The Religious Right Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education

Obama's " Child Safety Czar' Kevin Jennings was a great admirer of Good Old Harry The Pedo as well. Obama had no problems with appointing people who find supporting NAMBLA just wonderful, either; no Democrat does.
You have ZERO problem with NAMBLA, and neither does the 'Gay Rights' movement, of which NAMBLA was an open and proud org sitting on the ILGA's advisory council for almost two decades, from its founding.
I made it clear that I do indeed have a problem with NAMBLA , Stop lying!
he ONLY reason it isn't openly acknowledged as a treasured and valued member org now is Jesse Helms raising a big stink about them being on the ILGA when they applied for NGO status at the UN, and got turned down when even the serial rapist Democrat Bill Clinton refused to sponsor them after the publicity. It was only about bad PR that homo activists now pretend they never heard of NAMBLA or good ole Harry The Pedo's enthusiastic and open support of your homo kiddie rapers. Homo tabloid 'news' rags are still their main recruiting source; they never stopped, except after the periodic arrests after FBI investigations and the like.
More made up bullshit. I presented the history but you are to mentally lazy and deficient to read it, or too afraid of the truth.
ee a book titled The Last Undercover for a detailed story of the investigation circa 2006. All the undercover agent had to do to get into the org was call up a homosexual travel agency and ask if they sold sex tours to countries that had male child prostitutes. The very helpful faggot was happy to put him in touch with NAMBLA members to 'share' tours with.
No one ever said that there are not perverts who prey on children- sometimes of the sane sex.. The are not homosexuals who have are appropriate relations with adults. Those are the people who I defend. Not the pedophiles.
The Peanut Gallery can do a search"Harry Hay NAMBLA Walks With Me pic', and for the ILGA vote on NAMBLA, in 1994, after the scum, and their European counterparts, were subject to a vote on whether or not they should be banned. Some 10% voted to keep them in the org. And, who thinks they should hold a vote on whether or not to ban pedophile child rapers and pornographers in the first place??? Sick freaks who need to be kept far away from children, that's who, along with all who support and defend them.
Yes they are sick freaks and Harry Hay was wrong to defend NAMBLA -for what ever reason, but was otherwise an important historical figure . We're we talking about the UNICEF and sex education?
Lol Pedo-Patriot thinks nobody has seen good old Harry The Pedo's NAMBLA Walks With Me poster in 'Gay Pride Parades. You're truly a stupid loser gimp.
Still posting shit without documentation!! Where ? When?

Still proving you're a sicko gimp and liar.
And your problem with this article - besides that it promotes equality for gays -is what exactly......Oh I know , he was a communist and allegedly associated with NAMBLA. Let me tell you something. Both communism as it was known then, and NAMBLA are dead, and I have a big problem with both. NAMBLA existed in a different time and culture and has no relevance for the gay rights movement or sex education today, and has not for a long time. Some history about NAMBLA:

Brief history of the modern childlove movement

So spare me the horseshit
Anyone associated with NAMBLA doesn’t deserve the time of day.
Actually for once I agree, but you would be hard pressed to actually find someone who is associated with NAMBLA any more. They have no relevance in todays events or politics and in no way associated with the modern gay rights movement..
Well several arrests helped them decide to go low profile. The gay rights movement WAS associated with NAMBLA - they ditched them when they realised this was an association that would obviously hold them back.
It’s quite damning that they were associated with them at all at any time.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
The Peanut Gallery can do a search"Harry Hay NAMBLA Walks With Me pic', and for the ILGA vote on NAMBLA, in 1994, after the scum, and their European counterparts, were subject to a vote on whether or not they should be banned. Some 10% voted to keep them in the org. And, who thinks they should hold a vote on whether or not to ban pedophile child rapers and pornographers in the first place??? Sick freaks who need to be kept far away from children, that's who, along with all who support and defend them.
Yes they are sick freaks and Harry Hay was wrong to defend NAMBLA -for what ever reason, but was otherwise an important historical figure . We're we talking about the UNICEF and sex education?
Hay was just ‘wrong’ to support paedos?
Oh, and by the way, if anybody finds the links I posted useful and want to save them, do so now; the usual practice is for Pedo-Patriot to wait for certain mods to log on, and then snivel to have my posts deleted, so if you want them get them now, as they will probably be gone later.
That's the only way he can win an argument - I've been dealing with him for a few years and that's his standard modus operandi. On other forums he nags the moderators till they ban his opponents - The guy is a complete low information loser
Anyone associated with NAMBLA doesn’t deserve the time of day.
Actually for once I agree, but you would be hard pressed to actually find someone who is associated with NAMBLA any more. They have no relevance in todays events or politics and in no way associated with the modern gay rights movement..
Well several arrests helped them decide to go low profile. The gay rights movement WAS associated with NAMBLA - they ditched them when they realised this was an association that would obviously hold them back.
It’s quite damning that they were associated with them at all at any time.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
OK I took a look before the link vanishes. Good Lord! Sick.
Does TPP think these books are suitable for kids???
Oh, and by the way, if anybody finds the links I posted useful and want to save them, do so now; the usual practice is for Pedo-Patriot to wait for certain mods to log on, and then snivel to have my posts deleted, so if you want them get them now, as they will probably be gone later.
That's the only way he can win an argument - I've been dealing with him for a few years and that's his standard modus operandi. On other forums he nags the moderators till they ban his opponents - The guy is a complete low information loser

Yes. This board isn't nearly as bad as many others, though, some still manage to stay posted.
Actually for once I agree, but you would be hard pressed to actually find someone who is associated with NAMBLA any more. They have no relevance in todays events or politics and in no way associated with the modern gay rights movement..
Well several arrests helped them decide to go low profile. The gay rights movement WAS associated with NAMBLA - they ditched them when they realised this was an association that would obviously hold them back.
It’s quite damning that they were associated with them at all at any time.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
OK I took a look before the link vanishes. Good Lord! Sick.
Does TPP think these books are suitable for kids???

Yes, and so do Democrats; it's part of their platform, and has been for a long time, since the 1980's. Salon even has an 'out' pedophile on its writing staff, and posts articles trying to make out as if it's 'normal' and 'non-threatening', and we're all mean ole bullies for not wanting the freaks near children.

And, it's not 'stuff from many years ago'; links form 2016 and re Obama appointees are not 'many many years ago', except maybe to some meth addled morons.
Harry Hay

Hay was a Satanist, a follower of Aleister Crowley he participated in Satanic rituals at “the Los Angeles lodge of the Order of the Eastern Temple"

He also openly endorsed pederasty as an essential part of the “gay rights” movement.

  • When NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los Angeles “Gay Pride Parade,” marcher Harry Hay donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, “NAMBLA Walks With Me.” Timmons writes that Hay, “could not contain his outrage” that NAMBLA was excluded (Timmons:296). More recently, as reported in the NAMBLA Bulletin, Hay was a featured speaker at NAMBLA’s annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994:
  • The PinkSwastika 4th Edition - Final

No better than that other scumbnag you prostrate yourself to - Harvey Milk - may he burn in hell if there is such a place.
Actually for once I agree, but you would be hard pressed to actually find someone who is associated with NAMBLA any more. They have no relevance in todays events or politics and in no way associated with the modern gay rights movement..
Well several arrests helped them decide to go low profile. The gay rights movement WAS associated with NAMBLA - they ditched them when they realised this was an association that would obviously hold them back.
It’s quite damning that they were associated with them at all at any time.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
OK I took a look before the link vanishes. Good Lord! Sick.
Does TPP think these books are suitable for kids???
Jesus fucking Christ. NO! I do not this it would be appropriate if true. However, I previously established that the lying pigs at Fox pulled the story from the crazies at Gateway Pundit

Nothing Hoft says about GLSEN is ever true

It's a fucking bogus story!!
Harry Hay

Hay was a Satanist, a follower of Aleister Crowley he participated in Satanic rituals at “the Los Angeles lodge of the Order of the Eastern Temple"

He also openly endorsed pederasty as an essential part of the “gay rights” movement.

  • When NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los Angeles “Gay Pride Parade,” marcher Harry Hay donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, “NAMBLA Walks With Me.” Timmons writes that Hay, “could not contain his outrage” that NAMBLA was excluded (Timmons:296). More recently, as reported in the NAMBLA Bulletin, Hay was a featured speaker at NAMBLA’s annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994:
  • The PinkSwastika 4th Edition - Final

No better than that other scumbnag you prostrate yourself to - Harvey Milk - may he burn in hell if there is such a place.
Listen you dishonest the whole sentence when you quote me!!

This is what I said: "Yes they are sick freaks and Harry Hay was wrong to defend NAMBLA -for what ever reason, but was otherwise an important historical figure . We're we talking about the UNICEF and sex education? "
#193: one reason we don't used the quote button is that the lazy ones will forego even looking up the thread history. This perversity that glosses over things must be opposed by deeper readings and thoroughness. That is why cowboys can't get through a Marx or Derrida excerpt. They are literally f'ed up on screenal space and capitalist automization.

Badger's food coercion thread was locked because the fascists are drenched with knowledge envy when they see a prisoner thinking outside the box. Deletion of posts. We are familiar with that fascism.
Yes, and so do Democrats; it's part of their platform, and has been for a long time, since the 1980's. Salon even has an 'out' pedophile on its writing staff, and posts articles trying to make out as if it's 'normal' and 'non-threatening', and we're all mean ole bullies for not wanting the freaks near children.

And, it's not 'stuff from many years ago'; links form 2016 and re Obama appointees are not 'many many years ago', except maybe to some meth addled morons.
Another boatload of bigoted, bogus, bovine excrement
#193: one reason we don't used the quote button is that the lazy ones will forego even looking up the thread history. This perversity that glosses over things must be opposed by deeper readings and thoroughness. That is why cowboys can't get through a Marx or Derrida excerpt. They are literally f'ed up on screenal space and capitalist automization.

Badger's food coercion thread was locked because the fascists are drenched with knowledge envy when they see a prisoner thinking outside the box. Deletion of posts. We are familiar with that fascism.
Have you ever wondered why no one ever replies to your posts?

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