The Republican Plan to Dismantle the Endangered Species Act

From a link within the link:
Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said at the hearing that the ESA is due for a re-write, since the last one was in 1988.

“I do believe that the Endangered Species Act should be reauthorized, and I think there could be room for improvement of the law,
Which is all the Republicans want to do.
Kit fox endangers high-speed rail construction |

Holy shit batman.................the kit fox could stop a 29 mile stretch of HIGH SPEED RAIL in California................

Oh my fucking god..................................stop the rail..............stop the rail.............stop the rail...................

No HIGH SPEED TRAINS......................IT WILL KILL THE FOX............................STOP THE RAIL STOP THE RAIL STOP THE RAIL........

which issue are ya'll so pissed about...........................hmmm..............

Which project do you guys want shut down next............................

It's obvious if you see a dead bald eagle sliced and diced in a wind turbine..............that your kind doesn't give a shit.



The Chairman. Today's hearing is the first of several this
Committee will hold over the next year to examine and review
the Endangered Species Act. Enacted in 1973 and last
reauthorized in 1988, the ESA's fundamental goal is to
preserve, protect and recover domestic key species. This is an
objective that I believe we can all support.
However, it has been 23 years since Congress has reviewed
or updated the ESA. I believe it is the responsibility of this
Committee and Congress to ask questions and examine if the
original intent of this law is being carried out two decades
later. The intent of this hearing and those to follow is to
have an honest conversation about both the strengths and
weaknesses of the ESA and consider if there are ways to update
the law to make it work better for both species and for people.
The purpose of the ESA is to recover endangered species,
yet this is where the current law is failing and failing badly.
Of the species listed under ESA in the past 38 years, only 20
have been declared recovered. That is a 1 percent recovery
rate, and I firmly believe that we can do better. In my
opinion, one of the greatest obstacles to the success of the
ESA is the way in which it has become a tool for excessive
Instead of focusing on recovering endangered species, there
are groups that use ESA as a way to bring lawsuits against the
government and thus sometimes block job opportunities. These
groups have filed hundreds of lawsuits against the Fish and
Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. In
fact, in July the Interior Department agreed to a settlement
that covered 779 species in 85 lawsuits in legal actions.
Information provided to us over the past few months from these
agencies indicates they have a combined total of over 180
pending ESA-related lawsuits. These lawsuits direct valuable
resources away from real recovery efforts.
Last May, the Department of the Interior stated, and I
quote, ``The Fish and Wildlife Service's highest priority is to
make implementation of the ESA less complex, less contentious
and more effective.'' While I applaud this goal and look
forward to hearing the Service's progress, I am concerned that
the Interior Department's real approach to addressing the
growing docket of ESA cases appears limited to settling
lawsuits with a few litigant groups. These settlements reward
the groups by having the taxpayers pay their attorney fees and
increase the already large list of species the Department is
struggling to recover.
American tax dollars and government biologists and
personnel should be focused on helping to save species from
extinction, not responding to hundreds of lawsuits. The
litigation mindset that is consuming the Endangered Species Act
has had significant job and economic impacts throughout the
West, unnecessarily pitting people against species. During
these challenging economic times, America cannot afford runaway
regulations and endless lawsuits.
In the Pacific Northwest, my area, the ESA-related
litigation touches nearly everyone, be it through Federal
judges determining the fate of irrigated agriculture and clean
renewable hydrodams, the impact of the listed spotted owl on
timber communities and jobs, the fear of litigation that has
blocked renewable wind projects or uncertainty of whether
predatory wolves are endangered on one side of the highway, but
not on the other side of that same highway.
I hope to hear more from our witnesses today about how
litigation is impacting species projection, job creation and
economic development across the country. We are also looking
for an explanation of why the Obama Administration settled
these lawsuits and how much time and resources litigation takes
away from real recovery efforts.
By strengthening and updating the Endangered Species Act,
improvements can be made so it is no longer abused through
lawsuits and instead can remain focused on fulfilling its true
and original goal of species recovery.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Hastings follows:]
From a link within the link:
Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said at the hearing that the ESA is due for a re-write, since the last one was in 1988.

“I do believe that the Endangered Species Act should be reauthorized, and I think there could be room for improvement of the law,
Which is all the Republicans want to do.

Matt is becoming as dishonest and unreliable over the crap he's posting.
Typical of the left to MISLEAD the people so long as it's for their dirty politics
Yet these same people like Matt don't care about the 1000's of birds that are killed with their pie in sky windmills or burned alive with their fields of mirrors for solar enegry. but don't dare cut funding to a Government agency that put animals ahead of us Citizens.
Mathew...............and Crick are BAT KILLERS....................

Saving the world from going under water from global warming................killing bats as well..........for their wind mills..........and bats eat millions of mosquitoes.....................perhaps they are trying to save the mosquitoes........

endangered species act | Agricultural Law & Taxation

he development of wind farms is a controversial land use issue in Ohio, as in other states. Arguments abound on both sides and revolve around private property rights, community land use planning, green energy, preservation of open landscapes and wildlife impacts. It is this last factor--impacts on wildlife--that convinced a federal court to halt a wind development project in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia, much to the dismay of developers of the $300 million project.

The Indiana bat, an endangered species with the power to stop a wind development project

The Beech Ridge wind energy project involves construction of 122 wind turbines along the ridgeline of the Appalachian mountains in Greenbrier County. About forty of the turbines are currently in the construction phase, but the federal court has issued an injunction stopping construction of any additional turbines and limiting existing turbine use to the bat's winter hibernation period. The reason: project developers failed to take seriously the issue of harm to the Indiana bat. The Indiana Bat is on the list of "endangered" species, and interference with the animal or its habitat is prohibited by the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The wind project developers did hire an environmental consultant to examine the situation, but the consultant repeatedly disregarded information and advice from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) that would have more accurately identified the Indiana bat population. The court critized the consultant's efforts, stating that "earching for bats near proposed wind turbine locations for one year instead of three, looking in one season rather than three, and using only one method to detect bats was wholly inadequate to a fair assessment." Later surveys revealed the existence of two caves within ten miles of the project that are home to hundreds of bats, including Indiana bats, and evidence suggested that nearly 7,000 bats would die each year because of the project.
Neither of you appear willing to discuss the thread topic. If you'd like to talk about something else, why don't you start your own thread?
From a link within the link:
Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said at the hearing that the ESA is due for a re-write, since the last one was in 1988.

“I do believe that the Endangered Species Act should be reauthorized, and I think there could be room for improvement of the law,
Which is all the Republicans want to do.

Why don't you pick a few bills from the list on Post #4 and show us how they improve the law.
Neither of you appear willing to discuss the thread topic. If you'd like to talk about something else, why don't you start your own thread?
Specifics..........which bill are you pissed about and why............

I'm showing examples were major projects are shut down.....................

What about you........................

So, wind mills kill down with wind mills still..........................
Or do you pick and choose the animals you deem worthy to save.....................

You want us to research the list you provided from a hack site and can't specify the one that pisses you off..................

which one.
All 84 of them.

Because they are attempts to defund, defang, declaw and disarm the Endangered Species Act to protect the interests of businesses who believe their profits take precedence over the health of life on this planet.
All 84 of them.

Because they are attempts to defund, defang, declaw and disarm the Endangered Species Act to protect the interests of businesses who believe their profits take precedence over the health of life on this planet.
Found the section of the Constitution that grants the Fed this authority yet?
Can states do better or worse?
All 84 of them.

Because they are attempts to defund, defang, declaw and disarm the Endangered Species Act to protect the interests of businesses who believe their profits take precedence over the health of life on this planet.
aka you have no specific bitch other than the usual the GOP SUCKS..........

The only goal of the endangered species act is to put teeth in fed land grabs. Fuck that. It was used to shut down industry in Oregon, destroying the economy, closing the forests, eliminating small family farms....and the owls are still dying and the old growth is still gone.
Visit this link to learn about the species SAVED by the Endangered Species Act

Quantitative measures of the Act’s success:

• Very, very few species have gone extinct once granted protection under the Act.
• The longer a species is listed under the Act, the more likely it is to be recovering.
• Species with critical habitat designated under the Act are twice as likely to be recovering as those without critical habitat.
• Species with recovery plans are more likely to be recovering than those without plans.
• The more money is spent on a species, the more likely that species is to be recovering.

The Endangered Species Act Works
Can you cite the HR or S numbers for these proposals?

Why yes, we can.

You really should read the article before jumping in.
I read the last paragraph that tries to tell you not to get your panties in a bunch, coz it's slim to none that anything earth shattering will happen

“Major reform is, I think, very unlikely given the need to get 60 votes in the Senate and pass the presidential signature. And it’s a fairly stable and wildly popular statute, on the whole,” he told me. “And there’s a ton of evidence that it works.”

I particularly liked the part that points out, what should be obvious, that states can better protect their native species
Bullshit!!!!! That is what you assholes really want. For the states to have jurisdiction in this so that the corporations are free to wipe out whatever animal and plants species that is in the way of profit. And, yes, the present GOP is evil.
Congress puts forward bills all the time..................So a stack of bills is posted................

Site the specific bill and article you are complaining about...........Then tell me the traction it is getting...........aka those supporting it............

What is your specific bitch and complaint................

Or do we just talk about a rancher and the turtle again...............where the Federal Gov't killed the turtles in the end.................because the cows were supposedly eating their food.........................yet had co existed for hundreds of years already and the horses in the region weren't being rounded up and killed who were eating in the same region..........

Perhaps we are talking of saving the silver fish in they kept the water flowing in a drought situation........

Perhaps we can talk about the big birds like the eagles getting sliced and diced via wind mills and people like you don't give a rats ass.
Dear little corksmoker, you "Conservatives" have been crying for years about the ban on DDT, yet that was a real threat to the Eagle population. Cars, on the roads near the wind farms, kill more eagles and other raptors than do the wind mills. And once that little fish becomes extinct, there is no bringing it back. And it has a place the ecological chain, once that place is empty, the effects reverbrate up and down the chain. You people are so damned ignorant, and so proud of that ignorance.
Congress puts forward bills all the time..................So a stack of bills is posted................

Site the specific bill and article you are complaining about...........Then tell me the traction it is getting...........aka those supporting it............

What is your specific bitch and complaint................

Or do we just talk about a rancher and the turtle again...............where the Federal Gov't killed the turtles in the end.................because the cows were supposedly eating their food.........................yet had co existed for hundreds of years already and the horses in the region weren't being rounded up and killed who were eating in the same region..........

Perhaps we are talking of saving the silver fish in they kept the water flowing in a drought situation........

Perhaps we can talk about the big birds like the eagles getting sliced and diced via wind mills and people like you don't give a rats ass.
Dear little corksmoker, you "Conservatives" have been crying for years about the ban on DDT, yet that was a real threat to the Eagle population. Cars, on the roads near the wind farms, kill more eagles and other raptors than do the wind mills. And once that little fish becomes extinct, there is no bringing it back. And it has a place the ecological chain, once that place is empty, the effects reverbrate up and down the chain. You people are so damned ignorant, and so proud of that ignorance.
Your side are a bunch of hypocrites...............................that was my main point................and your hypocrisy shows with solar and wind and the damage associated with it.............

The wind turbines kill birds...........period.........and you sweep sweep under the rug.
The only goal of the endangered species act is to put teeth in fed land grabs. Fuck that. It was used to shut down industry in Oregon, destroying the economy, closing the forests, eliminating small family farms....and the owls are still dying and the old growth is still gone.
Total bullshit, Kosher. And the small amount of old growth left is endangered as there are efforts by those that would log those stands for profit to open them for clearcutting. Had we practiced selective logging from the git-go, we would still have a lot of old growth. However, it was and is, far more profitable to clearcut. So that was what was done. And it silted the spawning beds of the salmon, degraded the abilitity of the land to hold water, and destroyed potential watersheds that we now need.

As for the jobs, most of my family, myself included, worked in the timber industry during the last century in Oregon and Washington. We saw what happened, and the results, now very few of us work in that industry. We have moved on to other industries that pay more and are more stable. The coal miners and those left in the timber industry had better be looking at doing the same. By the time I left the sawmills, they only requiered a third of the manpower to produce more lumber. Automation, automatic stackers, ect., had replaced most of the workers, and there was not much room left for unskilled workers. And most of the mills ceased paying equal pay with the rest of the industry for their maintenance workers. So the good ones left for other industries, as there is a major shortage of good maintenance people out there.

Hmmm........... Closed forests? How so? Eliminated small family farms? Even if they had closed forests, how would that have eliminated small family farms?
Congress puts forward bills all the time..................So a stack of bills is posted................

Site the specific bill and article you are complaining about...........Then tell me the traction it is getting...........aka those supporting it............

What is your specific bitch and complaint................

Or do we just talk about a rancher and the turtle again...............where the Federal Gov't killed the turtles in the end.................because the cows were supposedly eating their food.........................yet had co existed for hundreds of years already and the horses in the region weren't being rounded up and killed who were eating in the same region..........

Perhaps we are talking of saving the silver fish in they kept the water flowing in a drought situation........

Perhaps we can talk about the big birds like the eagles getting sliced and diced via wind mills and people like you don't give a rats ass.
Dear little corksmoker, you "Conservatives" have been crying for years about the ban on DDT, yet that was a real threat to the Eagle population. Cars, on the roads near the wind farms, kill more eagles and other raptors than do the wind mills. And once that little fish becomes extinct, there is no bringing it back. And it has a place the ecological chain, once that place is empty, the effects reverbrate up and down the chain. You people are so damned ignorant, and so proud of that ignorance.
Your side are a bunch of hypocrites...............................that was my main point................and your hypocrisy shows with solar and wind and the damage associated with it.............

The wind turbines kill birds...........period.........and you sweep sweep under the rug.
Yes, the mills kill birds, and the vehicles on the roads kill far more birds. Yet neither loss is enough to reduce the overall increase in the population of raptors, eagles included, since DDT was eliminated, and shooting of these species was outlawed. You have never once complained about the loss of birds on the roads. You are the asshole that is a total hypocrite here. You are just spouting the lines of the fossil fuel industry.

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