The Republic Has Imploded

I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..
The solution is for everyone to just chill and get high?

The LParty has been RIGHT on almost every important issue that America has come around on. We never CONDONED marijuana use. Just advocated for it's decriminalization. And 18 states this fall will have that issue on their ballots. Like most Soc Conservative cave dwellers, we've had to correct people like you for decades on MEast policy, gay inclusion, the corporate cronyism that feeds your politicians, govt reform, Civil Liberties, and more..

YOURE the one that's been consistently high or sumthin'. Because WE'VE been right and you've been ineffective, corrupt and DEADLY wrong on most issues. America changed. You didn't,. And now it IS more Libertarian than "conservative".. Just call names. Like the Dear Leader bully you're backing.
Many people see the choice of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee as a disaster for the Republican Party. Maybe. That out of the chaos of 17 Republican candidates we get Trump because of a disconnect between the Republican base & the money-men is one thing.

But, for the entire Democratic political & cultural establishment to get together & choose Hillary as their only possible standard-bearer is a rot of an entirely more profound order. The fact that within the Democratic Party the only faction that resisted Hillary’s spell was the space-cadet Left under Bernie Sanders just makes the total picture all the more horrifying.

Trump and Hillary are the symptoms, but not the disease.
I won't disagree. But these things happen in cycles. You have to hit a low point before you can start to put things back together. Too few people vote, way to few take their votes seriously.

I view either Hillary or Trump as a low point if elected. I'm reluctantly planning to vote for Hillary as I see that as a higher floor to hit so the bounce won't be quite as bad. The Democrats will be a mess in 2020 but the GOP will reform and kick out the #AltRight after such a loss.

Trump will be a spectacular crash if elected. Open defiance by his own party and the #AltRight folks ushered out of the basements and Twitter and into the mainstream.

Either way, the country will rebound.
In the late 19th century America was in shambles but rebuilt. But the difference is back then everyone was better educated and had a loyalty to either their nation or the State they resided in. Today most everyone under 50 is unaware of even the most basic civics topics and believes a quasi Euro socialism/communism utopia is what America should be Fundamentaly transformed into.
This is a transformative moment in US history. I've lived long enough to see quite a few elections and not one of them outright scared me. But this one does. On one hand you have a member of a political dynasty that feels they are "owed" a victory. On the other you have a strawman reality star being backed by modern Nazis. In the 19th century at least the Constitutional framework survived. In the Great Depression at least the Constitutional framework survived. I see this election as a true stress test for the system. There's an outright chance not even the framework survives either result. I have legitimate concerns that the #AltRight represents a movement willing to burn the whole thing down win or lose.

If Hillary wins, the banana-republic will merely emerge.

HEY !!! You're both right. THings will get exponentially worse if EITHER of them are elected. So what are doing about it? You're cross-blaming. Which ends up making both sides equally guilty and ABSOLVES THEM OF THE SIN... That's what's tanking the party faithful. That's why a Congressman today is a impotent meaningless assignment. Because NOW --- it's a death match.

America NEEDS an intervention. A care-taker government to put BOTH your power hungry billionaire parties in time-out. And there is a 3rd choice on the ballot capable of DOING that. Until the childish hissy fits calm down.

And barring THAT --- I'll be rooting for the Sweet Meteor of Death rather than watching the carnage for 4 or 8 more years. . At THAT POINT -- the "party animals" will be a MINORITY in the country and they will be looking at extinction... Either from 3rd party / independents or the SMODeath...
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Yep, Abolising everything that makes this country great and stand out in this world is somehow wonderful. Enjoy the 19th century! As for me, give me what we have now over somalia.

We won't have what we have very long if we keep bringing third worlders here from countries like......somalia!!! This is the democrat solution for making america great. Bring more needy and illiterates here to share in the dwindling job markets and safety nets like food stamps, etc. Not that the repubs are any better on immigration. One of the reasons they didn't like trump was his stance on stopping the inflow of third worlders here.
The solution is to drive the entire Republican Party out of existence. Most of them are true liberals - which creates a significant problem for them. They don't want to become Dumbocrats (which has been hijacked by hard core socialists, communists, marxists, fascists, etc.) but they don't want to act like conservatives. We need to drive them over to the left where they belong and either force them to join the Dumbocrats are form their own new liberal party.

Then we need to consolidate the Constitution Party, the Tea Party, and the Libertarian Party. I think it only makes sense to brand it with the Constitution Party as that is what true conservatism stands for. We also need to ensure that the new party held the core values of conservatism as well as only accepted candidates of real character and integrity.

If we did these simple things, the U.S. would always have a viable candidate and we'd win most (if not all) elections.
In a better day tar and feathers would be in use. Today, apathy is the only thing certain in the masses.
Many people see the choice of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee as a disaster for the Republican Party. Maybe. That out of the chaos of 17 Republican candidates we get Trump because of a disconnect between the Republican base & the money-men is one thing.

But, for the entire Democratic political & cultural establishment to get together & choose Hillary as their only possible standard-bearer is a rot of an entirely more profound order. The fact that within the Democratic Party the only faction that resisted Hillary’s spell was the space-cadet Left under Bernie Sanders just makes the total picture all the more horrifying.

Trump and Hillary are the symptoms, but not the disease.
I won't disagree. But these things happen in cycles. You have to hit a low point before you can start to put things back together. Too few people vote, way to few take their votes seriously.

I view either Hillary or Trump as a low point if elected. I'm reluctantly planning to vote for Hillary as I see that as a higher floor to hit so the bounce won't be quite as bad. The Democrats will be a mess in 2020 but the GOP will reform and kick out the #AltRight after such a loss.

Trump will be a spectacular crash if elected. Open defiance by his own party and the #AltRight folks ushered out of the basements and Twitter and into the mainstream.

Either way, the country will rebound.
In the late 19th century America was in shambles but rebuilt. But the difference is back then everyone was better educated and had a loyalty to either their nation or the State they resided in. Today most everyone under 50 is unaware of even the most basic civics topics and believes a quasi Euro socialism/communism utopia is what America should be Fundamentaly transformed into.
This is a transformative moment in US history. I've lived long enough to see quite a few elections and not one of them outright scared me. But this one does. On one hand you have a member of a political dynasty that feels they are "owed" a victory. On the other you have a strawman reality star being backed by modern Nazis. In the 19th century at least the Constitutional framework survived. In the Great Depression at least the Constitutional framework survived. I see this election as a true stress test for the system. There's an outright chance not even the framework survives either result. I have legitimate concerns that the #AltRight represents a movement willing to burn the whole thing down win or lose.

If Hillary wins, the banana-republic will merely emerge.

HEY !!! You're both right. THings will get exponentially worse if EITHER of them are elected. So what are doing about it? You're cross-blaming. Which ends up making both sides equally guilty and ABSOLVES THEM OF THE SIN... That's what's tanking the party faithful. That's why a Congressman today is a impotent meaningless assignment. Because NOW --- it's a death match.

America NEEDS an intervention. A care-taker government to put BOTH your power hungry billionaire parties in time-out. And there is a 3rd choice on the ballot capable of DOING that. Until the childish hissy fits calm down.

And barring THAT --- I'll be rooting for the Sweet Meteor of Death rather than watching the carnage for 4 or 8 more years. . At THAT POINT -- the "party animals" will be a MINORITY in the country and they will be looking at extinction... Either from 3rd party / independents or the SMODeath...
SMOD is not impressed.
Watch A Rare Daytime Fireball Streak Across The Sky
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Gary Johnson is an INSANE IDIOT and anyone who supports this OPEN BORDERS SHILL is as nutty as he is.
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

You heard what you WANTED to hear. And it's partly Johnson's fault for not stressing the difference between "open borders" and a GENEROUS legal immigration process. The Constitution PROHIBITS "open borders". And the LParty obeys the Constitution.

What he SAID (not entirely with the right emphasis) is that the process be would LEGAL immigration with documentation and background checks. And the generous issuance of work visas --- NOT residency visas. Which as the governor of state which is 48% Hispanic -- he knows the effects and limits of issuing work visas.

In addition, the LParty would CUT off the promises of benefits, subsidies, and free services for Undocumented Immigrants. No need to deport 50 or 70 yr old family heads who have been in country for decades with families NOW COMPOSED of mostly American citizen children.

Don't blame us for the mess. We're not the ones that ignored the Constitutionally proscribed processes for immigration or refuse to ENFORCE the "No tickey, No Worky" law.

If the government operated PROPERLY --- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration. But it doesn't and it hasn't worked diligently on immigration in my lifetime or yours...
Nope. He said "anyone that wants to come in should find it easy". Thats what he said. I am not impressed. He looks and acts like an idiot. Sorry flacal.
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

You heard what you WANTED to hear. And it's partly Johnson's fault for not stressing the difference between "open borders" and a GENEROUS legal immigration process. The Constitution PROHIBITS "open borders". And the LParty obeys the Constitution.

What he SAID (not entirely with the right emphasis) is that the process be would LEGAL immigration with documentation and background checks. And the generous issuance of work visas --- NOT residency visas. Which as the governor of state which is 48% Hispanic -- he knows the effects and limits of issuing work visas.

In addition, the LParty would CUT off the promises of benefits, subsidies, and free services for Undocumented Immigrants. No need to deport 50 or 70 yr old family heads who have been in country for decades with families NOW COMPOSED of American citizen children.

Don't blame us for the mess. We're not the ones that ignored the Constitutionally proscribed processes for immigration or refuse to ENFORCE the "No tickey, No Worky" law.

If the government operated PROPERLY --- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration. But it doesn't and it hasn't worked diligently on immigration in my lifetime or yours...

That's the reason I posted GARY JOHNSON in his own words.. everyone can listen for themselves.
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.
Nope. He said "anyone that wants to come in should find it easy". Thats what he said. I am not impressed. He looks and acts like an idiot. Sorry flacal.

Yes it SHOULD be easier to LEGALLY enter the US for work if you go thru the process of background checks, and gaining a work Visa. If there was a PROCESS -- we wouldn't have such high prison populations of illegals in the border states. But work Visas require tracking and renewals. And is FAR better than the "open border" situation we have now.
More from the Lunatic, Gary Johnson:
Q: Would you open the borders and make it easier to immigrate legally?

A: My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders.

Q: Many Americans fear the flood of immigrants that would follow.

A: They would become taxpayers.
I hate to say it or even THINK it, Flacal..but I think the sweet meteor of death will be americans having had enough of the bullshit. Civil war. Which makes us weak and open to attack by enemies. But I think that is a very good possibility of happening.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.

It will get ugly. And dangerous. I don't think America realizes the depths of the crisis yet. That's why we need a mediation team to come in and put these 2 parties in time-out.

Johnson/Weld 2016 --- We're not dying, aren't endorsed by the KKK and we can't suck as badly as the other 2 choices.
I'll take that..

Those two DINGBATS don't even know where the fuck Syria is and what provinces were gassed not to mention they're OPEN BORDER SHILLS.. Yea, let's just let our borders be overrun.. :hellno:

Not open border shills. Southern border could be fixed in one week. If you're not a Rep or a Dem. There's already a law making illegal to hire ILLEGALS. Enforce it.. .The week after -- the flow would stop..

But you won't... Just want to demagogue the issue.

If you stop HIRING them and stop showering them with BENEFITS and handouts --- they will self-deport.
THEN -- you can be very GENEROUS with work visas and documents and CHOOSE the ones you want to retain. Maybe as many as 50% -- if local / state labor markets can handle it.

If govt WORKED RIGHT ---- we could all be more "liberal" on immigration., It doesn't -- and that the primary place to look in EVERY PROBLEM related to Fed govt..

All ya got to know about Syria is --- THe LParty has been CORRECT on MEast policy and you dearest --- have been deadly wrong.. Probably MILLIONS of lives lost because YOUR GUYS break the store over there..
Absolutely INCORRECT.. Not only does he support OPEN BORDERS, but even giving them social security cards... but don't take my word for it... GARY JOHNSON- NO LIMIT AT ALL on illegals coming in.

Johnson is a big government left wing moonbat flying under the only 3rd party logo that has name recognition.

Yeah --- that must be why he was Republican governor for 8 years in New Mexico. And why he STYMIED the "left wing moonbat" NMex legislature with over 170 vetoes during those years.


Richardson was elected governor of New Mexico in November 2002, having defeated the Republican candidate, John Sanchez, 56–39%. During the campaign, he set a Guinness World Record for most handshakes in eight hours by a politician, breaking Theodore Roosevelt's record.

Yea right.. New Mexico leans heavily left..
One thing very few people in America has considered, is that the 2nd and 3rd generation CITIZEN immigrants are NOT gonna be blowing lawns and changing bedpans. Gary pointed out that his staff and colleagues in NMex govt were largely Hispanic. And it's likely that offspring will be in science, law, medicine, entrepreneurial ventures.

I watched in California as crappy run-down sections of our "little Tijuana" became rejuvenated and vibrant economically. Dilapidated houses became $600,000 California keepers. These folks love opportunity and capitalism. And they too are concerned by the type of new immigrants that are crossing the "open border".

If we got back to 3 and 5% annual growth --- there would plenty of room for LEGAL DOCUMENTED immigrants.

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