The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything.

Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

No shit.... we do need plans to fix all the left's fuckups... you guys have been fucking things up since the early part of the twentieth century. Fucking progressive idiots.
You can't hear anything when you have your fingers in your ears rderp. I heard plenty of ideas last night.
Tax plans. Ideas about school funding, standards & choice. Social security plans. Immigration ideas. Regulation plans. National security plans.

And the person you assign as the only one to put forth anything put forth the least. Which just proves what a pointless contribution you make to this board AS USUAL

Build a wall.
Don't let the super rich have Social Security money.
Get rid of regulations (not a single one identified)
National security plans (spend more on military, build a wall)
Increase school funding (Walker just cut 300 million from higher education but made the claim he increased spending - a flat out lie)

Those are too slim to be "plans". It's a wish list or talking points. Not "plans".

The only Tax Plan that I heard that had any merit was from Ben Carson (I think). He said if you earn 10 dollars, you pay a dollar. If you earn 10 billion, you pay a billion. No loop holes. No subsidies. And that wasn't enough to be a real plan. If you can name a detailed plan, go ahead.
They get SIXTY SECOND to respond you dumbfuck. Nothing more than talking points & outlines will fit in that.

You are simply too stupid to be posting with the adults
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.

Well, I guess they are finally admitting what a fuckup Obama has been.

Trump's plan to build a wall across the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Build a wall, so he'd have to take the land from private property owners? Nice respect for property rights.
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

None of those things are legitimate uses of Federal power or money.
Trump's plan to build a wall across the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:

By going into debt?

go Trump.

Ever hear of tunnels?

what do you mean? we are told everything is JUST HONKEY dorey in this OBAMAnation. you people on left put your party in charge and then whine how the Republicans don't have plans to fix THEIR MESS they got us into

I don't know how anyone can take you people seriously
From Iraq to the economy, I can name and prove GOP mess.

What mess did the Democrats cause. Be specific. But be warned, I will come back with facts.

Now THAT is funny stuff! R-Derp is threatening to use "facts" in an argument! The board's leader in starting strings based totally on his hatred of the GOP is going to get "factual" with us!

What mess? Gee, where to start...

How about the limp-wristed and naive foreign policy of the Obama Administration that led to the murder of our Ambassador and three others in Benghazi...a green light for the Iranians to continue their path to a nuke aided by billions in money we're going to let them have while ceding Iraq to Iran's sphere of influence...Russia attacking another sovereign nation while we make idle threats about lines they shouldn't cross and send meals ready to eat to a democratic nation asking for military assistance?

How about a nonexistent plan to fix the economy and put Americans back to work since the Obama Stimulus cratered so badly under Larry Summers and Christina Romer? Obama and the Democrats gave us legislation that killed jobs and slowed the economy. If you took away jobs created in "Right to Work" States run by Republicans and by the oil and natural gas industry with fracking that Obama and Democrats fought against...the economic numbers for this Administration would be APPALLINGLY bad! Obama and the Democrats haven't even attempted to put forth a comprehensive economic plan to grow the economy since Summers left office over four YEARS ago! How about a badly written and hastily passed ACA that affects one sixth of our economy...a law that was passed because it was all that Democrats could get through before the voters had their say and elected Republicans to stop it.

How about the climate of animosity that this Administration and liberals like yourself have brought to America? Reagan worked with Tip O'Neal. Clinton worked with Newt Gingritch. Obama doesn't work with anyone across the aisle. He's the politician who is totally incapable of building political consensus between differing viewpoints. To him, everything is a war between "us" and "them". It's rich against against against women...north against south...police against citizens.
Ever hear of tunnels?

Which is why we need to create a mile wide "no mans land" between the 2 countries. Mined with anti-personnel and anti-vehicle ordinance. THEN the wall. Sypported by military units.
Trump's plan to build a wall across the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:

By going into debt?

go Trump.

Ever hear of tunnels?


isnt amazing how the left-wing nujobs with cheap slogans like "YES WE CAN!!" are all "NO WE CANT" when anything involves stopping the flow of people the Left wants to pander to, give sanctuary to, amnesty to, and just use for votes??
With the Republican majority now in Congress there must be a number of immigration bills introduced to handle the immigration problem. Of all the Republican bills being debated, are there any that stand out and has merit?
With the Republican majority now in Congress there must be a number of immigration bills introduced to handle the immigration problem. Of all the Republican bills being debated, are there any that stand out and has merit?

nope. it's pretty much a dead issue for the foreseeable future due to repubs not having the numbers to get it done.
What is the OP talking about? Banning abortion and gay marriage is obviously the solution to all of our problems.
what is the OP talking about; our awesome chicago Prog fixed everything! FORWARD!!
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything."
Leftist, progressive admits that things are fucked up and wants repubs to fix it according to the title question. Disappointment and desperation is clearly displayed when his crying for help did not get immediately answered last night during the presidential debate(?) what was a joke for a debate.
Hillary certainly hasn't presented anything, guess they need Republicans to fix their mess, again.
the Democrat "plan" to fix immigration is to mindlessly defend their sanctuary cities where illegal murderers go to hide and/or kill people
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

Where Hillary outlined her plan for "More Corruption" as the key to a prosperous America. "The Obama administration is the most corrupt in the history of the nation, rivaling some central African dictatorships in the levels of open criminality - such as the IRS attacks on political opponents and gun running to Mexican gangs by the attorney general. If you like the corruption of the Obama regime, I will double down on stupid - you've never seen corruption until you see Hillary corruption."

She then deleted the email that contained the message and drilled the hard drive of the private media servers used by the MSM.....
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

Is it really just dawning on you now that both parties are ridiculously useless, not just the Democrats?
Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border would be a great start towards solving our country's problems. ...... :thup:
Bullshit, if we had a hundred foot fence of electrified razor wire there right now republicans would be wanting something else to distract from their total neglect of working class Americans.

You realize that Obama is actually President, no? Liberals crack me up, 6 1/2 years after you took control you still say Republicans are deflecting as a deflection

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