The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything.

Ever hear of tunnels?

Which is why we need to create a mile wide "no mans land" between the 2 countries. Mined with anti-personnel and anti-vehicle ordinance. THEN the wall. Sypported by military units.

The Democrats want to just leave a sign in sheet with a spot to fill in their address to send their papers and drivers license, isn't that really the same when you think about it?
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.

you can name them leftard?? THAT'S GREAT!!

when you're doing that name all the ones that the Jackass Party didnt vote FOR REPEATEDLY; no matter what their status as minority or majorty Party under Bush OR obama, AND CONTINUE even long after bush was gone ok??

without pathetic excuses????

i cant wait!!
When Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times, was there anything the Democrats could do to stop them?

Wait a second. You do know the Republicans used reconciliation three times don't you?

Can you name them?
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.

You realize that Obama is actually President, no? Liberals crack me up, 6 1/2 years after you took control you still say Republicans are deflecting as a deflection
It's true. Not only did the economy come back from where Bush and the Republicans left it, but it went beyond the "zero" point.


Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.
The debate had a game show format, and even had a game show timer bell. That kind of venue does not permit anyone to lay out a comprehensive solution to our problems.

However, Governor Christie made reference to his 12 point plan for entitlement reform. All you had to do from there is look it up:

Senator Rubio has a plan for tax reform:
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.

You realize that Obama is actually President, no? Liberals crack me up, 6 1/2 years after you took control you still say Republicans are deflecting as a deflection
It's true. Not only did the economy come back from where Bush and the Republicans left it, but it went beyond the "zero" point.



Yes, you stupid bitch, the issue is Obama is black. That's why Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi and the whites all get it so easy. I mean sure, they are socialists, but they are white so it's OK
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.

you can name them leftard?? THAT'S GREAT!!

when you're doing that name all the ones that the Jackass Party didnt vote FOR REPEATEDLY; no matter what their status as minority or majorty Party under Bush OR obama, AND CONTINUE even long after bush was gone ok??

without pathetic excuses????

i cant wait!!
When Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times, was there anything the Democrats could do to stop them?

Wait a second. You do know the Republicans used reconciliation three times don't you?

Can you name them?

i said without pathetic excuses leftard

Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president. Does the radical left admit that things still need "fixing"? The clown faces suggested getting drunk (which might be their solution to all of life's problems) rather than watch the debates. Republicans did so well fielding tough questions by Fox that the left seems unable to deal with it with anything but inane posts.
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.
Obamacare needs to be repealed, not replaced. Fuck that. Healthcare was fine before liberals fucked it up.Capish?
Governor Huckabee proposed the Fair Tax as a solution to our debt and to funding Social Security.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.
I have pointed out at least three plans which the candidates put on the table. This topic is built on a bogus false premise.
what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.

you can name them leftard?? THAT'S GREAT!!

when you're doing that name all the ones that the Jackass Party didnt vote FOR REPEATEDLY; no matter what their status as minority or majorty Party under Bush OR obama, AND CONTINUE even long after bush was gone ok??

without pathetic excuses????

i cant wait!!
When Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times, was there anything the Democrats could do to stop them?

Wait a second. You do know the Republicans used reconciliation three times don't you?

Can you name them?

mentioned literally THOUSANDS OF DEMOCRAT VOTES to fund, extend and/or continue the very policies losers like you claim were so disastrous, year after year, for all of the 8 bush years and well after Democrats took BOTH chambers of Congres, after taking THE WHITE HOUSE AND STILL HAVING BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS, and even afer THAT still continuing most Bush policies or policies from the bush years; and you come back with THREE instances of something?

and you wonder why you arent being taken seriously here rdean?
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.

um no leftard; i can see why you think that though; because Democrats excel at doing nothing and PRETENDING they actually did something.

Border security: Democrat and left-wing idiots like Clayton actually call a border "secure" that THEY admit TENS OF THOUSANDS OF "CHILDREN" WALKED ACROSS.

say obama has "deported more than any president" when in fact obama just CHANGED THE WAY deportations are counted

say they've got islamo-fascists on the run, except for a few "JV" types; when in fact THEY'VE CARVED OUT A CALIPHATE AND BUTCHERED OVER 200,000

pretend they have a kinder, gentler war on terror when OBAMA HAS TRIPLED DRONE STRIKES of the kind the Left wanted Bush tried for war crimes over; and PRETEND they have reduced civilian casualties when AGAIN obama just CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF MILITANT to include ANY male of "fighting age" within the strike zone

clayton; you're one of the biggest clowns on these boards, right up there with rdean, PaintMy House, paddymurphy...etc
With the Republican majority now in Congress there must be a number of immigration bills introduced to handle the immigration problem. Of all the Republican bills being debated, are there any that stand out and has merit?

Strictly from a practical standpoint, Regent...would you as a Republican go on record by introducing a bill to handle the immigration problem (a bill that your political opponents will use against you by labeling you "anti Hispanic") when you know only too well that the President has already made it quite clear that he will veto any bills like the one you suggest should be pushed?

Quite'd have to be looking to commit political suicide...and very few of our politicians in Washington want that to happen!
My question to the R-Derps of this board is a simple one...

All Obama is doing now is promising to block anything the GOP does to really secure the border unless they give in and grant amnesty to millions of illegals. It's amusing how the same people who screamed about supposed Republican "obstructionist" policies have zero problem with Barack Obama's veto threats.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.

Right, democrats don't criticize or seek to tear down, just Republicans. Doesn't your ass just flame from the hypocrisy?
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.

Right, democrats don't criticize or seek to tear down, just Republicans. Doesn't your ass just flame from the hypocrisy?

Clayton is a true believer! It's a "do as I say...not as I do" thing with him.
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.

Right, democrats don't criticize or seek to tear down, just Republicans. Doesn't your ass just flame from the hypocrisy?

Clayton is a true believer! It's a "do as I say...not as I do" thing with him.

He really does need to read his posts before clicking "post reply"

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