The "religious freedom" defense by the right over the SCOTUS decision is so laughable

I know people like you too. The types that are correct in their minds no matter what, and those who dissent are wrong and full of hate. That makes you discriminatory. Now doesn't it, you sorry fuck. :slap:

Actually I'm on here, I'm saying my stuff and if anyone wants to criticise what I say, then they are free to do so.

I'm willing to change my views if they need to be changed. However when the only arguments coming from people who oppose gay marriage are generally ridiculous and go completely against the Bill of Rights, what do you want?

I think everyone should have equality under the law. I think it because it's right. I also think it because it's part of the Bill or Rights.

So, what do you have to say to me to try and convince me that equality under the law isn't the right way to go?

Thing is the Supreme Court isn't there to write policy. Giving gays the right to marry etc. is a right, and different from redefining marriage which was rewriting law into new and different law. There is a difference.

So you're backing off on that crap about tax exempt status, and churches being forced to perform gay marriages?
Satanism is alive and legal in America. And it hides itself within the bodies of those who are nonbelievers. Those who continue to sin shall die and the believers shall live. Wait till you get to Heaven and there are no married queers there.
"An afterlife is just a fairy tale for those afraid of the dark."

- Stephen Hawking
Did he really say that? I hope GOD gives him a pass and we all see him in Heaven. I think HE will!

god doesn't care about mouthy cranks

everyone gets in

Satanism is alive and legal in America. And it hides itself within the bodies of those who are nonbelievers. Those who continue to sin shall die and the believers shall live. Wait till you get to Heaven and there are no married queers there.

If you say so, but for now, here in the US., equal rights are the law.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

What is laughable is your idiocy and inability to see the big picture. :slap:
Only you and others on the right are exhibiting your ignorance and idiocy by seeking to propagate the lie that Friday's decision will in any way 'compel' religious entities to afford religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples.

As Justice Kennedy confirmed:

“t must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.”

The 'big picture' is that religious belief will not be adversely effected.
I'll just leave these gems here:
Gay marriage as a legal construct was made possible by the 14th amendment, because it was solely about the civil/secular facet of marriage - government and citizens. But the amendment that is 13 places higher comes into play when the topic changes to gay wedding ceremonies. Churches are treated differently to bakeries and hotels, amazing I know.
Now shut the fuck up with your homophobic bullshit and grow up.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

In theory, yes, and meanwhile liberals have been bringing lawsuits to force churches to hire gays as pastors, to force religious schools to hire gays as professors, to ban faith-based charities from getting any state contracts for foster care and adoption, to force religious vendors to service and even attend gay ceremonies, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals who support these policies have no business calling themselves Americans. Their ideology is contrary to every basic principle upon which America was founded. If the framers were alive today, they would view liberals as dangerous, un-American radicals.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

In theory, yes, and meanwhile liberals have been bringing lawsuits to force churches to hire gays as pastors, to force religious schools to hire gays as professors, to ban faith-based charities from getting any state contracts for foster care and adoption, to force religious vendors to service and even attend gay ceremonies, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals who support these policies have no business calling themselves Americans. Their ideology is contrary to every basic principle upon which America was founded. If the framers were alive today, they would view liberals as dangerous, un-American radicals.
The "religious freedom" defense by the right over the SCOTUS decision is so laughable
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The "religious freedom" defense by the right over the SCOTUS decision is so laughable

TRANSLATION: This is the next roadblock in the way of our agenda: Those religious people trying to claim the right to be free from govt interference in their religious beliefs. It's time to start laughing at them, and laughing at them, endlessly, so we can try to persuade the people who haven't been paying much attention, that they are the ones who are wrong instead of us.
The "religious freedom" defense by the right over the SCOTUS decision is so laughable

TRANSLATION: This is the next roadblock in the way of our agenda: Those religious people trying to claim the right to be free from govt interference in their religious beliefs. It's time to start laughing at them, and laughing at them, endlessly, so we can try to persuade the people who haven't been paying much attention, that they are the ones who are wrong instead of us.
I'm curious. Who exactly is trying to get past this "road block". You people build up these fantasy scenarios in your minds as a way to validate your immature bigotry. Grow up.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

In theory, yes, and meanwhile liberals have been bringing lawsuits to force churches to hire gays as pastors, to force religious schools to hire gays as professors, to ban faith-based charities from getting any state contracts for foster care and adoption, to force religious vendors to service and even attend gay ceremonies, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals who support these policies have no business calling themselves Americans. Their ideology is contrary to every basic principle upon which America was founded. If the framers were alive today, they would view liberals as dangerous, un-American radicals.

Suing to force gays to be hired as pastor? I'm calling bullshit.
The "religious freedom" defense by the right over the SCOTUS decision is so laughable

TRANSLATION: This is the next roadblock in the way of our agenda: Those religious people trying to claim the right to be free from govt interference in their religious beliefs. It's time to start laughing at them, and laughing at them, endlessly, so we can try to persuade the people who haven't been paying much attention, that they are the ones who are wrong instead of us.

Start laughing at you? We've been laughing at you for a long time.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

In theory, yes, and meanwhile liberals have been bringing lawsuits to force churches to hire gays as pastors, to force religious schools to hire gays as professors, to ban faith-based charities from getting any state contracts for foster care and adoption, to force religious vendors to service and even attend gay ceremonies, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals who support these policies have no business calling themselves Americans. Their ideology is contrary to every basic principle upon which America was founded. If the framers were alive today, they would view liberals as dangerous, un-American radicals.

Suing to force gays to be hired as pastor? I'm calling bullshit.

Says the far left drone!
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

Maybe, but what is even more laughable, is that same sex marriage was legalized to begin with. Sad day in America. A mere 5% of people with what is a sexual fetish, are accorded so much attention and the same respect of those that are sexually healthy, and what's more, these people are dictating the law to accommodate THEMSELVES. Narcissists they are. Is this what American democracy come to? Gays as a group have a large disposable income, I surmise over the last 35 years they have bought enough lawyers and manipulated public opinion in their favor. This is vile and so obvious, are people just stupid and gullible, or am I missing something here? What a shame on American and the supreme court for allowing this farce.
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Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

In theory, yes, and meanwhile liberals have been bringing lawsuits to force churches to hire gays as pastors, to force religious schools to hire gays as professors, to ban faith-based charities from getting any state contracts for foster care and adoption, to force religious vendors to service and even attend gay ceremonies, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals who support these policies have no business calling themselves Americans. Their ideology is contrary to every basic principle upon which America was founded. If the framers were alive today, they would view liberals as dangerous, un-American radicals.

Suing to force gays to be hired as pastor? I'm calling bullshit.

Says the far left drone!

Prove me wrong. Provide a link for the claim
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

Maybe, but what is even more laughable, is that same sex marriage was legalized to begin with. Sad day in America. A mere 5% of people with what is a sexual fetish, are accorded so much attention and the same respect of those that are sexually healthy, and what's more, these people are dictating the law to accommodate THEMSELVES. Narcissists they are. Is this what American democracy come to? Gays as a group have a large disposable income, I surmise over the last 35 years they have bought enough lawyers and manipulated public opinion in their favor. This is vile and so obvious, are people just stupid and gullible, or am I missing something here? What a shame on American and the supreme court for allowing this farce.

You were threatening to sue a silly discussion board over some silliness a few nights ago, yet you fault them suing for the basic human rights they deserve. What a hypocrite.
Churches are still exempt from being forced to recognize or perform same sex weddings.

Maybe, but what is even more laughable, is that same sex marriage was legalized to begin with. Sad day in America. A mere 5% of people with what is a sexual fetish, are accorded so much attention and the same respect of those that are sexually healthy, and what's more, these people are dictating the law to accommodate THEMSELVES. Narcissists they are. Is this what American democracy come to? Gays as a group have a large disposable income, I surmise over the last 35 years they have bought enough lawyers and manipulated public opinion in their favor. This is vile and so obvious, are people just stupid and gullible, or am I missing something here? What a shame on American and the supreme court for allowing this farce.
A sexual fetish? Lol oh come on. That's ridiculous. Homosexuality happens in every species. It's uncommon but entirely natural. Grow up and just accept what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Your 5% figure also doesn't include bisexual people.

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