The redwoods are on fire.

Who asked you Huckleberry douche waffle ?

Thanks! Now I just want waffles!

Since the day we climbed down from the trees, this Earth has been trying to kill us all. Earthquakes, floods, fire, famine, pestilence, and blizzards.

It's about time we humans started to fight back.

Man v Nature: The Road to Victory!

Hey stupid people ... California forests are supposed to burn ... as demonstrated by the several species of trees that require burning to release their seeds ... why would evolution require fire for reproduction if fire was "unnatural"? ...

Some people think they can stick a hot poker up their butt and say they know about California ... that's just the cities, folks, not the country ...
Hey stupid people ... California forests are supposed to burn ... as demonstrated by the several species of trees that require burning to release their seeds ... why would evolution require fire for reproduction if fire was "unnatural"? ...

Some people think they can stick a hot poker up their butt and say they know about California ... that's just the cities, folks, not the country ...
What do you care ? You'll be long gone by the time it's a desert.
Don't even get me started on China's 40,000 miles of High-Speed Rail lines.
Is it ironic that the US military is the biggest polluter on the planet?
Joe and the Ds claim AGW is a major threat that must be dealt with, all the while promoting a proxy war and supporting a massive war machine that are greatly polluting the planet. Not a word about this in the MSM.
Joe and the Ds claim AGW is a major threat that must be dealt with, all the while promoting a proxy war and supporting a massive war machine that are greatly polluting the planet. Not a word about this in the MSM.

Have you figured out that the corporate media are the biggest war mongers on the planet after the DemoKKKrats?
Have you figured out that the corporate media are the biggest war mongers on the planet after the DemoKKKrats?
Yes but they also do it for the Rs. Nothing is more bipartisan than war and the msm always supports every war. Proving they are nothing but an appendage of government.
What do you care ? You'll be long gone by the time it's a desert.

At altitude? ... facing the worst of the Pacific Westerlies? ... the desert is east of the Mariposa Grove, on the other side of the Sierra ridgeline ... no, the problem here is Californian's being allowed to play with matches in the tinder dry forest ... or worse, build their homes in the tinder dry forest ... like building on the flanks of Kilauea, you kinda deserve all that lava ...
Nobody cares....the redwoods have been fine for millions of years!

Actually they're on the brink of extinction ... all of the Bay Area was redwood forest ... now there's just three state parks up along the far northern coast ...

My understanding is that the sequoias are in the same pickle ... was abundant until Whitie Trash came and killed them all ... Mr. Chain and that goddam saw he invented ...

These are sometimes considered "fossil species" ... they go back a very long ways in evolutionary terms ... a real throw back to the kinds of trees we saw in the Carboniferous ... it's thought that many of our coal beds today were formed by forms very close to today's two species ... it's a warm climate tree, been on the decline since the current glacial/interglacial cycles started 30 million years ago ...

Yes in fact, global warming is improving their health ... the extra warmth and moisture is just what they needed ...
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So what's to blame ? Climate change or poor management ?

China has been busy reversing the Gobi desert over there....

.. why couldn't we do the same thing here. ??? oh yeah because we spend a trillion dollars a year on war.

Other countries are also solving the water problem by building desalination plants along the shoreline but we can't afford to cuz we're still at war.

The Hippies' Dreams Are Our Nightmare

Tree-huggers' restrictions on logging caused all these forest fires. Redwood houses look great and smell great.

There is more undiscovered water in aquifers than there is water in all the oceans. Drill deeper, and we'll have no reason to care about contamination of surface water and the discovered aquifers. Think of the iceberg analogy. If we are to have a future, we should quit exploring outward into the twinkling void of Space and start exploring inward, all the way to the Earth's core.
The Hippies' Dreams Are Our Nightmare

Tree-huggers' restrictions on logging caused all these forest fires. Redwood houses look great and smell great.

There is more undiscovered water in aquifers than there is water in all the oceans. Drill deeper, and we'll have no reason to care about contamination of surface water and the discovered aquifers. Think of the iceberg analogy. If we are to have a future, we should quit exploring outward into the twinkling void of Space and start exploring inward, all the way to the Earth's core.

Yeah, but redwood burns too ... San Francisco found that out in 1906 ... it's rot resistant and it appears to be immune from insect pests ... at least there's no known insect that feeds on any part of the redwood tree ... or even burrows in redwood ... [smile] ... old school life forms ...

What do you mean "drill for water" ... it bubbles out of the ground, what's the problem? ...
Actually they're on the brink of extinction ... all of the Bay Area was redwood forest ... now there's just three state parks up along the far northern coast ...

My understanding is that the sequoias are in the same pickle ... was abundant until Whitie Trash came and killed them all ... Mr. Chain and that goddam saw he invented ...

These are sometimes considered "fossil species" ... they go back a very long ways in evolutionary terms ... a real throw back to the kinds of trees we saw in the Carboniferous ... it's thought that many of our coal beds today were formed by forms very close to today's two species ... it's a warm climate tree, been on the decline since the current glacial/interglacial cycles started 30 million years ago ...

Yes in fact, global warming is improving their health ... the extra warmth and moisture is just what they needed ...

They'll be just fine.......all you AGW bozos tend to the hysterical. Routinely.

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