The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

No perfect way to parent every child.
It doesn't matter, each family still has sovereignty over their children, as long as they are not physically, or psychological abusing them.
And they ALWAYS WILL. It is none of the STATE's business how anyone parents, so, "perfect way, to parent? Is a meaningless non-sequitur.

Come back when you have a reasonable argument for this agenda.


Your political agenda, or the agenda of the STATE, has no right to be imposed upon the family.

If you believe it does? Go pound sand.

This is America, this is where the line shall be drawn against Marxists. They won't steal the kids, sorry.
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I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.
It sure took you a lot of words to explain what a woman is.
Parents are often desperate to retain tyrannical control over their children while kids quickly grow bored with all that and aggressively seek out other views from their peers. Add confusion, rebelliousness, peer pressure and forget about it. There's only so much a parent can do before letting them go. There are no guarantees. No perfect way to parent every child.
Cutting off their dicks doesn't help children, jackass.
Wow, so finishing up with lame strawman supported by profanity from the house peanut.. Impressive!
Your surrender is accepted.
Hear me do me this favor: summarize the links you posted. Summarize for me that transgendered people have a psychological harm on children. Your sources are too broad to read. Let’s start with that. Show me the text within that says transgendered adults being around kids harms their psychological development.
You need text to recognize/understand this ? You're almost as far gone as the trannys.
Wow, so finishing up with lame strawman supported by profanity from the house peanut.. Impressive!
Your surrender is accepted.

No, you were just proved wrong.

For each family, there is a perfect way for them to each parent their own children.

No one has any right to say otherwise. No academic, no law maker.

Get used to that.
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Well see all im asking you is to summarize those articles in their own words. Im asking you to describe the RESEARCH that shows transgendered people simply being around children is harmful to them.

Didn’t you read the articles?
Clear cut example of how reality-detached liberals are. Needs RESEARCH. :rolleyes:

How about to determine if fish can swim ? Research ?
Clear cut example of how reality-detached liberals are. Needs RESEARCH. :rolleyes:

How about to determine if fish can swim ? Research ?
Uh yeah your self righteous bigotry does not replace actual science. Just because it sounds like it would be harmful to you doesn’t somehow make it harmful. Your critical thinking skills are terrible.
Uh yeah your self righteous bigotry does not replace actual science. Just because it sounds like it would be harmful to you doesn’t somehow make it harmful. Your critical thinking skills are terrible.
So you're saying that kids being around gays, trans, and drags in NOT harmful to kids?
And that you need science to let you know if it is ? Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle).

Liberal thought in action folks, right before your eyes. :rolleyes: These loons really don't know how detached they are.

So you're saying that kids being around gays, trans, and drags in NOT harmful to kids?
And that you need science to let you know if it is ? Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle).

Liberal thought in action folks, right before your eyes. :rolleyes: These loons really don't know how detached they are.

Let me ask you a basic question: what specific effect would this have on a kid? Like no nudity is involved whatsoever. They just see a transgendered person. What would this do exactly? Have you even given this thought before?
There's only so much a parent can do before letting them go. There are no guarantees. No perfect way to parent every child.
For each family, there is a perfect way for them to each parent their own children.
Again, obvious strawman. And if perfection were achievable or even remotely at issue here, "perfect" children would abound. Wanna "prove" otherwise? Name one.. simultaneously thereby revealing yourself to be a complete idiot.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" :auiqs.jpg:
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Dehumanization of the transgender population? WTF does that mean? Drag queens are protected by a dozen laws. If any segment of the population is "dehumanized" it's the murder of the unborn that's ironically supported by the homosexual freakazoid gang.
Let me ask you a basic question: what specific effect would this have on a kid? Like no nudity is involved whatsoever. They just see a transgendered person. What would this do exactly? Have you even given this thought before?
Of course I've thought about it, you knothead. So has every normal-thinking American.

Kids have undeveloped, developing minds. They are very easily influenced by what they see adults doing. If they see adults doing crazy things, and acting like its normal, they could be influenced to think it's normal, and they might adopt these nutty practices themselves. This is why kids should never be anywhere near these gooneybirds.
Dehumanization of the transgender population? WTF does that mean? Drag queens are protected by a dozen laws. If any segment of the population is "dehumanized" it's the murder of the unborn that's ironically supported by the homosexual freakazoid gang.
Now Democrats have legalized murder of the already BORN kids (up to 28 days of age)
Of course I've thought about it, you knothead. So has every normal-thinking American.

Kids have undeveloped, developing minds. They are very easily influenced by what they see adults doing. If they see adults doing crazy things, and acting like its normal, they could be influenced to think it's normal, and they might adopt these nutty practices themselves. This is why kids should never be anywhere near these gooneybirds.
Um okay but the blatant fallacy of what you’re saying is that it lacks any actual evidence. Give me the evidence that says a kid simply seeing this means they want to change their gender. I mean there are countless stimuli that kids see. Do they want to imitate all of it? Why this specifically?

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