The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

You started a thread about "gender." I am instructing you about the founder of gender studies.

We are NOT talking about, "fringe things."
I am telling you, you have no clue about that which you are talking.

You are talking off the cuff, and from things you have either seen on MSNBC, or read on MSM publication, not what all this is based on.

If you don't care about the politics, and just want to parrot the partisan talking points, if you do not really understand WHY they have men dressing up as women, dancing in front of six year olds. . . just admit it.

I shouldn't have to.

People should have to explain the reason grown men are dressing up as women and dancing in front of their children, or why queer agenda books are read in school to their kids.
That is the founder of gender studies? You completely made that shit up on the spot.

See I brought this up before. Quit pretending you give a fuck about kids. You don’t. Kids face abuse and neglect in a wide variety of ways and you choose to talk about drag queens in front of kids. You never gave a fuck from a political perspective about kids before this was a thing. You never talked about them. The GOP and Fox News didn’t therefore you didn’t.
View attachment 745525

What a stupid, stupid article, promoting one of the radical right wing homophobes favourite lies - that homosexuals = pedophiles. Most pedophiles are straight heterosexual males, abusing young girls.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

What a stupid, stupid article, promoting one of the radical right wing homophobes favourite lies - that homosexuals = pedophiles. Most pedophiles are straight heterosexual males, abusing young girls.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

IOW? You admit you don't know shit about Gayle Rubin, Michel Foucault, or Allyn Walker. Posting a stub from a biased, "fact check," site is not an argument against someone that has already made detailed explanations against the ideas of the founders of post-modern thought, and the creators of queer theory.

I have already stated, explicitly, no, homosexuals, DO NOT, equal pedophiles, that is not the argument being made, nor is that the argument being made by that article in the Federalist.

Are there any other absurd fallacies & strawmen you would like to present as reason arguments for the entire forum to laugh at?

You are basically at level two, Ad hom, and I have presented a complex arguments of how post-modern thought, from these thinkers will break down social norms, to relax age of consent laws, for corporate, political and moral contracts, throughout society.

Your argument and logic is lazy, and not worth my time.

I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder, as is liberalism.
That is the founder of gender studies? You completely made that shit up on the spot.

See I brought this up before. Quit pretending you give a fuck about kids. You don’t. Kids face abuse and neglect in a wide variety of ways and you choose to talk about drag queens in front of kids. You never gave a fuck from a political perspective about kids before this was a thing. You never talked about them. The GOP and Fox News didn’t therefore you didn’t.
We already went over this, when you asked me who "he" was. . .

I'm done with you. Not only are you terrible at making a reasoned argument, once one has been made to you? You don't remember them or understand them.

It is clear, you either can't read, or don't comprehend much of what you do read.

Post #36

Gayle Rubin (who supports the legitimization of NAMBLA,)
I am instructing you about the founder of gender studies.
That is the founder of gender studies? You completely made that shit up on the spot.
Yeah, it really is tough!
the founder of gender studies - Google Search
Born 1921
Born 1949
And amazingly, zero mention of her supporting pedophiles.
View attachment 745525

You are doing NOTHING but promoting false information about pedophilia, which is worse than saying and doing nothing.

Your right wing clowns and your pedo fantasies, say a whole lot more about YOU than the people you're accusing of being pedophiles. And you're doing more harm and help the real pedophiles get away with it.
Yeah, it really is tough!
the founder of gender studies - Google Search
Born 1921
Born 1949
And amazingly, zero mention of her supporting pedophiles.

Dude, every serious academic knows, that you use primary sources when trying to prove a point.

I quoted directly from her landmark paper, and you are using as a source, wikipedia.

Now, I will admit, I went to a National Blue Ribbon Schools Program, where we had both advanced and honors programs where we were prepared for university, so, even in college we knew that the wiki was not an acceptable source, so, I do not blame you if your H.S. never taught you that, or if you did not have an opportunity to attend higher education.

Here is her paper. Read it. She even has apologetic s for NABLA right in there. . . .

I already posted it in this thread.

Here it is, AGAIN;

"This topic can't be reduced to a twitter exchange, or a vine video, sorry.


If this was what the extreme left was bitching about, and found acceptable, and was equivocating about back in the late 70's, early 80's, I shudder to think what the hell is going on now. I mean, wtf, a noted intellectual and professor defending NAMBLA? This is the origins of queer theory?

Yes, really, the founder of queer theory was, here, explicitly defending the possession of nude photos of children and video of their sexual activity, on purely "scientific grounds," as if there is any. . . still. . . what disingenuous horseshit."

Good lawrd! the founder of queer theory criticizing legislators for making laws against child porn.

What nerve our lawmakers have! :sigh2:
IOW? You admit you don't know shit about Gayle Rubin, Michel Foucault, or Allyn Walker. Posting a stub from a biased, "fact check," site is not an argument against someone that has already made detailed explanations against the ideas of the founders of post-modern thought, and the creators of queer theory.

I have already stated, explicitly, no, homosexuals, DO NOT, equal pedophiles, that is not the argument being made, nor is that the argument being made by that article in the Federalist.

Are there any other absurd fallacies & strawmen you would like to present as reason arguments for the entire forum to laugh at?

You are basically at level two, Ad hom, and I have presented a complex arguments of how post-modern thought, from these thinkers will break down social norms, to relax age of consent laws, for corporate, political and moral contracts, throughout society.

Your argument and logic is lazy, and not worth my time.


Why would I be interested in knowing lies, conspiracy theories, and idiocy promoted by crazy people, like those writing for the Federalist Society????

I fostered and worked with abused children thirty years ago, and was trained in spotting REAL PEDOPHILES, and in dealing with the aftermath of abuse. I have no need to read the sick bullshit you Q-Anon types are promoting.

People like you disgust me, because while you attack teachers and anyone providing information to young people as "groomers", the child sex trade is thriving, and the police are busy chasing trannies down rabbit holes, while the creeps and the traffickers are getting away with it.
You are doing NOTHING but promoting false information about pedophilia, which is worse than saying and doing nothing.

Your right wing clowns and your pedo fantasies, say a whole lot more about YOU than the people you're accusing of being pedophiles. And you're doing more harm and help the real pedophiles get away with it.
Do you support laws that allow minors to make decisions about their bodies with out parental consent?

Bias: Hyper-Partisan Right

Reliability: Unreliable, Problematic

Dude, every serious academic knows, that you use primary sources when trying to prove a point.

I quoted directly from her landmark paper, and you are using as a source, wikipedia.

Now, I will admit, I went to a National Blue Ribbon Schools Program, where we had both advanced and honors programs where we were prepared for university, so, even in college we knew that the wiki was not an acceptable source, so, I do not blame you if your H.S. never taught you that, or if you did not have an opportunity to attend higher education.

Here is her paper. Read it. She even has apologetic s for NABLA right in there. . . .

I already posted it in this thread.

Here it is, AGAIN;

"This topic can't be reduced to a twitter exchange, or a vine video, sorry.


If this was what the extreme left was bitching about, and found acceptable, and was equivocating about back in the late 70's, early 80's, I shudder to think what the hell is going on now. I mean, wtf, a noted intellectual and professor defending NAMBLA? This is the origins of queer theory?

Yes, really, the founder of queer theory was, here, explicitly defending the possession of nude photos of children and video of their sexual activity, on purely "scientific grounds," as if there is any. . . still. . . what disingenuous horseshit."

Making shit up does not adult discussion make, idiot. Quote and link any of them explicitly stating they "support pedophilia" or "support NAMBLA" or cut the crap.
Why would I be interested in knowing lies, conspiracy theories, and idiocy promoted by crazy people, like those writing for the Federalist Society????

I fostered and worked with abused children thirty years ago, and was trained in spotting REAL PEDOPHILES, and in dealing with the aftermath of abuse. I have no need to read the sick bullshit you Q-Anon types are promoting.

People like you disgust me, because while you attack teachers and anyone providing information to young people as "groomers", the child sex trade is thriving, and the police are busy chasing trannies down rabbit holes, while the creeps and the traffickers are getting away with it.
It amazes me, how I treat your arguments with logic and respect, and analyze them, and the only thing you bring in return is name calling, defamation, and all sorts of other nasty aspersions.

I posted the receipts, the academic paper is in this thread, and folks can link the the video and read the works of this walk professor, they can also look up Michel Foucault, they don't even need to take the Federalists word on any of it, but smart folks know that. You just don't like the facts. It bothers your post-modernist agenda.

Sorry, too bad. You have nothing left bad name calling and dirty tactics, because? I am in the right, and I win.

If you were really doing what you are doing to help at risk kids? Folks would not need teachers to indoctrinate parents children with queer theory against their explicit permission.

Your attacks on me, tell me all I need to know.


Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?​

Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

Corbett • 06/20/2020
"We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask "Who will fact check the fact checkers?"

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