The Republican House Wreckers Trying to Veto Democracy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.


There's a lot of stuff needs stopping.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.


There's a lot of stuff needs stopping.

You mean like government and all social programs?
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.

I hope so, but some of them are dug in like ticks on a hound with their gerrymandering and voter suppression. These are some scary whacko white people. They are desperate to Make America White Again.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.

I hope so, but some of them are dug in like ticks on a hound with their gerrymandering and voter suppression. These are some scary whacko white people. They are desperate to Make America White Again.
Another racist Democrat.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.


There's a lot of stuff needs stopping.

You mean like government and all social programs?

What we currently have is not government, but totalitarian control, and yes, any social programs not specifically targeted to American citizens should be halted immediately.

The rest we can decide based upon actual need and benefit to the nation.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.

I hope so, but some of them are dug in like ticks on a hound with their gerrymandering and voter suppression. These are some scary whacko white people. They are desperate to Make America White Again.
True some of them are invincible. But the most prominent ones end up embarrassing their district so badly once the national media catches on that they have no chance. They'll be voted out by the youth eventually.
You mean like government and all social programs?

Most of the Government, yes. All social programing included. Thise things do not fit within the limits of the US Constitution as currently written.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.
Hmmm, I've heard that somewhere before. IIRC it was just before the Republicans had a clean sweep victory in Ohio.
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.


There's a lot of stuff needs stopping.

You mean like government and all social programs?

What we currently have is not government, but totalitarian control, and yes, any social programs not specifically targeted to American citizens should be halted immediately.

The rest we can decide based upon actual need and benefit to the nation.

Gee, our black president sure brought you peckerwoods out of the woodwork. Where were you during the white Bush Administration?
Unions = whites built them
Regulations for clean air and water = whites put them in place
Abolishing slavery and child labor = whites did it
Building massive high ways and train tracks. Funded by whites.
Building the giant middle class we had in the 20th century. Whites did that.
Educating a large part of our population - whites
Going to the moon = whites
Making the internet = whites
No, don't blame whites for this...Blame the super rich finally undermining all the reforms of the early 20th century after 100 fucking years. They want a huge population of piss poor peasants to use as cheap labor.

Sadly, the little white guy has been brainwashed and is now fucking himself!
In case you missed it, a strong and militant group of Republican members of Congress have pushed out their caucus leaders, paralyzed the House of Representatives, and can't seem to find anyone who is as right-wing as they are to be the next Speaker.

These guys -- and they are almost all guys; among 36 documented members, onlyone is a woman -- call themselves the Freedom Caucus. And with the exception ofone Latino from Idaho, the members of this invitation-only group are all white.

The ideology of the Freedom Caucus is far to the right and they want procedural commitments from any new Speaker that would allow them to effectively prevent any compromises with Democrats, and allow them to shut down the government when their extreme demands are not met.

An analysis in The Washington Post summarized the goals of the Freedom Caucus: to attain "explicit commitments from the next speaker to fully repeal Obamacare in a filibuster-proof bill, to make increases in the debt limit conditional on entitlement reform, to impeach the IRS commissioner, to forswear stop gap spending bills, and to defund Planned Parenthood, the president's immigration orders, and implementation of the Iran deal."

Moderate Republican Charlie Dent (Pa.) has been a leading critic of the Freedom Caucus because he still believes in bi-partisan governance.

"Whoever's going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists, who have no interest in governing. They can simply not get to yes," said Dent.

"I don't think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands."

I would also call them the "veto caucus." Their ultra-conservatism can't even win in the Republican-controlled House and Senate, much less in a general election, so they're trying to obstruct and delay anything they don't want to happen in the country. This means a minority of Republican House members can essentially veto democracy on a host of issues and prevent forward movement on things they don't like. And among the things they most dislike are the changing racial demographics of the new America we are becoming.

In the 36 districts represented by members of the Freedom Caucus, the population ranges from 61 percent white at the lowest, to 93 percent white at the highest. On average, across the 36 districts, the population is roughly 82 percent white. This is no coincidence: their districts have been deliberately gerrymandered to be heavily majority white districts and they vote -- or veto -- accordingly.

Here is the most tragic example of the veto caucus' power. The increasingly diverse immigration reform movement in America won over a majority of the country, a majority of Republicans, a majority of evangelicals, even a majority of white evangelicals. And it helped win a bi-partisan bill to reform our broken immigration system in the Senate. But a powerful, white, right-wing minority in Congress blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of people of color imprisoned and imperiled in a cruel system, prevented from ever becoming citizens.

So in addition to the rejectionist, veto caucus, I will also call these guys the "white-washed caucus." As white-washed elected officials from white-washed districts, they want to keep America white, or white-controlled, for as long as they possibly can. That means doing more racially motivated gerrymandering in congressional districts; engaging in the suppression of minority voters; blocking immigration reform; cutting virtually every program that benefits poor families and children of color; and undermining any progress toward racial and criminal justice.

"Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism," says conservative columnist David Brooks, who refers to the group as the "Republican Incompetence Caucus."

Hearkening back to traditional definitions, Brooks explains that "conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured, and responsible."

The Republican House Wreckers Trying To Veto Democracy

Yes, sadly for America, the Republican Party has abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. It's pitiful to watch - and even more pitiful that America has to suffer during such dysfunction.
Fuck 'em. They'll be voted out soon enough.
Hmmm, I've heard that somewhere before. IIRC it was just before the Republicans had a clean sweep victory in Ohio.
Oh okay. I bet Ohio goes blue for the 3rd election in a row in 2016.

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