The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

The following was taken from Mac's first linked article about "toxic masculinity," describing the traits of "toxic masculinity":
  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”
I would have to ask whether Mac supports this sort of behavior. Is his article a complaint that men aren't being allowed to act this way? Just what exactly is he complaining that he is being told to do or to not do? Or that someone is doing to him? We live in a society with upwards of 320 million people in it, and we all have the right to expect decent and respectful conduct from everyone.

As I pointed out in my post, that list is utter nonsense.

The very act of claiming that that is men is a lie and an attack on men.

Really? Expecting men to treat women with respect is an "attack on men"????

That speaks volumes but then in Russia women aren't considered equals are they Sergei?
Oh, Noes, Mac... the PC Police want to "emasculate" you. Although reading your posts constantly whining about how everyone is out to get you, I think that occurred a long time ago.
the consummate whiner whines about other people whining
Oh the irony
Look at how many times he's posted to or about me on this thread.


You're happy because you think your quest for atttention is working?

It is working. We do give him attention. He doesn't care what kind of attention he gets.
The following was taken from Mac's first linked article about "toxic masculinity," describing the traits of "toxic masculinity":
  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”
I would have to ask whether Mac supports this sort of behavior. Is his article a complaint that men aren't being allowed to act this way? Just what exactly is he complaining that he is being told to do or to not do? Or that someone is doing to him? We live in a society with upwards of 320 million people in it, and we all have the right to expect decent and respectful conduct from everyone.

As I pointed out in my post, that list is utter nonsense.

The very act of claiming that that is men is a lie and an attack on men.

Really? Expecting men to treat women with respect is an "attack on men"????

That speaks volumes but then in Russia women aren't considered equals are they Sergei?
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
This follows along the line of what we see with the argument of racism. In reality women and those of color have the predisposition that they are equal if not superior. And the only way whites achieve is because they are given certain advantages. Is it easier to start out life in the middle class vs poverty? Hell yes, and that is true no matter the race or gender a person.

So in my opinion what women, some not the majority, are doing is trying to take over, not assimilate or make a better nation. As soon as they have enough power a white man might as well go away. We see it all the time on TV. The wife is the smart one and the man is just a bumbling fool who all he wants to do is watch sports.

Again, I really believe that these women believe they are actually superior and the only reason they lose out is because inferior men hold them back.

You just said that white men are superior to women and people of color.

You will deny that you said this because you don't know the meaning of the words that you use. If you had the
ability to think about what you want to say, you would not be such a loser.
Actually you are right, I don't see where I did that, but I tell you I am an equal opportunity kind of guy, not a unequal opportunity guy, you know, like affirmative action. More like what we see in sports.
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.

Nice to see you drunk again. What is it with Republicans always seeing foreign people raping European women? The guys I see raping American women are American white males and they're "getting away with it" with slap on the wrist sentences for excessively brutal rapes on college campuses.

The "white men under attack" brigade complains about false rape allegations, a lot. Don't they sound like a real group of winners?
Nice to see you strung out on meth again. You know that's what's causing the boils and zits on your face.

The goal isn't to challenge white men in the raping of white women. It's the liberal goal to have these men abuse white women and keep white men helpless to stop them. Everyone knows this but you, poor thing.

Everyone doesn't "know this". Only Trumpanzees know this. Because the only things they know are the lies Republicans tell them.

Your employer is no longer legally required to provide birth control in women's health care packages and your biggest concern is being raped by a non-white male?

That's never really been a huge problem for the white women I know. I've never been raped by a black, a Muslim or a Mexican. None of my friends have been either. Several family members and friends have been raped by white guys though.

We'd like something done about guys like Trump, Weinstein, and Bill O'Reilly. They're a much bigger problem white women than the "others" you're all so concerned about.
Trump never raped anyone. Bill O'Reilly not only didn't rape anyone but his accuser was arrested for making more false claims of sexual harassment. This isn't the Democrat game of who raped who. It is just like Europe. Make the men stand aside and let it happen. Just like in Sweden, Germany and England.

Trump has been sued for raping s 13 year old girl - twice. She withdrew the second suit because of death threats.

12 different women have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Trump has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women. He gets away with it because he's famous.

FOX News paid $25 million to women Bill O'Reilly sexually harassed and fire his ass. If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is.

This isn't a game for any of the women involved. What is astonishing is that any woman would vote for Trump just hearing how he talks down to women, rates them on their looks, and attacks them. You really have to be self-hating and have no discernible self-esteem to be a woman who voted for or supports Donald Trump.

No wonder you drink.
Oh, Noes, Mac... the PC Police want to "emasculate" you. Although reading your posts constantly whining about how everyone is out to get you, I think that occurred a long time ago.
the consummate whiner whines about other people whining
Oh the irony
Look at how many times he's posted to or about me on this thread.


You're happy because you think your quest for atttention is working?

It is working. We do give him attention. He doesn't care what kind of attention he gets.

He should try debating.
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.

Nice to see you drunk again. What is it with Republicans always seeing foreign people raping European women? The guys I see raping American women are American white males and they're "getting away with it" with slap on the wrist sentences for excessively brutal rapes on college campuses.

The "white men under attack" brigade complains about false rape allegations, a lot. Don't they sound like a real group of winners?
Nice to see you strung out on meth again. You know that's what's causing the boils and zits on your face.

The goal isn't to challenge white men in the raping of white women. It's the liberal goal to have these men abuse white women and keep white men helpless to stop them. Everyone knows this but you, poor thing.

Everyone doesn't "know this". Only Trumpanzees know this. Because the only things they know are the lies Republicans tell them.

Your employer is no longer legally required to provide birth control in women's health care packages and your biggest concern is being raped by a non-white male?

That's never really been a huge problem for the white women I know. I've never been raped by a black, a Muslim or a Mexican. None of my friends have been either. Several family members and friends have been raped by white guys though.

We'd like something done about guys like Trump, Weinstein, and Bill O'Reilly. They're a much bigger problem white women than the "others" you're all so concerned about.
Trump never raped anyone. Bill O'Reilly not only didn't rape anyone but his accuser was arrested for making more false claims of sexual harassment. This isn't the Democrat game of who raped who. It is just like Europe. Make the men stand aside and let it happen. Just like in Sweden, Germany and England.

Trump has been sued for raping s 13 year old girl - twice. She withdrew the second suit because of death threats.

12 different women have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Trump has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women. He gets away with it because he's famous.

FOX News paid $25 million to women Bill O'Reilly sexually harassed and fire his ass. If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is.

This isn't a game for any of the women involved. What is astonishing is that any woman would vote for Trump just hearing how he talks down to women, rates them on their looks, and attacks them. You really have to be self-hating and have no discernible self-esteem to be a woman who voted for or supports Donald Trump.

No wonder you drink.
You have as much of a chance of proving I drink as you do of proving Trump raped a 13 year old girl. You are just a liar. The girl, at least admitted she made the whole thing up. Why don't you admit that you are a delusional meth head. Get help. That's what's causing the speed bumps on your face.
Unless you have proof. What proof do you have of any of your fabrications? Do you work for CNN?
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.

Nice to see you drunk again. What is it with Republicans always seeing foreign people raping European women? The guys I see raping American women are American white males and they're "getting away with it" with slap on the wrist sentences for excessively brutal rapes on college campuses.

The "white men under attack" brigade complains about false rape allegations, a lot. Don't they sound like a real group of winners?
Nice to see you strung out on meth again. You know that's what's causing the boils and zits on your face.

The goal isn't to challenge white men in the raping of white women. It's the liberal goal to have these men abuse white women and keep white men helpless to stop them. Everyone knows this but you, poor thing.

Everyone doesn't "know this". Only Trumpanzees know this. Because the only things they know are the lies Republicans tell them.

Your employer is no longer legally required to provide birth control in women's health care packages and your biggest concern is being raped by a non-white male?

That's never really been a huge problem for the white women I know. I've never been raped by a black, a Muslim or a Mexican. None of my friends have been either. Several family members and friends have been raped by white guys though.

We'd like something done about guys like Trump, Weinstein, and Bill O'Reilly. They're a much bigger problem white women than the "others" you're all so concerned about.
Trump never raped anyone. Bill O'Reilly not only didn't rape anyone but his accuser was arrested for making more false claims of sexual harassment. This isn't the Democrat game of who raped who. It is just like Europe. Make the men stand aside and let it happen. Just like in Sweden, Germany and England.

There is a woman who has filed suit against Donald Trump twice, claiming he raped her when she was 13 so yes, there are claims that Trump rapes women. This woman dropped her second suit after her life and her family were threatened.

15 women came forward to confirm that Trump had sexually assaulted them. Trump called them "liars". You voted for him anyway.

Bill O'Reilly's employer paid out $25 million in sexual harassment claims to 5 different women and fired his ass. Whether O'Reilly claims innocence or not, I'm saying he did it.

The woman you claim was "arrested" for filing false harassment charges? Never happened. This was a story put out by O'Reilly's lawyers. Only Newsmax carried it. Legitimate news agencies turned it down as false.

You really should sober up, and start fact checking.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

Honestly, women are adapting to the modern world WAY better than men are.

Should men become women? No.

Should they take a few pages out of the book of women? Probably.

Times have changed. Except for the rare few, it doesn't pay to be Mr. Manly Man anymore. Not unless you're funneling that aggression into something like stock market trading or sales, with exquisite self-control. And women can be plenty aggressive anyway.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
Mac, that is the most dumb fuck post you have ever put up. Every other nation except Canada has opened Scouting up to male and female. And Venture Scouting has already opened up for female participation, and that has worked just fine.
Nice to see you drunk again. What is it with Republicans always seeing foreign people raping European women? The guys I see raping American women are American white males and they're "getting away with it" with slap on the wrist sentences for excessively brutal rapes on college campuses.

The "white men under attack" brigade complains about false rape allegations, a lot. Don't they sound like a real group of winners?
Nice to see you strung out on meth again. You know that's what's causing the boils and zits on your face.

The goal isn't to challenge white men in the raping of white women. It's the liberal goal to have these men abuse white women and keep white men helpless to stop them. Everyone knows this but you, poor thing.

Everyone doesn't "know this". Only Trumpanzees know this. Because the only things they know are the lies Republicans tell them.

Your employer is no longer legally required to provide birth control in women's health care packages and your biggest concern is being raped by a non-white male?

That's never really been a huge problem for the white women I know. I've never been raped by a black, a Muslim or a Mexican. None of my friends have been either. Several family members and friends have been raped by white guys though.

We'd like something done about guys like Trump, Weinstein, and Bill O'Reilly. They're a much bigger problem white women than the "others" you're all so concerned about.
Trump never raped anyone. Bill O'Reilly not only didn't rape anyone but his accuser was arrested for making more false claims of sexual harassment. This isn't the Democrat game of who raped who. It is just like Europe. Make the men stand aside and let it happen. Just like in Sweden, Germany and England.

Trump has been sued for raping s 13 year old girl - twice. She withdrew the second suit because of death threats.

12 different women have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Trump has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women. He gets away with it because he's famous.

FOX News paid $25 million to women Bill O'Reilly sexually harassed and fire his ass. If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is.

This isn't a game for any of the women involved. What is astonishing is that any woman would vote for Trump just hearing how he talks down to women, rates them on their looks, and attacks them. You really have to be self-hating and have no discernible self-esteem to be a woman who voted for or supports Donald Trump.

No wonder you drink.
You have as much of a chance of proving I drink as you do of proving Trump raped a 13 year old girl. You are just a liar. The girl, at least admitted she made the whole thing up. Why don't you admit that you are a delusional meth head. Get help. That's what's causing the speed bumps on your face.
Unless you have proof. What proof do you have of any of your fabrications? Do you work for CNN?

You're the one who calls herself "Tipsycatlover". That's an admission you drink.

The 13 year old Trump raped never said she lied. Not once. And she had a witness to the beating and the rape.
Things that are physically just way easier to do for me I like to help with. Like a heavy door or lifting something up
Mac, that is the most dumb fuck post you have ever put up. Every other nation except Canada has opened Scouting up to male and female. And Venture Scouting has already opened up for female participation, and that has worked just fine.
I'm pretty sure I made it clear that this Boy Scouts thing is just one (1) example of a significantly larger issue, and that I provided eight (8) links written by "progressives" that support my premise - none of which have anything to do with the Boy Scouts, of course.

But we can certainly pretend that my thread is just some silly ranting specifically and only about the Boy Scouts, and avoid the actual point of the thread if you'd like, I don't care.

Much of the thread has been like this, predictably. Try to isolate an individual story down into nothing, purposely avoiding the bigger picture and the primary point. Regular stuff.
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Mac, that is the most dumb fuck post you have ever put up. Every other nation except Canada has opened Scouting up to male and female. And Venture Scouting has already opened up for female participation, and that has worked just fine.
I'm pretty sure I made it clear that this Boy Scouts thing is just one (1) example of a significantly larger issue, and that I provided eight (8) links written by "progressives" that support my premise - none of which have anything to do with the Boy Scouts, of course.

But we can certainly pretend that my thread is just some silly ranting specifically and only about the Boy Scouts, and avoid the actual point of the thread if you'd like, I don't care.

Much of the thread has been like this, predictably. Try to isolate an individual story down into nothing, purposely avoiding the bigger picture and the primary point. Regular stuff.

Mac never isolates or avoids the bigger picture. Never.
Mac, that is the most dumb fuck post you have ever put up. Every other nation except Canada has opened Scouting up to male and female. And Venture Scouting has already opened up for female participation, and that has worked just fine.
I'm pretty sure I made it clear that this Boy Scouts thing is just one (1) example of a significantly larger issue, and that I provided eight (8) links written by "progressives" that support my premise - none of which have anything to do with the Boy Scouts, of course.

But we can certainly pretend that my thread is just some silly ranting specifically and only about the Boy Scouts, and avoid the actual point of the thread if you'd like, I don't care.

Much of the thread has been like this, predictably. Try to isolate an individual story down into nothing, purposely avoiding the bigger picture and the primary point. Regular stuff.

No, you've been really clear, Mac. You feel powerless and emasculated at the prospect of having to share power with lesser beings. You don't want to be forced to treat others with respect or even empathy for their situation. As a white male, you see others gaining ground which means you're losing ground.

What this shows is that you're a snivelling asshole, who can't compete against those willing to work hard and adapt to their situation. You want the system to keep your sorry ass at the head of the line because you're a white male.
Mac, that is the most dumb fuck post you have ever put up. Every other nation except Canada has opened Scouting up to male and female. And Venture Scouting has already opened up for female participation, and that has worked just fine.
I'm pretty sure I made it clear that this Boy Scouts thing is just one (1) example of a significantly larger issue, and that I provided eight (8) links written by "progressives" that support my premise - none of which have anything to do with the Boy Scouts, of course.

But we can certainly pretend that my thread is just some silly ranting specifically and only about the Boy Scouts, and avoid the actual point of the thread if you'd like, I don't care.

Much of the thread has been like this, predictably. Try to isolate an individual story down into nothing, purposely avoiding the bigger picture and the primary point. Regular stuff.

No, you've been really clear, Mac. You feel powerless and emasculated at the prospect of having to share power with lesser beings. You don't want to be forced to treat others with respect or even empathy for their situation. As a white male, you see others gaining ground which means you're losing ground.

What this shows is that you're a snivelling asshole, who can't compete against those willing to work hard and adapt to their situation. You want the system to keep your sorry ass at the head of the line because you're a white male.
Wow, personal insults, distortions of my words, straw man arguments and name-calling. Excellent.

As I pointed out in post 5, it looks like I nailed it again. You just have to make it about me. Thanks.

I can always count on you folks!
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The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
It gives them an opportunity to gain favor in a segment of the voting public.
There's black and white voters.
There's straight and LGBT voters.
There's just about any group that they can divide from the rest of the population by taking a ridiculous stance that favors one group over another.

Democrats seek to divide by taking an insane position intended to favor one group over another group.


Democrats think bathrooms should be gender neutral, which is a totally insane position, thus it causes people to take sides, and allows them to be on the side of the supposed oppressed that like to feel like a woman but don't have the genitals of one. If you don't agree you're a hateful homophobe.

Democrats support reparations for blacks even though there isn't a black person in America that has been a slave. This allows Democrats to support the oppressed once again and pitting blacks against their own country. If you don't agree you're a racist.

Same thing goes for every group, women, Muslims, Hispanics. Democrats take a ridiculous position which favors one group over another yet they never have to abide by their own position. They not even actually believe in the position they take personally, but it's the position of the DNC and it works for them. If you don't agree you're a misogynistic pig racist.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
It gives them an opportunity to gain favor in a segment of the voting public.
There's black and white voters.
There's straight and LGBT voters.
There's just about any group that they can divide from the rest of the population by taking a ridiculous stance that favors one group over another.

Democrats seek to divide by taking an insane position intended to favor one group over another group.


Democrats think bathrooms should be gender neutral, which is a totally insane position, thus it causes people to take sides, and allows them to be on the side of the supposed oppressed that like to feel like a woman but don't have the genitals of one. If you don't agree you're a hateful homophobe.

Democrats support reparations for blacks even though there isn't a black person in America that has been a slave. This allows Democrats to support the oppressed once again and pitting blacks against their own country. If you don't agree you're a racist.

Same thing goes for every group, women, Muslims, Hispanics. Democrats take a ridiculous position which favors one group over another yet they never have to abide by their own position. They not even actually believe in the position they take personally, but it's the position of the DNC and it works for them. If you don't agree you're a misogynistic pig racist.
I think there is definitely the political aspect, the way they're so determined to divide us into little groups for political advantage.

My guess, though, is that it's more organic than that, that it simply falls into the Oppressed/Oppressor template they apply to everything. Once they have identified the "Oppressed", they immediately go into full defense mode for that group, including dropping standards & expectations, spinning, deflecting, lying, (most of all) attacking, whatever it takes, no matter what the consequences. This behavior is at their very core.

Ironically, I'm pro gay rights. But as usual, the Regressives have gone full authoritarian on this, applying it to children, even infants, attacking those who don't call others by their correct "identity", even (as usual) seeking punishments for it. They just HAVE to CONTROL.

These are illiberal leftist authoritarians, and they're well into the process of destroying real liberalism.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
It gives them an opportunity to gain favor in a segment of the voting public.
There's black and white voters.
There's straight and LGBT voters.
There's just about any group that they can divide from the rest of the population by taking a ridiculous stance that favors one group over another.

Democrats seek to divide by taking an insane position intended to favor one group over another group.


Democrats think bathrooms should be gender neutral, which is a totally insane position, thus it causes people to take sides, and allows them to be on the side of the supposed oppressed that like to feel like a woman but don't have the genitals of one. If you don't agree you're a hateful homophobe.

Democrats support reparations for blacks even though there isn't a black person in America that has been a slave. This allows Democrats to support the oppressed once again and pitting blacks against their own country. If you don't agree you're a racist.

Same thing goes for every group, women, Muslims, Hispanics. Democrats take a ridiculous position which favors one group over another yet they never have to abide by their own position. They not even actually believe in the position they take personally, but it's the position of the DNC and it works for them. If you don't agree you're a misogynistic pig racist.
I think there is definitely the political aspect, the way they're so determined to divide us into little groups for political advantage.

My guess, though, is that it's more organic than that, that it simply falls into the Oppressed/Oppressor template they apply to everything. Once they have identified the "Oppressed", they immediately go into full defense mode for that group, including dropping standards & expectations, spinning, deflecting, lying, (most of all) attacking, whatever it takes, no matter what the consequences. This behavior is at their very core.

Ironically, I'm pro gay rights. But as usual, the Regressives have gone full authoritarian on this, applying it to children, even infants, attacking those who don't call others by their correct "identity", even (as usual) seeking punishments for it. They just HAVE to CONTROL.

These are illiberal leftist authoritarians, and they're well into the process of destroying real liberalism.
I makes you wonder about the type of person that either falls for this crap or willingly encourages this sort of thing.
One has to be a very hateful insecure person to go along with it.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
It gives them an opportunity to gain favor in a segment of the voting public.
There's black and white voters.
There's straight and LGBT voters.
There's just about any group that they can divide from the rest of the population by taking a ridiculous stance that favors one group over another.

Democrats seek to divide by taking an insane position intended to favor one group over another group.


Democrats think bathrooms should be gender neutral, which is a totally insane position, thus it causes people to take sides, and allows them to be on the side of the supposed oppressed that like to feel like a woman but don't have the genitals of one. If you don't agree you're a hateful homophobe.

Democrats support reparations for blacks even though there isn't a black person in America that has been a slave. This allows Democrats to support the oppressed once again and pitting blacks against their own country. If you don't agree you're a racist.

Same thing goes for every group, women, Muslims, Hispanics. Democrats take a ridiculous position which favors one group over another yet they never have to abide by their own position. They not even actually believe in the position they take personally, but it's the position of the DNC and it works for them. If you don't agree you're a misogynistic pig racist.
I think there is definitely the political aspect, the way they're so determined to divide us into little groups for political advantage.

My guess, though, is that it's more organic than that, that it simply falls into the Oppressed/Oppressor template they apply to everything. Once they have identified the "Oppressed", they immediately go into full defense mode for that group, including dropping standards & expectations, spinning, deflecting, lying, (most of all) attacking, whatever it takes, no matter what the consequences. This behavior is at their very core.

Ironically, I'm pro gay rights. But as usual, the Regressives have gone full authoritarian on this, applying it to children, even infants, attacking those who don't call others by their correct "identity", even (as usual) seeking punishments for it. They just HAVE to CONTROL.

These are illiberal leftist authoritarians, and they're well into the process of destroying real liberalism.
I makes you wonder about the type of person that either falls for this crap or willingly encourages this sort of thing.
One has to be a very hateful insecure person to go along with it.
I don't know how these people went from being liberals to being something else. Maybe they were never liberal to begin with Maybe they were hiding what they really are.

But yeah, these are ugly, nasty, hateful people.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
It gives them an opportunity to gain favor in a segment of the voting public.
There's black and white voters.
There's straight and LGBT voters.
There's just about any group that they can divide from the rest of the population by taking a ridiculous stance that favors one group over another.

Democrats seek to divide by taking an insane position intended to favor one group over another group.


Democrats think bathrooms should be gender neutral, which is a totally insane position, thus it causes people to take sides, and allows them to be on the side of the supposed oppressed that like to feel like a woman but don't have the genitals of one. If you don't agree you're a hateful homophobe.

Democrats support reparations for blacks even though there isn't a black person in America that has been a slave. This allows Democrats to support the oppressed once again and pitting blacks against their own country. If you don't agree you're a racist.

Same thing goes for every group, women, Muslims, Hispanics. Democrats take a ridiculous position which favors one group over another yet they never have to abide by their own position. They not even actually believe in the position they take personally, but it's the position of the DNC and it works for them. If you don't agree you're a misogynistic pig racist.
I think there is definitely the political aspect, the way they're so determined to divide us into little groups for political advantage.

My guess, though, is that it's more organic than that, that it simply falls into the Oppressed/Oppressor template they apply to everything. Once they have identified the "Oppressed", they immediately go into full defense mode for that group, including dropping standards & expectations, spinning, deflecting, lying, (most of all) attacking, whatever it takes, no matter what the consequences. This behavior is at their very core.

Ironically, I'm pro gay rights. But as usual, the Regressives have gone full authoritarian on this, applying it to children, even infants, attacking those who don't call others by their correct "identity", even (as usual) seeking punishments for it. They just HAVE to CONTROL.

These are illiberal leftist authoritarians, and they're well into the process of destroying real liberalism.

Hey, I think I found the roots of MacNuthin's professed political beliefs, summarized in this quote:

"The task of politics is not to represent just one faction. Rather the task of politics must be to overcome these divisions for the greater good."

...the author of that quote?

Adolph Hitler, 1933...


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