The Republican Collapse

And I believe Denmark is where they can legally off people without their knowledge or consent. They kill babies and old people by the hundreds there every year.

I think it's Denmark. I'll check,though.
You're a zealot. You've proved yourself one over and over, the latest being this thread, when you get worked up over the very idea that any Republican could possibly know ANYTHING about the Dem party.

I am not worked up about anything. I think it is funny when republicans predicted "assured doom" for MY party. Get over yourself. really. :)
Sure, your humor is evident.

"Zealot? Go fuck yourself."

You're a funny guy.

Though I like "assured doom" as well.
Liberalism is an utter failure because it is odds with fundamental human nature. It assumes we are something we are not, i.e., SELFLESS beings. We are simply not wired to be that way. The only time most act selflessly is when they can afford to. We fundamentally expect and DEMAND the we get return, personally, for our efforts. If I work harder, am smarter, took time and effort to become better educated, I have and expectation of doing much better than those who did not.

Which is why liberals want the government to provide the social safety net. Because they think individuals are selfless and will help each other out to provide it. Wait, whaa?????

Obviously you should figure out what the hell liberalism is before you call it an utter failure.

Time and time again we are reminded how "shared" things pale in comparison to "private" things. Nothing "shared" has ever really amounted to much. Just compare any public park in your city to a private one, a public bathroom to your own bathroom, a public playground to a private one.

Hmm ok. Central park compared to Gramercy park. Gee, the public one is much much better. mean bathrooms that are used by 30+ people a day might be worse than one that is only used by me? Stunning, stunning logic.

Wait...nothing the government has done has ever amounted to much?

Just a few things the government invented:

The Internet (I know...who uses that nowadays anyway?)
The nuclear bomb
Microwave (I know...also rarely used, but a few people do I guess)

And look at the results of the world's greatest socialist experiment on a national scale, the Soviet Union. It collapsed under it's own bureaucratic weight of state run, and totally failed institutions. And then there's is western Europe where there hasn't been an original commercial idea come to fruit in 30 years, where unemployment has never dropped below 10% (people are screaming in the US at 5.1%) and growth has been stagnant since the mid 1970's.

Western Europe hasn't had an original commercial idea in 30 years?

I know its a pretty small company and you might not have heard of it...but theres this company called "virgin" with a few subsidiaries that was founded by a Brit.

Yes, we all know that Socialism on a large scale fails. However that doesn't mean everything should be left to private industry. That is absurd.

Classic liberalism as failed everywhere it has been tried. China, Russia, Vietnam, India, as all have achieved growth only when embracing conservative based supply side, capitalistic systems and removed the yoke of government regulation and control over business.

Classic liberalism was never tried in China or Russia. Classic liberalism is, for the most part, what is in place in the US today. It is highly laissez-faire and looks upon government interference very suspiciously.
Let's just break this down to the core.

If something is given to you it's not appreciated as much as something that takes hard work to achieve. I don't mind some of my tax dollars going to programs for people who ACTUALLY need help but the perpetual leeching off the gov that libs like to sell is nothing but garbage.
ZEALOT? go fuck yourself. I am no ZEALOT. I am a democratic county committee member.

And being shot down and captured is qualification to be president?

If you are involved enough to be a county committee member that makes you a DE FACTO.....ZEALOT. By definition. And the tone of your claims to anything and everything in your power to get a dem elected pretty much demonstrates, that FACT.

He'd have been my candidate, too. And I was reminded yesterday, during the Petraeus thing, just how sorry I am that he didn't get anywhere with his campaign. Bummer that he doesn't have an ounce of charisma.

He has the right idea on Iraq and is how Iraq will end up no matter what we do.

Iraq will eventually disintegrate into three countries which is a policy he favors pushing for.... And no, the Shites in the south will NOT fall under Iran because the Iranian shiites are PERSIAN and the most of the Iraqi Shiites are ARAB and the only thing worse for an Arab Shiite than a Sunni is a PERSIAN....
The trouble is the best working systems today are located in Europe, I am thinking especially of Denmark a place you would call socialist. It seems a balance is required and unfettered capitalism is as bad any other system.

"If you believe the conservative rhetoric on economics, this combination of high taxes, a large public sector, and lavish welfare benefits ought to be killing the Danish economy. But it's not. In fact, Denmark's economy has thrived. And nowhere is that more apparent than in the job market. By the time Rasmussen left office in 2001, the unemployment rate had fallen from a 1994 peak of 9.6 percent to 4.3 percent; in 2002, it fell below the U.S. rate, where it has remained ever since. For the most recent quarter of 2006, Denmark's standardized unemployment rate was 3.6 percent, compared with 4.7 percent in the United States. Moreover, while Europe has a reputation for fostering cadres of idle youth (a reputation that, in countries like France, has at least some basis in reality), in Denmark, a mere 3 percent of its 15- to 19-year-olds are neither in school nor working--the second-best rate in the developed world. (Tiny Luxembourg is first.) In the United States, by comparison, the figure is about 7 percent."

Western Europe is DYSFUNCTIONAL economically, They haven;t had discernible, sustained economic growth across western Europe in over 30 years and chronic unemployment. No, the most vibrant, sustainable growth economies in the world today are found in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, S Korea and in EASTERN Europe in Hungary and the Czech Republic and even Poland. And since both China and Vietnam have transitioned from Communism to Fascism (a virtual partnership between Government and Business), eliminating most governmental control over many businesses and closed or privatized most of their state run businesses, their economies have exploded.
Which is why liberals want the government to provide the social safety net. Because they think individuals are selfless and will help each other out to provide it. Wait, whaa?????

Obviously you should figure out what the hell liberalism is before you call it an utter failure.

Hmm ok. Central park compared to Gramercy park. Gee, the public one is much much better. mean bathrooms that are used by 30+ people a day might be worse than one that is only used by me? Stunning, stunning logic.

Wait...nothing the government has done has ever amounted to much?

Just a few things the government invented:

The Internet (I know...who uses that nowadays anyway?)
The nuclear bomb
Microwave (I know...also rarely used, but a few people do I guess)

Western Europe hasn't had an original commercial idea in 30 years?

I know its a pretty small company and you might not have heard of it...but theres this company called "virgin" with a few subsidiaries that was founded by a Brit.

Yes, we all know that Socialism on a large scale fails. However that doesn't mean everything should be left to private industry. That is absurd.

Classic liberalism was never tried in China or Russia. Classic liberalism is, for the most part, what is in place in the US today. It is highly laissez-faire and looks upon government interference very suspiciously.

What a complete IDIOT.

Yes, Liberalism requires SELFLESSNESS, moron. Got that? It requires that I, an man of significant talent, willingness to work extremely hard, and quite wealthy because of it, not mind that some guilt-ridden equal outcome piece of of gutter-filth want to take my EARNED wealth and give it some slack-assed, lazy no-talent loser. Sorry, I'm not selfless, I expect to KEEP what I and no one else, EARNED. You deserve NONE of it, because you are too stupid and lazy to breath our oxygen....

Stossel in and article he did for 20/20 compared neighborhood public parks in Brooklyn and Queens and in Houston, Cleveland and LA to PRIVATE neighborhood parks in Long Island, Clevaland, Houston and LA. He compared public bathrooms in Grand Central Station and subway stations to bathrooms in hotel lobbies and restaurants and private in home bathroom. He then compared three city baseball fields in Omaha to a private one Omaha. The public fields had broken benches, bent fences with holes, unmowed grass and clotted up infields and no lines or bases, the private field was as pristine as a major league baseball park.

And the UK is NOT socialist Europe. They actually a semblance of an economic brain left, unlike the clueless, gutless, cowardly fools on the continent.
Let's just break this down to the core.

If something is given to you it's not appreciated as much as something that takes hard work to achieve. I don't mind some of my tax dollars going to programs for people who ACTUALLY need help but the perpetual leeching off the gov that libs like to sell is nothing but garbage.

John Stossel of ABC ran two great 20/20 specials four years ago on ABC. One was on "shared" vs "public" property comparing most city parks with private neighborhood parks, public bathrooms vs private business bathrooms, and other things. In every case the public version was unkept, filthy, trash ridden and in ill repair. Why? Because we don't CARE about stuff that isn';t ours and we haven't directly paid for as much as stuff we do work for and pay for.

The other was a special where he spent two years on and experiment where he tried to open a store front selling glow in the dark frisbees and other yard toys, hiring two workers to help him. He tried to open storefronts in the US, France, India and Singapore. The US being a moderately open economic system, France and India being a closed, socialist system and Singapore a nearly completely unregulated and open economic system. He had some trouble in the US with idiocy like the ADA compliance and affirmative action BS, but in about a month was able to get his shop open. In France, it took him over six months to get to the store open and then, only after settling for a labor contract that ensured the two employees employment for a minimum of five years under some unionization law, so long as he remained in business and that he would require a maximum of 35 hours of work a week. He gave up after eight months of red-tape in India. He had a store open in four HOURS in Singapore complete with two employees.
What a complete IDIOT.

Yes, Liberalism requires SELFLESSNESS, moron. Got that? It requires that I, an man of significant talent, willingness to work extremely hard, and quite wealthy because of it, not mind that some guilt-ridden equal outcome piece of of gutter-filth want to take my EARNED wealth and give it some slack-assed, lazy no-talent loser. Sorry, I'm not selfless, I expect to KEEP what I and no one else, EARNED. You deserve NONE of it, because you are too stupid and lazy to breath our oxygen....

Actually it really doesn't give a fuck whether you mind it or not. Bitch all you want to the IRS, good luck with that.

And really don't turn this into a "you and I" game. I likely work a hell of a lot harder than you do.

And the UK is NOT socialist Europe. They actually a semblance of an economic brain left, unlike the clueless, gutless, cowardly fools on the continent.

I'm sorry, did you say socialist Europe? Oh wait, you said Western Europe which the UK is part of.

Oh, and really, if you are going to say something as unmitigatingly stupid as calling China classically liberal, you have no right to call anyone else an idiot.
Do you realize you call others stupid in every single post you make?

It must be sooo lonely at the top.
Do you realize you call others stupid in every single post you make?

It must be sooo lonely at the top.


Care to point out where I called anyone stupid in my original post in this thread?

Or, alternatively, care to point out exactly what is not stupid about calling China classically liberal?
Good grief, you mean there was a post where you didn't call someone stupid and I missed it?
Good grief, you mean there was a post where you didn't call someone stupid and I missed it?

Or the last post?

Actually there are many. You seem to "miss" quite a bit in your overgeneralization. Could it be that you are just making shit up?

Naaaah. We all know honest allie would never do that.

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