if Harry Reid were to support naming an NFL team " The *******" or "The Spearchuckers" or "The Chinks" could accuse him of being a hypocrite.

Get it?

So being called Redskin in your opinion is not on the same level of racism as being called ******? There's different levels of 'offensiveness'?


Of course there are different levels of offensiveness. To some people, being called one is the same as being called the other. A lot depends on the intent of the individual using the word. The intent behind the team name was not to be offensive, but it IS offensive. Being derisive about their being offended does not make it less so.

Yes, and brushing off the history of a slur does not make it "not as bad today".
So being called Redskin in your opinion is not on the same level of racism as being called ******? There's different levels of 'offensiveness'?


Of course there are different levels of offensiveness. To some people, being called one is the same as being called the other. A lot depends on the intent of the individual using the word. The intent behind the team name was not to be offensive, but it IS offensive. Being derisive about their being offended does not make it less so.

Yes, and brushing off the history of a slur does not make it "not as bad today".

So, what is the actual history of the name? Go ahead - anyone can chime in who knows ... I'll wait.

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