The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

Hey, quote Margaret Thatcher some more
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Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?​

Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

Corbett • 06/20/2020
"We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask "Who will fact check the fact checkers?"

Corbett now, LOL!
James Corbett is an anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-voluntarist YouTuber, conspiracy theorist. He performs amateur analysis of politics conspiracy theories and purported propaganda in The Corbett Report, YouTube, Global Research TV, RT news and other shows and websites such as the Boiling Frogs Post, NewsBud, 5G summit and other such occasional events, despite having no credentials in any of these fields, such as
You have no shame. I'll grant you that much.
Do you support laws that allow minors to make decisions about their bodies with out parental consent?
Depends, obviously. Here's an idea. If you really want to know if someone supports a law.. maybe supply a link or the frickin' text of the law, Mr. "Now, I will admit, I went to a National Blue Ribbon Schools Program"?
And OMG smell you!:omg:
Hey, quote Margaret Thatcher some more

Corbett now, LOL!

You have no shame. I'll grant you that much.
.001 a.jpg

I don't let others doing my thinking for me.

Who sources these "fact checks," you are pushig, these, "opinions?" Where are the facts to prove any of this?

That podcast had links to back up his opinion. If you want to be manipulated by oligarchs? That is your business.

I'll have none of it.
Depends, obviously. Here's an idea. If you really want to know if someone supports a law.. maybe supply a link or the frickin' text of the law, Mr. "Now, I will admit, I went to a National Blue Ribbon Schools Program"?
And OMG smell you!:omg:
So you admit, if you were given contextual proper language, you might support stripping parental control of their own kids away from them.

You have no shame. I'll grant you that much.
And you won't admit when you are wrong.

I proved your subversive ass evil, and all you did was give me a bullshit fake news rating. I posted the original paper even.

You can't handle losing.
So you admit, if you were given contextual proper language, you might support stripping parental control of their own kids away from them.

Non sequitur, loser. You think no kids should ever be taken away from abusive or missing parents? Admit it, you got nothin' but hate in your little corner.
That is the founder of gender studies? You completely made that shit up on the spot.

See I brought this up before. Quit pretending you give a fuck about kids. You don’t. Kids face abuse and neglect in a wide variety of ways and you choose to talk about drag queens in front of kids. You never gave a fuck from a political perspective about kids before this was a thing. You never talked about them. The GOP and Fox News didn’t therefore you didn’t.
Shut up, troll.
You think no kids should ever be taken away from abusive or missing parents?
That isn't what is on the table, and you know that.

Those laws are already on the books.

Subversives are so dishonest. With the name calling, the gaslighting, and lying, the manipulation of facts?

Keep equivocating, everyone see that I already posted that paper by Gayle Rubin, proving the Agenda. You have no power anymore, your agenda is revealed.


Keep equivocating, everyone see that I already posted that paper by Gayle Rubin, proving the Agenda. You have no power anymore, your agenda is revealed.
My agenda? LOL. Your agenda. Quote and link one specifically backing any one of your very specific (smearing) accusations here against them or give it up. If you can't, you lose. How much clearer can it be? No one is stopping you but you.
Which, again, didn't support your very specific smear of the author. :sigh2:

I am sure that members in NAMBLA don't believe that they are pedophiles either.

And that Allyn Walker that promotes the use of child porn believes it is an appropriate way to treat, "pedophilia,' because in "his," opinion, that is a victimless crime. . . but, they are all sick in the head.

I am smearing no one, their own words are doing it to themselves. Sorry you have reading comprehension, or a POV that does not agree with the rest of society. I won't back down though.

"The most recent edition, DSM-III, removed
homosexuality from the roster of mental disorders after a long political struggle. But fetishism,
sadism, masochism, transsexuality, transvestism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and paedophilia are
quite firmly entrenched as psychological malfunctions (American Psychiatric Association, 1980)."

In this instance? Gayle S. Rubin herself, equates and puts on the same level, trans folks, and those with a proclivity toward paedophilia. Page 151, bottom of page. No more tacit approval is needed than this.
In this instance? Gayle S. Rubin herself, equates and puts on the same level, trans folks, and those with a proclivity toward paedophilia. Page 151, bottom of page. No more tacit approval is needed than this.
"equates and puts on the same level" - False (and redundant). And thanks for providing no link. Here.
To the contrary, the context makes plain that she's accusing the APA of equating them. Learn to read.
"equates and puts on the same level" - False (and redundant). And thanks for providing no link. Here.
To the contrary, the context makes plain that she's accusing the APA of equating them. Learn to read.


Clearly, when she wrote, 'pathologies,' after that list, she was mocking that list as, psychological malfunctions, and does not believe they should be firmly entrenched.

Your apologetics are pathetic, and your critical reading ability is likewise terrible.

This is probably why you missed the fact that I have ALREADY linked this work, like three or four times in this thread.



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Clearly, when she wrote, 'pathologies,' after that list, she was mocking that list as, psychological malfunctions
No, she was simply stating a fact, you idiot, within an historical account of the subject. The APA had begun calling them all "psychological malfunctions" or
as you say. Those are not air quotes :rolleyes:

I suppose she also approves of crossing "generational lines," since her critical theory of that social norm, seems to not be off limits. . .



Cross-generational huh? :eusa_think: Golly, I am sure Harvey Weinstein love that sort of talk. :rolleyes:


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