The Republic Has Imploded

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.


Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?
One thing very few people in America has considered, is that the 2nd and 3rd generation CITIZEN immigrants are NOT gonna be blowing lawns and changing bedpans. Gary pointed out that his staff and colleagues in NMex govt were largely Hispanic. And it's likely that offspring will be in science, law, medicine, entrepreneurial ventures.

I watched in California as crappy run-down sections of our "little Tijuana" became rejuvenated and vibrant economically. Dilapidated houses became $600,000 California keepers. These folks love opportunity and capitalism. And they too are concerned by the type of new immigrants that are crossing the "open border".

If we got back to 3 and 5% annual growth --- there would plenty of room for LEGAL DOCUMENTED immigrants.

Open borders is death to American sovereignty, SOROS wet dream of globalism.. Gary Johnson said he most identifies with Bernie Sanders, a self avowed Socialist.. He's right.
Notice how Flacal is now moving the goal posts? First he called it a lie.. then he said we heard only what we wanted to hear.. Now he's arguing for open borders.. Disgraceful.
More from the Lunatic, Gary Johnson:
Q: Would you open the borders and make it easier to immigrate legally?

A: My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders.

Q: Many Americans fear the flood of immigrants that would follow.

A: They would become taxpayers.

That analogy of trucks passing at 60mph is an idealistic comment made long ago. And represents what could happen if GOVERNMENT did it's job honestly and with conviction..

And getting immigration to follow the rules and having guest workers LEGALLY PAY taxes is a big plus over sending ALL that cash under the table back home to Mehico... Instead of being a tax burden -- they would be a tax source.
Notice how Flacal is now moving the goal posts? First he called it a lie.. then he said we heard only what we wanted to hear.. Now he's arguing for open borders.. Disgraceful.

Where did I ever say anything about open borders -- other than the U.S. Constitution PROHIBITS it???
IF a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass as it hopped.

You don't think Govt is capable of operating with the efficiency and customer service of Amazon or Fed Ex??

You that far gone??? They need the proper incentives to not screw around and not the negative incentives on performance that they cling to now....
Notice how Flacal is now moving the goal posts? First he called it a lie.. then he said we heard only what we wanted to hear.. Now he's arguing for open borders.. Disgraceful.

Where did I ever say anything about open borders -- other than the U.S. Constitution PROHIBITS it???
I'm truly amazed at just how far left you are.. Gary Johnson literally states he supports OPEN BORDERS, his words.. Literally states UNLIMITED illegals coming in , giving them ss cards and a job and here you sit arguing - applauding him.. Mark it..
Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.


Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:
Notice how Flacal is now moving the goal posts? First he called it a lie.. then he said we heard only what we wanted to hear.. Now he's arguing for open borders.. Disgraceful.

Where did I ever say anything about open borders -- other than the U.S. Constitution PROHIBITS it???
I'm truly amazed at just how far left you are.. Gary Johnson literally states he supports OPEN BORDERS, his words.. Literally states UNLIMITED illegals coming in , giving them ss cards and a job and here you sit arguing - applauding him.. Mark it..

Jeff Bezos could process and track 5 Million worker visas for under $2Bill a year. It's not hard if Govt is LEANER and more focused and more accountable.. You folks are living in a world where politicians had the power all along to end Southern border immigration in a WEEK --- and both parties looked the other way for their purposes of power and cronyism...
Our "implosion", as the thread title indicates is the complete and utter ABDICATION of governance by the 2 parties. Who INSTEAD now, are focused SOLELY on obtaining and retaining power and influence..

The SYSTEMIC problem is good governance, humility and civil service have been erased from the voters' calculus. And you're not gonna see EFFECTIVE govt without cutting back the powers that have been usurped by the Exec branch and Congress.

As Johnson said in LGS's video --- getting CONGRESS to remember how to write legislation and do oversight is far better than using a pen and phone..
In the late 19th century America was in shambles but rebuilt. But the difference is back then everyone was better educated and had a loyalty to either their nation or the State they resided in. Today most everyone under 50 is unaware of even the most basic civics topics and believes a quasi Euro socialism/communism utopia is what America should be Fundamentaly transformed into.

Dude, are you fucking serious? DO you know how MOST people lived in the late 19th Century?


Then you had TR and FDR and JFK and LBJ and that's why we have the standard of living we have today.
In the late 19th century America was in shambles but rebuilt. But the difference is back then everyone was better educated and had a loyalty to either their nation or the State they resided in. Today most everyone under 50 is unaware of even the most basic civics topics and believes a quasi Euro socialism/communism utopia is what America should be Fundamentaly transformed into.

Dude, are you fucking serious? DO you know how MOST people lived in the late 19th Century?


Then you had TR and FDR and JFK and LBJ and that's why we have the standard of living we have today.
You validate the left have zero knowledge of civics.
There was this little thing called the Civil War. One of every ten males in America was killed or wounded. There was also this little thing called War of 1812. The White House was ransacked and burned by foreign troops.
Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.


Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:

I would love it if there was a Plan C in this election. So Johnson said he could have dismissed 1/3 of NM govt. and no one would notice. Why didn't he then? He is typical lip service Republican is why. He is pro abortion, anti traditional marriage, big government politician. All 3 candidates are from the same mold.
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.


Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:

I would love it if there was a Plan C in this election. So Johnson said he could have dismissed 1/3 of NM govt. and no one would notice. Why didn't he then? He is typical lip service Republican is why. He is pro abortion, anti traditional marriage, big government politician. All 3 candidates are from the same mold.

You keep repeating that "big government" turd. The whole emphasis of Libertarian policy is getting the Fed Govt to focus and CONCENTRATE on their primary duties. And slashing the redundancy and scope of the Fed govt. You are so TOTALLY off base --- there can be no rational discussion. .

We are the ONLY choice for smaller, more efficient govt. The ONLY choice for a SANER foreign policy. The ONLY choice to break the system of corporate/govt collusion and corporate welfare, The ONLY choice for rolling back the measures of the Patriot Act and putting NSA back into it's prohibition from spying domestically. The ONLY choice for school reform and choice. The ONLY choice for budget sanity.

The Donald today --- is unveiling new very deep and expensive credits and subsidies for childcare, dependent care, and maternity leave. Which will warp those markets and escalate costs. He is gonna break your widdle heart if you think he's for fiscal sanity and focused, efficient govt. LOVES to put the country deeper into debt.
Good luck with that...

The reason Johnson didn't send 1/3 of the NMex govt home -- is that he could find no Repub volunteers BRAVE ENOUGH to draft and sponsor the legislation.. Chickenshits -- all concerned about retaining power and leaving their principles on the table.
Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.

Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:
I would love it if there was a Plan C in this election. So Johnson said he could have dismissed 1/3 of NM govt. and no one would notice. Why didn't he then? He is typical lip service Republican is why. He is pro abortion, anti traditional marriage, big government politician. All 3 candidates are from the same mold.

You keep repeating that "big government" turd. The whole emphasis of Libertarian policy is getting the Fed Govt to focus and CONCENTRATE on their primary duties. And slashing the redundancy and scope of the Fed govt. You are so TOTALLY off base --- there can be no rational discussion. .

We are the ONLY choice for smaller, more efficient govt. The ONLY choice for a SANER foreign policy. The ONLY choice to break the system of corporate/govt collusion and corporate welfare, The ONLY choice for rolling back the measures of the Patriot Act and putting NSA back into it's prohibition from spying domestically. The ONLY choice for school reform and choice. The ONLY choice for budget sanity.

The Donald today --- is unveiling new very deep and expensive credits and subsidies for childcare, dependent care, and maternity leave. Which will warp those markets and escalate costs. He is gonna break your widdle heart if you think he's for fiscal sanity and focused, efficient govt. LOVES to put the country deeper into debt.
Good luck with that...

The reason Johnson didn't send 1/3 of the NMex govt home -- is that he could find no Repub volunteers BRAVE ENOUGH to draft and sponsor the legislation.. Chickenshits -- all concerned about retaining power and leaving their principles on the table.
As Governor, Johnson could have vetoed every budget demanding a reduction. Yes, they could have overridden him, but he never made them. Because he is a big government establishment politician who just gives lip service like the rest of them.
Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.

Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:
I would love it if there was a Plan C in this election. So Johnson said he could have dismissed 1/3 of NM govt. and no one would notice. Why didn't he then? He is typical lip service Republican is why. He is pro abortion, anti traditional marriage, big government politician. All 3 candidates are from the same mold.

You keep repeating that "big government" turd. The whole emphasis of Libertarian policy is getting the Fed Govt to focus and CONCENTRATE on their primary duties. And slashing the redundancy and scope of the Fed govt. You are so TOTALLY off base --- there can be no rational discussion. .

We are the ONLY choice for smaller, more efficient govt. The ONLY choice for a SANER foreign policy. The ONLY choice to break the system of corporate/govt collusion and corporate welfare, The ONLY choice for rolling back the measures of the Patriot Act and putting NSA back into it's prohibition from spying domestically. The ONLY choice for school reform and choice. The ONLY choice for budget sanity.

The Donald today --- is unveiling new very deep and expensive credits and subsidies for childcare, dependent care, and maternity leave. Which will warp those markets and escalate costs. He is gonna break your widdle heart if you think he's for fiscal sanity and focused, efficient govt. LOVES to put the country deeper into debt.
Good luck with that...

The reason Johnson didn't send 1/3 of the NMex govt home -- is that he could find no Repub volunteers BRAVE ENOUGH to draft and sponsor the legislation.. Chickenshits -- all concerned about retaining power and leaving their principles on the table.
As Governor, Johnson could have vetoed every budget demanding a reduction. Yes, they could have overridden him, but he never made them. Because he is a big government establishment politician who just gives lip service like the rest of them.
Awnold was a Republican too, and he was a left wing loon just like Johnson. Big government, Gorebal warming regulations, etc etc. Can you name one Libertarian position he holds?

Not until you realize and retract that "Big Govt" lie in your post. He's commented that as governor -- he could have dismissed 30% of the NMex govt and no one would have noticed.

After that --- we can chat about WHO is Big Govt. The Hildebeast or the Orange Popsicle who stated a week or so ago that the US should take on a MUCH HIGHER debt burden... :biggrin:
I would love it if there was a Plan C in this election. So Johnson said he could have dismissed 1/3 of NM govt. and no one would notice. Why didn't he then? He is typical lip service Republican is why. He is pro abortion, anti traditional marriage, big government politician. All 3 candidates are from the same mold.

You keep repeating that "big government" turd. The whole emphasis of Libertarian policy is getting the Fed Govt to focus and CONCENTRATE on their primary duties. And slashing the redundancy and scope of the Fed govt. You are so TOTALLY off base --- there can be no rational discussion. .

We are the ONLY choice for smaller, more efficient govt. The ONLY choice for a SANER foreign policy. The ONLY choice to break the system of corporate/govt collusion and corporate welfare, The ONLY choice for rolling back the measures of the Patriot Act and putting NSA back into it's prohibition from spying domestically. The ONLY choice for school reform and choice. The ONLY choice for budget sanity.

The Donald today --- is unveiling new very deep and expensive credits and subsidies for childcare, dependent care, and maternity leave. Which will warp those markets and escalate costs. He is gonna break your widdle heart if you think he's for fiscal sanity and focused, efficient govt. LOVES to put the country deeper into debt.
Good luck with that...

The reason Johnson didn't send 1/3 of the NMex govt home -- is that he could find no Repub volunteers BRAVE ENOUGH to draft and sponsor the legislation.. Chickenshits -- all concerned about retaining power and leaving their principles on the table.
As Governor, Johnson could have vetoed every budget demanding a reduction. Yes, they could have overridden him, but he never made them. Because he is a big government establishment politician who just gives lip service like the rest of them.

Thanks for that. Hysterically funny... Love Reason Mag...

That "half black" "half white" episode is one that I remember because I got it like instantly and ruined the show for a bunch of people...

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