The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

NOT! Post# 69 defined it in 3 simple words >> "mature, female human"

Liberals have a weird habit of taking obvious simple things, and turning them in complicated chess games.
Hey moron just because that is clearly part of the definition does not mean it is all of it. Like how stupid are you to pretend gender norms are not a thing?
Um okay but the blatant fallacy of what you’re saying is that it lacks any actual evidence. Give me the evidence that says a kid simply seeing this means they want to change their gender. I mean there are countless stimuli that kids see. Do they want to imitate all of it? Why this specifically?
Liberals, most having been through liberal arts university indoctrination, are obsessed with studies, data, evidence, and everything like their ultraliberal professor KNOTHEADS
condition them to think.

Yes, kids see countless stimuli (video games, TV shows, movies, real life adults) and parents have to constantly keep track of what the kids little brains are soaking up -so as to keep them from becoming animal abusers, murderers, sex molesters, homosexualsm trans, & drag lunatics.
Liberals, most having been through liberal arts university indoctrination, are obsessed with studies, data, evidence, and everything like their ultraliberal professor KNOTHEADS
condition them to think.

Yes, kids see countless stimuli (video games, TV shows, movies, real life adults) and parents have to constantly keep track of what the kids little brains are soaking up -so as to keep them from becoming animal abusers, murderers, sex molesters, homosexualsm trans, & drag lunatics.
Lol you are incredibly fucking stupid if you think data, studies, or evidence are not important. Just answer me this: what do you trust as a source of truth instead?

And again I’ll ask this: with all the stimuli kids see, why is THIS the one they are bound to imitate?
Hey moron just because that is clearly part of the definition does not mean it is all of it. Like how stupid are you to pretend gender norms are not a thing?
1. That is ALL 100% of the definition.

2. I have NO IDEA what the hell you're referring to by "gender norms", and I suspect I might rather not find out, before I've had my dinner coming around soon.

Gender norms are quite simple >> MALE & FEMALE. Period.
I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.

To anyone that truly understands the first point, the other two are just -plain batshit crazy, and there is no point in trying to sugar coat it.

A man is not, cannot in any ration sense be, and cannot become a woman.

likewise, a woman is not, cannot in any ration sense be, and cannot become a man.

To believe otherwise, is prima facie proof of being severely fucked up in the head.
1. That is ALL 100% of the definition.

2. I have NO IDEA what the hell you're referring to by "gender norms", and I suspect I might rather not find out, before I've had my dinner coming around soon.

Gender norms are quite simple >> MALE & FEMALE. Period.
Lol you’re fucking dumb. You’re basically saying that men and women have the same personalities on average.
Liberals, most having been through liberal arts university indoctrination, are obsessed with studies, data, evidence, and everything like their ultraliberal professor KNOTHEADS
condition them to think.
Actually, IMO, it is conservatives that obsess over empirical facts, data and evidence. By an overwhelming margin, they go into the STEM majors, while folks that are more right brained, go into the social sciences, that is what we are discussing, and, as I posted on the first page (post #6,) the question of what a woman is, is today at least, partly rooted in gender theory, feminism, radical queer theory. . .

And identity politics, started back in the late 70's. This is when the critical theorists decided they could divorce biology from what they felt was in their head.

Folks in logical, empirical, left brain study, would never divorce themselves from reality and the data, the SCIENCE, like this. Folks in medicine KNOW what a woman is.
To anyone that truly understands the first point, the other two are just -plain batshit crazy, and there is no point in trying to sugar coat it.

A man is not, cannot in any ration sense be, and cannot become a woman.

likewise, a woman is not, cannot in any ration sense be, and cannot become a man.

To believe otherwise, is prima facie proof of being severely fucked up in the head.
Hey moron you’re just repeating the the same shit I already agreed is true. You’re pretending otherwise because you’re pissed I’m claiming otherwise.
Lol you are incredibly fucking stupid if you think data, studies, or evidence are not important. Just answer me this: what do you trust as a source of truth instead?

And again I’ll ask this: with all the stimuli kids see, why is THIS the one they are bound to imitate?
Studies with data & evidence are important in SOME things, of course. The problem is that university teachers (of which I was once one & am familiar with other teachers) often stretch the need for studies to things that DON'T NEED studies. DON'T NEED data.

Do we need studies to tell us that cats are very fast, athletic & agile animals ? That fish can swim ? That the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west ? NO.

Nor do we need studies to tell us that animals' body parts are created for HETEROSEXUAL sex, not anything else, and all these other sexual concoctions are just plain BONKERS.
Studies with data & evidence are important in SOME things, of course. The problem is that university teachers (of which I was once one & am familiar with other teachers) often stretch the need for studies to things that DON'T NEED studies. DON'T NEED data.

Do we need studies to tell us that cats are very fast, athletic & agile animals ? That fish can swim ? That the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west ? NO.

Nor do we need studies to tell us that animals' body parts are created for HETEROSEXUAL sex, not anything else, and all these other sexual concoctions are just plain BONKERS.
I seriously fucking doubt you were actually accredited to teach. Any accredited professor would agree that if you want to talk about the mental health of people, it is vital you have scientific evidence of such. Just because something seems intuitive to you does not automatically mean it is actually true. You’re a simple minded, self righteous idiot lol
Men who dress up like women, wear makeup, maybe even take hormones and get breast transplants, including sexual reassignment surgery, might very well look, sound, act.etc, like a woman, but such people should still be identified as "trans-woman". A woman with the qualifying prefix of "trans", that's the category of woman she is.

Not a woman. No matter what quasi-medical Frankensteinery he has done to himself, he's still not a woman, in any meaningful sense. Still a man, albeit a ruined, mutilated, fucked-up version of a man.
NOT! Post# 69 defined it in 3 simple words >> "mature, female human"
Hey moron just because that is clearly part of the definition does not mean it is all of it. Like how stupid are you to pretend gender norms are not a thing?

Can you give an example of a woman that is not a mature, female human?

Can you give an example of a mature, female human, who is not a woman?
Um okay but the blatant fallacy of what you’re saying is that it lacks any actual evidence. Give me the evidence that says a kid simply seeing this means they want to change their gender. I mean there are countless stimuli that kids see. Do they want to imitate all of it? Why this specifically?
Indeed. Kids naturally discover themselves by testing their limits, just as we all continue learning primarily by doing throughout life. It could be argued that simply witnessing such adults acting at odds with their upbringing relieves them somewhat of needing to try such things out for themselves.
I seriously fucking doubt you were actually accredited to teach. Any accredited professor would agree that if you want to talk about the mental health of people, it is vital you have scientific evidence of such. Just because something seems intuitive to you does not automatically mean it is actually true. You’re a simple minded, self righteous idiot lol
Knowing that homosexuality, transex, draggies, is contrary to nature, is not "intuitive". It is pure, 100% FACT.

NO! you DON'T need scientific studies, to show that human body parts are created by nature for HETEROSEXUAL SEX, only. You are a university brain-damaged NUTJOB, and you don't realize how far out in the lunatic-fringe you are.
Can you give an example of a woman that is not a mature, female human?

Can you give an example of a mature, female human, who is not a woman?
Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid you morons are. Idiot, I’m not disputing that is how women are defined. It’s simply a thing that there are cultural norms tied to the personality of men and women on average. It’s simply an extension of the definition you’re talking about.

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