The Republican Party Promoted An Anti Semitic Conspiracy Theory. A Week Later 11 People Are Dead

The Republican Party Promoted An Anti Semitic Conspiracy Theory.

This^ looks like desperate attempts to gain cheap political points on somebody's blood. Shame on you, liberals, I hope the voters will see your hypocrisy and double standards and you'll lose midterms. Big time.

I don't give a rats ass what it looks like to you. It's true. Every god damn word of it.

Here's some advice for you pal. Stop being a bigot and an asshole that supports Republicans and terrorists, which in this case is the same thing.

And I can assure you that the families of those people who were shot by that fucking coward see things my way.
The crazy ridiculous way? Trying to link this anti-Semite's actions to republicans is asinine and just desperately insane.
Good luck with your paranoid idiocy.

There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

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Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:
The Republican Party Promoted An Anti Semitic Conspiracy Theory.

This^ looks like desperate attempts to gain cheap political points on somebody's blood. Shame on you, liberals, I hope the voters will see your hypocrisy and double standards and you'll lose midterms. Big time.

I don't give a rats ass what it looks like to you. It's true. Every god damn word of it.

Here's some advice for you pal. Stop being a bigot and an asshole that supports Republicans and terrorists, which in this case is the same thing.

And I can assure you that the families of those people who were shot by that fucking coward see things my way.
The crazy ridiculous way? Trying to link this anti-Semite's actions to republicans is asinine and just desperately insane.
Good luck with your paranoid idiocy.

There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

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Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Republican Party Promoted An Anti Semitic Conspiracy Theory.

This^ looks like desperate attempts to gain cheap political points on somebody's blood. Shame on you, liberals, I hope the voters will see your hypocrisy and double standards and you'll lose midterms. Big time.

I don't give a rats ass what it looks like to you. It's true. Every god damn word of it.

Here's some advice for you pal. Stop being a bigot and an asshole that supports Republicans and terrorists, which in this case is the same thing.

And I can assure you that the families of those people who were shot by that fucking coward see things my way.
The crazy ridiculous way? Trying to link this anti-Semite's actions to republicans is asinine and just desperately insane.
Good luck with your paranoid idiocy.

There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

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Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

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At least I am not a victim of the carnival barker in chief. :rolleyes:
The killer hated Trump for being a pawn of "the Jooz".
He,Trump, has been the best friend Israel could hope for after eight long years of Obama and his disdain for Netanyahu.
Only Hollywood morons and other brainwashed left wing clowns could possibly think somehow Trump is responsible for the actions of the Pittsburgh terrorist.

Desperate is as desperate does.
I don't give a rats ass what it looks like to you. It's true. Every god damn word of it.

Here's some advice for you pal. Stop being a bigot and an asshole that supports Republicans and terrorists, which in this case is the same thing.

And I can assure you that the families of those people who were shot by that fucking coward see things my way.
The crazy ridiculous way? Trying to link this anti-Semite's actions to republicans is asinine and just desperately insane.
Good luck with your paranoid idiocy.

There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least I am not a victim of the carnival barker in chief. :rolleyes:

Your a victim of ignorance and you can’t think for yourself. Go along puppet boy. Go follow your band of losers.

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The crazy ridiculous way? Trying to link this anti-Semite's actions to republicans is asinine and just desperately insane.
Good luck with your paranoid idiocy.

There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least I am not a victim of the carnival barker in chief. :rolleyes:

Your a victim of ignorance and you can’t think for yourself. Go along puppet boy. Go follow your band of losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Youre the one that hangs on and believes every word Drumpf cons you with. Did you get your list of talking points at the 5am briefing or did you wake up late? :rolleyes:
There to brainwashed to know it. Liberals can’t think for themselves, there all followers and believe everything they read

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least I am not a victim of the carnival barker in chief. :rolleyes:

Your a victim of ignorance and you can’t think for yourself. Go along puppet boy. Go follow your band of losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Youre the one that hangs on and believes every word Drumpf cons you with. Did you get your list of talking points at the 5am briefing or did you wake up late? :rolleyes:

Yeah. Handed to me by some Democrat asshole who is running for office in my area. I took it right to the garbage. Sort of what’s going to go on in November’s election. [emoji1617]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Says the Drumpf sycophant. :rolleyes:

Says the asshole from Cally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least I am not a victim of the carnival barker in chief. :rolleyes:

Your a victim of ignorance and you can’t think for yourself. Go along puppet boy. Go follow your band of losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Youre the one that hangs on and believes every word Drumpf cons you with. Did you get your list of talking points at the 5am briefing or did you wake up late? :rolleyes:

Yeah. Handed to me by some Democrat asshole who is running for office in my area. I took it right to the garbage. Sort of what’s going to go on in November’s election. [emoji1617]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A dem gave you a list of Drumpf approved talking points? Yeah I am not going to believe that one. :rolleyes:
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Although I don't think Trump wanted the synagogue bloodbath, he's just loosely allied with some neo-Nazi groups, and shares some common ideas.

On the other hand, what Sayoc did reeks real strong of Trump, I'm sure that deeply he doesn't care if bombs were sent to his enemies.

Trump himself spoke out about Soros several days before the bomb was sent.

Look who's in damage control mode.

Fox Business pulls Lou Dobbs rerun featuring anti-Semitic conspiracy theory
LOLS for real!
As usual Daily Kos demonstrates why it is considered, among half intelligent people, a bottom of the barrel joke that even many leftists consider a refuge for kooks.

Lou Dobbs had someone on his show that considered, rightly so, George Sorros a global string pulling financial backer and master mind of radical progressive attempts to collapse the West and capitalism and Daily Kos considered this
an "anti Semitic conspiracy theory" because they claim Sorros is Jewish even though Sorros admits his family in Hungary
disdained Judaism and tried to pass itself off as Christian to fit in.

So much so that during WWII Sorros assisted the Nazis in identifying Jews in Hungary for extermination and helped to
transfer their assets to the Third Reich. He called that year, 1944, the "best of my life". Proof Of George Soros Nazi Past Finally Comes To Light With Discovery Of Forgotten Interview • Now The End Begins

He doesn't identify as a Jew and he has constantly distanced himself from that religion, as his work for the Nazis demonstrates. Daily Kos is plainly full of shit! This six degrees of separation they are playing with Trump and this shooter from Pittsburgh is equally a farce and full of shit!
Let's just ignore the fact that Republicans and their voting base has always wanted Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.
It's not logical to tie R's with anti Semitism. :laugh:

U.S. declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital has sparked worldwide anger. But there's been plenty of precedent - Los Angeles Times
That doesnt make any sense. The KKK openly supports the GOP and they hate white Jews.

Doesn't mean all republicans have ever supported them.
The majority of conservatives do not support any of those groups.
Just like the majority of Dems and their voters are not for the Antifa group, yet that group vote for Dems.
The Republican Party Promoted An Anti Semitic Conspiracy Theory.

This^ looks like desperate attempts to gain cheap political points on somebody's blood. Shame on you, liberals, I hope the voters will see your hypocrisy and double standards and you'll lose midterms. Big time.

They have no morals.

I've always contended that the American liberal Jewish community is self-hating when it comes to their homeland, Israel.

Yes they are....
And it's probably a fair bet that those particular psuedo Jews are also very active progressive financiers.

Let's just ignore the fact that Republicans and their voting base has always wanted Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.
It's not logical to tie R's with anti Semitism. :laugh:

U.S. declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital has sparked worldwide anger. But there's been plenty of precedent - Los Angeles Times
That doesnt make any sense. The KKK openly supports the GOP and they hate white Jews.
And this doesn't
make any sense.
The KKK may support the GOP but the GOP does not support the KKK.
Conservatives have always supported Israel and the Jews (unlike the left and stellar party dicks like Barry Obama who
hated Benjamin Netanyahu and pumped money into Palestinian pockets supporting their claims against Israel).

Who moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? And who opposed Trump on this? And we are supposed to believe this man inspired the murder of Jews in Pittsburgh? It's more fucking idiocy from the left.
Let's just ignore the fact that Republicans and their voting base has always wanted Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.
It's not logical to tie R's with anti Semitism. :laugh:

U.S. declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital has sparked worldwide anger. But there's been plenty of precedent - Los Angeles Times
That doesnt make any sense. The KKK openly supports the GOP and they hate white Jews.

Doesn't mean all republicans have ever supported them.
The majority of conservatives do not support any of those groups.
Just like the majority of Dems and their voters are not for the Antifa group, yet that group vote for Dems.

Guilt by association.... Just another cheap Lefty tactic.

I don't give a rats ass what it looks like to you.

Please don't try to speak for the Jewish people ... we really don't appreciate it.

Go and find another minority you can protect, coddle, and be the spokesperson for ... we're doing just fine without you.
Seems the R's are going to look into who is behind the organization down in Guatemala and Honduras.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one of George Soros worldwide open border's organizations have a hand in it.
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