The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything.



Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.
Trump's plan to build a wall across the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Why would they fix anything? Fear, desperation and dysfunction serve them much better than optimism or efficiency. They always say the government cannot do anything, that's a preloaded excuse to occupy an office and just do favors for rich people.

what needs fixing leftard? i thought your Messiah Obama fixed everything?
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.


if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle; and you'd give "her" a courage award
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.
Build the fence.........everything else will fall into place. ...... :thup:
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

How do you expect our young people to pay off their student loans when Government is taking most of their disposable income?
They have to pay Federal taxes. FICA tax, forced penalties for Obama Care.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.


if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle; and you'd give "her" a courage award
Since the government paid for operation, she is your uncle.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.
Come on, you can't even get Republicans to admit what they did under Bush. As Trump explained last night during the debate.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.
so true
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.
so true
How can that be true.

"and wants repubs to fix it"

No one said that. We said PRESENT PLANS. I've seen how Republicans "fix things". I wouldn't let one touch my toilet bowl. We still aren't recovered from all the damage Republicans caused the last time they "fixed things".

And you said "so true"? To an untrue statement? How does that make you look?
You can't hear anything when you have your fingers in your ears rderp. I heard plenty of ideas last night.
Tax plans. Ideas about school funding, standards & choice. Social security plans. Immigration ideas. Regulation plans. National security plans.

And the person you assign as the only one to put forth anything put forth the least. Which just proves what a pointless contribution you make to this board AS USUAL
I actually didn't care to listen to all of the practiced " I am going to change Obama's blah blah blah with nothing"
I liked Trump's Build a Wall....with all of the high tech we have ways to detect if they are digging holes under the wall.
You can't hear anything when you have your fingers in your ears rderp. I heard plenty of ideas last night.
Tax plans. Ideas about school funding, standards & choice. Social security plans. Immigration ideas. Regulation plans. National security plans.

And the person you assign as the only one to put forth anything put forth the least. Which just proves what a pointless contribution you make to this board AS USUAL

Build a wall.
Don't let the super rich have Social Security money.
Get rid of regulations (not a single one identified)
National security plans (spend more on military, build a wall)
Increase school funding (Walker just cut 300 million from higher education but made the claim he increased spending - a flat out lie)

Those are too slim to be "plans". It's a wish list or talking points. Not "plans".

The only Tax Plan that I heard that had any merit was from Ben Carson (I think). He said if you earn 10 dollars, you pay a dollar. If you earn 10 billion, you pay a billion. No loop holes. No subsidies. And that wasn't enough to be a real plan. If you can name a detailed plan, go ahead.
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.
You can't hear anything when you have your fingers in your ears rderp. I heard plenty of ideas last night.
Tax plans. Ideas about school funding, standards & choice. Social security plans. Immigration ideas. Regulation plans. National security plans.

And the person you assign as the only one to put forth anything put forth the least. Which just proves what a pointless contribution you make to this board AS USUAL

Build a wall.
Don't let the super rich have Social Security money.
Get rid of regulations (not a single one identified)
National security plans (spend more on military, build a wall)
Increase school funding (Walker just cut 300 million from higher education but made the claim he increased spending - a flat out lie)

Those are too slim to be "plans". It's a wish list or talking points. Not "plans".

The only Tax Plan that I heard that had any merit was from Ben Carson (I think). He said if you earn 10 dollars, you pay a dollar. If you earn 10 billion, you pay a billion. No loop holes. No subsidies. And that wasn't enough to be a real plan. If you can name a detailed plan, go ahead.
Huckabee… national sales tax to get drug dealers', pimps' and prostitutes' contribution into the big bucket...
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.

you can name them leftard?? THAT'S GREAT!!

when you're doing that name all the ones that the Jackass Party didnt vote FOR REPEATEDLY; no matter what their status as minority or majorty Party under Bush OR obama, AND CONTINUE even long after bush was gone ok??

without pathetic excuses????

i cant wait!!

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