The Republican Plan to Dismantle the Endangered Species Act

Congress puts forward bills all the time..................So a stack of bills is posted................

Site the specific bill and article you are complaining about...........Then tell me the traction it is getting...........aka those supporting it............

What is your specific bitch and complaint................

Or do we just talk about a rancher and the turtle again...............where the Federal Gov't killed the turtles in the end.................because the cows were supposedly eating their food.........................yet had co existed for hundreds of years already and the horses in the region weren't being rounded up and killed who were eating in the same region..........

Perhaps we are talking of saving the silver fish in they kept the water flowing in a drought situation........

Perhaps we can talk about the big birds like the eagles getting sliced and diced via wind mills and people like you don't give a rats ass.
Dear little corksmoker, you "Conservatives" have been crying for years about the ban on DDT, yet that was a real threat to the Eagle population. Cars, on the roads near the wind farms, kill more eagles and other raptors than do the wind mills. And once that little fish becomes extinct, there is no bringing it back. And it has a place the ecological chain, once that place is empty, the effects reverbrate up and down the chain. You people are so damned ignorant, and so proud of that ignorance.
Your side are a bunch of hypocrites...............................that was my main point................and your hypocrisy shows with solar and wind and the damage associated with it.............

The wind turbines kill birds...........period.........and you sweep sweep under the rug.
Yes, the mills kill birds, and the vehicles on the roads kill far more birds. Yet neither loss is enough to reduce the overall increase in the population of raptors, eagles included, since DDT was eliminated, and shooting of these species was outlawed. You have never once complained about the loss of birds on the roads. You are the asshole that is a total hypocrite here. You are just spouting the lines of the fossil fuel industry.
Who the fuck said illiminating DDT and killing raptors was on my fing agenda Lib.....................

Oh, that's make that shit up as you go along...................Like how cheap it is to put in a grid at your home.........I schooled your ass on that subject a good while back.............You told me my figures for putting in the grid were wrong and that it wouldn't cost that much...................Turns out you were wrong and I was right because I install electrical systems for a living........................oops............

BTW..........we just put in a small grid at work for a retaining pond.............have you installed this FREE shit yet.................
The Republican Plan to Dismantle the Endangered Species Act

Written by Kaleigh Rogers
September 3, 2015 // 07:00 AM EST
Over the past few months, Republican members of Congress have been attempting to systematically dismantle the Endangered Species Act (ESA) through dozens of legislative proposals. They say the ESA has been abused and is no longer an effective way to protect our vulnerable plants and animals, but some environmental groups say this erosion of the ESA will put species at more risk than we’ve seen in decades.

“They’re trying to starve the beast,” said Don Barry, a senior vice president at Defenders of Wildlife, a nonprofit conservation organization. “If you can’t kill the beast outright by getting rid of the law, just turn off the federal funding spigot and watch it starve to death.”

Yet, another good reason NOT to vote republican...They don't give two damns about animal life on this planet and they'd wipe all animals off it without thinking twice. Evil sick bastards.

Human life is fucked without the animal kingdom. Very short sighted.

What I find funny is you morons will tout this shit over and over again while your king Obama allows those same animals to be wiped out by your green agenda. What a bunch of fucking morons! Take your fucking blinders off.
Republicans like to project themselves as the party of God.
The Bible tells us to take care of God's Earth and creatures. The GOP must think God was kidding because when God's Word goes against their ideology, their ideology will always win with these folks.
Republicans like to project themselves as the party of God.
The Bible tells us to take care of God's Earth and creatures. The GOP must think God was kidding because when God's Word goes against their ideology, their ideology will always win with these folks.
tsk tsk...................which creatures are we killing................

By not building a dam to preserve water, which HUMANS are being effective...................oops.........the dam could kill a fish in the Tennessee River Valley................SHUT IT DOWN............SHUT IT DOWN............let the water flow to the oceans.........and bleed the underground aquifers dry..........
Republicans like to project themselves as the party of God.
The Bible tells us to take care of God's Earth and creatures. The GOP must think God was kidding because when God's Word goes against their ideology, their ideology will always win with these folks.

THE BIBLE TELLS US TO MANAGE THIS WORLD NOT ACT LIKE WE CREATED IT. You guys need new talking points this is old , worn out, and burned down straw men. You do realize that 99% of all extinctions have happened prior to the last 12,000 years dont you?
Can you cite the HR or S numbers for these proposals?

Why yes, we can.

You really should read the article before jumping in.
I read the last paragraph that tries to tell you not to get your panties in a bunch, coz it's slim to none that anything earth shattering will happen

“Major reform is, I think, very unlikely given the need to get 60 votes in the Senate and pass the presidential signature. And it’s a fairly stable and wildly popular statute, on the whole,” he told me. “And there’s a ton of evidence that it works.”

I particularly liked the part that points out, what should be obvious, that states can better protect their native species
Bullshit!!!!! That is what you assholes really want. For the states to have jurisdiction in this so that the corporations are free to wipe out whatever animal and plants species that is in the way of profit. And, yes, the present GOP is evil.
Yes, that evil Constitution.
We can't keep the bloated federal government in check with states' powers.
Republicans like to project themselves as the party of God.
The Bible tells us to take care of God's Earth and creatures. The GOP must think God was kidding because when God's Word goes against their ideology, their ideology will always win with these folks.

wtf, and you democrats like to spew crap you made up. AGAIN, the states takes care of poachers, etc. We don't need a freaking federal Government agency to do what the states ALREADY DO. It's the same ole bs about Republicans don't care about animals, don't care about clean air, blaaa blaaa blaaa

You've seen any big event that that Democrats attend? the GARBAGE left on the ground is sickening. and did see what the freaking EPA JUST DID to our river and then told us. OOPS sorry about all the pollution we released, but hey that's how it goes. AND the EPA IS under the control of the DEMOCRATS and Obama. so it's you Democrats who don't give a crap about clean air, clean rivers or animals. you just like SPEW you do

here you go, choke on your lies you and your ilk like to spread. this was from your wonderful paid protesters the OWS

Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011 | 4:32 pm
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.

Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.

Sanitation crews also have vacuumed up about 3,000 gallons of water that had washed into a catch basin in recent days and are testing it for hazardous materials, she said.

Occupy L.A.: Photos | Videos | 360° photos

ALL of the nasty and sickening story and pictures here
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
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As is so common, yet another thread has devolved into a right-wing fruitloop screaming meltdown.

Facts are like ex-lax to many conservatives, in the way that they bring about such instant massive verbal diarrhea.
Republicans like to project themselves as the party of God.
The Bible tells us to take care of God's Earth and creatures. The GOP must think God was kidding because when God's Word goes against their ideology, their ideology will always win with these folks.

THE BIBLE TELLS US TO MANAGE THIS WORLD NOT ACT LIKE WE CREATED IT. You guys need new talking points this is old , worn out, and burned down straw men. You do realize that 99% of all extinctions have happened prior to the last 12,000 years dont you?

I'm tickled to death to see you break out your Bible Billy Boy.

99% of all extinctions have happened prior to 12,000 years ago. Are you suggesting that means everything now is okay? That there is no need to worry about any of the currently endangered species? That the massive loss of habitat won't hurt anything significant? That climate change: drought, flooding, loss of ice pack, loss of seasonal water, changes in seasonal timings.... these will do nothing? Is that what you're trying to say?
Well, the GOP is attempting to do just that. Really interesting as to what they will be the most successful at, trashing the laws protecting the environment, or trashing the GOP.
The ESA doesn't need to be dismantled, it does need to be adjusted. Some of the species being protected haven't existed for a hundred years.
Dusky gopher frog gets 170-acre home in Mississippi

More than 170 acres in southern Mississippi will be protected from development to help the endangered dusky gopher frog, which has been the subject of controversy and legal action involving landowners in St. Tammany Parish, the Center for Biological Diversity said Thursday (May 14).

The organization - along with the Mississippi Chapter of the Sierra Club, Gulf Restoration Network, Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain and Columbus Communities – announced the Land Trust will take ownership of the property in the Gulfport area from Columbus Communities to protect it and ensure the survival of the rare frog and its longleaf pine habitat. Columbus Communities has already started building a planned community called "Tradition" in the area, the groups said in a news release.

"Dusky gopher frogs desperately needed this good news to survive," said Collette Adkins, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, which works to protect endangered amphibians and reptiles. "We were concerned that development so close to the frog's essential breeding habitat could have driven the species extinct. I'm glad that the developer and the conservation community worked together to protect this area and give us real hope for the survival of this frog."

Nonexistent Frogs and Endangered Private Property Rights | RedState

St. Tammany Parish, across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, is one of the highest-growth parishes (counties) in Louisiana. The Poitevent family is the largest landowner in the parish.

As it turns out, 1,500 acres of the family holdings are considered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to be critical habitat for an endangered species: the dusky gopher frog (Rana sevosa), a/k/a the Mississippi gopher frog, declared endangered in 2001. The Poitevents are suing the feds to prevent their land from being permanently ruled off-limits for development. Today afederal judge allowed the Center for Biological Diversity and the Gulf Restoration Network, two private environmental groups, to join in the suit.

A big differane between 170 acres, and 1500 acres. Somebody is lying.
Dusky gopher frog gets 170-acre home in Mississippi

More than 170 acres in southern Mississippi will be protected from development to help the endangered dusky gopher frog, which has been the subject of controversy and legal action involving landowners in St. Tammany Parish, the Center for Biological Diversity said Thursday (May 14).

The organization - along with the Mississippi Chapter of the Sierra Club, Gulf Restoration Network, Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain and Columbus Communities – announced the Land Trust will take ownership of the property in the Gulfport area from Columbus Communities to protect it and ensure the survival of the rare frog and its longleaf pine habitat. Columbus Communities has already started building a planned community called "Tradition" in the area, the groups said in a news release.

"Dusky gopher frogs desperately needed this good news to survive," said Collette Adkins, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, which works to protect endangered amphibians and reptiles. "We were concerned that development so close to the frog's essential breeding habitat could have driven the species extinct. I'm glad that the developer and the conservation community worked together to protect this area and give us real hope for the survival of this frog."

Nonexistent Frogs and Endangered Private Property Rights | RedState

St. Tammany Parish, across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, is one of the highest-growth parishes (counties) in Louisiana. The Poitevent family is the largest landowner in the parish.

As it turns out, 1,500 acres of the family holdings are considered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to be critical habitat for an endangered species: the dusky gopher frog (Rana sevosa), a/k/a the Mississippi gopher frog, declared endangered in 2001. The Poitevents are suing the feds to prevent their land from being permanently ruled off-limits for development. Today afederal judge allowed the Center for Biological Diversity and the Gulf Restoration Network, two private environmental groups, to join in the suit.

A big differane between 170 acres, and 1500 acres. Somebody is lying.
It's talking about two different locations.
Read more closely

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